StaticWave wrote: »
Nah, a squad of NB gankers can maybe kill 2-3 ppl at best. But a squad of small scalers can absolutely take on 15+ people. There are plenty of clips on Youtube demonstrating how groups of 3-4 small scalers fight head on with 15+ ppl from another faction. Show me a clip of NB gankers doing the same.
Funny how the cloak change will not affect any NBs but we have players desperate in this thread.
Joy_Division wrote: »
It absolutely will affect gankers.
It is true that gankers do not rely on spamming cloak to execute ganks. I would agree that these changes will not inconvenience their attacks.
And that's fine. While gankers are annoying (and a big reason PvP is pretty brutal to new players), the reality for me (and I would assume most experienced players, certainly those better than me) is that most of the time they fail to get a quick kill. I'm not saying they dont ever get me. Some are quite good and succeed. But it's not like they a boogieman who have me in fear whenever I leave a keep. It's after the failed gank where these changes will very much affect them. They will find it more resource intensive to avoid getting killed by a retaliating player. Which I don;t see as a problem. Ganker has a surprise attack, able to strike first. If they fail, the consequences should be difficult to avoid. It won;t affect gankers offense (which is not being mentioned in all these "NB are dead" threads). They can still do what they do. It's the margin for error is narrowing and consequences for failing is getting higher and that's not a bad thing.
As far as the part about Nightblades that "actually fight," I don;t agree with your categorization. I might not like ganking, but it certainly is a legal form of fighting. They are certainly trying to kill me and certainly fighting me (and the game certainly thinks so as I am kept in combat for 5 minutes afterward).
It must be nice to main a class that does not have to run around relying on a "Rallying Crutch" build. It is true those NBs who don't use a meta build will be affected the most. But, that's ten years of ESO. When a class gets so strong that it can ignore the meta everyone has to run, their abilities have historically gotten nerfed and they have had to adjust. Sorcerers right now are in the same boat. They can ignore some defenses that other classes need because Ward is so strong. Zos is trying to reign that in. We'll see how that unfolds in the next update. I get it. A class defining skill that allowed for unique builds is getting nerfed and people aren;t happy about it. That's an annual occurrence in ESO. nothing new here.
OK, we are warned that more NBs will try to gank us. Like that already is happening all the time. At least now, it will be easier to make them pay if they fail.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »It will affect every NB that uses Shadowy Disguise morph... but not in the way everyone is thinking about.
You’re not a Nightblade main. You’re a brawler. You play on a Tankblade, the one and only playstyle for Nightblade that ZOS seems to want to allow.
You can take your same Rallying Crutch build and play it on any class.
Play it on the Sorc carry class now and you’ll kill more people and never die.
Shield, Streak & repeat till Ulti-dump. Two thumb playstyle on a controller. EZ Mode PvP.
The way you are describing how a SnipeBlade uses cloak is you showing us that you don't play a ranged ganker SnipeBlade.
They play with half that Mag recovery. They don't need it. They cloak once to get away and that's it. Unless they get caught too close and revealed. When that happens they die no matter how many times they spam cloak because detect pots and everything else keep them revealed already today. They're glass cannons. They are all damage and no regen. They're not spamming anything like Siphoning Attacks until they get away and are safe.
If they're trying to solo Snipe gank you then you can chase them as you think you do. But in groups? If you're solo you might get one of the group but the rest will get away. Even if you get multiple of them in a group you rarely get them all and then all one does is put up a camp, the rest Rez at their camp and go back to doing it all over again. This change has no effect on that style of play.
Nightblades who want to get closer and fight both other players and NPCs in Cyrodiil are the ones who will need to do something like you describe above as a necessity next patch. This change makes their lives more difficult for no good reason. All this change does is make it more difficult for solo Nightblades who aren't ganking to even just try to solo kill all the guards at a resource. So what are they going to do? They're gonna change their builds and go be SnipeBlades in bigger Nightblade groups instead. Or they're gonna leave the game / turn off ESO Plus.
Net/Net is that all this change does is just eliminates and restricts playstyles as well as reduce ZOS' revenues, nothing more.
