Where is the ink?

  • Aurielle
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Low drop rate, high variance. For example, you'll have a player who grinds all week for 5 ink, then another player who grinds the same time and content but gets 50. This is not skill. This is an insult to our $40.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • sarahthes
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Because I had a week long dry spell myself, where I got maybe 10 ink over the course of the past week despite not changing my farming habits.

    And then yesterday I went out and got 6 ink in 10 minutes, sadly I had to stop farming because I had other things to do.

    RNG Is streaky in this game, we all know that.
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Double node drop event? When?
  • Jaraal
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Double node drop event? When?

    Midyear Mayhem towards the end of July.

    Hopefully the node farmers will be going to the seven day campaigns and leaving the main campaigns for PvPers, since the population caps are so low. Or maybe they can open a special Ink Amasser campaign with harvest tracking, with perhaps a chance at quadruple drops. And the person with the highest number of ink collected is crowned Ink Emperor, with their own special title like Grindmaster, and some raggedy farming costume for their trouble.

    Edited by Jaraal on July 1, 2024 5:08PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Aurielle
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Because I had a week long dry spell myself, where I got maybe 10 ink over the course of the past week despite not changing my farming habits.

    And then yesterday I went out and got 6 ink in 10 minutes, sadly I had to stop farming because I had other things to do.

    RNG Is streaky in this game, we all know that.

    What you’re describing is normal RNG. Some of us have had nothing but dry spells — and that points to there being a problem for some accounts.
  • Orbital78
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Hopefully the node farmers will be going to the seven day campaigns and leaving the main campaigns for PvPers, since the population caps are so low.
    yes, hopefully there are plenty of cp campaigns. My home campaign is always full with stupid queue times anyway during mym. I only one n done anyway but will take the extra ap for master writ motifs.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    They could have started you off with a larger amount of ink (like 60 total) from the quests, and maybe made them character bound or something to stop you farming the quest. This would at least enable people to try out all the skills.

    I don't mind the drop rate for the long term, but it stopping short term experimentation is a really bad incentive for engaging with scribing. This rightfully frustrates people.

    However, I don't think the issue will persist much longer, as the ink price is dropping more and more, It's already at ~30K or lower at EU. With ink now also dropping from bosses, it won't be long before it will be worth something like 10K.

    I'm a crafter. I put the time into farming. I shouldn't have to *buy* materials! Something is broken, very broken.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Because I had a week long dry spell myself, where I got maybe 10 ink over the course of the past week despite not changing my farming habits.

    And then yesterday I went out and got 6 ink in 10 minutes, sadly I had to stop farming because I had other things to do.

    RNG Is streaky in this game, we all know that.

    Well some of us have never gotten a streak. Yes RNG can be inconsistent but this drop rate is consistently bad or for some consistently good. Something is broken.
  • alenae1b14_ESO
    I'm at 40 ink. (24 from doing quest series) I play everyday, harvest everyday and participate in hrs of varying activities on 2 characters. The drop rate for ink is beyond riduculous.
  • Kappachi
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Did you know TF2 crates have a 1% chance to give you an unusual (or used to, rate might've changed by now)... Some people would open 300+ before they found one, some would get 2-3 in a row. RNG is RNG. 1% isn't bugged, some people will find like 3 in a row from some sources every now and then, while others will kill 500 enemies before they find 1. It's not an increasing rate every time you don't get one after all, 1% is always 1%

    My advice for ink farm: spam RNDs or RVDs if you can clear fast enough, and kill ALL THE MOBS IN THE DUNGEON, Stop skipping packs, killing packs will net you lots of ink over time.
    Edited by Kappachi on July 1, 2024 10:20PM
  • Aurielle
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Did you know TF2 crates have a 1% chance to give you an unusual (or used to, rate might've changed by now)... Some people would open 300+ before they found one, some would get 2-3 in a row. RNG is RNG. 1% isn't bugged, some people will find like 3 in a row from some sources every now and then, while others will kill 500 enemies before they find 1. It's not an increasing rate every time you don't get one after all, 1% is always 1%

    My advice for ink farm: spam RNDs or RVDs if you can clear fast enough, and kill ALL THE MOBS IN THE DUNGEON, Stop skipping packs, killing packs will net you lots of ink over time.

