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Where is the ink?

  • MidniteOwl1913
    At this point I'm fairly certain there is a bug in the ink drop rate. Last nights farming run for me, 2 hours (hundreds of nodes) and no ink. I did get 3 kutas. Kuta is a pretty rare drop, I don't think I've ever had that many drop so close together but no ink.

    Something is off. Random distribution should have the ink drops even out over time, some good days some bad, but for it to be consistently low or high for some people suggests a corner case bug to me.

    I'd really like to see something with a guaranteed drop of ink besides the horribly boring scripting quests. Make it more like the scripts, x guaranteed drop from delve, WB, group event, dallies. After all my need for scripts if finite ink is infinite. As it stand right now things are broken.

    Edited by MidniteOwl1913 on June 29, 2024 8:23PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    Jaraal wrote: »
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Especially when you compare it to the Black Market Mogul achievement, which not only requires you to earn 1,000,000 gold on a single character by selling stolen items to a fence, but also has a furnishing and one of the best dyes in the game locked behind it. I'm actually shocked that there's no reward for collecting 500 inks. But I still think it's easier to acquire all those inks than get the BMM achievement, which is also time gated behind a 140 item per day limit.

    Slight correction here, I concur with your point, however, the achievement is account wide and can be earned across all characters now.

    Ok, thanks for the update. I did it on six different characters before the account wide achievements debacle, so I haven't had the opportunity to interact with the specifics in some time. In that case, it would indeed be much easier to obtain. And yet, they made other achievements, like the Murkmire Prepper exponentially harder to complete. Go figure.

    im not sure when it was changed, but the murkmire prepper achievement now also only requires 30 of the dailies instead of 150
    i would rather have an overabundance of ink than the current abysmal lack of ink

    Players who started with the Scribing system are going to have an overabundance of Luminous Ink in the long term. Part of the design of the system is trying to encourage players to use the system over a long period of time — that includes saving up Luminous Ink for changing their Scribed skills (such as after new Scripts are obtained) or for trying out new Grimoires.

    I bet that in two years, most players who started Scribing now will have too much Luminous Ink, while new players starting Scribing for the first time will not have enough Luminous Ink.

    I wouldn't mind if ZOS increased the Luminous Ink drop rate and increased the number of sources for acquisition (especially for PvP players), but it's not really going to benefit most of us in the future when we have a lot of Luminous Ink saved up from not utilizing the system for a while.

    the problem is we cant use the new system now

    i dont think anyone wants to wait 2 years to have a "useable" quantity of ink to try to experiment with

    at this point, almost a month out, people have already made up their minds on the system: they are going to not use the system at all because they cant, or they are going to use whatever the streamers and guides suggest to avoid "wasting" ink

    essentially no way to experiment or play with the system due to the severe lack of ink, this is what what people were buying gold road for, a 2 year grind, but to use the scribing system to you know, have fun

    Exactly how can you not use it now? Are you saying you haven't amassed any ink at all? Are there none on the Traders on your server? How many skills do you need to scribe? Because you can do 4 right out of the gate when you finish the quest line.

    i have gotten, as of yesterday, 32 ink since day 1 of the patch, this was barely enough to do 1 scribe of all of the skills on my main for the achievement, let alone tweak any of those, or use it on any of my other 10 characters

    no, i should not have to buy ink, i should not have to rely on other players to use this system

    while it is an option, buying ink does not increment the achievement either, you have to get it as drops yourself, and this is part of my problem

    on PC we have had this system now for almost a month, i have found a grand total of 32 ink as of june 27 (12 of which was from the initial quest run on day 1 back on june 3)

    ive tested my time getting ink both through "normal" gameplay, and periods of actual farming (30-60 min sessions of nothing but node harvesting in various locations)

    in 24 days, ive acquired 20 units of ink as drops, that is less than 1 per day avg for me, i feel lucky if i even get any ink at all that day, and i can guarantee that a majority of this ink was probably dropped on the 2nd week

    node grinding like a bot is not my idea of fun in the game, and if the drop rate is so low that you are basically forced to do that, with no guarantee you will even get any ink, is the antithesis of fun and im not going to spend my time in game doing that

    drop rates need to be increased, im not saying it has to drop like candy, but the current drop rate is untenable for most players

    i would also agree with Erickson9610 that more sources of ink would help alleviate the problem as well (such as a chance from rewards of the worthy or tribute coffers)

