In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Daethz
    Once again its not just the west portal, the east portal hasent spawned in over 24 hours to my knowledge, I have waited a combined time of maybe 5 hours already, nothing. I managed to get west portal but that stopped spawning too.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • Unity
    Once again its not just the west portal, the east portal hasent spawned in over 24 hours to my knowledge, I have waited a combined time of maybe 5 hours already, nothing. I managed to get west portal but that stopped spawning too.

    It sounds like there is a work-around that will get people through this quest. It involves having everybody stand on the bridge in between the two portals, and to keep the portal rooms empty for 5min so they reset.

    Currently however, there is a single AFK person by the name of "Haciru" who is most likely running a 'Sheath/Unsheath" macro to avoid being flagged as AFK in one of the rooms, simply preventing the progress of anybody who wants to do this work-around method.

    Im guessing it's a macro because he's been doing this for hours and at regular intervals without doing anything else. Hopefully some sort of GM can simply look at him for 2min and boot him offline so we can all progress to veteran content.
  • Daethz
    Nah, I saw everyone stay out of the room for nearly fifteen minutes before with no results, I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor, but im currently hanging out with like 400 people at the east portal.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • Hexi
    It does actually work, but Molag is bugged as well so kinda "meh".
  • Bluntski
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
    Bluntski wrote: »

  • Curecraft
    Soul Shriven
    Cyrodil has been EXTREMELY lagged the last couple days, in fact as I'm typing this, I am sitting in a loading screen well over 10 minutes and cannot do anything with my current character :s
  • Jahoel
    There was an admin post in german that basically says, Tuesday.

    Rough translation (chrome):

    How do you (and we) unfortunately had to find the fix of a quest blocker has unveiled the next. We are working hard to patch 1.0.3, which should fix a wide variety of quest-blockers, with particular attention to the main quest. The patch will be ready for the next scheduled maintenance.
    Simultaneously we try the customer service to identify ways to fix some quest blockers, especially in cold harbor in the game, that you may, at best, comes this weekend past them."
    Edited by Jahoel on April 11, 2014 11:44PM
  • Bluntski
    boop.jpg 878.2K
  • Bluntski
    On a serious note,

    East just spawned 10m ago. West just spawned mobs and we are waiting for it to close.
  • brandon
    the quest "dream-walk into darkness" seems to be bugged I cant progress past the part with the kill ancient soldiers at doomcrag.
  • Angier
    ZOS, do you guys really think applying this by a "catch them all" patch during any of the upcoming regular maintenance downtimes will suffice? Better hurry and apply specific hotfixes ASAP. This is getting ridiculous with the amount of vital quests being totally bugged.
  • JaeGuan
    Just got off the phone with customer service. I filed a ticket because my bank space got reset and all of my items got shoved into my inventory. I lost my items and gold. They told me they were still working on a fix and to file a another ticket for to them in a day if the problem still exists. This bug has been in the game for many days now and I feel others may be waiting for the same thing that I am. And if what I read from another forum is correct, nothing is going to be done. I was told to stay off my account and not play until it was fixed. I am not a very happy customer and potential subscriber to this game right now. I'll see what happens and post an update here.
  • Rotherhans
    Nah @JaeGuan‌ better use this thread:
    Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing
    People complaining about too much other crap in this thread here.
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • BmcD73
    The group of guys I play with are slowly being hit with the disappearing bank bug. Is there any update to this? Has anyone actually had their problem fixed. This is a HUGE problem and I can tell you that our whole group is considering cancelling our subscription and disputing the charge for the game on our credit cards.
  • JaeGuan
    @Rotherhans‌ Thanks bro. I made a post there. I guess I'll be canceling my subscription if I end up like most of the people on that thread.
  • Cherryblossom
    Liberation of Northpoint, fix it...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................only been 7 days...............................................................................................................................................................maybe longer for others..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'll subscribe if you do.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:)
  • Lothire
    So I saw a GM actually sit around and force spawn the portals open. Pretty funny, but also incredibly welcomed since it let a lot of us through.

    Now I've made it to Molag Bal and brought him to his knees (0hp) and he is now unresponsive. Nothing happens at all. I'm stuck in this instance/zone/whatever and have to force close the game in order to log out. I can get the instance to reset, but when I go through the last part again Molag Bal turns small for me to fight but he just stands there doing nothing.