    I understand how RNG works. What we’re saying is that some of us are having consistent poor luck, while others are having consistent streaks of good luck. It’s the consistency of it that’s suspicious.
  • Kappachi
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Did you know TF2 crates have a 1% chance to give you an unusual (or used to, rate might've changed by now)... Some people would open 300+ before they found one, some would get 2-3 in a row. RNG is RNG. 1% isn't bugged, some people will find like 3 in a row from some sources every now and then, while others will kill 500 enemies before they find 1. It's not an increasing rate every time you don't get one after all, 1% is always 1%

    My advice for ink farm: spam RNDs or RVDs if you can clear fast enough, and kill ALL THE MOBS IN THE DUNGEON, Stop skipping packs, killing packs will net you lots of ink over time.

    I understand how RNG works. What we’re saying is that some of us are having consistent poor luck, while others are having consistent streaks of good luck. It’s the consistency of it that’s suspicious.

    Just luck. I have good luck in 'every' game, so makes sense I get tons of ink here too.
  • oldbobdude
    The drop rate isn’t the best. I’ve “farmed” 4 zones for a total of about 3-4 hours on 4 different days. One of the starter zones, Deshaan, Rivenspire and Craglorn. My total so far is 46 which includes whatever we got from the quests. All my drops are from crafting material nodes. Never had a drop from any mob or container. I’ve had 2 in the same drop several times with my green tree passives (forget the names) slotted. Anyway, a pain, but on the order of nirncrux.
  • Aurielle
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    What makes you think the drop rate is not bugged for some people? Do you doubt what we’re saying? There are people with hundreds of ink at this point, and then there are people like myself, Necrotech_Master, and others who haven’t even broke the 50 ink mark yet. We’ve been doing all of the things recommended by those of you with a decent stock of ink, and it just doesn’t drop for us the way it drops for you.

    Did you know TF2 crates have a 1% chance to give you an unusual (or used to, rate might've changed by now)... Some people would open 300+ before they found one, some would get 2-3 in a row. RNG is RNG. 1% isn't bugged, some people will find like 3 in a row from some sources every now and then, while others will kill 500 enemies before they find 1. It's not an increasing rate every time you don't get one after all, 1% is always 1%

    My advice for ink farm: spam RNDs or RVDs if you can clear fast enough, and kill ALL THE MOBS IN THE DUNGEON, Stop skipping packs, killing packs will net you lots of ink over time.

    I understand how RNG works. What we’re saying is that some of us are having consistent poor luck, while others are having consistent streaks of good luck. It’s the consistency of it that’s suspicious.

    Just luck. I have good luck in 'every' game, so makes sense I get tons of ink here too.

    … orrrrr, maybe it’s bugged? Read up on this RNG bug: https://asheron.fandom.com/wiki/Wi_Flag

    It happens.
  • Hapexamendios
    Since Gold Road dropped on console, I've gotten 32 inks. 24 are from doing the quest line on two different characters. That's more efficient than what I get through normal gameplay. I'm not going to repeatedly farm the same route over and over again when doing the quests a couple more times is more appealing and efficient for me.
  • Casdha
    I wonder if progression has any weight to RNG for these??? Or maybe population in the area.

    The reason I ask is that I have every achievement in scribing except for the class script one and the 500 ink one.

    I tend to get around 12 to 15 an hour but I have gotten as low as two. I get about the same amount of Kutas and about the same for Nirncrux if you count both types.

    I'm sitting with 154 in the bag as of now and 184 towards the achievement. ( I've made one each of the Grimoires)

    I have gotten as low as 2 in an hour but after that if I get to 30 minutes without a drop, I quit and come back later.

    Also, I've gotten Zero from Wrothgar and only 4 from Khenarthi's The rest came from upper Craglorn and I find it drops the best if other folks are farming vs being there by myself. I got 12 tonight in an hour but all of them came in the first 40 minutes.

    Edit: the only ones I've gotten from mobs are one from the leader of a Deadric rift in Rivenspire and one from a wasp in Craglorn
    Edited by Casdha on July 2, 2024 2:21AM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • IrisDupree
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.
  • RexyCat
    IrisDupree wrote: »
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.

    Neither Survey Maps or Treasure Maps will provide you with Luminous Ink, only nodes, mobs and bosses. I haven't seen any Ink from mobs, only from killing Pledge dungeon bosses (very few from that).

    My wild guess is that each nodeor NPC that work as a "container" have larger chance to give Ink then when container/node that will only have one single item.

