PTS Update 43 - Feedback Thread for Classes & Abilities

  • BananaBender
    TDVM wrote: »

    Bone Armor - Change Minor Resolve to something else since Vigor already has Minor Resolve, for example Minor Vitality it will be useful for pve and pvp

    Uh no. Keep Minor Resolve on Armor. Not being forced to run Vigor is one of the biggest buffs Necro is receiving this patch. Bar space is critical on Necro, and the actual heal from Vigor isn't necessary because you have a myriad of other great healing options.

    Umm no. Terrible Take.

    If you are a PvPer and you dont have vigor on, you are nerfing yourself for absolutely no reason.

    If you are a PvE DPS, you dont need an armor buff, but you're complaining about bar space?
    Put Vigor on, have a heal + Minor Resolve.

    If you are a PvE Tank/Heals, you should have vigor on for the heal, for the Resolve or to proc Powerful Assault.

    Vigor is one of the best heals in the game in any form of content, and should be on most builds.

    Having Minor Protection or Vitality would be more useful in nearly every situation.

    For PvE Necro tank, you don't need Vigor for healing in majority of the fights. You have scythe which is probably the best burst heal in the entire game if you have more than 1-2 targets. So it's only used in heal intensive fights and as a means to proc PA.

    Necro is already struggling to reach the armor cap compared to DK or Arcanists, so the easier access to Minor Resolve is a really good change. If you want Vitality, you can just scribe it and get the Major version.
  • not_Dezza
    Soul Shriven
    Some warden feedback mostly from pve perspective:

    1) Arctic blast.

    As many people mentioned, change for arctic blast is absolutely not needed. Since warden have pretty limited bar space, slotting additional skill for self heal in some content will be noticeable drop of efficiency. In PvP the subject of long lasting complains is another morph - polar wind, so its needs to be adjusted in terms of heal, not arctic blast

    I feel pretty ok with dmg change, but skill can't compare with other aoe spammables for warden cos of its cost.
    Maybe returning heal-on-cast, slightly reducing numbers and decreasing cost will be healthy idea.

    2) Piercing cold.

    Well unlinking wardens from ice staves is generally good i guess, but in the current state it def need more work. Firstly, i think wardens should not be deprived of the opportunity to use ice staves efficiently. Like some users above said, adding some few extra percent of dmg increasing while wearing ice staff and raising health cap is good idea tho.
    Also, if you want to develop this direction further, you should remove this line from Winter's Revenge: "This damage increases by 30% if cast with a Destruction Staff equipped" and just add innate 30% of dmg on this one.

    3) Overall.

    I think that this changes is pretty neutral except arctic blast. My opinion in terms of warden's PvE DD problems is lack of good innate spammaples and aoe damage.

    Spammaples: well both morps of Dive which is originally was intended to be spam abilities can't compare with their alternatives (rapid strakes, frost reach, even force shock). Especially Screaming Cliff Racer, it's def need some care. Changing damage type to frost and/or adding some aoe dmg component would be a good idea to think about.

    AOE: Ofc, in ST fight wardens still performs well, but last added content almost always requires DDs to have good splash dmg, which biases wardens (as well as nb's and sorcs) away. My suggestion here might be silly, but I've been thinking about this for a long time: adding two extra lines of hit to both morphs of scorch, diverging at an angle of 45 degrees from the character.
    Also changing damage type to frost on Deep Fissure would be interesting decision i guess, due to this morph almost never used on DDs. I guess this change could make it make it competitive for magdens.
    Edited by not_Dezza on July 11, 2024 1:24PM
  • Firstmep
    Templar, solar flare and dark flare morph.
    The buff to 10 seconds of empower is moot, as no heavy attack build will use this skill as spammable, when the other morph has 22 seconds of empower, is instant cast and adds passive damage.

