In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Radagra
    Soul Shriven
    I thought that you are asked if you wish to log into the overflow server or want to wait in a queue? As i have not experienced this: they disabled this feature? Are we all logged into overflow servers without notice?
  • Luciana
    Motes in the Moonlight, fix it already, you'd think a quest keeping most of the EU Megaserver's Dominion players from progressing to Coldharbour would have some priority. >.>

    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Jeebuus
    Soul Shriven
    Question Reference # 140413-121563
    Logged for missing bank slots when I logged in yesterday. Had 100 slots and it was at 60 when I logged in yesterday. No missing items or gold as far as I could tell.
  • Cherryblossom
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ When is the Known Issues log going to be updated, it's great that you added this, but judging from the response you are missing about 100 Bugs from your list. This is only a helpful thread if you keep it updated.
    Edited by Cherryblossom on April 14, 2014 2:06PM
  • Brunlea
    The lack of response from Zenimax is rather worrying. Keep your customers happy, keep them informed please :)
  • Hunterkiss
  • Saerydoth
    Altairien wrote: »
    That's amazing. I've been at launch for WoW, LOTRO, STO, Rift, SWTOR, GW2,... just to name a few. I've never had 1) banked items deleted, 2) character progress (skill points, armor, mounts, etc.) irretrievably lost, 3) crafting progress lost (research)... again, just to name a few.

    Is your only previous launch experience Final Fantasy 14? I avoided that one. Perhaps compared to that, this launch is smooth.

    When Wrath of the Lich King launched, a large percentage of players lost all their mounts and pets. Granted, that's not as severe as losing bank items, but it was the same type of issue (corrupted database).
  • RickiHN
    Saerydoth wrote: »

    When Wrath of the Lich King launched, a large percentage of players lost all their mounts and pets. Granted, that's not as severe as losing bank items, but it was the same type of issue (corrupted database).
    How long did it then take Blizzard to fix the issue? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? Longer? I will bet they fixed it within a few days. Seeing as Zenimax has had this issue since beta...
  • Relicz
    Gear that I had equipped and skill points gone and everything in my inventory I just want an estimate of when I might be getting things fixed
  • Avaglaor
    Fix the "God of Schemes" main story quest please, for me its bugging at part "Vanquish Molag Bal". It really sucks to be V1 and cant visit the veteran zones because cant progress the main story.
  • Grim13
    Motes in the Moonlight is becoming a full on poopshow.
  • jpetro
    Soul Shriven
    Forget the whining nerds at high lv's, too many of us are having issues with crashes,Nvidia card problems,login,etc. While some are complaining about high lv quests, we can't even play for more than 10 minutes at a time without it crashing...some CAN'T even play at all :(. Be thankful you can even play!
  • TurkeyBurgers
    Your data servers or the people running them or your coders need to be fired over this bank data malfunction.

    It is unacceptable.

    I want to see dismissed employees over this.

    People that incompetent should be out flipping burgers and not handling hundreds of thousands of peoples saved game data.

    Fire the bums for being incompetent.

    Stop hiring your relatives and hire the people who can actually do this job correctly. I get that your sister-in-laws son needs a job, but don't have him working on our storage servers. Please for the love of the great 8 divines.
  • Kaelianne
    Soul Shriven
    Please fix Liberation of Northpoint. It's impeding progression and making some of us switch zones too soon.
  • SnaxTrix
    I feel like your auto emailer is bugged too. I never got the password reset email. However I got help on this. Now I have to enter an account authorization code that I have supposidly had sent to me email like 100x times now... fix that so I can play please. I think I am about to just quit...
  • idk
    Vlas wrote: »

    @silvestru_liviueb17_ESO there is a temp fix for this, Under Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\ delete or rename the file ZO_Ingame.lua

    This does not work, at least for me it does not. Most of the time I just cannot enter Cyrodiil. This was not as much of an issue until I lost all my bank slots. I figured I would just do PVP until that was returned. I am concerned that I do not see the Cyrodiil load screen issue listed as a known issue.
  • Blizard
    Soul Shriven
    -.- good luck (*) [edited]
    Edited by Blizard on April 15, 2014 8:24AM
    Blizard© Pact - Thieves Band of Assassins is now i]Recruiting[/i4 Ebonheart Pact - inbox your name for an invite or add Blizard - for more info follow >>
    + new Alchemy based design website featuring live guild updates @ >> (*) i]BP-[/i][i]TBoA[/i (*)
  • Luciana
    Aaaaand Motes in the Moonlight is still bugged.

