@ZOS_JessicaFolsom why does the support team sounds like they are not really trained or completely unaware of some of the critical issues that effecting many players?
I had my in-game bank reset TWICE already. Lost 2 sets of 2 bank upgrades each, gold and items. And yet I get ridiculous and unhelpful replies from support to my tickets like asking me to describe the problem over and over.
The latest response from support told me that "some updates has been made to the game" and asking me if "the issue has been resolved for me?"
How can the issue be possibly resolved if I am still missing gold, items and bank upgrades and no one said anything official whether the bank can be safely used or I risk losing my items and bank upgrades yet another time?
Regardless of the state of the game (which, lets face it, could be a lot better at this point of release), what I find offensive is the unresponsive and unprofessional attitude from your support team. We are in the dark here, we don't know when or even if we will get our hard earned items/gold back, we don't know if we can safely use the bank.
This is totally unacceptable.
silvestru_liviueb17_ESO wrote: »
Ok mate, i think the best to check this matter is when the cyrodiil campaign i'm on will be full. then i guess we can see the proper result. I'll update as soon as i get any results...
silvestru_liviueb17_ESO wrote: »When Cyrodiil neverending-loading screen will be fixed? yesterday i was forced to create another character just to be able to play, because i couldn't log in to the main one since i got error in Cyrodiil. I observed this loading screen problem especially when the campaign is full or almost full.
If your "megaserver" can't deal with many people around now that's bad! very bad!
Oh, and one more thing: when the european server is actually coming to Europe? i understand now is still in the US and some terrile lag spikes still chilling the bones around...and disconnects of course...and crashes (from Cyrodiil only). Lag in PVE is a bit easier but STILL!
Rage_Frost wrote: »
it cause you were in a group and will not be able to play that toon until they kick you out of that group. had the same thing happen to me and people on my guild also. this is a silly and painful bug
silvestru_liviueb17_ESO wrote: »
UPDATE: Just tried to log on a full campaign (my homecampaign). Attempt ended up in alt+f4 since my pal loading screen was there!
Closed the game, went to completly delete that damn file then logged back. Then i was able to log on my home campaign witch was full on all 3 servers.
Btw ZOS! if is locked why am i beign able to join? Make this damn system work and put back the Beta Queue system witch worked properly!
Cheers Vlas!/beer!
Mr_Majestyk wrote: »I didn't see any mention of the Banished Cells dungeon quest. Given the current bug, it takes a fair amount of luck to complete this dungeon. It appears to work for some people, but I have attempted this dungeon several times and the first part of the quest fails to trigger properly after defeating the first boss. I personally tried a lot of the tips for making it work (dropping the quest, reforming the group, etc.) and none of the work-arounds worked for me. This dungeon was incredibly buggy in Beta as well, so I would hope some progress has been made. Could we get an update on the status of this fix?
Some of us are a little OCD and must have the skill point, even if we out leveled it already.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom My billing address not being accepted, Only thing i can figure is its my zip code which is a normal US zip code. I have tried other address of ppl in my town just to see if I could get through it, and it doesnt work for my town, but my work address which is in another town works. Its preventing me from registering my game and setting up a subscription.