You all who play PVP Nightblades as casuals or not at all in Cyrodill can argue with us who play PvP Nightblades literally every day all that you want. The rise of more SnipeBlade groups is coming if this goes live with no Mag regen and no visual clue in the skill bar that its currently on or off. Why? Because SnipeBlade will be the easiest and only one of a few effective ways to play a Nightblade in Cyrodiil. And people like me refuse to keep paying ZOS every month to restrict how we play the game.
ShadowProc wrote: »
Take a minute to think about your statements. You are literally arguing against yourself. By what you just said small scalers need a nerf then.
Most people tend to focus on the Cloak cost increase and I do admit - this is a hefty nerf (imho too hefty) and as many people mentioned, the result will be the opposite of the ZOS goal. They want to make perma-cloak impossible or close to impossible, while at the same time making cloak more accessible for all NB builds. And with increased cost, majority of the builds wont be able to sustain it for any useful duration, aside from heavy focused magicka builds that will feel the nerf too, but they still will be able to keep it up for long duration.
I respect your opinion and I have no doubt you have much much more experience on NBs.
I still think such a change will affect ranged players also, since they cloack whenever you survive the attack and go in their direction. It will make it harder to flee and even worst to come back and fire by the back.
It will probable affect every NB in some way and degree tbh.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Most people tend to focus on the Cloak cost increase and I do admit - this is a hefty nerf (imho too hefty) and as many people mentioned, the result will be the opposite of the ZOS goal. They want to make perma-cloak impossible or close to impossible, while at the same time making cloak more accessible for all NB builds. And with increased cost, majority of the builds wont be able to sustain it for any useful duration, aside from heavy focused magicka builds that will feel the nerf too, but they still will be able to keep it up for long duration.
Besides, if taking into account siphoning/equilibrium combo, any build will be able to sustain cloak longer, but again - it is in the opposite of the ZOS goal, as they want to make cloak easier to use, but the reality is it will be harder to use:
- Live: Press a button every 3 seconds, without spamming, average build can use cloak for a duration that will make it useful.
- PTS: Activate cloak "on" and press other button every 2 seconds and optionally other button if you are low on health (Rally). Once you are done, disable cloak.
^ All decent NB players will do it and I don't see how ZOS can "patch" something like this. They would have to outright "block" every magicka gain, from potion or set like Darloc and that would be too big of a nerf even for ZOS standards & would require to much work & hassle (and would pretty much destroy the class btw).
Now, some people mentioned that since cloak will be a toggle, when it comes to PvP, it will be possible to have it on other bar and on your main bar you can have all of the skills required for burst combo. So "ganking" will be actually easier - especially ranged ganking. But as you mentioned - if something goes wrong, escaping will be harder than vs now on live server (especially melee, but ranged will be also affected in a minimal way). I actually suspect that next patch, we may see more players switching to ranged ganking or bombing, since it will be easiest play-style for NB.
Now, the reason why I said that it will affect NB "but not in the way everyone is thinking about" is because cloak will be a toggle. And you might be thinking: That is better. That is more convenient. More smooth. And in a "laboratory environment", in a vacuum, without any "live" aspects of the game - indeed - you would be right. But in real live server environment, with lag and other player, realistically - it will be much worse vs cast-able cloak.
Think about it. Cloak was designed since day 1 to be a cast-able skill. It operated that way for over 10 years. Everything in the game that interacts with stealth & invisibility, every mechanic, every system, every skill is coded & tuned with "cast-able" cloak in mind. Cloak was never ever meant to be a toggle or a stance you switch to. And now, all of the sudden it will be - and trust me on that - it will cause whole mountain of issue.
One of such issue can already be seen on PTS. Since Detection Potions do interact with stealth & invisibility and were designed & tuned to work on "cast-able" cloak - right now, on PTS those potion bug-out cloak interrupting it, but only partially. The other half of the cloak still works & is toggled "on", so you don't have mag recovery and magicka is still being drained & goes into limbo. And that is because detection skills were never ever supposed to counter "toggle-able" cloak. They don't have that coded. Those things are coded in a simple way to simply cancel invisibility & there is no code that will "toggle off" cloak - since cloak was always duration based skill.
