Where is the ink?

  • EF321
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    Wow, now trying to have fun by just playing the game has become an irrelevant activity in the all-important ridiculous ink grind. I’m not going to create a set of gear just for speed grinding, then spend my playtime doing nothing but running around the starter zones harvesting nodes. No one should have to waste their time and energy doing that just to use Scribing the way it was advertised - customize and experiment with 4k+ scripts! Activities in normal gameplay should provide enough ink for that.
    You have all other resources and consumables without ever doing anything to acquire them?
    Collecting resources is part of the game, it IS normal gameplay. This is Elder Scrolls RPG, don't forget.
  • DenverRalphy
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.
  • EF321
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    They did actually a couple of days ago
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. We have heard this feedback regarding ink and have some plans to address some this. We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance.

  • RexyCat
    Aurielle wrote: »
    RexyCat wrote: »
    IrisDupree wrote: »
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.

    Neither Survey Maps or Treasure Maps will provide you with Luminous Ink, only nodes, mobs and bosses. I haven't seen any Ink from mobs, only from killing Pledge dungeon bosses (very few from that).

    My wild guess is that each nodeor NPC that work as a "container" have larger chance to give Ink then when container/node that will only have one single item.

    As an example Runestone have minimum of three item, so there is large chance to get a hit from loot table to also include Ink. Bosses have more then one item to loot, so there is a large chance to find Ink from killing a boss then a mob (which often only have one or two items from loot table.

    We know ink doesn’t drop from surveys or treasure maps. I think you missed what they actually said. I’ll quote the relevant section for you:
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six.

    They gathered regular crafting nodes and killed mobs on the way to survey and treasure map locations.

    What is your point?

    I don't know what @IrisDupree know about Survey and Treasure maps, but the way it was mentioned in that sentence sounded like IrisDurpree believed that Survey and Treasure maps also could drop Ink which isn't far fetched as most people hunting down Ink would also think that if they haven't read the fine print for what nodes and creatures (boss and mobs) that are supposed to have a very tiny chance to give Ink when interacted with.

    It is better to explain what is supposed or not supposed to be source for Ink then only assume that everybody reading this thread already know it.

    Maybe focus instead of what I wrote about node and loot container and how that might be related to chance for when RND will increase that is involved as there is no official information about how RND work for this game. What calculation is it that this is based on or which condition that might have an impact for the likelihood on the chance there will be a trigger for an Ink as a loot item like different passives from skill lines or Champion Points.

    In other words: do crafting passives and skill line have any impact on the amount of Ink you can get? Do Psijic passive "See the Unseen" have any impact as with that passive some Runestone now can turn into another node called Psijic portal.
  • Elsonso
    EF321 wrote: »
    They did actually a couple of days ago
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. We have heard this feedback regarding ink and have some plans to address some this. We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance.

    I found that statement to be interesting. I interpreted it to be that they consider the drop rate to be on target to meet their internal needs (low), but recognize that some players think it is too low. As a response, they are trying out a new drop rate that is still on target to meet their needs (low), but not as low as it is today.

    I expect the patch notes to be along the lines of "slightly increased the drop rate for Luminous Ink".

    In other words... nothing to write home about.

    We'll see what they do.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • DenverRalphy
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    They did actually a couple of days ago
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. We have heard this feedback regarding ink and have some plans to address some this. We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance.

    Yes, and behind behind that statement, all it is saying, is...

    We hear you (we have heard this feedback),
    We're monitoring (have some plans to address this),
    We'll addres it if we deem it needs tweaking (so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance)
    Edited by DenverRalphy on July 2, 2024 2:55PM
  • Aurielle
    RexyCat wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    RexyCat wrote: »
    IrisDupree wrote: »
    I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing surveys and treasure maps.
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six. That is an awful drop rate and makes it pretty much impossible to try and do scribing on alts. At this point, I have decided to just not bother at all. It looked fun and gave the game something new to work on. But I am not spending hours to get a single ink if I am lucky.

    Neither Survey Maps or Treasure Maps will provide you with Luminous Ink, only nodes, mobs and bosses. I haven't seen any Ink from mobs, only from killing Pledge dungeon bosses (very few from that).

    My wild guess is that each nodeor NPC that work as a "container" have larger chance to give Ink then when container/node that will only have one single item.

    As an example Runestone have minimum of three item, so there is large chance to get a hit from loot table to also include Ink. Bosses have more then one item to loot, so there is a large chance to find Ink from killing a boss then a mob (which often only have one or two items from loot table.