    You do realize that for the accumulator achievement, you could just run the Luminaries quests on 2 alts and that'll put you over. Right?

    how would that help getting 500 ink for the 3rd achievement? i could care less about the skill style on the 2nd achievement, i want to complete the achievements, but at my current rate of ink drops, im looking at almost 2 years to get 500 ink

    not to mention, i also dont want to rerun that insanely boring/repetitive scribing questline again, if they removed the parts where you have to dispel all the wards, then maybe i would rerun that again

    The 500 achievement gives you nothing. No reward, nothing in game attached to it. It's one of those Long Term achievements that only mean that you've been doing it a long long time. It's not meant to be done instantly. So really, no sympathy there.

    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Well I found out there is no cooldown, I got 6 almost in a row (3 nodes with double drops) in Bal Foyen. Up to 270/500, so kina is what it is. I suspect ink will be under 25-30k in another week or two.

    again, as its been stated multiple times in this thread, by multiple people, not everyone is having this kind of luck

    ive farmed bleakrock for 45 min before i got 1 ink, hitting every node within sight, this was basically my breaking point on the "its too rare to bother farming" scale

    It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of knowing how to farm it effectively. If you utilize your alts, you can find a couple of them each day that are running an above average seed.

    It's like farming anything else (ie.. furnishing plans). I run 10 toons total. Each day after reset their RNG seeds reset when they login for the firt time. Out of those 10, 3 - 6 of them will be about average in luck. 1 or 2 will be above average, 1 or 2 will be below average, 1 or 2 will be hopeless, and sometimes 1 or 2 will be phenomenal.

    You just gotta cycle through your alts until you hit one that does above average or better. Then repeat the process each day.

    But if you're just gonna farm and farm and farm on one or two toons, you're rarely ever gonna see those hot streaks.

    at my current rate of ink drops, 500 ink is going to take between 1.5 and 2 years, and entirely dependent on the RNG
    And how is not being able to quickly complete an achievement that's designed to take a long time to finish, equate to your claim "the problem is we cant use the new system now"?

    even scribing 1 skill (other than the freebie wield soul) for more my 10 alts is 30 ink

    if i wanted more than 1 skill, or to change scripts on a skill, that costs more ink

    there is no way to experiment with different scribing skill setups because it all costs ink

    and before you say it, no, absolutely no way am i wasting 900k (30k gold per ink x 30) gold on buying ink just to experiment with different script combinations to see what works best for the character, multiply that by 10 characters, multiply that by every scribe skill i want to try to use

    this is all derivative of a low drop rate of ink, essentially making the system unusable for me, both to finish achievements, and to actually attempt to you know, experiment with scribe skills

    Oh but I will say it. There's plenty of Ink on the Traders. You can buy all you like.

    Is the price unfavorable at the moment? Sure, you betcha. But that's expected if you insist on being a First Adopter. Keep iin mind that that's your choice. You don't HAVE to experiment with all or a lot of the skills right away. You could just as easily just Scribe what your ink supply supports at the moment, then experiment when the prices go down. Heck, the price of Luminous Ink has fallen 80% in the last week alone, and it's only going to fall further.

    First Adopter syndrome is almost as bad as FOMO syndrome.

    again, buying does not progress the achievements

    if i cant earn enough ink on my own to use the system, i wont end up using it, ill probably have all 11 of my characters finished learning all of the scripts before i get enough ink for the system to be useable

    i bought gold road with the intention of using the content, including the scribing system

    this would be like buying blackwood for companions, but realizing theres a 6 months grind before you can even unlock the companions

    believe me, if i could i would grind out inks, but at the current drop rate, that is an absolute major waste of my time, i have no problem grinding for hours if i have something to show for it, getting <1 ink per hour of farming is ridiculous and not worth my time

    ive run normal dragonstar arena 7 times in 1 day to powerlevel companions which was more fun than ink grind
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • DenverRalphy

    And again, we've already established that the 500 Ink achievement is a non-issue since it doesn't gate you from anything. It's supposed to be a long term achievement. As for the 50 Ink achievement, you can simply do the questline on a couple of alts, and you're done. If you refuse to do them, hey that's on you and you can just grumble and moan as you farm up the remainder to hit 50. But you can't claim that it can't be completed within a day.

