kemp.garretub17_ESO1 wrote: »Ive only had one bug (that I haven't found a way to workaround or is just bugged in general) so this game is fairly polished in my opinion im aware that my experience differs from others though
(it use to be two or 3 bugs but because of a maintaince it started working for me)
atheistgodling wrote: »So much rage over things I'm sure they are working long, long hours to fix. I guess people don't realize how much goes into making online games... Every change that is made has a ripple effect across every race and class, every combination thereof, and effects every quest linked to that one, for every race and class combo, so forth and so on. Tracking bugs can be a pain. Fixing things retroactively is hard because when you rollback data, you lose some information about every character who was rolled back. Come on guys, be realistic. If making and keeping MMOs up and running was easy, lots more people would do it, they are definitely worth it from a financial standpoint.
Same problem; been that way since the last patch... and your CS has been totally useless.What about the client repeatedly crashing? I'm only able to play for about ten minutes at a time before my client crashes. Afterward, I'm forced to close the launcher and wait 15 minutes before trying to login again. If I don't wait, after I select a character and choose "play," my client crashes during the load screen.
Yes, and now is 2014 year. This is not one of first projects in MMO world.wraithguknub18_ESO wrote: »In all honesty I have been playing online games since the beginning of online games (yes I am that old) and this is by far one of the smoothest launches I have seen. You have to expect issues at launch. Report them and hope for a fix asap.
Don't get me wrong I am incredibly frustrated with not being able to log in and play my character, however I know issues happen during launches.
Yes, and now is 2014 year. This is not one of first projects in MMO world.
wraithguknub18_ESO wrote: »
You are correct. Do you think its some divine person programing who is infallible? People cant foresee every single problem. Im sure they want it to be perfect to. Less hassle for them.
NombreDeLaBeast wrote: »So bored out of my mind (and not feeling up to playing other games) I decided to go the the BBB site to see what this launch has done to their standing...They have a D+. Hell if I got a D+, or anything below a B+, My momma would have smacked me. (I know, it kinda sucked at my house as a kid but oh well.)
Where is Momma zenimax so she can smack them into compliance?
Note that the above is mostly jest...and I still have yet to be "authorized" to play the damn game.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Below are some of the in-game issues we are currently working on fixing.
wraithguknub18_ESO wrote: »You are correct. Do you think its some divine person programing who is infallible? People cant foresee every single problem. Im sure they want it to be perfect to. Less hassle for them.