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Where is the ink?

  • Alpheu5
    EF321 wrote: »
    ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things

    Here's your problem.

    Imagine this thread was about dummy parses, and you complain that you can't pull 140k while doing other things simultaneously with parsing, like furnishing your house in the middle of the parse...

    Some people would rather engage with the game than play connect-the-dots with rocks and flowers while a movie plays on another monitor.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • Necrotech_Master
    EF321 wrote: »
    ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things

    Here's your problem.

    Imagine this thread was about dummy parses, and you complain that you can't pull 140k while doing other things simultaneously with parsing, like furnishing your house in the middle of the parse...

    i in fact also hate parsing target dummies, i would rather parse a WB than a target dummy

    if you cant casually pick up ink harvesting nodes on the way to a quest location, and the only real way to get a useable amount of it is to basically bot farm nodes, the drop rate is far too low
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • reiverx
    EF321 wrote: »
    ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things

    Here's your problem.

    Imagine this thread was about dummy parses, and you complain that you can't pull 140k while doing other things simultaneously with parsing, like furnishing your house in the middle of the parse...

    This isn't a thread about dummy parses. Nobody is complaining about not pulling 140k while doing other things. Nobody is trying to furnish their house in the middle of a parse.

    This is a false equivalency argument. It has nothing to do with the drop rate of luminous ink.
  • rabb1t_ESO
    This one adding to the thread of not finding inks.

    Finished the quest. Since then been pulling dailies for delves, world bosses, even some archive runs, dungeons to get the class script pages...

    This one has gotten 2, maybe 3 total inks. The drop rate for the hours played is probably somewhere around 1 Ink per 20-25 hours of qualifying activities. This is total BS. This is an unacceptable drop rate for a white item, especially one required for a key feature of the expansion people have paid for.

    For the moment this one is giving up doing regular activities and going to rob alts doing the main questline for the guaranteed 12. There's no way that quest line will be the matching 240 hours that would line up with the post quest line drop rate.

    It is unacceptable that players have to re-run the questline to get a reasonable drop rate. In an archive cycle to the boss there should be effectively a guaranteed drop. In a vet dungeon there should be at least one guaranteed drop. Daily delve or world boss quest turn ins should have probably a 25% chance to drop, if not higher.
  • DenverRalphy
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    The 500 achievement gives you nothing. No reward, nothing in game attached to it. It's one of those Long Term achievements that only mean that you've been doing it a long long time. It's not meant to be done instantly. So really, no sympathy there.

    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Well I found out there is no cooldown, I got 6 almost in a row (3 nodes with double drops) in Bal Foyen. Up to 270/500, so kina is what it is. I suspect ink will be under 25-30k in another week or two.

    again, as its been stated multiple times in this thread, by multiple people, not everyone is having this kind of luck

    ive farmed bleakrock for 45 min before i got 1 ink, hitting every node within sight, this was basically my breaking point on the "its too rare to bother farming" scale

    It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of knowing how to farm it effectively. If you utilize your alts, you can find a couple of them each day that are running an above average seed.

    It's like farming anything else (ie.. furnishing plans). I run 10 toons total. Each day after reset their RNG seeds reset when they login for the firt time. Out of those 10, 3 - 6 of them will be about average in luck. 1 or 2 will be above average, 1 or 2 will be below average, 1 or 2 will be hopeless, and sometimes 1 or 2 will be phenomenal.

    You just gotta cycle through your alts until you hit one that does above average or better. Then repeat the process each day.

    But if you're just gonna farm and farm and farm on one or two toons, you're rarely ever gonna see those hot streaks.

    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG
    And how is not being able to quickly complete an achievement that's designed to take a long time to finish, equate to your claim "the problem is we cant use the new system now"?

  • Necrotech_Master
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    The 500 achievement gives you nothing. No reward, nothing in game attached to it. It's one of those Long Term achievements that only mean that you've been doing it a long long time. It's not meant to be done instantly. So really, no sympathy there.

    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Well I found out there is no cooldown, I got 6 almost in a row (3 nodes with double drops) in Bal Foyen. Up to 270/500, so kina is what it is. I suspect ink will be under 25-30k in another week or two.

    again, as its been stated multiple times in this thread, by multiple people, not everyone is having this kind of luck

    ive farmed bleakrock for 45 min before i got 1 ink, hitting every node within sight, this was basically my breaking point on the "its too rare to bother farming" scale

    It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of knowing how to farm it effectively. If you utilize your alts, you can find a couple of them each day that are running an above average seed.