    Edited by DenverRalphy on June 30, 2024 11:47AM
  • Woozywyvern
    Is anyone getting any inks on Mobs or Harvesting on alt characters? I have put about 14 hours in game time questiong and pretty much picking up all harvesting nodes I;ve come across and not a single ink drop. I have done the 2nd Era of Scribing Quest on thhis character and have the Netch and Indrik unlocks in my collections (but not done on this character).

    Wondering if its bugged or I just have beyond horrendous RNG.
    'What we do in life, echoes through Eternity.'
  • EdjeSwift
    Is anyone getting any inks on Mobs or Harvesting on alt characters? I have put about 14 hours in game time questiong and pretty much picking up all harvesting nodes I;ve come across and not a single ink drop. I have done the 2nd Era of Scribing Quest on thhis character and have the Netch and Indrik unlocks in my collections (but not done on this character).

    Wondering if its bugged or I just have beyond horrendous RNG.

    Unfortunately, it's the latter. I can personally attest that ink drops on alts without scribing unlocked. I unlocked it on my main and used alts to curate scripts and in the course of dailies/questing I've gotten my share of ink on my alts.
    Antiquities Addict
    Is anyone getting any inks on Mobs or Harvesting on alt characters? I have put about 14 hours in game time questiong and pretty much picking up all harvesting nodes I;ve come across and not a single ink drop. I have done the 2nd Era of Scribing Quest on thhis character and have the Netch and Indrik unlocks in my collections (but not done on this character).

    Wondering if its bugged or I just have beyond horrendous RNG.

    Yes I dont farm nodes on my main char, I have a special build on another char for farming nodes so there is where I got most of my Ink, I got 2 or 3 Ink on my main since launch from just playing the game.
  • Holycannoli
    It’s gonna be time for “Inkman1”, “Inkman2” etc. alts.
  • MJallday
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Harvested like 20 nodes. Nothing. Would have liked at least 1. Honestly. Introduce a system like this why? I can only assume because you need to stretch out the grind for longer because you don’t have your normal release later this year.

    20 nodes would be A 5 % drop rate

    The figures quoted are 2-%
  • moo_2021
    What do you get from the 500 ink achievement?
  • Jaraal
    moo_2021 wrote: »
    What do you get from the 500 ink achievement?

    Nothing, other than a completion checkmark.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Lixiviant
    Terrible RNG. PIcked up 2 inks in 3 hours of grinding, then nothing for 4 days.
    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • Smokedpyrotech
    Jaraal wrote: »
    moo_2021 wrote: »
    What do you get from the 500 ink achievement?

    Nothing, other than a completion checkmark.

    It unlocks a unique pillar furnishing from the achievement furnisher.,_Large
  • Jaraal
    Jaraal wrote: »
    moo_2021 wrote: »
    What do you get from the 500 ink achievement?

    Nothing, other than a completion checkmark.

    It unlocks a unique pillar furnishing from the achievement furnisher.,_Large

    Ok, thanks for the correction.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Is anyone getting any inks on Mobs or Harvesting on alt characters? I have put about 14 hours in game time questiong and pretty much picking up all harvesting nodes I;ve come across and not a single ink drop. I have done the 2nd Era of Scribing Quest on thhis character and have the Netch and Indrik unlocks in my collections (but not done on this character).

