In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • kemp.garretub17_ESO1
    Ive only had one bug (that I haven't found a way to workaround or is just bugged in general) so this game is fairly polished in my opinion im aware that my experience differs from others though

    (it use to be two or 3 bugs but because of a maintaince it started working for me)
    Edited by kemp.garretub17_ESO1 on April 13, 2014 6:55AM
  • AlexanderTheGreat
    Ive only had one bug (that I haven't found a way to workaround or is just bugged in general) so this game is fairly polished in my opinion im aware that my experience differs from others though

    (it use to be two or 3 bugs but because of a maintaince it started working for me)

    You must be like level 3.
  • TC3LL
    It is April 13th After the servers had an unscheduled downtime NA. After coming back I noticed that instead of having 90 bank slots I only have 60 now. I am missing 30 valuable items and the large amount of gold spent upgrading the bank to 90 slots. Please tell me I will be reimbursed since getting that much gold and valuable crafting items takes weeks of grinding.

    Hopefully the database can be referenced to see exactly what I am missing. Thanks for Your help
  • cheeser123
    So much rage over things I'm sure they are working long, long hours to fix. I guess people don't realize how much goes into making online games... Every change that is made has a ripple effect across every race and class, every combination thereof, and effects every quest linked to that one, for every race and class combo, so forth and so on. Tracking bugs can be a pain. Fixing things retroactively is hard because when you rollback data, you lose some information about every character who was rolled back. Come on guys, be realistic. If making and keeping MMOs up and running was easy, lots more people would do it, they are definitely worth it from a financial standpoint.

    Lots of people do do it. Those people comprise an entity know as a "game developer" -- a company that makes games. Those companies are owned by gigantic conglomerates. Zenimax is a gigantic conglomerate worth over $1.2 billion. They have enough money to pay people to fix this game. And those workers will work hard, and they will earn their money, but when money changes hands, customers should expect functional -- or at least not beta-grade -- software.
  • dh55741b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Liberation of Northpoint is still bugged after days of waiting, could you please acknowledge this try and fix it please.
  • CaptainTrips
    Yes Liberation of Northpoint in Rivenspire is still bugged. Many people have logged the bug in game and there are hoards of players who wait in Northpoint for the supposed to work-around reset to kikc in but are (predictably) getting trolled by players who foil the reset. Please can we have an acknowledgement that is being looked into as for many people it brakes the quest chain continuity to Alakir Desert. Many thanks.
  • wraithguknub18_ESO
    Are they working on fixing the log in issues. I can get to character select no problem. But when I try to actually go into the game I get a server not responding or an unknown 303 error. So the lobby is bogged down I would imagine.
  • Lattimer
    Soul Shriven

    I wanted to verify what is in scope for "The Army of Meridia" issue. I wanted to make sure what I am experiencing is on the radar. I appreciate the quality of the product and I think these small (compared to the vast amount of code) issues could be addressed in more creative ways to keep the player base happy. Please merely consider alternatives to help people who are having issues.

    1. Groundskeeper not responding. This had a very large impacted population. I believe this is fixed, it worked for me after I had encountered it for abandoning to work-around my issue. I do not know anyone with the issue personally. Can this be confirmed as fixed?
    2. Portals in the Chasm. I think this is still having intermittent issues. This had a very large impacted population. There is usually a GM camped to provide support. Thank you for this! Can it be confirmed this is an issue, but the GM work-around is in place should players need assistance?
    3. Enter the Chapel of Light. It does not trigger any advancement once entering. Talking to any of the NPCs only yields the option for "Goodbye". Can you confirm this is an issue that is in scope for the fix and if any GM work-around for individual reports is possible?
    4. Other variants I have not accounted for?
  • Lord_Kreegan
    sairex wrote: »
    What about the client repeatedly crashing? I'm only able to play for about ten minutes at a time before my client crashes. Afterward, I'm forced to close the launcher and wait 15 minutes before trying to login again. If I don't wait, after I select a character and choose "play," my client crashes during the load screen.
    Same problem; been that way since the last patch... and your CS has been totally useless.