The other issue is typical PvP or just laggy environment. What very often happens on live server is that due to a lag, server delays, server not registering something or registering it too late, even something like Bow LA may interrupt cloak. It should not - but it happens. That is why NBs tend to initially "spam cloak" 2 or 3 times, to force server to register their status as cloaked/invisible. It is something NBs should not be forced to do, but they have to in order to play at all in laggy environment (which PvP it is more or less 24/7).
Guess what is going to happen when cloak will become a toggle ? All of the sudden it will be extremely hyper unreliable. It will be basically a "toss of a coin" if it works or not. Toggle skills & lag do not go along well. Having a core skill that is basically "RNG" if it works or not is what I fear the most. It is like having Vigor or Shileds that "may" work, but it is RNG.
Players can & will adapt to the cost increase... but how can you adapt to a buggy & unreliable skill that sometimes will work & sometimes won't ? The only way to "adapt" to something like this is to not use it, but at this point you might as well roll different class.
The fun will remain, and nothing will change for the most part, it will just be a little harder to go invisible (which has long been required)
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Most people tend to focus on the Cloak cost increase and I do admit - this is a hefty nerf (imho too hefty) and as many people mentioned, the result will be the opposite of the ZOS goal. They want to make perma-cloak impossible or close to impossible, while at the same time making cloak more accessible for all NB builds. And with increased cost, majority of the builds wont be able to sustain it for any useful duration, aside from heavy focused magicka builds that will feel the nerf too, but they still will be able to keep it up for long duration.
Besides, if taking into account siphoning/equilibrium combo, any build will be able to sustain cloak longer, but again - it is in the opposite of the ZOS goal, as they want to make cloak easier to use, but the reality is it will be harder to use:
- Live: Press a button every 3 seconds, without spamming, average build can use cloak for a duration that will make it useful.
- PTS: Activate cloak "on" and press other button every 2 seconds and optionally other button if you are low on health (Rally). Once you are done, disable cloak.
^ All decent NB players will do it and I don't see how ZOS can "patch" something like this. They would have to outright "block" every magicka gain, from potion or set like Darloc and that would be too big of a nerf even for ZOS standards & would require to much work & hassle (and would pretty much destroy the class btw).
Now, some people mentioned that since cloak will be a toggle, when it comes to PvP, it will be possible to have it on other bar and on your main bar you can have all of the skills required for burst combo. So "ganking" will be actually easier - especially ranged ganking. But as you mentioned - if something goes wrong, escaping will be harder than vs now on live server (especially melee, but ranged will be also affected in a minimal way). I actually suspect that next patch, we may see more players switching to ranged ganking or bombing, since it will be easiest play-style for NB.
Now, the reason why I said that it will affect NB "but not in the way everyone is thinking about" is because cloak will be a toggle. And you might be thinking: That is better. That is more convenient. More smooth. And in a "laboratory environment", in a vacuum, without any "live" aspects of the game - indeed - you would be right. But in real live server environment, with lag and other player, realistically - it will be much worse vs cast-able cloak.
Think about it. Cloak was designed since day 1 to be a cast-able skill. It operated that way for over 10 years. Everything in the game that interacts with stealth & invisibility, every mechanic, every system, every skill is coded & tuned with "cast-able" cloak in mind. Cloak was never ever meant to be a toggle or a stance you switch to. And now, all of the sudden it will be - and trust me on that - it will cause whole mountain of issue.
One of such issue can already be seen on PTS. Since Detection Potions do interact with stealth & invisibility and were designed & tuned to work on "cast-able" cloak - right now, on PTS those potion bug-out cloak interrupting it, but only partially. The other half of the cloak still works & is toggled "on", so you don't have mag recovery and magicka is still being drained & goes into limbo. And that is because detection skills were never ever supposed to counter "toggle-able" cloak. They don't have that coded. Those things are coded in a simple way to simply cancel invisibility & there is no code that will "toggle off" cloak - since cloak was always duration based skill.
The other issue is typical PvP or just laggy environment. What very often happens on live server is that due to a lag, server delays, server not registering something or registering it too late, even something like Bow LA may interrupt cloak. It should not - but it happens. That is why NBs tend to initially "spam cloak" 2 or 3 times, to force server to register their status as cloaked/invisible. It is something NBs should not be forced to do, but they have to in order to play at all in laggy environment (which PvP it is more or less 24/7).
