In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • silver.dragonb14_ESO
    Below are some of the in-game issues we are currently working on fixing. This list is not everything we’re working on, just the highest priority ones.

    Missing Bank Items/Slots
    We are aware that some people have had items in their bank, or bank slots, go missing. If this has happened to you, please contact us so we can investigate.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌, thank you so very much for creating this thread. I posted elsewhere regarding my missing bank slots and had submitted tickets in-game and through the web-based support system. Today I received an email that 'solved' my in-game ticket, but I am concerned that it is not really solved if it is still listed in the original post. Has it been addressed/fixed? I also can't tell whether I really got my money back to repurchase the bank slots--not sure how much I had before (I definitely didn't get the bank slots back). Would you be able to tell us how we should expect this to get fixed (i.e., a gold refund) and update the thread if it really has been fixed so I can repurchase slots 'safely'?

    I did provide feedback through the survey I received stating some of my concerns as well. Again, thank you--I know everyone must be busy trying to address the numerous issues that exist, and this update thread is a good start to keep players informed.
  • Drewls
    Still getting that unknown error everytime im on a load screen, and Character loads forever as well. whats going on with this problem?
  • TripleZero
    Main quest "the final assault" broken cant access endgame content. not even in this list here. good game, good support, great QA.
    Edited by TripleZero on April 9, 2014 9:03PM
  • Taft
    So after this weekend when my bank reverted from 80 to 60 slots and I lost all the coin I thought I would be done with the shenanigans. Today my bank suddenly regained 10 slots and was back up to 70. Smartly I did not store anything in those slots. Then upon logging into another character, a bank alt I have to mule stuff because I cannot trust the game system, the bank was back to 60 available slots and ways saying that I needed more slots open. The mule and the bank both have available slots. I have no idea what is going on. Maybe it is trying to help me out by giving me invisible gear?

    I have submitted 6 tickets on this bank issue. Some in game, some through the link on the website. None have received a blanket response saying that it is even in the system. Did this go straight into the ignore pile? My spammer reports are still getting immediate attention and at least my Mac crash report got some response from the "Customer Service" laminated playbook.
    Amazing and Revolutionary!
    (when works)
  • Rosebloome
    I know this isn't as much as a priority as progress blockers, and shouldn't be. But the Werewolf Transformation Morph - Pack Leader is currently bugged badly.

    You activate it, transform, and during the transformation alot of the times it will revert you back to humanoid form for no apparent reason. However the transformation ultimate will still be active and you will not advance World Skill rank Werewolf. You have to manually turn it back off.
  • Requielle
    Exciting New Bug! I finally trained up and put a skill point into getting a provisioning hireling yesterday. The first package arrived today - and it was empty. The container just *poofed* out of existence when I clicked to open it (no, did not have auto-loot enabled on the character in question), and I verified that there were no provisioning supplies of any kind in inventory afterwards.

    I've submitted a bug report, but wanted to add it to this thread, also.
  • Draconid
    I am sorry to piggyback on this thread but I still have not recieved the digital imperial addition that I tried to purchase from the Zenimax store even though my card was charged. I have requested two callbacks and submitted a support email but I have not had a response in several days. I really want to get back to playing.
  • KalFreakingEl
    This isn't a game progress delay bug but after finishing all the quests in Eastmarch I noticed that I didn't get the quest-related achievements such as, Giant-Friend, Skald-King's Arrow, and Skald-King's Salvation but I did receive the Complete 46 quest in Eastmarch achievement. I really hope this gets fixed because I'm kinda of a completionist and it is driving me insane not having those.
    Edited by KalFreakingEl on April 10, 2014 2:25AM
  • Phyrdrin
    What about the people who are still waiting for their physical editions to be shipped? They've already been charged but are locked out of the game because delivery deadline guarantees were not met.
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • Heishi
    Thank you @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ for creating this thread to help communicate to us what's going on. It's good to know so many things are being worked on.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Tightywhites
    Soul Shriven

    Yes, we are continuing to work on that as well, though that is a technical issue. The "Unknown Error Occurred" message is a catch-all for any number of issues, so it is not indicative of a single problem. We encourage those encountering this error to please contact our Support Team.

    I contacted the 'support' team 5 days ago when this first happened. I get a email once every 24 hours with a quick fob off then just ignored. The ZOS customer service policy is to apologise then ignore them again. So far today I have sent two emails and raised a new ticket asking to speak to someone in authority, that was 13 hours ago and I have so far had zero response.