    As an example Runestone have minimum of three item, so there is large chance to get a hit from loot table to also include Ink. Bosses have more then one item to loot, so there is a large chance to find Ink from killing a boss then a mob (which often only have one or two items from loot table.
    Edited by RexyCat on July 2, 2024 9:44AM
  • MidniteOwl1913
    IrisDupree wrote: »
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.

    That seems to be about average I think. It's hard to tell because people farm so differently, but that seem about what I getting. With the plentiful harvest passive sometime I get 2 in one drop so 2 for that hour.

    I do think it's bugged because the distribution curve seems off. Too many people on what should be the low ends of the bell curve.
  • Aurielle
    RexyCat wrote: »
    IrisDupree wrote: »
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.

    Neither Survey Maps or Treasure Maps will provide you with Luminous Ink, only nodes, mobs and bosses. I haven't seen any Ink from mobs, only from killing Pledge dungeon bosses (very few from that).

    My wild guess is that each nodeor NPC that work as a "container" have larger chance to give Ink then when container/node that will only have one single item.

    As an example Runestone have minimum of three item, so there is large chance to get a hit from loot table to also include Ink. Bosses have more then one item to loot, so there is a large chance to find Ink from killing a boss then a mob (which often only have one or two items from loot table.

    We know ink doesn’t drop from surveys or treasure maps. I think you missed what they actually said. I’ll quote the relevant section for you:
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six.

    They gathered regular crafting nodes and killed mobs on the way to survey and treasure map locations.
  • EF321
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".
  • Aurielle
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?
  • Elvenheart
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    Wow, now trying to have fun by just playing the game has become an irrelevant activity in the all-important ridiculous ink grind. I’m not going to create a set of gear just for speed grinding, then spend my playtime doing nothing but running around the starter zones harvesting nodes. No one should have to waste their time and energy doing that just to use Scribing the way it was advertised - customize and experiment with 4k+ scripts! Activities in normal gameplay should provide enough ink for that.
  • sarahthes
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Well, considering that we think we know zos uses rng "seeds" or seems to, because there are days when you get tons of drops of things (monster trophies, high quality stolen goods, etc) and days when you get nothing...

    ...one day of farming, no matter how long, means nothing, because that day was always going to be a bad farming day.
  • Aurielle
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Well, considering that we think we know zos uses rng "seeds" or seems to, because there are days when you get tons of drops of things (monster trophies, high quality stolen goods, etc) and days when you get nothing...

    ...one day of farming, no matter how long, means nothing, because that day was always going to be a bad farming day.

    I can't speak for IrisDupree, but every day for me is a "bad farming day" when it comes to ink.
  • EF321
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

  • Aurielle
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    LOL. Okay. Spending six hours mostly harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs doesn't count as "farming" for ink. The only thing that counts as farming is running endless boring circuits around Bleakrock Isle or killing mobs in certain areas of the game. Gotcha.

    There are plenty of crafting nodes on the way to survey locations. They're not as densely clustered as in starter zones, no, but there's still a reasonable amount of them. Surely ZOS did not intend for us to spend all our game time harvesting nodes in starter zones to even have a chance of experimenting with the brand new system they've been hyping for months?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix) is because a small handful of lucky people who are profiting off ink keep insisting that the drop rate is fine, and that people have nothing to complain about.
  • Elsonso
    Aurielle wrote: »
    I can't speak for IrisDupree, but every day for me is a "bad farming day" when it comes to ink.

    Since I quit dedicated farming and returned to normal pick and kill things as I go about other business in the game, I rarely see ink. I have three days of ESO Plus remaining on PC, where I purchased Gold Road, and after that, it gets uninstalled again. I have 21 Ink right now, and doubt I will get past 25 before then.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Aurielle
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    I can't speak for IrisDupree, but every day for me is a "bad farming day" when it comes to ink.

    Since I quit dedicated farming and returned to normal pick and kill things as I go about other business in the game, I rarely see ink. I have three days of ESO Plus remaining on PC, where I purchased Gold Road, and after that, it gets uninstalled again. I have 21 Ink right now, and doubt I will get past 25 before then.

    I'm at 42 ink now, and that's after MANY a farm session in Bleakrock Isle on a dedicated farming build, plus plenty of less intense node farming sessions while performing regular in-game activities every single day for 2-4 hours at a time -- sometimes longer.

    Some people who have only been doing regular in-game stuff without any dedicated farming in starter areas have a lot more ink than I do. And significantly more than you do. But the drop rate is apparently "fine," and there's apparently no evidence of a potential RNG bug...
    Edited by Aurielle on July 2, 2024 1:56PM
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