    We know ink doesn’t drop from surveys or treasure maps. I think you missed what they actually said. I’ll quote the relevant section for you:
    I decided as an experiment I would gather every regular node I saw, which was a lot. I would guess at least a few hundred over all those hours. Total net for ink gained, SIX. Six inks in about 6 hours of time. From gathering and killing mobs to get to nodes, six.

    They gathered regular crafting nodes and killed mobs on the way to survey and treasure map locations.

    What is your point?

    I don't know what @IrisDupree know about Survey and Treasure maps, but the way it was mentioned in that sentence sounded like IrisDurpree believed that Survey and Treasure maps also could drop Ink which isn't far fetched as most people hunting down Ink would also think that if they haven't read the fine print for what nodes and creatures (boss and mobs) that are supposed to have a very tiny chance to give Ink when interacted with.

    It is better to explain what is supposed or not supposed to be source for Ink then only assume that everybody reading this thread already know it.

    Maybe focus instead of what I wrote about node and loot container and how that might be related to chance for when RND will increase that is involved as there is no official information about how RND work for this game. What calculation is it that this is based on or which condition that might have an impact for the likelihood on the chance there will be a trigger for an Ink as a loot item like different passives from skill lines or Champion Points.

    In other words: do crafting passives and skill line have any impact on the amount of Ink you can get? Do Psijic passive "See the Unseen" have any impact as with that passive some Runestone now can turn into another node called Psijic portal.

    Nothing about their post suggested they expected ink to drop from survey nodes or treasure chests. They went out of their way to emphasize that they picked up all regular non-survey nodes and killed mobs on the way to survey/chest locations.
  • Aurielle
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.
  • sarahthes
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    I'm sorry your rng has been bad, but there isn't a shortage of ink and the price is dropping by 50% weekly.
  • Aurielle
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    yeah i would agree with this, just because more ink is being sold doesnt necessarily represent more supply

    if the vast majority of listings were between 1-12 units, that could be single sales from 1 player selling the ink they got from the questline (there was a huge incentive to do the questline for the freebie 2 person mount last month)

    during this, a lot of people could have either lost interest in scribing for multiple reasons (not ideal for dps roles, not flexible enough for them, the need to gather scripts on all alts, or in some cases like mine, the sheer lack of ink drops)

    since i finished the scribing achievements, ive seriously considered selling what ink i have because i dont get enough of it for the system to be useable and to make some gold off of it (and still need to learn scripts on alts), but i also consider the price of ink declining because too many people are likely doing the same thing, and with 3 ink per scribe, by the time i actually finish learning scripts on alts i might actually be able to have a stock to do some scribing for a select few
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Kallykat
    I don't think I would mind a low ink drop so much if we had a way to play around in the scribing system and test out different combinations without spending ink. I know I'm far less likely to actually spend the ink to create new spells if I'm not sure I'm going to want to stick with that spell in the end.

    There is a training room that gets unlocked during the Scholarium quests. They could have added a tab for spells you were experimenting with at the altar and let you keep them only within the Scholarium to be used in testing in the training room. I wonder if that would have lessened the upset over the ink drop rate at all?
  • Jaraal
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    Can you get Luminous Ink drops if you don't own Gold Road? If so, then what are those people going to do with it if they have no use for it? Yes, they will sell it.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • EdjeSwift
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Can you get Luminous Ink drops if you don't own Gold Road? If so, then what are those people going to do with it if they have no use for it? Yes, they will sell it.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    No, ink drops require you to obtain the requisite Sigils from the Scholarium to begin dropping.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Necrotech_Master
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    Can you get Luminous Ink drops if you don't own Gold Road? If so, then what are those people going to do with it if they have no use for it? Yes, they will sell it.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    you have to own gold road (because thats how you access scribing, from skingrad), and have had to complete at a bare minimum the wing of the netch and wing of the indrik to get access to ink drops from both enemies and nodes
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Jaraal
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Can you get Luminous Ink drops if you don't own Gold Road? If so, then what are those people going to do with it if they have no use for it? Yes, they will sell it.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    No, ink drops require you to obtain the requisite Sigils from the Scholarium to begin dropping.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Have to unlock The Indrik to get it from mobs, and The Netch to get it from harvesting.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Aurielle
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    [Edited for bait]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:17PM
  • Orbital78
    It kind of feels like they may have nerfed the double drops from harvesting. I'm getting plenty of ink but much less double drops after maintenance.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »




    im pretty sure the price will keep falling, by how much it really depends on how much interest there is in the scribing system

    day 1 the prices on ink were like 140k

    we are 4 weeks out from that and the price is now in the 30-40k range, and i think its still declining, though definitely not as fast

    im guessing based on the current trend, as its still declining, to be somewhere between the price of columbine and fortified nirn within the next 2 months (in the 2500-10,000g range)