    Its a classic case of Mushroom Management. Keep us in the dark and feed us
    Edited by Tightywhites on April 10, 2014 1:28AM
  • GhoaTse
    How many days to fix a single freaking NPC that is stonewalling so many people? Seriously. Hot fix or something, I mean god damn
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Given the length of time it is taking to fix the Groundskeeper can't you guys throw us an olive branch for our time lost and automatically progress everyone on that stage of the quest to the next stage? I think the time for understanding and patience has worn out on this issue and alternative measures need to be taken as more and more people are being stonewalled making it more likely for bugs in this area to arise even if you fix her.

    I am sick of wasting the vacation time I took to play this game hopping back to that NPC every hour hoping I can continue to enjoy this game
  • Chey
    Soul Shriven
    Currently fell through the world while standing still, waiting for a boss mob to spawn in a public dungeon. Can't file a ticket in-game because I get kicked for chat spam too quickly for me to file a report, despite the fact I don't actually type anything in chat and can't even see zone chat at the moment because of the falling through the world issue.

    /stuck, /reloadUI, logging, and exiting game do nothing to solve the issue. I posted a ticket through the forums, but the wait time is 1 business day and as of right now the game in unplayable. :(
  • stungateb14_ESO
    What about helms disappearing while at crafting tables I've spent 1000's of gold replacing helms that disappear while crafting.
  • Vlas
    Given the length of time it is taking to fix the Groundskeeper can't you guys throw us an olive branch for our time lost and automatically progress everyone on that stage of the quest to the next stage? I think the time for understanding and patience has worn out on this issue and alternative measures need to be taken as more and more people are being stonewalled making it more likely for bugs in this area to arise even if you fix her.

    I am sick of wasting the vacation time I took to play this game hopping back to that NPC every hour hoping I can continue to enjoy this game

    Yeah... something seems off here.

    It is almost like they gave the developers time off the week after the launch. If you will notice the Sunday maintenance was never performed, but it was done monday. Their excuse was something along the lines of quest bug fixes, but the next days patch had little to do with it.

    Tuesday comes around and no maintenance except for EU servers.

    Now, there is nothing, nothing at all. There are only a few reasons why this is.

    First, they let them go on vacation.

    Second, they no longer have a test server to check fixes on.

    So, because of one or even both of these options, we are sitting here with no information. If there were fixes and patches being developed they would have commented or updated us on them saying "working on test server, expect patch soon" or something.

    But not even that.

    The other part of advancing the quest for us. It is a DB variable that they probably cant find due to how they developed the DB, or they took shortcuts and never developed tools to fix these issues quickly.

    Either way, the population on the servers between last sunday 3/30 and today has dropped so low. If you look at the PvP arenas, the populations arent even locking down the top and bottom arena anymore, the PvE world is barely alive, with a few people in the new zones, and mostly bots teleporting around.

    I am reminded of FFXIV first launch...
  • Solveig
    Fishing is very much broken. Cannot loot achievement fish at all.
  • Nickyfazzo
    Holy cow! The Grounds keeper is STILL broken! It's been days! I'm not a programmer, but I can't imagine that this is such a big problem that it would need DAYS to fix an NPC quest giver.
  • kingspade805
    Below are some of the in-game issues we are currently working on fixing. This list is not everything we’re working on, just the highest priority ones.

    Main Quest
    We are aware of and currently working on fixing issues that are preventing some of you from completing parts of the main quest in ESO. Below are the specific quests we are investigating issues with.
    • The Army of Meridia – The Groundskeeper is non-responsive.
    • Castle of the Worm – Cadwell sometimes becomes stuck; crash during Lyris and Abnur Tharn conversation.
    • Crossing the Chasm – The West Portal is not spawning.
    • Messages Across Tamriel – Vanus Galerion is not spawning.
    • Tomb Beneath the Mountain – The Worm Cultist is not spawning.
    In the meantime, if you encounter a bug that is completely blocking your ability to progress with your character, please submit a help request in-game via /help and include the words "quest blocker" in your explanation. This will allow us to collect additional vital information to pass along to the Dev Team. We're working to fix these issues as quickly as possible.

    We are also aware of issues people are running into with some side quests in the game. While these do not directly block progress, we are working on fixing these as soon as possible, too.

    Missing Bank Items/Slots
    We are aware that some people have had items in their bank, or bank slots, go missing. If this has happened to you, please contact us so we can investigate.

