Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

CRITICAL BUG: booted to lobby and player and map rolled back in cyrodiil

  • Tsuriel
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, providing a brief update here. As noted before, the team is aware of this issue and is working to resolve this. The team is still investigating and testing a possible fix. Once we can verify that the fix works and is safe to deploy, we will follow up. We know this is an inconvenience and we appreciate your patience as we work through this.

    We have added this to the Dev Tracker for visibility.

    Thanks, I'm avoiding playing ESO until there is a fix, only logging in to do dailies and open boxes for now, but thanks for the update. I hope the team will be able to properly fix the PvP servers and perhaps even go as far as to upgrade the servers themselves.

    In addition, some form of compensation would be great to make up for the trouble people have been going through, other than that big ups for the ongoing investigation :)
  • Soraka
    This is why I wish it was communicated better and maybe disabled. I don't pay attention to what I'm doing generally and with rollbacks etc with some people losing things or having keybinds reset, it stresses me out to think I could have lost something or had to redo my keybinds simply because I played unaware there were serious issues.

    My champion points were weird and I didn't know until a group member reminded the party to check keybinds and champion points and decline changes. I shouldn't have to rely on another player telling me stuff, especially when pvpers tend to be a little less chatty sometimes.

    If the issue is serious enough that players can unknowingly lose items/progress why is it not disabled?
    Edited by Soraka on April 10, 2024 1:27PM
  • HuanShai
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.
  • Chakei
    HuanShai wrote: »
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.

    All due respect, no. A lot of us have pvped since launch and have watched the servers degrade and performance worsen and the only response from ZOS has been to lower the population caps. An entire zone is crashing regularly. That this has been going on for days is a joke and there's no response from ZOS other than to say we're working on it. It's not acceptable.
  • Asmelia
    in Cyro even Volendrung took a break to appear during 2 days in a row and from now on today and the scrolls if stolen from enemy finish by roll back in temple after an amount of time. If it was only game client the whole map wouldn't be f uked up like this
  • Photosniper89
    This is hands down the best game I have ever played, 10/10 would recommend.
  • Photosniper89
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    There was a small rollback in Reaper's March about an hour ago @ZOS_Kevin, other players were commenting about it in the zone chat as well, it booted players to the character screen and then around 2-3 minutes worth of progress was lost, but I thought I'd mention it here because with the event happening right now and people farming for the drops, it would be an issue if roll backs started happening in overland zones too.

    So it's not just PvP now?

    Still 10/10 would recommend this game.
  • DragonRacer
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    There was a small rollback in Reaper's March about an hour ago @ZOS_Kevin, other players were commenting about it in the zone chat as well, it booted players to the character screen and then around 2-3 minutes worth of progress was lost, but I thought I'd mention it here because with the event happening right now and people farming for the drops, it would be an issue if roll backs started happening in overland zones too.

    So it's not just PvP now?

    Still 10/10 would recommend this game.

    Apparently not and may be affecting console in a different yet similar way (no response to this yet):
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • xMauiWaui
    HuanShai wrote: »
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.

    If your here since launch, this is not true. I can only understand the Point of more respect in Forum. But the work isnt good enough for what they got/get and what they do/dit. Not for PVP. And its a Part of the Game. And this Parrt of the Game is after all the Years rlly a sad thing.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    HuanShai wrote: »
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.

    It's almost like when an entire community is neglected for years on end, their patience wears thin.
  • Photosniper89
    HuanShai wrote: »
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.

    It's almost like when an entire community is neglected for years on end, their patience wears thin.

    Just be honest and transparent with everyone - that is all people want. We can accept that they don't know what is causing the PvP issues, or if they truly just don't think its worth the investment to continue to focus on PvP and it's in a band aid mode until further notice.

    Obviously they are aware of the state of PvP so just being radio silent about it with the community for the last 5+ years is an intentional decision - I just wish we could know why.
  • reazea
    Day 3 and this very critical issue is still not fixed or, as far as we can tell, been given nothing more than lip service. This is yet another slap to the face for the PvP community.

    Add that to any mention of PvP or Cyrodiil during live streams gets us silenced, another slap.