    Edited by Luciana on April 15, 2014 9:29AM
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • GaldorP
    I'd like to mention a few bugs I've encountered in the game, so far. I'm sure somebody else must have mentioned them already in this thread and I've reported them in-game already by using the /bug command, but just to make sure they don't get forgotten:

    - The Coldharbour quest "A Graveyard Of Ships" is bugged. In the first step where you need to protect First Mate Jalan by defeating some skeletons, Jalan will at some point say "Meet me inside" but you can never enter the ship. Everytime I check on this quest again, there are few people waiting outside of the ship so this bug seems to affect everyone (at least in the Aldmeri Dominion).

    - When doing the elite monster group "Deadroth Larder" in Coldharbour, you cannot get the achievement "Deadroth Trio Hunter" and the skull icon on the map never turns white. Again, this seems to affect everyone (at least in the Aldmeri Dominion) I've spoken to.

    - The fishing achievements "Roost Angler" and "Bleakrock Angler" on the starter islands Khenarthi's Roost and Bleakrock Isle are not working for me. I've caught a Pyandonean Ray several times from various fishing holes on Khanarthis Roost and I've caught an Inner Sea Scalyfin both on Bleakrock Isle and in Bal Foyen but I did not receive either of the achievements (this on a Dominion Dragonknight character).

    Thanks for looking into this
    Best wishes

    P.S.: It's a fantastic game :)
  • Gramark_PvP
    New Quete bugged : The final assault = Open the library gate...

    All player are stuck.

  • rajdiz
    Soul Shriven
    for those of us waiting for Motes in the Moonlight to be fixed... Not in the patch notes, so we got the big *** you from Zenimax
  • Rainingblood
    Your data servers or the people running them or your coders need to be fired over this bank data malfunction.

    It is unacceptable.

    I want to see dismissed employees over this.

    People that incompetent should be out flipping burgers and not handling hundreds of thousands of peoples saved game data.

    Fire the bums for being incompetent.

    Stop hiring your relatives and hire the people who can actually do this job correctly. I get that your sister-in-laws son needs a job, but don't have him working on our storage servers. Please for the love of the great 8 divines.

    Hey buddy, you might not have a clue about such matters, but guess what happens when you start calling for employees to be fired?
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Blackzombie
    Soul Shriven
    why is there new people all the time saying there gold has gone missing ,here is an idea becouse you know the bug exists stop putting money in the bank ? my issue is everytime i logon and attempt to patch it comes up with a can't unzip patch error and then offers me to repair the installation which also fails -is the EU server down at the moment does anyone know ?
    Edited by Blackzombie on April 15, 2014 2:26PM
  • MornaBaine
    Unfortunately there are already too many pages to go through all of them here so apologies if this has already been addressed. Does ZOS have any intention of addressing the bloodfiend/werewolf spawn camping issue? Do they intend to adjust the spawn rates at all? There have been nothing BUT werewolf spawns for days now, with NO SIGN of the bloodfiends. And even when/IF the bloodfiends DO appear, there's griefers just waiting to kill them quickly so that other players who want to explore this questline are denied content. I would like to know what ZOS is doing, if anything, about this issue.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Ulvich
    Re "Crossing the Chasm". This quest was given to me at level 41. I got past the first two bosses fine. The third is a problem. Unless I make it past this point I am dead in the water. I am 100% done with questing in The Rift, and I have done 16 quests so far in Coldharbor. What do I do until this bug is fixed? And how do I kill a level 47 boss at level 42 once I do?
    Edited by Ulvich on April 15, 2014 3:51PM
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • Tai
    A couple more minor issues:

    Killing the boss in Lesser Circle, Alik'r, is not being registered.
    Killing the boss in Summoner's Camp, Bangkorai, is not being registered.

    Major issue:

    This needs some attention please, it has been reported in many threads without ever getting any answer.
    Edited by Tai on April 15, 2014 3:30PM
  • Mahalin1012
    Please fix the infinite 'requesting character load' issue!
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    The amount of "known issues" listed is absurd. You would need a full document for all of them. This hasn't been updated. It was a passing thought and has been completely forgotten now. Like everything else with their customer suppport - halfarsed.
  • Luciana
    Two rounds of maintenance, TWO, and still Motes in the Moonlight is not fixed?

    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • chriscardpeterboroughub17_ESO
    "To Velyn Harbor: talk to someone in charge"

    This quest is bugged if you used the wayshrine to enter the harbor and completed the first quest around the smithing station. If you complete it and go north to find the NPC... they will not be there as they appeared to have moved on. Please find a fix for this pretty please as it stops Queen Ayrenn's questline. Thanks !
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