  • Hanibals
    Hello. I would like to inquire about the improvement of the game. Right now playing ESO for me as a player day by day game starts disappoint. A game that is not free but a fee product. Product not working. Yesterday, my bank slots dropped from 100 to 60 I wrote a complaint, but no answers. Today my profession skills are not working. What will be tomorrow? Every day disconnects, unworking quests, I am starting to have the feeling as if I had bought a car and now every day it was taking a service to be repaired. The idea that I have made ​​a successful purchase leaves me with each passing day. If before the game, I acquaintances and friends said that this game is worth it to play, then now I prefer keep silent. I can no longer recommend anyone use a product that does not work. The product is not free, it is a paid service. I made payment, but you are not giving to me product, what I buy. When will it end, when will no longer have to pay for useless products?
  • wraithguknub18_ESO
    In all honesty I have been playing online games since the beginning of online games (yes I am that old) and this is by far one of the smoothest launches I have seen. You have to expect issues at launch. Report them and hope for a fix asap.
    Don't get me wrong I am incredibly frustrated with not being able to log in and play my character, however I know issues happen during launches.
  • Hanibals
    In all honesty I have been playing online games since the beginning of online games (yes I am that old) and this is by far one of the smoothest launches I have seen. You have to expect issues at launch. Report them and hope for a fix asap.
    Don't get me wrong I am incredibly frustrated with not being able to log in and play my character, however I know issues happen during launches.
    Yes, and now is 2014 year. This is not one of first projects in MMO world.
  • burner2007b16_ESO
    43+ Main quests broken for x days, Cant progress !
    Edited by burner2007b16_ESO on April 13, 2014 2:28PM
  • Expli
    Problem has been reported by others, so i join in

    Main story quest bug: God of Schemes - Talk to the survivors.

    The first time i joined the harborage they started talking once i got near. Then i had a disconnect. Now they dont talk anymore, and i cant interact with the NPC's.

    Cant progress.

  • wraithguknub18_ESO
    Hanibals wrote: »
    Yes, and now is 2014 year. This is not one of first projects in MMO world.

    You are correct. Do you think its some divine person programing who is infallible? People cant foresee every single problem. Im sure they want it to be perfect to. Less hassle for them.
  • keithwhitfordb14_ESO
    I encountered my first MAJOR disappointment with ESO today. I dont mind the little bugs here and there as I know they get reported as well as myself reporting them. For such a massive MMORPG as this one Im good with it however, this latest one really got my skeever. My character lost EVERYTHING - goods on my back as well as inventoried items, bank, horses and my skills. It was a major blow to me. At level 20 with no weapons, armor and skills, you cant get loot from enemies 6-8 levels below you, its impossible to try and go out to loot stuff back and carry on playing. It literally renders my character un-playable. I emoted dancing naked (no joke!) at the bank in Mournhold begging for gold to buy at least a weapon so I could go on playing. I got 200 gold from a player (lol). That being said, I did submit a ticket to tech support and did get a rather speedy response stating that they are aware and deeply sorry and working diligently to resolve the problem.
    For such a major inconvenience to a PAID game and service, I hope that I at least get rewarded with something useful. I practically cant play the game until they fix my character.
  • Frough
    At least you got a response. My ticket got closed after I opened it. Another one I opened got set to "solved."
  • Requielle

    You are correct. Do you think its some divine person programing who is infallible? People cant foresee every single problem. Im sure they want it to be perfect to. Less hassle for them.

    Releasing with known database errors (see any of the piles of posts about people losing their bank slots and items) that were known 4 months ago isn't an 'oops'. It is a business decision to release a flawed product that will not perform basic game functions correctly.
  • maxbisso_ESO
    I was pretty happy until 4-8 then I started getting your computer is not authorized we will send code to your e-mail guess what no code was sent so no play. I get all the other e-mails and I am able to log into my account page and see that my e-mail is correct. What is their answer a bunch of Different fixes to my computer that of course do not fix the issue because there is nothing wrong with my computer. I was hoping that this last patch would fix it but no go so I'm back to the lottery system log in a bunch of times and hope that at some point the software they have installed will bug out again and let me in like it has several times now. This game is fun when it works but so frustrating when it does not so all you happy folks telling us to chill just go play the game and be glad that you can so far still get in.
  • Saerydoth
    So bored out of my mind (and not feeling up to playing other games) I decided to go the the BBB site to see what this launch has done to their standing...They have a D+. Hell if I got a D+, or anything below a B+, My momma would have smacked me. (I know, it kinda sucked at my house as a kid but oh well.)

    Where is Momma zenimax so she can smack them into compliance?

    Note that the above is mostly jest...and I still have yet to be "authorized" to play the damn game.

    I know you are being sarcastic, but if you want a real answer, it's that the BBB is a scam. They have openly admitted to accepting money from companies in return for higher ratings, and lowering ratings of companies that don't pay them. Also, after a big game release, trolls will intentionally spam the BBB with false information about the game/company to deflate the rating (much like with new product releases on amazon, you see a bunch of 1 ratings from trolls). In theory, the troll posts on the BBB will eventually be deleted after the company "resolves" them or they are found to be inaccurate. But in reality, the BBB rating comes down to how much money the company has paid them.