    The population caps keep being reduced is yet another slap.

    Continually reducing the server capacity dedicated to Cyrodiil, another slap.

    So it's easy to see why most of the PvP community feels they are in an abusive relationship with ZOS at this point....those that haven't left the game entirely that is.

    Edited by reazea on April 10, 2024 4:23PM
  • Photosniper89
    reazea wrote: »
    Day 3 and this very critical issue is still not fixed or, as far as we can tell, been given nothing more than lip service. This is yet another slap to the face for the PvP community.

    Add that to any mention of PvP or Cyrodiil during live streams gets us silenced, another slap.

    The population caps keep being reduced is yet another slap.

    Continually reducing the server capacity dedicated to Cyrodiil, another slap.

    So it's easy to see why most of the PvP community feels they are in an abusive relationship with ZOS at this point....those that haven't left the game entirely that is.

    Very, very good point. If you mention anything about PvP with the context of issues or when we can get content your messaged gets deleted and you get put in timeout. Like I said, something internal is very deliberate with their communication and stance on PvP.

    10/10 game would recommend though.
  • Desiato
    Obviously they are aware of the state of PvP so just being radio silent about it with the community for the last 5+ years is an intentional decision - I just wish we could know why.

    Because they're not going to come out and say "we faced an existential crisis after a bad launch which required us to pivot to a different business model and audience while cutting staff. we ultimately decided that AvA would cost too much to fix and decided to quietly deprecated Cyrodiil to focus on the new vision for the game as an ultracasual online rpg for bethesda's massive casual skyrim fanbase."

    Sometimes you have to read between the lines. It didn't only affect PVP. ESO was supposed to have challenging overland and raid PVE content. The entire vision of the game was changed after launch.

    IMO the devs as individuals don't like how it played out and the staff remaining staff from Mythic probably have a soft spot for Cyrodiiil which is why it still exists, despite adding very little value to the average ESO player. I think they've tried to make it more appealing to the average eso player with what little resources are afforded to them with the hope it would rekindle interest and thereby justify investment, but that hasn't worked. Keep in mind that ZOS has always answered to corporate execs at Zenimax and Microsoft Gaming.

    This is why I wish the mythic guys would pitch AvA+IC as a standalone PvPvE F2P game to Microsoft. I think the greater PVP gaming community would love to play it if they didn't have to play ESO PVE to do it. It's a potential home run with very little work needed for a product that could continue to use assets developed for ESO.

    That's my take, anyway.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • LonePirate
    The lack of any real concern or urgency by ZOS to fix this problem is simply astonishing to me. Instead of resolving this major glitch, they are only focused on scheduled tasks, such as pushing out today’s patches for consoles (which likely introduces the crashing problem to those players) and getting ready for next week’s PTS update because that impacts the revenue schedule and cycle. What in the world are Firor, Lambert and Burba thinking by letting this problem fester for so long? If ESO was an automobile, it would be subject to Lemon Laws.
  • Freilauftomate
    LonePirate wrote: »
    The lack of any real concern or urgency by ZOS to fix this problem is simply astonishing to me. Instead of resolving this major glitch, they are only focused on scheduled tasks, such as pushing out today’s patches for consoles (which likely introduces the crashing problem to those players) and getting ready for next week’s PTS update because that impacts the revenue schedule and cycle. What in the world are Firor, Lambert and Burba thinking by letting this problem fester for so long? If ESO was an automobile, it would be subject to Lemon Laws.

    Lol, if ESO was a car we would all be in jail for driving it...
  • ForumSavant
    reazea wrote: »
    Day 3 and this very critical issue is still not fixed or, as far as we can tell, been given nothing more than lip service. This is yet another slap to the face for the PvP community.

    Add that to any mention of PvP or Cyrodiil during live streams gets us silenced, another slap.

    The population caps keep being reduced is yet another slap.

    Continually reducing the server capacity dedicated to Cyrodiil, another slap.

    So it's easy to see why most of the PvP community feels they are in an abusive relationship with ZOS at this point....those that haven't left the game entirely that is.