    Lose the empower on dark flare and instead increase its damage, or maybe a buff that increases the damage of your next Dawn's wrath ability by x.
    Or better yet, make it proc overcharged on enemies hit by the damage or the major defile around the target.
    Also I think sunsphere should be a Dawn's wrath passive, activating any ability would proc it for 10 seconds. Could replace prism.

    Sadly there were no other templar changes, however multiple classes were given persistent buffs for slotting useful abilities on both bars, while we got minor recovery buff.
    My suggestion would be to add major savagery and prophecy to radiant aura on activation, it could apply to allies as well, similar to how dks give major sorcery and brutality.
    Edited by Firstmep on July 11, 2024 11:30AM
  • Zezin
    Like the Necro changes but would prefer if major prophecy/savagery syphon were an "while slotted on either bar" deal as you can't pre buff the skill, even worse for that is that we can't generate corpses for it before battle anymore.

    Edit: I don't necessarily think the same is needed for the skeletal mage/archer but having the duration of the buff be longer than the duration of the skill would be appreciated because with archer you really don't want to refresh it early as the last hits are the strongest.
    Edited by Zezin on July 11, 2024 1:19PM
  • spaceghost8
    Wardens have advanced species (increase your crit dmg by 4% for each animal companion ability slotted)

    Templars have piercing spear (increase crit dmg by 10% with an aedric spear ability slotted)

    Arcanists have fated fortune (increase crit dmg by 12% when u generate a crux or consume it)

    Nightblades have hemorrhage (increase crit dmg by 10%)

    Changing the Necro death knell passive to grant a base 5% crit chance for each grave lord ability slotted instead of 10% for each ability slotted against enemies under 25% health would be a great boost for the Necro

    It would be beneficial for both pve and pvp… limiting the need to have precise traits, thief mundus stone, slimecraw etc

    so necros can slot different weapon traits/mundus stones like shadow mundus or apprentice/warrior mundus for example to increase overall damage
  • Afterip

    Changing the Necro death knell passive to grant a base 5% crit chance for each grave lord ability slotted instead of 10% for each ability slotted against enemies under 25% health would be a great boost for the Necro

    It sounds great, but 5% crit chance is too much, 2% will be good.
  • Skjaldbjorn
    Afterip wrote: »

    Changing the Necro death knell passive to grant a base 5% crit chance for each grave lord ability slotted instead of 10% for each ability slotted against enemies under 25% health would be a great boost for the Necro

    It sounds great, but 5% crit chance is too much, 2% will be good.

    Yeah this kind of ignores the fact that crit damage is super easy to cap (in structured PVE content) and has a very clear cap where going over gets you nothing. Crit is good up to like ~90%, so giving crit in a passive is massively powerful compare to crit damage.
  • Deimus
    Quick note the animation for Summoner's Armor disappears from the character at 25 seconds, but Major/Minor Resolve lasts the full duration and the corpse will still drop at the 30 second mark if you are in combat. So just a visual discrepancy, but everything is still working as intended.
  • Deimus
    TDVM wrote: »

    Bone Armor - Change Minor Resolve to something else since Vigor already has Minor Resolve, for example Minor Vitality it will be useful for pve and pvp

    Uh no. Keep Minor Resolve on Armor. Not being forced to run Vigor is one of the biggest buffs Necro is receiving this patch. Bar space is critical on Necro, and the actual heal from Vigor isn't necessary because you have a myriad of other great healing options.

    Umm no. Terrible Take.

    If you are a PvPer and you dont have vigor on, you are nerfing yourself for absolutely no reason.

    If you are a PvE DPS, you dont need an armor buff, but you're complaining about bar space?
    Put Vigor on, have a heal + Minor Resolve.

    If you are a PvE Tank/Heals, you should have vigor on for the heal, for the Resolve or to proc Powerful Assault.

    Vigor is one of the best heals in the game in any form of content, and should be on most builds.

    Having Minor Protection or Vitality would be more useful in nearly every situation.