    It's like farming anything else (ie.. furnishing plans). I run 10 toons total. Each day after reset their RNG seeds reset when they login for the firt time. Out of those 10, 3 - 6 of them will be about average in luck. 1 or 2 will be above average, 1 or 2 will be below average, 1 or 2 will be hopeless, and sometimes 1 or 2 will be phenomenal.

    You just gotta cycle through your alts until you hit one that does above average or better. Then repeat the process each day.

    But if you're just gonna farm and farm and farm on one or two toons, you're rarely ever gonna see those hot streaks.

    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG
    And how is not being able to quickly complete an achievement that's designed to take a long time to finish, equate to your claim "the problem is we cant use the new system now"?

    even scribing 1 skill (other than the freebie wield soul) for more my 10 alts is 30 ink

    if i wanted more than 1 skill, or to change scripts on a skill, that costs more ink

    there is no way to experiment with different scribing skill setups because it all costs ink

    and before you say it, no, absolutely no way am i wasting 900k (30k gold per ink x 30) gold on buying ink just to experiment with different script combinations to see what works best for the character, multiply that by 10 characters, multiply that by every scribe skill i want to try to use

    this is all derivative of a low drop rate of ink, essentially making the system unusable for me, both to finish achievements, and to actually attempt to you know, experiment with scribe skills
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • CrashTest
    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG

    ive tried farming nodes on at least 3 different characters, for the same amount of time each, absolutely nothing has helped, tell me to "keep trying on another character" is absolutely not helpful, in fact ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things and i get nothing, or i get 1 random ink drop here or there

    as i noted, i dont find farming nodes like a bot fun, and telling me to just keep doing that on different characters isnt solving the problem or helping in any way

    ink drops from enemies arent any better, i farmed enough enemies to fully complete the echo of the abolisher collectible from west weald public dungeons, in that entire time, i got 1 ink drop (i probably spent like an hour and half on this)

    at this point, ive already basically resigned myself from using the system, mostly because i really cant due to the lack of ink drops from normal gameplay

    Isn't it maddening when you say you farm like a bot and get nothing and then customers with good luck insist there's nothing wrong even though some will actually say just spend mind-numbing hours picking nodes or make alts as if that actually makes the horrendous RNG grind better lol? It's as if they can't understand that you just want to play the ESO content you enjoy, not play Animal Crossing simulator with the nodes.

    The total tone deafness to what's actually being said is astounding at this point.
  • Necrotech_Master
    CrashTest wrote: »
    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG

    ive tried farming nodes on at least 3 different characters, for the same amount of time each, absolutely nothing has helped, tell me to "keep trying on another character" is absolutely not helpful, in fact ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things and i get nothing, or i get 1 random ink drop here or there

    as i noted, i dont find farming nodes like a bot fun, and telling me to just keep doing that on different characters isnt solving the problem or helping in any way

    ink drops from enemies arent any better, i farmed enough enemies to fully complete the echo of the abolisher collectible from west weald public dungeons, in that entire time, i got 1 ink drop (i probably spent like an hour and half on this)

    at this point, ive already basically resigned myself from using the system, mostly because i really cant due to the lack of ink drops from normal gameplay

    Isn't it maddening when you say you farm like a bot and get nothing and then customers with good luck insist there's nothing wrong even though some will actually say just spend mind-numbing hours picking nodes or make alts as if that actually makes the horrendous RNG grind better lol? It's as if they can't understand that you just want to play the ESO content you enjoy, not play Animal Crossing simulator with the nodes.

    The total tone deafness to what's actually being said is astounding at this point.

    for some of the responses yeah, its like they havent been reading the thread lol

    ive done my fair share of grinds, but most of those were for 1 time items (monster trophies comes to mind, one of which took me a combined 16 hours of farm time)

    the inks are meant to be a consumable resource, i mean imagine if for whatever reason, they changed crafting materials such as ore to only give you 1 drop a day, but you still needed 150 ingots to make a cp160 item, thats kind of what the ink feels like right now

    there was even one day i spent 30 min farming material nodes hoping to get some ink and i kid you not got an aetherial dust before i got an ink

    the ink doesnt quite feel as rare as aetherial dust (thats the first aetherial dust i think ive ever gotten "naturally" in my play since aetherial dust existed), but the ink is definitely too rare to be used in the consumable fashion the scribing system is expecting to use it
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • CGPsaint
    The fact that you cannot scribe a specific skill and save it to a build in the armory and then scribe a different version of the skill for a different build makes the lack of ink all the more appalling. As it stands, the scribing system is a complete waste of time until ink is more readily available. Just my two cents.
    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • ESO_player123