    Don't forget the stream where a certain someone from ZOS had their S/O openly make fun of the PvP community as a whole and mock them, then to have that employee never stream again. It honestly feels like they just enjoy putting down their own player base. I think if people higher up the chain, and I mean really high up, knew about the way they acted towards a significant portion of their player base, who generally have played for an extended period of time, and have given a decent amount of money to the game, they probably wouldn't allow it to happen.
  • reazea
    reazea wrote: »
    Day 3 and this very critical issue is still not fixed or, as far as we can tell, been given nothing more than lip service. This is yet another slap to the face for the PvP community.

    Add that to any mention of PvP or Cyrodiil during live streams gets us silenced, another slap.

    The population caps keep being reduced is yet another slap.

    Continually reducing the server capacity dedicated to Cyrodiil, another slap.

    So it's easy to see why most of the PvP community feels they are in an abusive relationship with ZOS at this point....those that haven't left the game entirely that is.

    Don't forget the stream where a certain someone from ZOS had their S/O openly make fun of the PvP community as a whole and mock them, then to have that employee never stream again. It honestly feels like they just enjoy putting down their own player base. I think if people higher up the chain, and I mean really high up, knew about the way they acted towards a significant portion of their player base, who generally have played for an extended period of time, and have given a decent amount of money to the game, they probably wouldn't allow it to happen.

    Oh, I didn't forget about that video and who it came from. I even remember the grey parrot on one of their shoulders. I'm just afraid to mention it on the forum anymore after having done so one other time with swift and detrimental results.
  • Photosniper89
    Desiato wrote: »
    Obviously they are aware of the state of PvP so just being radio silent about it with the community for the last 5+ years is an intentional decision - I just wish we could know why.

    Because they're not going to come out and say "we faced an existential crisis after a bad launch which required us to pivot to a different business model and audience while cutting staff. we ultimately decided that AvA would cost too much to fix and decided to quietly deprecated Cyrodiil to focus on the new vision for the game as an ultracasual online rpg for bethesda's massive casual skyrim fanbase."

    Sometimes you have to read between the lines. It didn't only affect PVP. ESO was supposed to have challenging overland and raid PVE content. The entire vision of the game was changed after launch.

    IMO the devs as individuals don't like how it played out and the staff remaining staff from Mythic probably have a soft spot for Cyrodiiil which is why it still exists, despite adding very little value to the average ESO player. I think they've tried to make it more appealing to the average eso player with what little resources are afforded to them with the hope it would rekindle interest and thereby justify investment, but that hasn't worked. Keep in mind that ZOS has always answered to corporate execs at Zenimax and Microsoft Gaming.

    This is why I wish the mythic guys would pitch AvA+IC as a standalone PvPvE F2P game to Microsoft. I think the greater PVP gaming community would love to play it if they didn't have to play ESO PVE to do it. It's a potential home run with very little work needed for a product that could continue to use assets developed for ESO.

    That's my take, anyway.

    Why can't they, though? Who says they can't do that? Look at what 343 did with Halo Infinite and the monthly video series they started doing with devs/community leads to discuss the challenges they faced and how they would tackle it.
  • HeavyMetalHippie420
    Desiato wrote: »
    Obviously they are aware of the state of PvP so just being radio silent about it with the community for the last 5+ years is an intentional decision - I just wish we could know why.

    Because they're not going to come out and say "we faced an existential crisis after a bad launch which required us to pivot to a different business model and audience while cutting staff. we ultimately decided that AvA would cost too much to fix and decided to quietly deprecated Cyrodiil to focus on the new vision for the game as an ultracasual online rpg for bethesda's massive casual skyrim fanbase."

    Sometimes you have to read between the lines. It didn't only affect PVP. ESO was supposed to have challenging overland and raid PVE content. The entire vision of the game was changed after launch.

    IMO the devs as individuals don't like how it played out and the staff remaining staff from Mythic probably have a soft spot for Cyrodiiil which is why it still exists, despite adding very little value to the average ESO player. I think they've tried to make it more appealing to the average eso player with what little resources are afforded to them with the hope it would rekindle interest and thereby justify investment, but that hasn't worked. Keep in mind that ZOS has always answered to corporate execs at Zenimax and Microsoft Gaming.

