Update Sep23
If range proc set stealth NB is major problem, just prevent caster go visibility after those proc effect triggered? For example, poison arrow, way of fire, sheer venom, let it force reveal caster’s invisible, then it solved problem and don’t ruin the class,
Make NB burst damage only possible in melee
Update Sep 19
The most attractive part of ESO is freedom of build, we build character for certain play style, stealth class with perm cloak is one of style, it better adjust investment/reward ratio, for example increase cost of cloak, the player need invest more in mag recover, then he lost offense/defense, also the anti stealth skill could further strengthen, for example increasing detect radius or durations, that far more better than eliminate this play style entirely
Eliminating this kind of stealth player style, especially NB cloak which already exsit for 10 years and many many player get fun from it , it not good solution by any means
ZOS please don’t balance the game with WOW mindset, as dev always want to define how player play the game, and perfect balance equal unify, as all class lost identity and get similar
Update Sep 18
This class lose identity , the dev seems aim at no stealth class in PVP, maybe for the incoming 2 side BG, to avoid 4 NB team and perm cloak
Need class redesign rather than only change the cloak which is core skill and all play style and build are base on this
The change of shadow cloak is purely nerf to ground, and no counter compensation on other skill adjustments, all current play style shall either impossible or much more difficult
1. once cast cloak, you go to "Invisible" status, it NOT auto switch to "Hide" status, unless you run out of Mana.
2. once cast cloak, the mana restore is 0, and drain mana 2xxx every 2 seconds, with 20k mana pool, you can only sustain invisible for 10 - 14 seconds.
3. Toggle off, need cast a skill which reveal "HIDE", or attack an enemy. refer to point 1, there no way to auto switch from "INVISIBLE" to "HIDE"
General impact: The stealth class gone in PVP ,it force NB to expose in blank sight and only cast shadow disguise when you want guaranteed critical, in 2 seconds and no more. As detect pot still 40m range, use it for escape is stupid as you burn mana under detect pot
the only vible NB build are range stem NB and melee tanker with other cloak morph, the former one could left all mana pool to cast Cloak, the later use other morph.
the mag NB range/melee is dead, it impossible to use mana to cast cloak and offence skill(spamable conceal weapon as example) at same time...because during invisible there 0 mana restore and drain mana constantly.
As incap and spectral bow designed as easy to miss, it expecting execution without notice by enemy, consequently incap will be useless as stealth approaches enemy with enough resource to release combo shall be hard core , because every body saw you in engage in combat then invisible in blank sight, every body know you need take action in 2 seconds, dare not to stay invisible more then 5 seconds, that to easy to counter.
currently melee NB need repeat cast cloak and approach enemy to release Incap, this play style is no more and if insist to do it will end at zero mana after incap

surpprisely the sorc hardward is not touched..(mistake here , get 33% healing nerf)