    There really isn't any valid information to be had on the BBB site, and noone really takes them seriously.
  • salocke763nub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    What about NPCs not being visible or interactable? I can run into them, and enemies can kill me, but I can't see any of them. I can't kill anything or start quests, or even go to the stablemaster or access my bank. Every NPC in Grahtwood is invisible to me. I haven't checked any other area because I got too fed up. And yes, I tried relogging twice already.
  • Bouvin
    What about all of the other bugged quests? What about the not being able to attack and moving slow bug (solved by reloadui but gets you killed a lot)? What about the other slow moving bug that requires /stuck to fix? What about the bank bugs?

    Can we get an update on these?
  • Era
    ok so you 'know' there is a bank slot disappearing issue.

    I raise the fault, you close the ticket with a generic reply of 'we know about it'. Its not closed im afraid until its resolved, as per my ticket reply.

    Also, i just relog and get the SAME again. So now you may have two tickets regarding missing bank slots, loot etc

    'will be fixed in a future patch' does not close an issue, especially when its recurring.

    As usual i have no reply, also no reply to another ton of things i have reported. The only reliable reply i get is when i report a goldspammer which i dont care about a reply for

  • nanaki90
    where is the list of broken group dungeons? So far i am at 8 out of 12 not possible to complete. Either because i do not get a quest or because quest just doesnt progress
  • galdor123
    Really, the group dungeons are now bugged as well? I remember an issue with the city of Ash and the Spider Dungeon in Reaper's March, but the other dungeons worked for me (I've done all of them up to the level 43 ones).
  • krix_ost
    More to add to the 'Ton'

    1) Pissing Off Item. Gold Spammers. You cannot keep up with the Ignore option. Actually reporting them does nothing. Many of them are having posts so long you cannot Ignore them since the chat box cannot scroll by lines.
    *LoTRO has about nil in Gold Spamming and SWTOR has a few on the starter planets but very few elsewhere. Just for comparison. ;)

    2) Questing NPCs being broken all over the place. Sometimes shutting down the game then logging back in resolves (makes the NPC appear) this....sometimes not.

    3) Clicking and NOTHING happening....THEN....all of those clicks/keys happen all at once! I purchased 27 Empty Soul Gems this morning. I was actually only going to purchase 5 and then purchase something else at the market. When I clicked 5 times and nothing happened....I clicked 5 more....okie...more...pressed ESC....nothing....clicked at random.....ESC ESC ESC.....15 seconds later Message saying I had not enough coin. O.o and 27 Empty Soul Gems. haha. I am okie with the Soul Gems since I fill and keep me gear fresh. But the LAG is incredible.

    4) Enemies going invisible and not able to target/hit. NPCs can though....even though they can be quite....umm....stupid may be the correct word? Meanwhile I am getting me arse handed to me by things I cannot see. Shutting down the game and logging back in resolves this for roughly 10 minutes. Rinse and Repeat.

    *Note here: As far as I can freaks out in populated player areas OUTSIDE of the city confines but no real substantial proof here just a simple guess as to this seems to be where things get ugly. I have no characters above 15 but have them spread about and it happens to each in all places/zones. I was able to play about 2 hours earlier when few players were running around.

    I logged into both LoTRO and SWTOR to see if any issues exist....not one in either. Log back into ESO and within 10 minutes things freak out. So it is not me inet connection. Also does not explain why in Low Population areas everything is smooth as silk.

    This game is quite a lot of enjoyment. Well worth the money I paid for it ($80 edition).....IF the game was stable enough to play. As of this moment ESO is a ripe turd. Perhaps when they have pissed enough people off and have optimized their networking technology this will be a very good place to spend days kicking back and enjoying a guild/war/rp/questing.
  • fambaab16_ESO
    Below are some of the in-game issues we are currently working on fixing.

    So the countless werewolf bugs are not known not in the works not anything?
    Guess I have to write a bugreport every day.

  • Karox
    Well .. It's sunday, 4:42PM EST and the lag issues are back again .. 3 to 10 minutes for chat messages to appear. 30 seconds to 5 minutes to change pages in the guild store. Apparently some folks where having trouble with the portal systems.
    I'm going to go play something else for a couple hours .. do try and get this issue fixed .. we are paying for our time now ... and some of us still haven't gotten everything we paid for. Time to start demanding a refund ??
  • cheeser123
    You are correct. Do you think its some divine person programing who is infallible? People cant foresee every single problem. Im sure they want it to be perfect to. Less hassle for them.

    We pay for this game. If it's broken, they should be refunding money or fixing it. Please, stop brown-nosing. This is the customer support forum. If your response to customer support requests is to tell people "ITS NOT JESUS WRITING THIS CODE ITS NOT INFALIBLE SHUT UP LOLOLOL" then go away and don't come back.
  • Inco
    LAG is back.. AGAIN...

    Typed in Guild Chat typed about 1 min+ ago and still have not seen it.
    Can't even open Guild banks now with 200+ items in them. Just spins.
    Swapping between instances is TERRIBLE again.
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