    What about game launchers that won't even initiate the game itself! Can't even play and paid for digital imperial edditio!
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
    this post was made on the 8th, it is now the 10th. can we get an update on the groundskeeper plz
  • AngryNord
    Nickyfazzo wrote: »
    Holy cow! The Grounds keeper is STILL broken! It's been days! I'm not a programmer, but I can't imagine that this is such a big problem that it would need DAYS to fix an NPC quest giver.

    We all know the reason - the megaserver concept is a megafailure and has been since beta. The only way to remedy this will be to do what every other MMO does - regional servers.
  • Demannu
    Nonsense ! What next you going to cry that a Customer Servic Support must be provided immediately upon request and that someone have to care about their Customers actually , solving all issues right away? Ahahah where do you live ? Devs are doing what is right - charging your bank accounts in advance, not providing critical updates / patches immediately while drinking beer and smoking crack ! That is the right way to do it ! Once i was a Supportive Game Developer but then i got an arrow to the knee
  • wyrdob16_ESO
    I have been hit by the bank bug too, and contacted support about it again after not hearing anything for a good while. The answer at least creates a spark of hope:

    "Our soothsayers have determined that the minions of Molag Bal have unjustly relieved you of some of your hard-won possessions. The mages in charge of our wards of protection are deeply sorry for this oversight. They wish to assure you that they have identified each and every adventurer who lost items, as well as each and every item that was lost. They are busily summoning the missing items back from Molag Bal’s vaults in Coldharbor.

    Keep an eye on your in-game mailbox. Your items will be returned to you as soon as they become available."
  • Westnovote
    Officer chat hasn't been working for any of our guilds since EA day 1. I know this has been widely reported by other guilds.
  • barduck
    I have been hit by the bank bug too, and contacted support about it again after not hearing anything for a good while. The answer at least creates a spark of hope:

    "Our soothsayers have determined that the minions of Molag Bal have unjustly relieved you of some of your hard-won possessions. The mages in charge of our wards of protection are deeply sorry for this oversight. They wish to assure you that they have identified each and every adventurer who lost items, as well as each and every item that was lost. They are busily summoning the missing items back from Molag Bal’s vaults in Coldharbor.

    Keep an eye on your in-game mailbox. Your items will be returned to you as soon as they become available."

    That answer does not give any sparks of hope for those who have been there for a while. It is a canned copy/paste answer that was sent to many players who were hit by this bug. It has been at least few days since these messages were first sent (and there are some other variations of it).

    So far, there was not a single report of anyone who got any items back, compensated for lost bank upgrades or received any indication that it is safe now for them to use the bank again.
    Edited by barduck on April 10, 2014 8:46AM
  • nwnzocker
    I have been hit by the bank bug too, and contacted support about it again after not hearing anything for a good while. The answer at least creates a spark of hope:

    "Our soothsayers have determined that the minions of Molag Bal have unjustly relieved you of some of your hard-won possessions. The mages in charge of our wards of protection are deeply sorry for this oversight. They wish to assure you that they have identified each and every adventurer who lost items, as well as each and every item that was lost. They are busily summoning the missing items back from Molag Bal’s vaults in Coldharbor.

    Keep an eye on your in-game mailbox. Your items will be returned to you as soon as they become available."

    I got that answer already 6 days ago and nothing has happened - don't set your hopes too high.
  • RagePlug
    I have a better one. How about this?
    This email is to inform you that your subscription has expired. You have no more game time on your account and you will be unable to access the game. Please click this link to set up a new subscription to continue playing.

    Warm Regards,

    The Elder Scrolls® Online Team
  • Demannu
    Hey they send you Warm Regards !

    At least
  • dragnar12
    What about a temp work around for
    The Army of Meridia – The Groundskeeper is non-responsive.

    just give every one ( lvl 40 + ) excess to shrine,s for every faction ( 1 of them per faction )

    this way we can travel to lvl 50 vet content
    and give,s u time to fix that
  • g33kcub
    Drewls wrote: »
    Still getting that unknown error everytime im on a load screen, and Character loads forever as well. whats going on with this problem?

    I spoke to a CSR named Mark. He went to both the MOD team, about posting an acknowledgement post as well as the development team about the unknown error bug, at least he said he did. When he called me back he told me the dev-team thought that they had resolved the issue and closed the ticket. He had them reopen it and raise it from a priority 2 to priority 1.

    NOW, I'm not sure how much of that is the case or not, but at least we got some results.
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