    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    While I agree that the drop rate should be increased (with possible new sources for PvP), I do not see the argument about 500 ink achievement relevant here. I think this is supposed to be a kind of long term goal for those who are interested in it. Kind of comparable to the monster trophies achievement except it will take way less time, requires less specific activities (no seeking out specific plant or monster types), and actually has noting locked behind it (no dyes, just an achievement).
  • MidniteOwl1913
    CrashTest wrote: »
    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG

    ive tried farming nodes on at least 3 different characters, for the same amount of time each, absolutely nothing has helped, tell me to "keep trying on another character" is absolutely not helpful, in fact ive tried harvesting nodes on any character ive been on while working on other things and i get nothing, or i get 1 random ink drop here or there

    as i noted, i dont find farming nodes like a bot fun, and telling me to just keep doing that on different characters isnt solving the problem or helping in any way

    ink drops from enemies arent any better, i farmed enough enemies to fully complete the echo of the abolisher collectible from west weald public dungeons, in that entire time, i got 1 ink drop (i probably spent like an hour and half on this)

    at this point, ive already basically resigned myself from using the system, mostly because i really cant due to the lack of ink drops from normal gameplay

    Isn't it maddening when you say you farm like a bot and get nothing and then customers with good luck insist there's nothing wrong even though some will actually say just spend mind-numbing hours picking nodes or make alts as if that actually makes the horrendous RNG grind better lol? It's as if they can't understand that you just want to play the ESO content you enjoy, not play Animal Crossing simulator with the nodes.

    The total tone deafness to what's actually being said is astounding at this point.

    Or spend mind-numbing hours farming nodes and still get nothing, and they insist that luck isn't to blame? Seriously I wonder at the logic.
  • Necrotech_Master
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    While I agree that the drop rate should be increased (with possible new sources for PvP), I do not see the argument about 500 ink achievement relevant here. I think this is supposed to be a kind of long term goal for those who are interested in it. Kind of comparable to the monster trophies achievement except it will take way less time, requires less specific activities (no seeking out specific plant or monster types), and actually has noting locked behind it (no dyes, just an achievement).

    the problem is that monster trophy drops are 1 and done, as soon as you get the drop your done, and some of them did take me awhile

    ink on the other hand is meant to be a consumable that your supposed to get larger quantities of to make use of, the quantity the achievement doesnt really matter much to me, its the drop rate

    to take another example, they added new achievements for filleting fish after they added the ability to bulk fillet them at a provisioning station, i dont enjoy fishing but felt like i could more steadily make progress on it, even though the last tier of the achievement needed 1000 fish to fillet, even with that quantity and not really enjoying fishing that much, it was still doable because you can get fish at a decent rate

    on the other hand, 500 ink at the current drop rate is absurd, mostly since theres no "guaranteed" drops except the 1 time per toon scribing questline
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
    I can understand that some players have a hard time farming for Ink.

    Now everyone here that own Gold Road knows that you dont need to scribe 4000 combinations, you dont need thousands of Ink.

    Lets say someone want to gold out their jewelry and gear they often buy the gold mats on Guildtrader, If I need to gold out a build right now I just go and buy the mats, I dont go on forum saying they need to increase drop rate of mats.

    If you cant farm it, just buy it like anything else in this game?

    1 Ink for first daily quest in Infinite Archive could maybe stop players in this thread from saying drop rate of Ink is a Bug, As I see there is like 5 people in this thread that complains about Ink drops daily, there probably hundreds on forum that dont complain and alot more in game.
  • Necrotech_Master
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    I can understand that some players have a hard time farming for Ink.

    Now everyone here that own Gold Road knows that you dont need to scribe 4000 combinations, you dont need thousands of Ink.

    Lets say someone want to gold out their jewelry and gear they often buy the gold mats on Guildtrader, If I need to gold out a build right now I just go and buy the mats, I dont go on forum saying they need to increase drop rate of mats.

    If you cant farm it, just buy it like anything else in this game?