    I completely disagree. One of the bigger issues with the class was it had no real estate for actual class skills due to them not having necessary buffs, being underpowered, or being too clunky. Giving Minor Resolve to Bone Armor allows Necro players to use skills that are theoretically good, but still bad compared to generic skill lines alternatives. Vigor is a very very good skill with burst heal and a Minor buff. Now from a Necro pov the only thing it has is that very good heal allowing skills like Spirit Mender, Mortal Coil and Bitter Harvest to look like viable alternatives and giving the class bar space to use the skills that would be collecting dust in the spell book. Same with Major Prophecy/Savagery on Shocking Siphon. Now I can drop Mage Light or Expert Hunter and replace it with a now competitive skill or a utility skill I purposely went without due to lack of bar space. Also Minor Protection is already in the class kit, but tied to one of those skills that didn't get much use.
  • i11ionward
    My feedback on Smash. I like this skill and would like to have it in my build, but it's clumsy, it's hard to hit a target that is moving. My suggestions for this skill are in order of priority, with 1 being the highest priority:
    1. Increase the cone angle to make it easier to hit, a similar change was recently made for Dawnbreaker for exactly the same reason.
    2. Make the application time at least 0.4 seconds.
    3. Increase the radius of the cone to 9m or 10m.
    4. Remove the flight time of projectiles (yes, even with the cast time, this skill still has the noticeable flight time of projectiles).
  • spaceghost8
    Afterip wrote: »

    Changing the Necro death knell passive to grant a base 5% crit chance for each grave lord ability slotted instead of 10% for each ability slotted against enemies under 25% health would be a great boost for the Necro

    It sounds great, but 5% crit chance is too much, 2% will be good.

    Yeah this kind of ignores the fact that crit damage is super easy to cap (in structured PVE content) and has a very clear cap where going over gets you nothing. Crit is good up to like ~90%, so giving crit in a passive is massively powerful compare to crit damage.

    Yes necro needs its own powerful thing, every other class has it, this would be it for the necro, it would compensate for the overall low dmg of the class… Crit chance has diminishing returns after 60% because at that point you will already be criting almost all of your damage anyways

    This is why most dps usually stop at 50% crit chance and use the rest of their spending power on crit damage or nirnhoned/increase status effect chance traits instead of precise which would give them even more crit chance
  • MashmalloMan
    Regarding Warden changes I like the general direction taken this patch, but it's half baked. Stam warden has been forgotten in an effort to make frost staff warden viable. Always 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

    The idea of class passives being attached to a weapon never made any sense, but it was necessary to prop up frost staff because it lacks damage passives. Look at sorc and dk, they lean more towards the shock and fire staves, but nothing in their kit specifically states the requirement.

    Ice staff needs the same warden treatment relating to a health threshold that gives tank or DPS based passives. This is brilliant and fixes a long standing issue. Although, 30k is way too little, it should be at least 35-40k. A pve tank can easily hit this, pretty much all PVP builds use at least 30k hp as a baseline so it's not much of a choice. The only place you have below 30k is pve dps.

    Changes like these are needed for destro staff:
    • "When health above 40,000 increase block mitigation and reduce block cost. When health below 40,000 increase crit chance by 6%."
    • "When health above 40,000 fully charged heavy attacks grant a damage shield. When health below 40,000 fully charged heavy attacks spawn an ice spike that deals x damage and slows nearby enemies."
    • "Chilled status effect now always applies minor brittle without the need of an ice staff equiped." Since ice staff now has its own damage passives, it no longer requires a unique debuff that can now be obtained by many other sources like sets and arcanist.

    Gonna disagree with you on a few points.

    1. Staves absolutely should not have a crit passive until the 2h line does.

    2. 40k is too high for PVE tanks. Many tanks find the sweet spot to be in the 35-38k range depending on content. ~32k is about right.

    3. Stam Warden is directly helped with this change, so not sure why you're saying they're forgotten. Unless you mean by the former iteration that force ice staves, then I'd agree obviously.

