In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Requielle
    Montanx wrote: »
    There's only one bug that matters....the groundskeeper bug in the coldharbour quest. Everything else doesn't matter, this bug prevents me from entering VR content.

    There are a bunch of folks who would gladly get out their virtual torches and pitchforks and chase you down for saying that, but their banks were deleted and they have no pitchforks.
  • Layenem
    Looks like most of you guys missed the "This list is not everything we’re working on, just the highest priority ones" part of the OP... Not everything can be a "highest priority" otherwise everything would just be on the list.

    Funny part is that while you're wishing they'd give out an entire list you'd complain about that they should be spending the time fixing them instead of telling you they are fixing them. And don't say you wouldn't because it happens all the time. Can't make the unhappy happy if they don't want to be happy.
  • Teroh
    Layenem wrote: »
    Looks like most of you guys missed the "This list is not everything we’re working on, just the highest priority ones" part of the OP... Not everything can be a "highest priority" otherwise everything would just be on the list.

    Funny part is that while you're wishing they'd give out an entire list you'd complain about that they should be spending the time fixing them instead of telling you they are fixing them. And don't say you wouldn't because it happens all the time. Can't make the unhappy happy if they don't want to be happy.

    The people telling us whats happening and the people that are fixing it are two different groups.

    Its a fact the Squeaky Wheel gets the oil. If you don't complain nothing gets done.

    And honestly they deserve the bad publicity they are getting. I won't stop playing as my friends/guild are still playing and some have been able to progress and I enjoy playing with them.... But I will try to dissuade any other friends or people who are interested in the game from buying it. Since these companies only care about the almighty dollar.

    Lack of Communication or frequent updates is the biggest issue here, and honestly bring it upon themselves. Also the copy and pasted responses they give people looking for help only hurts them further.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Raapnaap
    Army of Meridia being bugged for so long now, it actually gave me the time to 100% complete every previous Ebonheart zone (bugged achievements aside), as well as fully level up a new spec.

    I've done that now, and just about anything else I can do, the only thing left is waiting for the patch to fix this...

    I hate sounding like an entitlement person, but meanwhile my subscription days are ticking away. People who have been stuck on this quest for several days should get some form of playtime compensation to be honest. Or a vanity item that spawns a groundkeeper NPC along with a hammer to whack it with repeatedly.
    Edited by Raapnaap on April 10, 2014 5:44PM
  • Smayes97_ESO
    Is there no temp fix for The Army of Meridia? I understand that it may take time to fix but its going on 6 days now and ALOT of people are stuck and cant access 2/3 of the game and our friends who did it before it was bugged are just leaving us behind and we cant level with them. Can you not just take out the little part that is bugged and put a lorebook on the stairs with the important dialogue info from that one conversation? Or even move players past manually? A server restart would also work for a little while.

    Something just has to be done i'm past the point of being angry and just being depressed that it takes this long to fix a game breaking bug. Edit just to say from what I have seen its only effecting Ebonheart. so our entire faction will be VERY far behind if this is the case and that is just unacceptable.
    Edited by Smayes97_ESO on April 10, 2014 6:12PM
  • AngryNord
    Bluntski you seem to be on here looking to wind up and annoy people who are already frustrated ,let the Customer Support fight there own battles that's what they are there for

    That's what fanboys do... Just ignore him.
  • drizzintahl
    Bluntski wrote: »
    I think it's funny that people are trying to talk to customer service about a development bug.

    Customer service, the median between the people and the developers. They're not doing their jobs, people are mad. How dense are you? Should we talk to the development about the development bug? Oh wait, that's not how it works, here or anywhere else. Welcome to game forums, please read the stickys before posting.

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  • drizzintahl
    AngryNord wrote: »

    That's what fanboys do... Just ignore him.

    Not to lighten the situation, but your screenname fits perfectly with the situation :3
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  • Bluntski
    Customer service, the median between the people and the developers. They're not doing their jobs, people are mad. How dense are you? Should we talk to the development about the development bug? Oh wait, that's not how it works, here or anywhere else. Welcome to game forums, please read the stickys before posting.