Guess what is going to happen when cloak will become a toggle ? All of the sudden it will be extremely hyper unreliable. It will be basically a "toss of a coin" if it works or not. Toggle skills & lag do not go along well. Having a core skill that is basically "RNG" if it works or not is what I fear the most. It is like having Vigor or Shileds that "may" work, but it is RNG.
Players can & will adapt to the cost increase... but how can you adapt to a buggy & unreliable skill that sometimes will work & sometimes won't ? The only way to "adapt" to something like this is to not use it, but at this point you might as well roll different class.
GuuMoonRyoung wrote: »Once again, an ability has been butchered for PvE solely because of its usage in PvP. Why do this? Why can you not make it work differently in PvP instances? PvP is already an instanced activity in this game, Cyro, IC, BGs, all of them, you can literally make any abilities work differently in PvP and PvE if you wanted. Why do you always go for complete desctruction ZOS?
MincMincMinc wrote: »The toggle activation will function no different from current cloak activation. Spamming as the server slows down is counter intuitive for any skill. You should be slowing down your inputs to match the server speed. Your input buffering basically gets disabled under server lag and you are better off slowly pressing inputs one after the other. Honestly the toggle may teach players to stop spamming buttons 30x a GCD when it is unnecessary.
I have to say I'm quite worried about the toggle.Do we have any guarantee that I can implicitly trust that the state I see on my screen is the one that will be toggled? That it is impossible that due to latency I see myself as cloaked even though the server has decided I no longer am? Because if that were possible, activating cloak would be toggling it in the opposite direction of what I'm intending. That would not be a mere nerf. That would mean breaking the skill in laggy conditions where it is currently mostly working.
StaticWave wrote: »I remember a really long thread asking for a ramping cost on Cloak when ZOS gave Major Savagery to it. If only the NB mains had agreed to compromise instead of mindlessly defending against nerfing their beloved crutch, ZOS might have done something less severe than this lol. Oh well, I dislike NB gankers so I will rejoice with this one.
Tbh. Ramping cost would have been far worse, as cloak is not a mobility/displacement tool.StaticWave wrote: »I remember a really long thread asking for a ramping cost on Cloak when ZOS gave Major Savagery to it. If only the NB mains had agreed to compromise instead of mindlessly defending against nerfing their beloved crutch, ZOS might have done something less severe than this lol. Oh well, I dislike NB gankers so I will rejoice with this one.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Tbh. Ramping cost would have been far worse, as cloak is not a mobility/displacement tool.
So much this!Veinblood1965 wrote: »I think many of you are missing the point. It's a core change to a class. It's the one used most often by non-tank nb's in PVP. Rather like making major changes to streak, or jabs or the famed beam. It's not that it might not still be usable but why play the class after this change if that's why you chose it in the first place. Stealth is fun, it's WHY people play the class. If I didn't want to stealth out I'd play my sorc or arcanist or warden instead which i can do as a vamp four or with invis pots but not with a skill. And yes it is not LIVE yet, but to even consider making these CORE changes to a class makes me feel like ZoS has lost sight of us, the customers. Countless businesses have lost sight of this and went down the drain.
It's not that the fun will be gone, it just makes us all wonder what other CORE changes are coming to other classes on a ten year old game. Anyone who vendors can tell you sales have sharply dropped which most likely means the number of players have dropped and continue to do so. The change is not going to ENTICE anyone to start playing the game but it WILL drive some way, myself included. I'm not about to start making an alternate toon my favourite only to have a core ability sharply changed after time invested after this one was.
If it goes live, my trust in the devs will be lost to the point where it's time to move to newer pastures. I don't say that lightly. I've played this game for eight years. Trust is a big thing.
Is this the case? I haven't been to the PTS. Can you or anyone confirm, who's been there?MincMincMinc wrote: »I can't agree with "toggle is the worst thing ever" considering it should be auto canceling the toggle on practically every action you do.
