vandalized_11 wrote: »Why would you implement a fix for 1 quest but not the other. Wouldn't it make more sense to implement them at the same time?
This is bloody ridiculous, there are many many people waiting at the spot for the portals to spawn.
vandalized_11 wrote: »this is whacked out, woke up this morning, found out Armies of Miridia was working, AWESOME can progress in the game after waiting 1 WEEK for a fix.
Just to find out the next part of the quest 10 minutes later is bugged. Why would you implement a fix for 1 quest but not the other. Wouldn't it make more sense to implement them at the same time?
This is bloody ridiculous, there are many many people waiting at the spot for the portals to spawn.
All these people deserve compensation Zenimax, you have wasted peoples money and time.
Is this the kind of support we are going to expect in the future? Days to fix NPCs and portals that completely halt progress?
frballettib16_ESO wrote: »'Crossing the Chasm': both portals are unresponsive once again and noone can progress
This is much better. You should put the entire list of problems in this thread. Red Text = Not fixed, Green Text = fixed. I'm pretty sure that will be all anyone would want, just to know and see the problems are being fixed.
strikethub17_ESO wrote: »"A Graveyard of Ships" needs to be on that list. It's part of the main quest and is literally so broken that you cannot get past the first objective of the quest. I reported it days ago and it hasn't been acknowledged yet by you guys.
Without being able to complete this quest you can't get part of the group required to finish the main story and the last Skyshard remains locked off. I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs unable to get to Veteran content because of this.
Just FYI Graveyard of Ships while certainly bugged and unable to be completed is not necessary to proceed with the main quest. The skyshard is inaccessible and this is unfortunate but you CAN go on and reach veteran content. I'm v4 right now and I have not completed that quest.
Welcome to the entitlement generation that wants everything in sight, and wants it now.
And damn you, company, for being realistic about it. They want it. And they want it now. And if you can't comply, they want to be told every other minute that you are making progress, even if you aren't.
Am I glad I'm from 1986, my life is so much easier.
As a final pointer, to put things in perspective for you: in most countries it is 'considered good conduct' to respond within SIX weeks of an official request. And this is about government, about your life and livelihood. And you expect ZOS to cover your every whim for a measly 15 eur/month within SIX DAYS?
You need to get real.
drizzintahl wrote: »I really doubt @sandhya is going to understand any of that. This is probably his first MMO, just some casual Skyrim player on weekends thinking companies can get away with this sort of behavior.
This was there chance, and by this time it's blown for the majority, yet people are ignorantly defending a game that is so fun for them to defend, they spend most of the time on the forums reading about it, instead of playing it. jackie_chan.jpg
Depechenova wrote: »cancelled my sub, game breaking quests , cant progress, Am all for this game , bought the imperial version and signed on for 180 day sub, which now I will cancel. Zenimax sort it out, nothing sort of a f@@ing disgrace.
Actually, the game has been out for two week, and the second one its been bugged...
A week from official release and people already concluded so much about this MMO. A week. By the way, it was also a week with hardly any downtime, the vast majority of the players playing the game, and having fun. A game in which most of the reported beta bugs and stuck quests were ironed out. But some still existed. All in all, for your average MMO a very solid launch.
Funny to see you, of all people, comment on forum trolling, seeing as you're posting every other minute of the day. I'm sure you'll get taken more seriously that way. Maybe make another topic or two to help your case?
It's also refreshing to see all the other assumptions being made about me and my MMO experience. Really lovely.
What about "transaction not authorized"
I just want to play the game! and my 30-days free is ticking down I haven't been able to play the damn game because your webpage keeps saying this error when I try to pay my subscription plan!
Welcome to the entitlement generation that wants everything in sight, and wants it now....Am I glad I'm from 1986, my life is so much easier.