In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Demannu
    That latest trend when devs are just throwing BETA stage game into the market with nasty prices is driving me sick. What next they will ask you to pay them the moment they announced new MMO ? Oh wait that is kickstarter :disagree:
  • nurayamab16_ESO
    First of all -> i love this game
    ZOS_JessicaFolsom ty for the list and i know the devs are working hard on trying to fix masses of stuff ....but....

    not sure what you gals and guys did in those last 2 patches, (yes i know they also fixed a lot of things like quests etc wich i am very happy about) yet , since they were implemented; i and others are starting to get very substantial lag in the cities not only occasionally but now all the time :( (in my case fps is ok and so is my ping time)

    Also, like others i am starting to see a lot of re occouring crashes ..... usually in the laggy cities - to me sounds like - due to the lag - the server is loosing track of the chars - and then we get that wonderfull unknown eror when logging back in

    -> plsplspls solve this - > for in all of of Tamriel will be heard a loud sigh of relief from many if you do :)

    for those that hate the way i write-semi dislexic & english is 2nd of 3 languages :P
    Edited by nurayamab16_ESO on April 10, 2014 1:29PM
  • barduck
    i hope 3/4 of the people in this thread just unsub a and go play something else i don't want to play with such vile selfish self-entitled scum. Hugs for support for having to put up with it.

    And I wish you with all my heart that the next time you buy a car, a TV, a phone service or vacation and you experience problems that prevent you from properly and as advertised using the product or service you just purchased, you will have to deal with the same level of customer support that we experience these days with Elder Scrolls Online.

    Edited by barduck on April 10, 2014 12:34PM
  • Teroh
    I can't believe the quest is still bugged and we are stuck from progressing. More and more people show up at the grounds keeper unable to move on to the VR content and the lack of response from the DEV's is probably the worst I've ever seen, it appears they don't see it as that big of an issue.

    Put in a separate quest giver, remove the quest, progress everyone, allow vr to move to VR1 content via some other method. I really could careless now about the story.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Wrekkoning
    Teroh wrote: »
    I can't believe the quest is still bugged and we are stuck from progressing. More and more people show up at the grounds keeper unable to move on to the VR content and the lack of response from the DEV's is probably the worst I've ever seen, it appears they don't see it as that big of an issue.

    Put in a separate quest giver, remove the quest, progress everyone, allow vr to move to VR1 content via some other method. I really could careless now about the story.

    I've been blocked since April second. I've also spoke to a gm in game and he tried for almost an hour to fix my harborage quest. They do not have the tools to do it IG. Its not their fault either. Its the coding and the company that did it.

  • Squandarler
    include the words "quest blocker" in your explanation. This will allow us to collect additional vital information to pass along to the Dev Team.

    Thanks for the phrase tip! I haven't always been sure where to submit quest bugs since they can happen in so many ways (objectives, dialogue, missing items or bosses, etc). Have a catch-all phrase to include will helps assure me it's getting to the right people.
  • Cepeza
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ Thanks for sharing your issue prio list!

    I've got three more things that you might consider remarkable for that list. They are no quest blockers, but annoying like hell. This is not just my own opinion. I've reported all of them. I am sure they have been reported a lot.

    1. Sometimes, in the middle of a fight, all of a sudden all abilities, block, sprint and swing weapon get deactivated. You can resolve that by pressing ESC key or do a /reloadui.
    2. Sometimes just by chance characters are falling through the surface. You need to undress all gear (to prevent breaking it) and /stuck. Then relog and /stuck again.
    3. Sometimes, usually after a fight, character moves in slow motion. You can do all movement and attacks, but everything is half speed. Sometimes dodge will instantly resolve that, but sometimes you need to relog.
  • Vlas
    i hope 3/4 of the people in this thread just unsub a and go play something else i don't want to play with such vile selfish self-entitled scum. Hugs for support for having to put up with it.

    Yeah.. I mean how dare people want to get what they pay for... self entitled!!
  • Tiqwah1984
    im also one of those who are blocked without any reason. And yes i contacted support with email / phone and did also a Post in the Support Forum - still nothing changed yet. Cant log in since 2 days.
  • Hestia
    Meanwhile at Groundskeeper - players attempt to fix the NPC while waiting for the developers to implement a new patch.

    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

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  • frballettib16_ESO
    Meanwhile at Groundskeeper - players attempt to fix the NPC while waiting for the developers to implement a new patch.
  • drizzintahl
    Hey if I post in this thread, will THIS thread be deleted?
    Notification, you received the THREAD DELETED Badge, worth 10 points!
  • sortuneb16_ESO
    We need more communication from you, please. I know the dev's are on this bug, but community needs some updates ! Communicate on this game blocking bug !
    I understand that the quest chain is important for the immersion, but it must exist a way for a Game master to do something no ? In 6 days, no solution was found ! It must be a very big bug, perhaps you can't reproduce in preprod server, but perhaps you have to develop in production to find out why ?
    Just reset the server and monitor WHY this npc is bugging on production ?