    1. I'm not married to the crit chance, it was just a suggestion, but I don't see the revelance of 2H in this discussion. It has it's own problems that even crit chance wouldn't solve. Bows have 6% crit chance, and another 6% from range, yet they're not meta either. The point is ice staff can have a DPS and tank bonus built in the passive the same way warden has this patch, crit chance just happens to compliment minor brittle well and the specific damage types of direct vs dot are already taken, so a general one is needed.

    2. 30k is too easy especially for a warden and will only really work for PVE DPS which we agree on. I'd personally prefer 35kish which I guess aligns with your 32k. 32k imo is a bit too easy with health food, 1x trainee, and something like DDF mythic in a PVP scenario when adding minor toughness. 35k would be my preferred sweet spot for both pve and pvp.

    3. Yes. I'm saying the current design forgot about stam warden, which is probably why the new design is being implemented, but now it's forgetting ice staff needs that extra bonus to make it viable for warden. The first solution is updating staves like I suggested, but I'd also prefer them to move back to a frost damage bonus rather than a general bonus. Something like bleed/frost damage +5% to parallel how well dk/sorc are designed, but maybe a bit more oomf for the chilled passive to compliment it or adding a bleed passive too.
    Edited by MashmalloMan on July 11, 2024 9:42PM
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Skjaldbjorn
    3. Yes. I'm saying the current design forgot about stam warden, which is probably why the new design is being implemented, but now it's forgetting ice staff needs that extra bonus to make it viable for warden. The first solution is updating staves like I suggested, but I'd also prefer them to move back to a frost damage bonus rather than a general bonus. Something like bleed/frost damage +5% to parallel how well dk/sorc are designed.

    But again, that misses exceptionally hard barring a complete overhaul of damage types in the Warden kit.

    Birb: Bleed/Magic
    Bugs: Bleed/Magic
    Shalks: Poison/Magic
    Bear: Bleed/Magic
    Arctic: Frost
    Winter's: Frost

    If we assume Zos isn't going to overhaul all those damage types, (they've given no indication they are, in fact they've seemed to explicitly avoid doing so thus far despite altering other skills damage types in our kit) then a bleed/frost damage bonus would actually be staggeringly worse than the 8% we're getting now. Stam birb and bugs aren't really used, even for Stam, because they're just bad skills. I don't see that changing. The bear would get a buff, but shalks, our best DPS skill, would get nothing.

    So for now, barring a top down overhaul of damage types for our skills, this is definitively the best option.
  • Tinkerhorn
    Being as optimistic as I can about the changes for Necro and as great as it is for Necro to be getting some love and buffs after all this time, the problem of it struggling to have or maintain any meaningful damage remains and the changes do not compensate or provide any meaningful return from the loss of Stalking Blastbones. In PvP the Necro outside of tankiness and niche uses Necro is only frustrating, difficult, and unrewarding to play and it will continue to be worth running any alternative class instead. I will never understand (not that the reasoning is provided) why Stalking was deleted and Blighted was left and the hole that created is not really touched with the changes/buffs put forward.
    Now even though it's against popular demand and for whatever reason the extreme stubborness not to return Stalking or the modifier of stalking to Blighted, the class does require more access to damage or the ability to build more in to damage than it currently has.
  • Olen_Mikko
    I'm an NB enthusiastic and i do like the changes to switching some abilities skill trees. As a ranged magblade, i now find it actually a bit easier to maintain the shadow barrier passive in PvP, while having bit more health on my backbar instead of critical chance.

    Big fan of this change!
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • FoJul
    Telos_Tim wrote: »
    Udrath wrote: »
    Buff nova and increase brightness please.

    Call down THE sun, dealing 125000 Sun Damage every 1 second for 8 seconds to enemies in the ZONE and afflicting them with SUNBURN, reducing them to ash if they are a vampire. An ally near the SUN can activate the Gravity Crush synergy, dealing 250000 Omega Sun Damage to all enemies in Tamriel and stunning them for 5 seconds.