    This is why I wish the mythic guys would pitch AvA+IC as a standalone PvPvE F2P game to Microsoft. I think the greater PVP gaming community would love to play it if they didn't have to play ESO PVE to do it. It's a potential home run with very little work needed for a product that could continue to use assets developed for ESO.

    That's my take, anyway.

    I don't want to have to pay for a separate game to get PVP, nor do I want to lose the progress and achievements I've made in PVP. They can fix PVP in ESO. It'll take time and money but they can afford it, especially if they can afford to host events around the world. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to lose their progress made in PVP.
  • ForumSavant
    LonePirate wrote: »
    I think if people higher up the chain, and I mean really high up, knew about the way they acted towards a significant portion of their player base, who generally have played for an extended period of time, and have given a decent amount of money to the game, they probably wouldn't allow it to happen.


    This isn't necessarily true, not every corporation is full of bad actors. Obviously they care most about their bottom line, but there are several who implement teams to target specific problems even if they aren't necessarily profitable for them to do so. I think you don't understand that this can also lead to increase consumer satisfaction, and the biggest problem we see here, which is just communication, which in turn can cement players as buy-back long term customers.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 12, 2024 11:45AM
  • React
    Desiato wrote: »
    Obviously they are aware of the state of PvP so just being radio silent about it with the community for the last 5+ years is an intentional decision - I just wish we could know why.

    Because they're not going to come out and say "we faced an existential crisis after a bad launch which required us to pivot to a different business model and audience while cutting staff. we ultimately decided that AvA would cost too much to fix and decided to quietly deprecated Cyrodiil to focus on the new vision for the game as an ultracasual online rpg for bethesda's massive casual skyrim fanbase."

    Sometimes you have to read between the lines. It didn't only affect PVP. ESO was supposed to have challenging overland and raid PVE content. The entire vision of the game was changed after launch.

    IMO the devs as individuals don't like how it played out and the staff remaining staff from Mythic probably have a soft spot for Cyrodiiil which is why it still exists, despite adding very little value to the average ESO player. I think they've tried to make it more appealing to the average eso player with what little resources are afforded to them with the hope it would rekindle interest and thereby justify investment, but that hasn't worked. Keep in mind that ZOS has always answered to corporate execs at Zenimax and Microsoft Gaming.

    This is why I wish the mythic guys would pitch AvA+IC as a standalone PvPvE F2P game to Microsoft. I think the greater PVP gaming community would love to play it if they didn't have to play ESO PVE to do it. It's a potential home run with very little work needed for a product that could continue to use assets developed for ESO.

    That's my take, anyway.

    Why can't they, though? Who says they can't do that? Look at what 343 did with Halo Infinite and the monthly video series they started doing with devs/community leads to discuss the challenges they faced and how they would tackle it.

    There was another game too which did something similar, @FrankonPC had a video on it maybe a year or two ago. There was some bad decisions by the development team, and they took singifcant steps in order to interact more with their community and provide clarity on their decisions, the challenges they faced, etc. They bought back a lot of good faith from their community, iirc.

    The development team at zenimax has had ample opportunity to do something like this. It's not like any of the concerns, from the pvp community in particular, are new whatsoever. We've dealt with severe performance issues for the better part of the game's lifespan, and in recent years we've dealt with gamebreaking combat bugs and balance issues for extended periods of time. The issue this thread is about is genuinely the most significant, harmful, and severe bug I can possibly imagine happening in an mmo, and having it described by ZOS as an "inconvenience" feels.. disconnected?

    I'm not going to sit here and abuse the developers, as I don't understand the constraints they may have. But I will say that when problems like this have continually arose with increased frequency over the last two years, and throughout it all there has been zero increase in meaningful interaction or communication in regards to the issues or plans to remedy them, it makes me as a consumer feel like the studio does not care how these problems impact my experience. As such, I'm inclined to spend less money on the game, and less time playing it or making content that promotes it.