    Wondering if its bugged or I just have beyond horrendous RNG.

    i got a single ink drop out of 2 vet lucent citadel runs tonight, first ink drop in 2 days (from combined killing/harvesting)

    the ink drops are absolute garbage no matter where you try to farm them
    And again, we've already established that the 500 Ink achievement is a non-issue since it doesn't gate you from anything. It's supposed to be a long term achievement. As for the 50 Ink achievement, you can simply do the questline on a couple of alts, and you're done. If you refuse to do them, hey that's on you and you can just grumble and moan as you farm up the remainder to hit 50. But you can't claim that it can't be completed within a day.

    i dont mind grind, at all, but only when i can make sensible or monitored progress (killing 10,000 enemies is an easy grind that you can optimize, RNG grind for ink is just annoying, there is 0 way to optimize it because no matter what you do your still subject to poor RNG)

    i should be able to grind it out in a night if i wanted to, but there is no way to do that because all of the drops are RNG, its like im repeatedly farming for monster trophies, at least those were a 1 and done

    as i said before im done with the system unless they improve ink drops so you can get them in a more favorable manor
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • OtarTheMad
    Bad RNG and just the fact that I can’t log in and play for hours on end makes the ink grind a pain. I went around on my crafter today for about 30 mins (All the time I had) got 1 but only 1.
  • Woozywyvern
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Bad RNG and just the fact that I can’t log in and play for hours on end makes the ink grind a pain. I went around on my crafter today for about 30 mins (All the time I had) got 1 but only 1.

    1 - you are lucky. I havent had a drop in three days of playing. At this point I think the system is either bugged, or people are farming Harvest nodes and leaving the usual mats. Or a combination of both. I have had several nodes (well four or five) over the last 3 days where only fishing bait is left, no ctual crafting material.

    'What we do in life, echoes through Eternity.'
  • OtarTheMad
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Bad RNG and just the fact that I can’t log in and play for hours on end makes the ink grind a pain. I went around on my crafter today for about 30 mins (All the time I had) got 1 but only 1.

    1 - you are lucky. I havent had a drop in three days of playing. At this point I think the system is either bugged, or people are farming Harvest nodes and leaving the usual mats. Or a combination of both. I have had several nodes (well four or five) over the last 3 days where only fishing bait is left, no ctual crafting material.

    It wouldn’t shock me if this was the case, someone just taking the ink and leaving but I even get areas no one really goes anymore and found none. Idk.

    It’s really drives me away from Scribing honestly. Today I got excited for some Scribing ideas for my tank and Ice Mage but remembered how bad the grind was and I am just not gonna do that. I might do the quests on a few alts if I get time but even those are long chain quests.

  • Haenk
    Went a bit of node farming yesterday, I'd say it turned out to be about 3 ink per hour. Really no need to change the drop rate.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    Is anyone getting any inks on Mobs or Harvesting on alt characters? I have put about 14 hours in game time questiong and pretty much picking up all harvesting nodes I;ve come across and not a single ink drop. I have done the 2nd Era of Scribing Quest on thhis character and have the Netch and Indrik unlocks in my collections (but not done on this character).

    Wondering if its bugged or I just have beyond horrendous RNG.

    i got a single ink drop out of 2 vet lucent citadel runs tonight, first ink drop in 2 days (from combined killing/harvesting)

    the ink drops are absolute garbage no matter where you try to farm them
    And again, we've already established that the 500 Ink achievement is a non-issue since it doesn't gate you from anything. It's supposed to be a long term achievement. As for the 50 Ink achievement, you can simply do the questline on a couple of alts, and you're done. If you refuse to do them, hey that's on you and you can just grumble and moan as you farm up the remainder to hit 50. But you can't claim that it can't be completed within a day.

    i dont mind grind, at all, but only when i can make sensible or monitored progress (killing 10,000 enemies is an easy grind that you can optimize, RNG grind for ink is just annoying, there is 0 way to optimize it because no matter what you do your still subject to poor RNG)

    i should be able to grind it out in a night if i wanted to, but there is no way to do that because all of the drops are RNG, its like im repeatedly farming for monster trophies, at least those were a 1 and done

    as i said before im done with the system unless they improve ink drops so you can get them in a more favorable manor

    Yeah I tried a fast farming build made for speed and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. I get about 1 an hour. But I've been grinding the ink and I think it's time to stop and do something else. I had a couple of holes I wanted try filling with scribed skills but I'm not really sure what exactly I need. I was hoping to get enough ink to scribe a few and just try them. It's been hard for me to let go of that idea.