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:20PM
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Mathius_Mordred
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »




    im pretty sure the price will keep falling, by how much it really depends on how much interest there is in the scribing system

    day 1 the prices on ink were like 140k

    we are 4 weeks out from that and the price is now in the 30-40k range, and i think its still declining, though definitely not as fast

    im guessing based on the current trend, as its still declining, to be somewhere between the price of columbine and fortified nirn within the next 2 months (in the 2500-10,000g range)

    LOL Nirncrux maybe but I can gather ten times as much columbine as luminous inks

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:21PM
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at https://skyrimredshirts.co.ukJoin Skyrim Red Shirts. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama free social group enjoying PVE questing, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • sarahthes
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:21PM
  • Aurielle
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »




    im pretty sure the price will keep falling, by how much it really depends on how much interest there is in the scribing system

    day 1 the prices on ink were like 140k

    we are 4 weeks out from that and the price is now in the 30-40k range, and i think its still declining, though definitely not as fast

    im guessing based on the current trend, as its still declining, to be somewhere between the price of columbine and fortified nirn within the next 2 months (in the 2500-10,000g range)

    Fingers crossed. I know people farming it for gold will be unhappy, but I strongly suspect scribing was never intended by ZOS to primarily be a source of income for players, and was rather intend to be, y’know, a system players actually use…

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:22PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »




    im pretty sure the price will keep falling, by how much it really depends on how much interest there is in the scribing system

    day 1 the prices on ink were like 140k

    we are 4 weeks out from that and the price is now in the 30-40k range, and i think its still declining, though definitely not as fast

    im guessing based on the current trend, as its still declining, to be somewhere between the price of columbine and fortified nirn within the next 2 months (in the 2500-10,000g range)

    LOL Nirncrux maybe but I can gather ten times as much columbine as luminous inks

    columbine is worth around 2500-3000 gold (right now) on PC NA, thats why i was using it as suggestion, purely because of the price point, not how common it is lol

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:22PM
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Aurielle
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    Good for you. I’ve scribed four skills I really like (plus a few more that didn’t work out) and would like to be able to scribe some more skills sooner rather than later, ideally before the next Midyear Mayhem. Fingers crossed that ink will become more plentiful once ZOS hopefully implements whatever it is they’ve been working on in response to the complaints.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:23PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    thats not entirely surprising considering you have seemingly been blessed with a good drop rate along with having minimal interest in actually scribing skills

    honestly, if i was getting ink as fast as you were, you could be darn sure i would be selling at least some of it

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:24PM
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Orbital78
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    Nice, ya the first week they were selling like hot cakes for 100k. I made a record breaking sales record that week of over 20 million between all my various items sold. I have been helping players that don't want to spend the time harvesting them by selling them. I don't think it will be worth my time much below 20-25k though with how rare they are. I have been donating some to guild auctions too, helped the guilds fund trader bids.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    thats not entirely surprising considering you have seemingly been blessed with a good drop rate along with having minimal interest in actually scribing skills

    honestly, if i was getting ink as fast as you were, you could be darn sure i would be selling at least some of it

    It's more that I do endgame DPS primarily and there's no need for scribing on either class I play the most of. I should probably get stuff set up for healing and tanking at some point but I'm in no rush for that.

    Also, I use 100% of any gold I make to pay for my guild trader each week, as I run a small trading guild and I cover the bid costs myself.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:27PM
  • Jaraal
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    thats not entirely surprising considering you have seemingly been blessed with a good drop rate along with having minimal interest in actually scribing skills

    honestly, if i was getting ink as fast as you were, you could be darn sure i would be selling at least some of it

    Yeah I sold most of mine when the price was high, and have a dedicated script mule that holds all the ones I have collected so far. He's got about 75 saved up, and I will try scribing once I have multiples of everything and/or he can't hold any more.

    I'm in no hurry, and therefore not too concerned about ink. I stopped farming it, but still get a few here and there doing my regular gameplay.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:24PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Jaraal wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    The only reason why we're still responding to these threads (in spite of the fact that ZOS is looking into implementing a fix)

    I've been seeing a few comments like this both in the forums and in-game chat after @ZOS_Kevin (or was it another?) chimed in, and I knew people were going to misinterpret it and take it as gospel.