    1 Ink for first daily quest in Infinite Archive could maybe stop players in this thread from saying drop rate of Ink is a Bug, As I see there is like 5 people in this thread that complains about Ink drops daily, there probably hundreds on forum that dont complain and alot more in game.

    i actually would have thought ink would be more common in the archive considering we are killing enemies made out of ink, i would really like if they added ink to the archive repeatable for sure

    and as noted earlier, the problem with buying ink is it doesnt help complete other things, like achievements, those require you to get the drops yourself, buying does not solve that problem, and the only alternative to farming like a bot is rerunning that extremely repetitive questline on alts (which can also only be done 1 time per alt, so theres no repeatable sources)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • ESO_player123
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    While I agree that the drop rate should be increased (with possible new sources for PvP), I do not see the argument about 500 ink achievement relevant here. I think this is supposed to be a kind of long term goal for those who are interested in it. Kind of comparable to the monster trophies achievement except it will take way less time, requires less specific activities (no seeking out specific plant or monster types), and actually has noting locked behind it (no dyes, just an achievement).

    the problem is that monster trophy drops are 1 and done, as soon as you get the drop your done, and some of them did take me awhile

    ink on the other hand is meant to be a consumable that your supposed to get larger quantities of to make use of, the quantity the achievement doesnt really matter much to me, its the drop rate

    to take another example, they added new achievements for filleting fish after they added the ability to bulk fillet them at a provisioning station, i dont enjoy fishing but felt like i could more steadily make progress on it, even though the last tier of the achievement needed 1000 fish to fillet, even with that quantity and not really enjoying fishing that much, it was still doable because you can get fish at a decent rate

    on the other hand, 500 ink at the current drop rate is absurd, mostly since theres no "guaranteed" drops except the 1 time per toon scribing questline

    I still do not see the issue with 500 inks achievement. Eventually, sooner or later we can get it with no detours to do something special (granted, it's harder for PvPers since they do not have a PvP source of ink). And since absolutely NOTHING is gated behind it, I do not see why we can't just ignore it and get it when we get it.
  • EdjeSwift

    I still do not see the issue with 500 inks achievement. Eventually, sooner or later we can get it with no detours to do something special (granted, it's harder for PvPers since they do not have a PvP source of ink). And since absolutely NOTHING is gated behind it, I do not see why we can't just ignore it and get it when we get it.

    I 100% agree with you, but for some folk, achievements matter. I personally don't understand it, for me achievements and their points are largely irrelevant to my gameplay. The only time I find achievements relevant are when there are nice toys or shinies attached to them, but in this case, there isn't.

    I personally see nothing wrong with achievements taking a long time, it's not the first time I've seen it, it won't be the last. One of my games in my library has an achievement time gated behind 365 log ins, I'm not up in arms over it, I just play when I want.

    As for the ink issue, I'm with the folks who are looking to the future, inks will be plentiful when the next grimoires/scripts drop, but for now, because it's less than a month, yes, it hasn't even been a month, people are still up in arms over their dearth of ink despite the empirical evidence that it is dropping in significant numbers to be on the market for other people to sell. Sure, it's not easy/desirable for people to farm them, but neither was columbine and it came down to farm or buy for that too.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Jaraal
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    While I agree that the drop rate should be increased (with possible new sources for PvP), I do not see the argument about 500 ink achievement relevant here. I think this is supposed to be a kind of long term goal for those who are interested in it. Kind of comparable to the monster trophies achievement except it will take way less time, requires less specific activities (no seeking out specific plant or monster types), and actually has noting locked behind it (no dyes, just an achievement).

    the problem is that monster trophy drops are 1 and done, as soon as you get the drop your done, and some of them did take me awhile

    ink on the other hand is meant to be a consumable that your supposed to get larger quantities of to make use of, the quantity the achievement doesnt really matter much to me, its the drop rate

    to take another example, they added new achievements for filleting fish after they added the ability to bulk fillet them at a provisioning station, i dont enjoy fishing but felt like i could more steadily make progress on it, even though the last tier of the achievement needed 1000 fish to fillet, even with that quantity and not really enjoying fishing that much, it was still doable because you can get fish at a decent rate

    on the other hand, 500 ink at the current drop rate is absurd, mostly since theres no "guaranteed" drops except the 1 time per toon scribing questline

    I still do not see the issue with 500 inks achievement. Eventually, sooner or later we can get it with no detours to do something special (granted, it's harder for PvPers since they do not have a PvP source of ink). And since absolutely NOTHING is gated behind it, I do not see why we can't just ignore it and get it when we get it.