    I can't even PvP in the mean time, all my options are to roll alts. This really, really sucks.

    e: also it seems guild chat is either not letting people talk in it or has some 10 minutes worth of latency before whatever is typed gets through.
    Edited by Lothire on April 12, 2014 3:12AM
  • Greiger
    I really want this to succeed but I kinda also have to add my complaints to the list.

    *Endless loading, and random crashes. Particularly annoying in pvp because it means you have to keep relogging to get lucky and actually successfully load into pvp to have access to the char again.

    *Gold farmers camping boss mobs, sometimes in such high numbers as to prevent legitimate players from getting a hit in for credit.

    *An extremely retro guild store with a featureset that would fit right in if this was an old style MUD. Not so much a modern mmo.

    *The first real dungeons in the game bugged to stop progression.

    *Extremely common reports of bank resets, and halted story progress.

    Yes this is a freshly launched game, and yes they have bugs, but this is more than a handful of issues and I'm not even mentioning the lesser ones.
    Please pick up the pace with these fixes. While I haven't decided to drop my sub yet, I know more than one friend who has, and won't renew til they see some fixes. I'm not going to play this game without my friends.
  • j3crow
    Vlas wrote: »

    @silvestru_liviueb17_ESO there is a temp fix for this, Under Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\ delete or rename the file ZO_Ingame.lua

    I tried this solution and it did not work for me. Are there any other solutions. Funny thing is, I was able to get into Cyrodil last night, no problem

  • Sapphyrerose29
    Soul Shriven
    Not sure if this one has been mentioned but I've been trying to finsh this quest for days it's the devine favor quest.when it comes to throwing ashes into the fire theres no option to do that. Please look into this as a lot of people can't finish this quest until it's fixed.Thanks
  • pecheckler
    I now spend a full 25% of my play time logging off and on to different characters to transfer items from my full inventory, and it's all because of this bank reset bug.

    PS... You SERIOUSLY need to give us a special provisioning bag.
    Edited by pecheckler on April 12, 2014 5:25AM
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Requielle
    So, after a really discouraging evening of half-hearted play, I went ahead and unsubbed. Non-functional storage is just a gamebreaking bug for me - and a week without any news on a fix or restitution is just infuriating. I am tired of most of my account being storage mules. I am tired of the tedium and stress of having to move everything around to keep my bank empty as much as possible to minimize the chance of losing everything all over again.

    ZeniMax, you have the 24 days of my remaining game time to convince me to re-enter that subscription info. Probably less. I don't plan on being bored and gameless until next month.
  • Reinmard
    Well, now its Last assault quest, marrrrvellous.
  • negativehybrid
    I too have unsubbed in hopes they start proactively fixing things, I am just not impressed. Lack of communication for server maintenances, and no real estimate of time. Poor support system with irrelevant answers given regularly, and of course GAME BREAKING quest bugs that are stopping the progression of at least 100 players on NA. Where is the announcement about the quest problems?
  • ShinChuck
    Just going to add here: after receiving the bank issue and receiving a second set of in-game mail for my Imperial Edition items, I noticed I can no longer skip the Coldharbor tutorial. Tried it on two characters, no luck.

    Hopefully, pushing another character through it will unlock the option to skip again. :/
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • sully73
    Long load times in cyrodill is a problem for a lot of people including me. It seems to be in the more crowded campaigns like auriles bow and Wabnajack.
    Hopefully they work on fixing this issue somehow
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Not sure if this one has been mentioned but I've been trying to finsh this quest for days it's the devine favor quest.when it comes to throwing ashes into the fire theres no option to do that. Please look into this as a lot of people can't finish this quest until it's fixed.Thanks

    @Sapphyrerose29 if you relog multiple times you should be able to find an instance where the fire works or somebody will have already summoned the enemy and you can kill it.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • Demannu
    Ahahah Molan Bal quest bugged .... when i kill him he is at 0% nothing happend he is not interactable GG going to unsubscribe right away. The worst game start ever seen in my life cya
  • Demannu
    Just to add this is 7 freaking days blocking access to Veteran Content and now this lol
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