    I know you’re being facetious, but Nova, among other never used Templar skills are terrible and could use a rework.

    There are maybe 5/32 Templar skills that are weighted well enough to be worth using…

    Radiant Glory
    Total Dark
    Extended Ritual
    Honor the Dead
    Restoring Rune

    Everything else? There are better options either through Scribing, generic skill lines, or on other classes.

    Yeah jabs and backlash, the core of the dps playstyle.
  • Yamenstein
    Necro feedback.

    Please replace where you have placed the new buffs. Or work it into the passives. The changes are only useful for PvE.

    For example make it a passive when a corpse is consumed then you get major brutality. I’m assuming you didn’t want the buffs easily accessible in PvP and would rather players use scribed skills? If that’s the case then at least say it. Another alternative would be to add it to blastbones.

    Skeletal Arcanist also still hits like a wet noodle. Please buff.

    Grave grasp is still meh and very situational. Please just re work it completely.

    You have made a small step in the right direction but please for the love that is talos actually communicate with the players and take on feedback.
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
  • Yamenstein
    Metafae wrote: »
    About Arcanist's Abyssal Impact morphs, the nerf was not necessary.

    The problem here is these two morphs are not competing with each other. Tentacular Dread competes with Fatecarver.
    Cephaliarch's Flail builds crux. Tentacular Dread consumes it. I don't use Cephaliarch's because it is always better. I use it because it does not consume Crux. If I am beaming, I will never use Tentacular Dread not matter how much the other morph is nerfed (because I will use the unspectacular Runeblades to build Crux).

    If the reason is Arcanists are already broken for DPS, then say that in the actual explanation, rather than a Red Herrring about morph choices. And then resolve the actual issue: the combination of specific gear combination of Deadly and Velothi coupled with the centerpiece of class's damage: the Beam. After all, that is what is competing with the Tentacular Dread morph that nobody uses.

    Arcanist already have zero delayed burst skills in their kit, thus making them proc Bots for PvP. Cephaliarch's nerf will just unnecessarily hurt Arcanists - who nobody fears offensively in PvP - who actually want to use that morph for PvP.

    Not necessary and the wrong approach to making the other morph desirable.

    Pretty much this.

    It's the fact one generates and the other consumes.

    My only issue with flail is that it does a lot and allows a player to dump all their crux on defence when in PvP. Sure add back the execute - but make it use crux instead.
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
  • tomofhyrule
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Metafae wrote: »
    About Arcanist's Abyssal Impact morphs, the nerf was not necessary.

    The problem here is these two morphs are not competing with each other. Tentacular Dread competes with Fatecarver.
    Cephaliarch's Flail builds crux. Tentacular Dread consumes it. I don't use Cephaliarch's because it is always better. I use it because it does not consume Crux. If I am beaming, I will never use Tentacular Dread not matter how much the other morph is nerfed (because I will use the unspectacular Runeblades to build Crux).

    If the reason is Arcanists are already broken for DPS, then say that in the actual explanation, rather than a Red Herrring about morph choices. And then resolve the actual issue: the combination of specific gear combination of Deadly and Velothi coupled with the centerpiece of class's damage: the Beam. After all, that is what is competing with the Tentacular Dread morph that nobody uses.

    Arcanist already have zero delayed burst skills in their kit, thus making them proc Bots for PvP. Cephaliarch's nerf will just unnecessarily hurt Arcanists - who nobody fears offensively in PvP - who actually want to use that morph for PvP.

    Not necessary and the wrong approach to making the other morph desirable.

    Pretty much this.

    It's the fact one generates and the other consumes.

    My only issue with flail is that it does a lot and allows a player to dump all their crux on defence when in PvP. Sure add back the execute - but make it use crux instead.

    That would definitely be an interesting case if the Dread morph got the execute scaling instead. Perhaps something that'll also scale the execute for more crux.