    And I'm saying that, I passed this quest, but I don't have fun because my friends can't come with me. I'd prefer to see the server off for maintenance and fix this server you know...

    Do something, communicate, it will be a bless. Communicate with your team too, we don't want support team to say : "Try going to another zone" or "Try to teleport to a friend of you there". Please. That's hurting.

    I hope there will be compensation for this. 6 days, it's been a while this quest is bugging actually.

    Good luck for everything, this game is really awesome, we don't want to stop playing it. Be pro, communicate, even on your flaws.
    Edited by sortuneb16_ESO on April 10, 2014 2:57PM
  • drizzintahl
    I think we all knew it'd fail, we just didn't want it to, with all the hours most of us probably have logged on Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind...
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  • danyellah
    This not being able to progress is crazy its been almost a week now and this is the response i get from the support team. WE NEED SOME EXPLANATION AND COMMUTATION HERE!!!!!!!!

    Thank you again for contacting us here at the Elder Scrolls Online and we also appreciate your patience, our computer wizards here are aware of the issue and are investigating it as we speak. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope to have all issues ironed out as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your continued patience
    The Elder Scrolls Online team
  • Bluntski
    People, just stop being so hostile. You are acting like a bunch of selfish, entitled children and the last thread was closed because of this. They ARE working on it and spamming the forums like babies isn't going to make it any faster,
  • OniMalkav
    Bluntski wrote: »
    People, just stop being so hostile. You are acting like a bunch of selfish, entitled children and the last thread was closed because of this. They ARE working on it and spamming the forums like babies isn't going to make it any faster,

    Paying for a product AND support does that to a person(s), specially if the product is too faulty to function after reaching certain point.
  • Bluntski
    There is no reason to be a hostile about it though. None.
  • drizzintahl
    Bluntski wrote: »
    People, just stop being so hostile. You are acting like a bunch of selfish, entitled children and the last thread was closed because of this. They ARE working on it and spamming the forums like babies isn't going to make it any faster,

    Then what the hell are you doing? LOL. "GUYS STOP TALKING THIS ISN'T HELPING"

    Notification, you received the THREAD DELETED Badge, worth 10 points!
  • Bluntski
    Then what the hell are you doing? LOL. "GUYS STOP TALKING THIS ISN'T HELPING"


    Sorry but people aren't really "talking". They are coming here to be condescending and an ***. That was my point.
  • drizzintahl
    insert negative comment
    guy notices negative comment
    inserts negative comment stating you shouldn't say negative comments

    >be me
    Notification, you received the THREAD DELETED Badge, worth 10 points!
  • Requielle
    Bluntski wrote: »
    There is no reason to be a hostile about it though. None.

    The hostility is from the lack of actual communication - there were literally days upon days of canned responses or no responses to a whole slew of issues before they finally posted this thread. And they haven't edited the initial post in this thread in 2 days to acknowledge any of the new bugs reported, or indicate progress on the ones they started with.

    People can be rightfully disappointed when they don't get a functioning product or service that they paid for. They tend to cross over to anger when their requests for assistance appear to be ignored.

    It doesn't matter at this point if ZeniMax's outsourced customer service firm is incompetent or just kneecapped by not having the tools and information they need to do their job. In either case, they are failing to serve customers, which is their stated job.
  • Bluntski
    How are they failing to serve? They are fixing it and it is clearly not an easy fix which is what everyone seems to be assuming. This is not in the hands of CS, fyi. Being rude to customer service rep(s) for a development issue is disingenuous.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 10, 2014 3:58PM
  • Blackzombie
    Soul Shriven
    This unknown error is really ruining my enjoyment of what seems to be a great game ,i have contacted support several times and recieved 3 different idea's of how to rectify the problem . As none have worked support asked me to let them know if these didn't work ,now my emails are being ignored ,i know all MMO's have teething problems but to me this Megaserver doesn't work unless you have very high speed broadband ,as the people i know who are playing with no issue's have the very high speed broadband ,i can't group and can't do instances becouse i will be disconnected with the unknown error ,are you any closer to figuring this out please .
  • Blackzombie
    Soul Shriven
    All you people complaining about not being able to do a quest ,you should try not being able to play the game for more than 20 minutes befores you disconnect !
  • Bluntski
    I think it's funny that people are trying to talk to customer service about a development bug.
  • Hareth_Faehir
    Soul Shriven
    Vlas wrote: »
    Not true there was server maintenance for US servers on Tues.
    Edited by Hareth_Faehir on April 10, 2014 4:04PM
  • Blackzombie
    Soul Shriven
    Bluntski you seem to be on here looking to wind up and annoy people who are already frustrated ,let the Customer Support fight there own battles that's what they are there for
  • Montanx
    There's only one bug that matters....the groundskeeper bug in the coldharbour quest. Everything else doesn't matter, this bug prevents me from entering VR content.
  • Blackzombie
    Soul Shriven
    they will sort it after they have sorted mine
    i'm sure
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