    Especially when you compare it to the Black Market Mogul achievement, which not only requires you to earn 1,000,000 gold on a single character by selling stolen items to a fence, but also has a furnishing and one of the best dyes in the game locked behind it. I'm actually shocked that there's no reward for collecting 500 inks. But I still think it's easier to acquire all those inks than get the BMM achievement, which is also time gated behind a 140 item per day limit.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • EdjeSwift
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Especially when you compare it to the Black Market Mogul achievement, which not only requires you to earn 1,000,000 gold on a single character by selling stolen items to a fence, but also has a furnishing and one of the best dyes in the game locked behind it. I'm actually shocked that there's no reward for collecting 500 inks. But I still think it's easier to acquire all those inks than get the BMM achievement, which is also time gated behind a 140 item per day limit.

    Slight correction here, I concur with your point, however, the achievement is account wide and can be earned across all characters now.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Jaraal
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Especially when you compare it to the Black Market Mogul achievement, which not only requires you to earn 1,000,000 gold on a single character by selling stolen items to a fence, but also has a furnishing and one of the best dyes in the game locked behind it. I'm actually shocked that there's no reward for collecting 500 inks. But I still think it's easier to acquire all those inks than get the BMM achievement, which is also time gated behind a 140 item per day limit.

    Slight correction here, I concur with your point, however, the achievement is account wide and can be earned across all characters now.

    Ok, thanks for the update. I did it on six different characters before the account wide achievements debacle, so I haven't had the opportunity to interact with the specifics in some time. In that case, it would indeed be much easier to obtain. And yet, they made other achievements, like the Murkmire Prepper exponentially harder to complete. Go figure.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Elvenheart
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    Maybe in this scenario one could scribe four skills right out of the gate, but Divines forbid you get one of the choices wrong or want to experiment and swap choices around after you’ve scribed your four skills.

    People keep talking about farming for hours in starter zones to find ink, prices going down someday, etc. But in their presentations ZOS made it sound like (at least to me) that once Gold Road went live and we did the quests that unlocked Scribing we could spend lots of time experimenting and trying out those 4,000+ combinations that they were so happy to tell us about. They never said, “But first, put your grinding speed gear on and go back to those old starter zones that we’ve loaded up with resource nodes and spend hours and days trying to build up enough ink so you can do this! This is going to be so fun!” They made it sound like once we unlocked scribing and collected the scripts, the whole system was open for our theory crafting pleasure, not gated behind mind numbing grinds.

    Not everybody likes to spend hours every day grinding because for some that just does not feel like actually playing the game. For those that do enjoy the grind and get tons of ink every day I’m very happy for you, but that’s not a normal experience for lots of us.
    Edited by Elvenheart on June 29, 2024 12:05AM
  • oldbobdude
    The drop rate on ink is slightly better than nirncrux in my limited experience. Plus multiple things drop it. I got 3 yesterday and 5 today on 30-40 minutes of resource farming. Today was on a starter zone which is why I got more today I think.
  • Hotdog_23
    The three dailies in West Weald should drop ink for completing them so you could earn 3 a day. Bound them if you want but at least let us have a good source for them so we can experiment and experience the new system. As it stands now it's a dead system for most players.

    Have 20 characters that I actually play at least on a bi-weekly basics. Up to 23 ink now. No way I will ever get to use the system I was promised or paid for.

    Stay safe 🙂
  • Erickson9610
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    The three dailies in West Weald should drop ink for completing them so you could earn 3 a day.

    Hopefully they won't be from West Weald dailies specifically. Scribing is going to be expanded upon in later years, meaning it will likely get new features by next Chapter, and so I'd rather all sources of Luminous Ink be obtained from anywhere in the game, rather than specifically back in West Weald.

    While I don't particularly like the idea of guaranteed ink drops, if it's going to be acquired from daily quests, then I think it should drop in the same places as Focus/Signature/Affix Scripts. That'll make it not specific to West Weald, so players won't need to come back to West Weald just to try next Chapter's Grimoires.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
  • MidniteOwl1913
    Today's 2 hrs farming 3 kuta, no ink.

  • MEBengalsFan2001
    Tsukiino wrote: »
    The drop rate has to be 1% or below.

    I also want to say that ZoS did an oopsie with spaghetti code and the Ink doesn't drop in DLC areas, so only base game + Craglorn. (I've got screenshot of getting Ink in Craglorn from a node)


    I got ink in Blackwood and Wardenfall. It’s just a horrible drop rate. It should be a 10% drop rate and make it account bound.
  • GretchenRPH
    I think of myself as just a compulsive gatherer of nodes, running from node to node like a dog sniffing every bush, and the idea of getting 500 inks for that achievement sounds funny to me :) Also I'm still not clear on a lot of the dynamics of what is account wide (like enabling ink drops by doing Indrik and Netch door quests) and who can scribe and use a skill. But that's beyond the scope of a thread about ink.