    I hope they have some sort of response to this issue when it's resolved, but I honestly doubt it will lead to any of the improved communication/interaction we're looking for.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Jaraal
    LonePirate wrote: »
    They care about their profits and image only.

    But how does having consistently dysfunctional patch releases affect their image? Surely it can't be for the better?

    Are the officers and investors at Microsoft aware of all these problems? Do they come to the forums to get a feel for what players are dealing with? Or do they just look at Crown sales and profit/loss margin? It would be interesting to know how they feel about all this.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • johnjetau
    At this point ZOS sees PVP as the middle child.

    Not important enough to care about our issues, but occasionally acknowledging we still exist so they don't appear neglectful.
  • Desiato
    Why can't they, though? Who says they can't do that? Look at what 343 did with Halo Infinite and the monthly video series they started doing with devs/community leads to discuss the challenges they faced and how they would tackle it.

    Because it happened years ago, and if they were going to it would have happened already. That level of candor is uncommon from any company and generally isn't to be expected. If they do it, it's because they feel it's in the best interest of the company and their investors to do so. Beyond that, I can't answer why ZOS chose to proceed how they did.
    I don't want to have to pay for a separate game to get PVP, nor do I want to lose the progress and achievements I've made in PVP. They can fix PVP in ESO. It'll take time and money but they can afford it, especially if they can afford to host events around the world. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to lose their progress made in PVP.

    I would love to be free of the PVE burdens of set and mat grinding required to play PVP how I prefer to. But there's different ways they could tie the two games together in terms of subs and items that the two games share.

    For example, your existing ESO account could be used to log into the new game, and you would still have all of your relevant collections like mounts, outfit styles, recipes, etc...

    IMO the main thing holding back ESO PVP isn't the state of the game, but the fact it's not accessible to the players who would enjoy playing it. It's main problem is that it's not compatible with ESO's casual PVE audience who, generally speaking, obviously aren't fans of PVP. I think as a F2P game, AvA as it presently exists would be extremely compelling if the greater PVP gaming community could just play it without PVE constraints.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • HeavyMetalHippie420
    Now there are crashes and rollbacks in pve.
  • DigiAngel
    The fact that there is no red "we're working on it" banner in these forums speaks volumes...
  • Mall0ry
    HuanShai wrote: »
    I believe most people are being a little rude here, remember the engine is a little old and they are probably doing the best they can, be more polite.

    People are aware of the fact how old this game is.

    We complain mainly about the communication and the lack of transparency. Yes, the engine is old. We are used to suffer, especially the pvpers are used to it. We just ask for more attention. Explain us what is going on, and we stop crying (or maybe cry a little bit less).
    Hear the singing of our blades
    death has come, foes be afraid!

    (Jouvena - Aldmeri Dominion Eternal)

    EU PC PvP AD only. Please give Cyro some love, Zos!
  • StihlReign
    Desiato wrote: »
    This is why I wish the mythic guys would pitch AvA+IC as a standalone PvPvE F2P game to Microsoft. I think the greater PVP gaming community would love to play it if they didn't have to play ESO PVE to do it. It's a potential home run with very little work needed for a product that could continue to use assets developed for ESO.

    That's my take, anyway.

    This game (PvP) 1. probably couldn't exist without PvE and 2. would be horrible without the PvE component to support it, and I highly doubt PvPers would play the game if it were disconnected from PvE.

    This game was billed and sold as a massive PvP game with PvE support and it should return to that mission. Most of the PvE material is 8 maybe 9/10.

    PvP - not so much...a stroll across Cyodill with the grass turned off is mindboggling (The overland team could find plenty to be emabarrased about)

    PvP and Vet Trials = Endgame.

    The combat team has let us down and broken ESO repeatedly, which has led to the poor performance in Cyrodiil and Trials.

    The fixes are fairly straightforward and relatively simple - Remove all 5th trait armor bonuses that share damage and buffs among groups. Remove heal stacking.

    EDIT | Spelling
    Edited by StihlReign on April 10, 2024 6:38PM
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Seyer530
    @ZOS_Kevin just reset Cyrodiil servers back to Wrothgar days, before vicious death and other junk that make us suffer so much.
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