    Zos never said they were looking to implement a fix, or that a fix was even needed. All they said was (summarizing) "We hear you. We're monitoring. We'll address it if we deem it needs tweaking." That's it.

    Sorry for getting optimistic that ZOS might actually listen to customer feedback… “ We are working on finalizing some things now, so we just need some time to make sure we're hitting a good balance” is NOT the same as “we’ll address it if we deem it needs tweaking.” They are finalizing “some things” that will presumably help with ink drops.

    There is almost as much ink as there is dreugh wax in traders currently.

    That honestly doesn’t surprise me. It’s a lucrative source of income for people who enjoy farming and playing the economy minigame, so they’re going to be posting it instead of using it. People who are having unusually good luck getting ink are naturally going to be posting it. I wouldn’t look at trader listings as an accurate indicator of how people are doing with ink overall. I, for instance, have a bunch of dreugh wax — way more dreugh wax than ink — but I don’t have any of it on any guild traders because I actually use it. There are also people who don’t see any value in scribing who are posting what little ink they randomly get.

    The supply will at some point outpace demand, and ink will become as valuable as Ta runes and alkahest.

    Then — and only then — would I even consider buying ink from other players. Charging 30k gold or more per ink is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine spending 90k gold for a skill that might not ultimately work with your build… A lot of combinations sound good on paper, but you don’t necessarily know until you try it out.


    I've made almost 5 mill gold from ink since chapter drop and my ink sells within 6 hours of me listing it.

    thats not entirely surprising considering you have seemingly been blessed with a good drop rate along with having minimal interest in actually scribing skills

    honestly, if i was getting ink as fast as you were, you could be darn sure i would be selling at least some of it

    Yeah I sold most of mine when the price was high, and have a dedicated script mule that holds all the ones I have collected so far. He's got about 75 saved up, and I will try scribing once I have multiples of everything and/or he can't hold any more.

    I'm in no hurry, and therefore not too concerned about ink. I stopped farming it, but still get a few here and there doing my regular gameplay.

    i use my bank to mostly move around the extra scripts i get, i check the ones i have banked with characters that i log in to see if any are missing and grab them out as needed, eventually ill get to a point ill just start vendoring the scripts when all of my toons have it maxed out (which ive done for at least 1 dropped script so far)

    im still on the fence about selling ink right now, considering how insanely rare it has been for me, i think i have 9 sitting around right now (the only reason i even have this much is because a friendly soul in one of my guilds was willing to give me 7 inks to finish scribing all of the skills at least once to finish the achievement, as they had no interest in scribing)

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on July 3, 2024 4:28PM
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • reiverx
    EF321 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    Six drops from just few hundred of nodes is pretty lucky. Hundred of nodes is 7-8 minutes of farming.
    People spend hours doing irrelevant activities and then complain that they got little ink. Would they fish for roe like this as well? "I caught one fish from every hole I saw while on my way to do other tasks and only got one roe in whole week".

    This person was not performing “irrelevant” activities. They were harvesting crafting nodes and killing mobs on the way to survey locations and treasure chests — i.e. deliberately performing activities that drop ink. Harvesting the survey nodes and unearthing the treasure chests only accounts for a tiny fraction of the time they spent farming for ink.

    Why are you guys so eager to defend this drop rate or this potential bug when so many people are having problems?

    Digging chests and collecting surveys are irrelevant activities, they don't drop ink and it takes time to get there and collect them. Time to travel to location, dig chests and collect surveys is not tiny at all, and there is all the porting and loadings between areas, and they counted all that time into their "six hours". Paths from wayshrines to survey and map locations are not known for being good resource rich farming routes, and definitely don't have packs of mobs in farm-worthy quantities. They did very poor job farming ink and still got six, enough to scribe two full skills (that you can keep forever, for as long as servers are up). Just how many new skills people need every single day? Ink was not a limited time event, it keeps dropping every day. From couple of hundred nodes six is good, "six hours" is irrelevant statement if that time was not all spent on farming nodes efficiently.

    Ink drops fine if you farm for it, it even occasionally drops when you don't farm for it (unlike many other things in the game). And giving it's limited use cases and no expiration timer on skills, it is already well on the way to become another trash mat that people leave behind in nodes.

    Anyway, Kevin already said that they are doing something. Why the panic still?

    That is false.
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