    The thing about RNG is for the most part I have pretty average luck. Nothing too splashy but I'm usually not at the bottom like this either. And the lack of drops for me is just so consistent. I think there must be a bug somewhere. Some people consistently getting 10 drops in an hours and some getting 1 isn't very balanced, I can't imagine it's supposed to work like this.
  • Aurielle
    Haenk wrote: »
    Went a bit of node farming yesterday, I'd say it turned out to be about 3 ink per hour. Really no need to change the drop rate.

    So because you personally lucked out, there is no need to improve things for people consistently struggling to acquire even one ink per hour?

    I really wish you “drop rate is fine” folks could empathize a bit.
  • Orbital78
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

  • Aurielle
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.
  • Deedleqwerty
    CrashTest wrote: »
    Is ink dropping from surveys? What about dungeon and trial mobs?

    No to surveys. Yes to dungeon and trial mobs. But, for me, farming nodes is the best way to find them.
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS4] / NA / EU
    CP 1980 NA / CP 1400 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
  • nenekotanb16_ESO
    They could have started you off with a larger amount of ink (like 60 total) from the quests, and maybe made them character bound or something to stop you farming the quest. This would at least enable people to try out all the skills.

    I don't mind the drop rate for the long term, but it stopping short term experimentation is a really bad incentive for engaging with scribing. This rightfully frustrates people.

    However, I don't think the issue will persist much longer, as the ink price is dropping more and more, It's already at ~30K or lower at EU. With ink now also dropping from bosses, it won't be long before it will be worth something like 10K.
  • ShadowPaladin
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I can and I do empathize with people when and if certain things will take for ever until they do drop! Had those kind of situations plenty of times myself :bawling:.

    But, I also would like to point out one thing I have seen happening here in the forum quite a lot. The thing I am talking about is all the talk about drop chances (e.g. for ink 2% or so) and in the same sentence also stating something along the lines of *with X% of chance I should be able to get X within looting something 100 times*.

    Here I want to point out that this assumption is WRONG! Statistically speaking it is correct, but only statistically speaking!

    The chances are calculated for EACH container on its own and NOT in a cumulated way!!! This means, we do have - lets take the ink as an example - a 2% chance to get an ink drop each time we loot a resource node, which does also mean that we do have a 98% chance of not getting an ink.

    Since this system is rng based, we do have quite the different outcomes. As you all have noticed some people do loot 50 nodes and get 1 ink, then again 50 nodes and 1 ink. Others on the other hand loot 150 nodes and get nothing, but then get 4 within the next 50 nodes. Or some even don't get any within looting 800 nodes, but then get 1 ink every 10 nodes, until reaching a total of 1000 farmed nodes.

    If you now look at the numbers, you will notice that its always a 2% chance, statistically speaking.

    50 nodes -> 1 ink + 50 nodes -> 1 ink = 100 nodes with 2 inks (2 out of 100 = 2%)

    150 nodes no ink + 50 nodes -> 2 inks = 200 nodes with 4 inks (4 out of 200 = 2%)

    800 nodes no ink + 1 ink every 10 nodes for 200 nodes = 1000 nodes with 20 inks (20 out of 1000 = 2%)

  • nenekotanb16_ESO
    But, I also would like to point out one thing I have seen happening here in the forum quite a lot. The thing I am talking about is all the talk about drop chances (e.g. for ink 2% or so) and in the same sentence also stating something along the lines of *with X% of chance I should be able to get X within looting something 100 times*.

    Here I want to point out that this assumption is WRONG! Statistically speaking it is correct, but only statistically speaking!