    Still, 500 ink makes me involuntarily giggle. I have 39 so far. 16 were from the quests.
  • msetten
    I know that was an issue with Ink dropping from Bosses on PC and that it was fixed. But I am wondering, has it actually been fixed on consoles yet? I haven't had a single Luminous Ink drop from a boss so far on my PS5. And I have done a lot of dailies and dungeons.

    Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I would expect that Ink would also drop in the Infinite Archive lore-wise, giving how much Ink is flowing around there. Why not add it as rewards from defeating the Tho'at bosses at the end of each arc plus the Marauders?
  • Vulsahdaal
    msetten wrote: »
    I know that was an issue with Ink dropping from Bosses on PC and that it was fixed. But I am wondering, has it actually been fixed on consoles yet? I haven't had a single Luminous Ink drop from a boss so far on my PS5. And I have done a lot of dailies and dungeons.

    Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I would expect that Ink would also drop in the Infinite Archive lore-wise, giving how much Ink is flowing around there. Why not add it as rewards from defeating the Tho'at bosses at the end of each arc plus the Marauders?

    Ink does drop (though its rare) in IA, but the only place Ive seen it so far is the mini-boss chest.

    A guaranteed drop in Tho'ats chest would be nice. Id rather see it there than in the daily quest, more Tho'ats would equal more ink. Makes sense to me :)
  • CGPsaint
    Kisakee wrote: »
    There's enough ink.

    If I have to replace all of my normal game time with dedicated farming, then in my opinion, scribing and the associated ink drops are a complete and utter failure. In 8-10 hours of playing over the past 2 days, I managed 1 ink drop from a resource node, and zero from the countless kills.

    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • DenverRalphy
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    The 500 achievement gives you nothing. No reward, nothing in game attached to it. It's one of those Long Term achievements that only mean that you've been doing it a long long time. It's not meant to be done instantly. So really, no sympathy there.

    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Well I found out there is no cooldown, I got 6 almost in a row (3 nodes with double drops) in Bal Foyen. Up to 270/500, so kina is what it is. I suspect ink will be under 25-30k in another week or two.

    again, as its been stated multiple times in this thread, by multiple people, not everyone is having this kind of luck

    ive farmed bleakrock for 45 min before i got 1 ink, hitting every node within sight, this was basically my breaking point on the "its too rare to bother farming" scale

    It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of knowing how to farm it effectively. If you utilize your alts, you can find a couple of them each day that are running an above average seed.

    It's like farming anything else (ie.. furnishing plans). I run 10 toons total. Each day after reset their RNG seeds reset when they login for the firt time. Out of those 10, 3 - 6 of them will be about average in luck. 1 or 2 will be above average, 1 or 2 will be below average, 1 or 2 will be hopeless, and sometimes 1 or 2 will be phenomenal.

    You just gotta cycle through your alts until you hit one that does above average or better. Then repeat the process each day.

    But if you're just gonna farm and farm and farm on one or two toons, you're rarely ever gonna see those hot streaks.

    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG
    And how is not being able to quickly complete an achievement that's designed to take a long time to finish, equate to your claim "the problem is we cant use the new system now"?

    even scribing 1 skill (other than the freebie wield soul) for more my 10 alts is 30 ink

    if i wanted more than 1 skill, or to change scripts on a skill, that costs more ink

    there is no way to experiment with different scribing skill setups because it all costs ink

    and before you say it, no, absolutely no way am i wasting 900k (30k gold per ink x 30) gold on buying ink just to experiment with different script combinations to see what works best for the character, multiply that by 10 characters, multiply that by every scribe skill i want to try to use

    this is all derivative of a low drop rate of ink, essentially making the system unusable for me, both to finish achievements, and to actually attempt to you know, experiment with scribe skills

    Oh but I will say it. There's plenty of Ink on the Traders. You can buy all you like.

    Is the price unfavorable at the moment? Sure, you betcha. But that's expected if you insist on being a First Adopter. Keep iin mind that that's your choice. You don't HAVE to experiment with all or a lot of the skills right away. You could just as easily just Scribe what your ink supply supports at the moment, then experiment when the prices go down. Heck, the price of Luminous Ink has fallen 80% in the last week alone, and it's only going to fall further.

    First Adopter syndrome is almost as bad as FOMO syndrome.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on June 29, 2024 2:27PM
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