MincMincMinc wrote: »Replication wise you would only be able to see yourself as cloaked if the server said you could cloak. These calcs are done on the server first before your client can continue. The only aspects of the game that would be driven clientside are your general locomotion, block, sprint, roll, light and heavy attack(this is why there are desyncs with light>medium attacks because the client says you hit with a light attack, but the server had a 0.001s delay and thought a medium attack happened.
MincMincMinc wrote: »If you need help knowing whether you are cloaked, there are plenty of addons to track it.
MincMincMinc wrote: »Designing functionality around 1% of pvp gameplay under a maybe scenario on spam players for the rest of the game is not a solid plan.
MincMincMinc wrote: »EDIT: Have you logged in pts and tried it yet? Functionally it feels great for weaving and for short stealth stints it saves you from recast overlap/bar swap issues. It is much less tedious/clunky to backbar.
Is this the case? I haven't been to the PTS. Can you or anyone confirm, who's been there?
Starting with the tangent that most likely prompted you to talk about this, I've read that detection potions don't cancel Cloak on the PTS. Is this true? In response to other posts, not this one, this is IMO normal and I don't have an issue with it. Detection potions do not uncloak you on live either. Only the player running the potion can see you, not others. You do not get the blue orb above you. You are not prevented from continuing to use Shadowy Disguise on live and that still hides you from NPCs and other players. The only way other players also know you're there is by how their faction mate, the guy running the detection potion or Sentry set, acts, and due to them attacking you with direct damage and, thereby and only then, uncloaking you. You need experience to recognise and deal with this situation, otherwise you will waste magicka in continuing to cloak. This already happens on live. It is insidious, but is IMO simply a skill aspect to the cloaking NB. It sounds still more insidious on the PTS, but it also sounds fundamentally the same.
However, can anyone confirm that cloak is automatically broken and the magicka drain stopped when:That would IMO be appropriate. It would match the current usability of cloak in this regard. I think if you had to spend a GCD to turn off cloak in these situations, that would be very punishing. It would also be no fun simply because toggles are, IMO, no fun. Anything that predictably breaks a switch (or activates it) plays much better than a toggle. Actual, pure, toggles are annoying and admittedly a personal pet peeve, because they are finicky, not least in lag. This already goes for Overload and for crouching, especially when you mix Crouch with Cloak and the eye / target crosshairs lack good feedback to show what you're doing. It goes for Darloc Brae by extension, especially when you are the obligatory vamp and you have no speed feedback either. It also simply goes for bar swapping. I am one of those people who does not use a toggle key for bar swap. Thankfully there is the option to use two separate keys for that. I find this allows you to convey your intention to the game engine more reliably and is nicer to play.
- You attack someone with direct damage.
- You get attacked with direct damage.
- You get detected with a detection skill, or by an NPC, that puts the blue orb above your head.
- You cast skills, notably most heals, that currently uncloak you.
I'm a perma-cloaking magblade main in PvP, by the way. That said, I'm neither a bow player, nor an outright ganker stacking all damage, nor the most capable brawler. I run a compromise, long-term, build that suits my muscle memory, a build I can inhabit, a jack of all trades for all of open world. A single build that I simply find enjoyable to play.
I can't say I'm happy about this change. I will either have to give up my playstyle or am shoehorned into specific sets, skills, and/or the 2H weapon type. This isn't entirely new. In the distant past playing 2H / resto was mandatory for my playstyle. Since then it opened up to better flexibility. This would be a regression.
Ultimately, however, it comes down to playability issues above all else for me. I care about Cloak sustain, but I care about how Cloak (Shadowy Disguise) plays even more. If it's a toggle you have to manually manage at all times, then that will likely be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.
Also, can someone who's been to the PTS tell what happens when you single-bar Shadowy Disguise? Does it break Cloak and cancel the magicka drain on bar swap? Does it simply suspend Cloak while you are on the other bar, and automatically re-engage once you swap back to the Cloak bar? Or does Cloak simply remain active on both bars, once it's toggled on while single-barred? I assume it's not the second option, because that would be a major GCD saver and possibly a buff. The first option would IMO be fine. Either that or all the other actions that should cancel Cloak, mentioned above, would be fine. They would all be better than the devil of a magicka drain, if the only way of turning it off was manual.