    Agreed, and in addition it's not even 2%. It's more like 0.5%, so one in every 200 nodes would one average net you 1.5 ink (with the CP talent enabled). Farming 20 nodes is not indicative of anything. You would need to keep track of thousands, preferably tens of thousands of node harvests, to get statistically reasonable estimations over what we already know.
    Edited by nenekotanb16_ESO on July 1, 2024 11:40AM
  • This_0ne
    I don't think I've spoken out about ink yet. Not all players have the opportunity to download an extra 100+ GB of test server just to simply test a new system and find the best skill options for themselves, just as not everyone wants to blindly trust the tests of guides from the YouTube, forum and so on and want to test their builds. At the moment, such tests are either not possible due to the low ink drop for a number (in my opinion, the majority) of people, or are unreasonably expensive. What should be the goal of zos in selling the scribing system and keeping players in the game? Of course, grinding for several hours can keep someone in the game, but it will turn off most players. As a result, players cease to be interested in the scribing system and simply spit on it. But it seems to me that it would be worth asking for a refund, although I don’t think that after so long it’s possible.
    Regarding my personal experience in the drop. Over the last couple of weeks of playing (not farming, but trying to enjoy the game and the process), I have not received a SINGLE bottle of ink. And if previously they at least fell from resources and urns, then from mobs I only dropped 2 inks the entire time and never fell from bosses that were supposed to be fixed (I would also like to know which bosses this applies to, but obviously not to world bosses) . I also support the idea of ​​expanding the sources of receipt, especially PVP, but not limiting it to them, but supplementing them with rewards for random dungeons (which I don’t go to), for vows, and I would really like for resourses survey.
  • Necrotech_Master
    But, I also would like to point out one thing I have seen happening here in the forum quite a lot. The thing I am talking about is all the talk about drop chances (e.g. for ink 2% or so) and in the same sentence also stating something along the lines of *with X% of chance I should be able to get X within looting something 100 times*.

    Here I want to point out that this assumption is WRONG! Statistically speaking it is correct, but only statistically speaking!

    Agreed, and in addition it's not even 2%. It's more like 0.5%, so one in every 200 nodes would one average net you 1.5 ink (with the CP talent enabled). Farming 20 nodes is not indicative of anything. You would need to keep track of thousands, preferably tens of thousands of node harvests, to get statistically reasonable estimations over what we already know.

    theres been people who already did this, and the approximate drop rate of ink is about 2-3x rarer than nirncrux

    the largest problem with ink seems to be the people who care about it the least are getting the most of it, while those of us who want to use the system, cant get enough of it

    and to all of you who say "oh bruh just buy the drops", this does not count towards the achievements, sure it will be fine if you need to scribe something, but it doesnt help progress the achievements to try to get to 500 inks any faster

    ive already tried doing hard node farming in dense node locations, it does not want to drop for me and i feel like my time is much better spent well, not doing that, and drops from enemies are so insanely rare you cant count on it or predict it
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • sarahthes
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"
  • Necrotech_Master
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    We have a double node drop coming up, I'm sure they will be falling in your lap if you give a little effort. I know when Craglorn is effected I got quite a lot more nirncrux. I assume ink will be similar. TBH I don't understand how people can be having that many issues, unless they are trying to AoE farm. I think I am up to nearly 300/500 now and basically have no use for inks.

    Again, can you folks please empathize instead of assuming we’re doing something wrong? It’s possible that the drop rate / ink RNG is bugged on some accounts (either some of you are getting way more ink than intended, or some of us are getting way less ink than intended). I’m not even at 50 ink yet, and I actually have a use for ink. I know how to farm resource nodes efficiently.

    I don't think drop rates are bugged.

    I think some people say "Ugh, I farmed for an hour and only got 3 ink" while others say "yay! I farmed for an hour and got 3 ink!"

    while i absolutely dont enjoy node farming like a bot, even farming for an hour ive still gotten 0, and this is on multiple days, weeks now at this point

    im basing my gains on objectivity, it is in fact garbage for me, ive had access to scribing for 4 weeks now and only up to 33 ink earned (12 from the initial quest run), that is statistics

    ive tried farming, multiple days, ive tried playing normally multiple days, it does not want to drop for me what feels like at all

    in 4 weeks (28 days) since ive had scribing ive gotten 21 inks as drops, thats an avg of 0.75 a day

    i have no idea how many nodes ive farmed or mobs ive killed in this time period, but the drop rate is absolutely garbage

    ink should at minimum drop about the same rate as housing materials

    right now the drop rate is so bad its just demoralizing to the point of wanting to ignore the system
    Edited by Necrotech_Master on July 1, 2024 3:06PM
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
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