    There is a sticky on the know the one we are posting in right now. Why would you wait in queue for a CS rep when you know its a dev issue and CS can do nothing about it? I am simply talking to the people that are bashing and berating the CS reps when there is literally nothing they can do to fix the problem.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 10, 2014 6:25PM
  • drizzintahl
    Please for the love of god, read with your eyes! It's been called out in multiple threads you've bled in, we're wanting some update, some workaround, some tip. Something more than, "Hey we know about it, so sorry! XOXO"

    Can you do that for me? Read up! It's awesome!
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  • Stromnix
    Bluntski wrote: »

    sorry but you are wrong , hence stated in a past thread and some actually got help through it. type /help and tell them it is a quest blocker so they can push you along. that has since went good bye. they can very well do something to temporarily fix some of these issues. they chose not to, and hope we will wait for a full on patch for everything.

    most of these bugs arent there for a short time after the servers are brought back up. meaning a zone/phase restart makes the quest work. instead of actually providing any help or understanding you belittling everyone actually having a legit gripe. all you do is troll with the usual , "leave we dont need you here" , or telling us we are wrong with no bases or understanding obviously of the situation other than you just want to troll.

    the fact CS tells us to start our character over is not good CS , half the responses you get are automated making one question if they even have a proper CS at all other then the few people you see on these forums telling us everything is under control we are looking into it dont panic. which just makes people panic..the fact of it is they need to fix this stuff , they need to fix it fast , or they are going to lose their paying customer base before they even establish one.
  • Sandhya
    Welcome to the entitlement generation that wants everything in sight, and wants it now.

    And damn you, company, for being realistic about it. They want it. And they want it now. And if you can't comply, they want to be told every other minute that you are making progress, even if you aren't.

    Am I glad I'm from 1986, my life is so much easier.

    As a final pointer, to put things in perspective for you: in most countries it is 'considered good conduct' to respond within SIX weeks of an official request. And this is about government, about your life and livelihood. And you expect ZOS to cover your every whim for a measly 15 eur/month within SIX DAYS?

    You need to get real.
    Edited by Sandhya on April 10, 2014 7:05PM
  • drizzintahl
    Sandhya wrote: »
    Welcome to the entitlement generation that wants everything in sight, and wants it now.

    And damn you, company, for being realistic about it. They want it. And they want it now. And if you can't comply, they want to be told every other minute that you are making progress, even if you aren't.

    Am I glad I'm from 1986, my life is so much easier.

    Were the hospitals prone to dropping babies on their head in 86? A sense of entitlement is expecting something from nothing, like a spoiled rich kid wanting a car for "being alive for his 16th birthday" that's entitlement. thousands of players paying money for a product and a company not delivering isn't a bunch of entitled kids, it's false advertisement and robbery if you're going to be a *** about it. We all expect bugs and glitches, but something so easy to fix going a week without more than "we'll get to it brb" is just terrible business practice. Your family should know what that means, malpractice. ;D
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  • Stromnix
    Sandhya wrote: »
    Welcome to the entitlement generation that wants everything in sight, and wants it now.

    And damn you, company, for being realistic about it. They want it. And they want it now. And if you can't comply, they want to be told every other minute that you are making progress, even if you aren't.

    Am I glad I'm from 1986, my life is so much easier.

    As a final pointer, to put things in perspective for you: in most countries it is 'considered good conduct' to respond within SIX weeks of an official request. And this is about government, about your life and livelihood. And you expect ZOS to cover your every whim for a measly 15 eur/month within SIX DAYS?