    It'd be an interesting way to get people to favor Dread over Fatecarver (which is the real goal here - people aren't going to run the crux-consuming morph of tentacles while they can build it up instead to unload a beam).
  • Spiralup
    Soul Shriven
    Arcanist Cephalarc Flail change will not address complaints.

    First, thank you ZOS for your hard work on addressing complaints and continued efforts to balance the game, im sure its not easy and usually thankless, most of us really do appreciate your hard work.

    I play almost exclusively for PVP and arcanist is already a low tier threat there. Losing a class execute and a small reliable heal in that skill leaves you with only runeblades as a crux generator which is a pretty bad skill in PVP I dont see anyone using it.
    Flail Having a .3 cast time and being a straight line AOE means its already pretty difficult to land so the reward for landing it should be high. Without that little heal youre left with Runemend which seems to prefer healing your team mate rather than yourself when you need it the most.

    The change to Tentacular Dread is great. Arcanist famously has no burst option and Im fine with the idea of having to choose between a class execute and a class burst Morph.

    If you need to adjust the ability, why not just have the execute scale only on the the closest enemy hit (similar to templar jabs)?

    I dont see anyone complaining about Arcanists being over powered in PVP but do see lots of complaints about them in PVE. The proposed change to Flail will do almost nothing to their damage numbers in PVE so I dont see who this nerf is supposed to be for.

    Finally, why nerf this class at all? Why not just make improvements to classes that feel left behind so people are excited about updates instead of dreading them. It doesnt feel good to come back to ESO for a specific class, pay for it, spend tens of millions of gold and 100's of hours of play to make it as fun and effective as possible only to have it unnecessarily nerfed.


  • master_vanargand
    However, ZoS do it's natural to decide that it is OP and nerf Arcanist.
    You can easily understand this by looking at the history of ESO.
    Make a new class OP, sell it, then nerf it. Yes, business as usual.
  • TDVM
    Briefly what needs to be done for pvp:

    dk - up, increase fire damage by 5-10%
    plar - up, Reduce total damage from Radiant Destruction by 50% during the kill phase, and increase damage by 30-40% for the other damaging skills
    sorc - nerf, reduce healing from shields by 50%+
    nb - nerf, reduce total damage by 10-15%
    warden - mini up, you can give more frost and cold damage
    arcanist - mini nerf, damage skills are not to be touched, just a little less survivability.
    necro - big up, just give it all the debuffs in the game so it's useful as the class that can debuff a target the most among all classes.

    Now in about this general top by class in pvp:

    1) mana sorc
    2) arcanist
    3) nb
    4) warden
    5) dk

  • topsecretagentx
    Soul Shriven
    My feedback is please fix the completely underperforming NB in PVE. The numbers are out there and have been posted. There are plenty of graphs, charts, testimonials and the aggregate data from ESO Logs out there on the forums that have validated this already. NB PVE DPS buff is needed badly. They are not competitive in PVE and for those of us who main a NB this alienates us from content. The recent changes to Siphoning Strikes and Shadow Cloak really do not enhance DPS at all since they are both non-DPS skills which have limited application, especially since NB generally does not have sustain issues in PVE.

    To the guy above who says NB needs a 10-15% DPS Nerf, they did that last patch, when Major Berserk was removed from the NB toolkit. PVE DPS is weakest in the class spectrum now with still an overly sophisticated rotation and no payout for learning it. Also, zero cleave at all. It has become demoralizing. NB damage is not your problem in PVP. If you are interested in levelling the playing field with NB in PVP, I have your solution right here:


    NB should not be punished because players lack the motivation to slot detection potions. I am sure that is 99% of people in here complaining NBs kill them too much and yes I have tested this hypothesis in actual gameplay and found it to be 100% accurate. NBs will go for the easiest perceived kill (like any player, just watch a BatlleGround match). You carry these you are not the easiest anymore.

    Give NB a themed Spammable. After the Nerf last patch Concealed is just inferior.

    In my opinion only the Arcanist needs a nerf. You now have players mashing 3-4 buttons to exceed the DPS of players who run a calculated 8-10 button rotation. The worst part about this is player arrogance and elevated toxicity. Yes this is a thing, like the OakenSorcs that would run the Wayrest for their gear then run-- through all the enemies-- ahead of entire groups of new players who were trying to learn the game because the OakenSorcs were unkillable in Normal Dungeons. There were actually players who felt superior when they did this and treated their group with contempt.

    So, Class Balance is a thing. Please address.

  • master_vanargand
    In my experience, if you use detect pot when fighting NB in ​​PvP, you can easily kill NB with 90%+ probability.
    If you can't kill NB even with detect pot, you have a problem with palying or builds.

    Then, actually there is a way to buff PvE DPS NB without affecting PvP.
    It is to buff a skill that PvP NB does not use.
    For example, strengthen Soul Harvest. This ult skill does not use of PvP NB.
    And Twisting Path, Dark Shade, etc. It's easy idea.
  • IncultaWolf
    However, ZoS do it's natural to decide that it is OP and nerf Arcanist.
    You can easily understand this by looking at the history of ESO.
    Make a new class OP, sell it, then nerf it. Yes, business as usual.

    Yup, people who bought necromancer day 1 remember
  • ToRelax
    In my experience, if you use detect pot when fighting NB in ​​PvP, you can easily kill NB with 90%+ probability.
    If you can't kill NB even with detect pot, you have a problem with palying or builds.

    Good players don't just die because you can see them.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • master_vanargand
    ToRelax wrote: »
    In my experience, if you use detect pot when fighting NB in ​​PvP, you can easily kill NB with 90%+ probability.
    If you can't kill NB even with detect pot, you have a problem with palying or builds.

    Good players don't just die because you can see them.

    Yes, the 10% of good NB may survive.
    But the 90% of NB will be panicked and unable to make rational decisions and will die.
    In short, Detect Pot is great and if you hate NB, use it.
    Edited by master_vanargand on July 13, 2024 2:44AM
  • ToRelax
    ToRelax wrote: »
    In my experience, if you use detect pot when fighting NB in ​​PvP, you can easily kill NB with 90%+ probability.
    If you can't kill NB even with detect pot, you have a problem with palying or builds.

    Good players don't just die because you can see them.

    Yes, the 10% of good NB may survive.
    But the 90% of NB will be panicked and unable to make rational decisions and will die.
    In short, Detect Pot is great and if you hate NB, use it.

    Sure, but that's the same for any class.
    Just saying not being able to kill a NB with detection doesn't have to mean anything for your build or ability.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • master_vanargand
    There are no Pot that remove enemy players' damage shields or that purge all of player own DoT, but there are Detect Pot that negate stealth, a key survival tactic for the Nightblade.
    What I'm saying is "Use it", only it.
    Further discussion goes against the purpose of this official thread so I will remain silent for a while.
  • Lalothen
    Being able to cast GLS outside of combat is a good change, but it still doesn't close the clear DPS gap between using it vs. using Blighted, nor does it deal with how starved GLS users are for corpses in combat. I don't want to be pigeonholed into using Skulls as a spammable, forced to wear a tank set, or forced to constantly have the class mastery script incorporated into whatever Scribing skill(s) I use in my rotation just to get decent corpse generation; these restrictions strike me as the antithesis of the "play your way" mantra that's been peddled for the last decade.

    I would much prefer GLS to jump to the caster and cause PBAoE damage - with a similar tooltip to Pulsar or Soul Burst - in addition to giving the buff. This would allow GLS users to use the ability as part of their normal rotation to generate corpses and do melee range AoE damage. The buff itself could then be reviewed and tweaked if necessary to ensure GLS builds don't pull ahead of Blighted builds.
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