    You need to get real.

    and you need to understand this isnt government , this is a company that doesnt even deal with a fraction of what a government does. bad analogy is bad. further more this has nothing to do with entitlement. as i am actually older than you good one. this is purely about bad CS , and a total ignoring of what a bad situation this is becoming. its not about i want it now boohoo. its about they need to fix it or start planing for a bleak future. as people wont stand for this nonsense. no amount of "go cry some where else" or "fine leave we dont need you" is going to do anything. telling them the situation in game and the actual people dealing with these problems are quiting. will help and push it along as it is a problem requiring urgent attention.

    so you sir, need to get real. reality is, this is stupid.
    Edited by Stromnix on April 10, 2014 7:13PM
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Anyone actualy warned the dev team about vampirism stage actualy behing bugged on the spell cost refresh constantly going back to 100% or poison mist damage interval behing wrong?
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • drizzintahl
    I really doubt @sandhya is going to understand any of that. This is probably his first MMO, just some casual Skyrim player on weekends thinking companies can get away with this sort of behavior.

    This was there chance, and by this time it's blown for the majority, yet people are ignorantly defending a game that is so fun for them to defend, they spend most of the time on the forums reading about it, instead of playing it. jackie_chan.jpg

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  • Hestia
    Fighter's guild Silver Leash does not work anymore....
    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

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  • WhiteQueen
    Another issue: Falling through things. Bridges, buildings, stairs, the earth?
    Edited by WhiteQueen on April 10, 2014 7:16PM
  • Rotherhans
    @WhiteQueen‌ yikes!
    Though you should really bug that in-game, preferably with providing a screenshot of the exact place.
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • WhiteQueen
    @Rotherhans, I've bugged and screenshotted (at least five times, though it's happened at least twice a day since launch). I have a coordinate add-on that shows quite nicely on screenshots. However, I've not gotten back even a form response. Funnily enough, every goldspammer report I make shoots an automatic email into my account. You'd think gameplay issues would rate a little bit higher right?
  • drizzintahl
    Rotherhans wrote: »
    @WhiteQueen‌ yikes!
    Though you should really bug that in-game, preferably with providing a screenshot of the exact place.

    map of the exact place.
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  • Rotherhans
    Riise my Devs!
    Fixxxx aaall a couple just some of the things!!
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 10, 2014 7:34PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • drizzintahl
    How many bugs were fixed the past week?


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  • jakenaftalb14a_ESO
    I've had nothing but positive experiences with support. Just because early game bugs aren't being fixed immediately or a support staff member can't do anything about your problem doesn't mean they don't care. Just chill out.
  • Felyae
    Dear community "manager", my bank has been reset to 60 and "purged" of the gold it contained, for the third time, a few minutes ago. This is becoming more than annoying for a crafter.

    Will we get the gold invested to buy the slots AND the lost gold-in-storage back ? Do you have an ETA on a fix for this fudging mother earth lover of bug ?

    This sweet little bug was signaled during beta. One week into launch (two if you count early access) and still present.
  • danyellah
    Guys idk if it was becuase i finnished all the quests in the area but my Amy of meridia quest is now fixed :)
  • Smayes97_ESO
    Army of meridia fixed...... TOO BAD THE VERY NEXT PART IS BUGGED.
  • GusMTL
  • kage71
    I've had nothing but positive experiences with support. Just because early game bugs aren't being fixed immediately or a support staff member can't do anything about your problem doesn't mean they don't care. Just chill out.

    You are exactly the type of person who is the problem in situations like this, for some reason people like you only see what he/she wants to see and since problems does not effect you personally you want to tell everyone else to chill out. Throughout all the years I have played MMOs the biggest gripe from players have not been the bugs, glitches or even hacks. It has been the COMMUNICATION between the company who makes the game and the players. Players who are dealing with issues are really out for one thing and that would be that someone is listening to them. The issues can still be there however players are just asking for someone to acknowledge that this issue is being looked at without being lied to or given the runaround. These type of things belittle someone who is actually wanting to not only play the game but play and support the game because they like it.
  • kickamyassa_ESO
    Divine Favor quest is bugged, you can only put ashes on one of the fires the other one has a blue flame that shouldn't be there until after you activate it thus blocking the progress since it appears to already be activated even though it hasn't been.
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