Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

CRITICAL BUG: booted to lobby and player and map rolled back in cyrodiil

  • ForumSavant
    Yeah we are aware of Kevin's response, but that was yesterday. We should not be left in the dark for this long, for an issue of this magnitude. Any other system in the game would have multiple responses, multiple updates on a timeframe, and the game would be taken down within 24hrs.
  • Necrotech_Master
    The best part is there isn't an update at all today, just deal with it, we do not care.

    There will be an update right before they leave the office for the day.

    This should be an all freaking hands on deck issue. Not only are we losing real $ from crown items but also the duping issues, losing a crap ton of in game AP/gold/items, absolute chaos right now and the teams silent.

    At the absolute bare minimum I'd expect a company of this size to put out an update saying they are aware and what they are still doing to try to solve it. Other companies when they have issues of this magnitude will do updates every 3-4 hours.

    Nothing from ZOS.

    'We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.' ~ ZOS_GinaBruno , nov 2018

    Have they learned anything since 2018? Guess not.

    i guess you didnt see that zos_kevin already responded in this thread yesterday that they are aware of it and working on a fix?

    Oh, I did see it. That response was eh at best for a "bug" of this magnitude. Followed by multiple dev responses this morning when a crown store issue popped up.

    Imagine if PvE reset 2-3 times every 30 minutes, everything you did was reset (including buying crowns), you can duplicate items, etc, and that was the response you got followed by silence from the team today.

    PvErs would be losing their absolute minds right now.

    while i agree it should be a priority to fix, it still takes time to make a fix, devs are people too not like they would have been working on a fix for this "until it was fixed" for the last 24 hours

    is it a big issue? yes, did zos respond to the issue? yes, have they confirmed its being fixed? yes

    so it will get fixed, ideally sooner the better, yelling/screaming/teeth gnashing about an issue that they already know of and working on a fix wont get it done faster (its been slightly over 24 hours since they did the maintenance for the patch)

    always have the option to not play in cyro until its fixed, which considering some of the other responses in here about locking the cyro camps until its fixed would result in the same outcome, but probably actually make people complain more that they cant go into cyro at all
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Photosniper89
    The best part is there isn't an update at all today, just deal with it, we do not care.

    There will be an update right before they leave the office for the day.

    This should be an all freaking hands on deck issue. Not only are we losing real $ from crown items but also the duping issues, losing a crap ton of in game AP/gold/items, absolute chaos right now and the teams silent.

    At the absolute bare minimum I'd expect a company of this size to put out an update saying they are aware and what they are still doing to try to solve it. Other companies when they have issues of this magnitude will do updates every 3-4 hours.

    Nothing from ZOS.

    'We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.' ~ ZOS_GinaBruno , nov 2018

    Have they learned anything since 2018? Guess not.

    i guess you didnt see that zos_kevin already responded in this thread yesterday that they are aware of it and working on a fix?

    Oh, I did see it. That response was eh at best for a "bug" of this magnitude. Followed by multiple dev responses this morning when a crown store issue popped up.

    Imagine if PvE reset 2-3 times every 30 minutes, everything you did was reset (including buying crowns), you can duplicate items, etc, and that was the response you got followed by silence from the team today.

    PvErs would be losing their absolute minds right now.

    while i agree it should be a priority to fix, it still takes time to make a fix, devs are people too not like they would have been working on a fix for this "until it was fixed" for the last 24 hours

    is it a big issue? yes, did zos respond to the issue? yes, have they confirmed its being fixed? yes

    so it will get fixed, ideally sooner the better, yelling/screaming/teeth gnashing about an issue that they already know of and working on a fix wont get it done faster (its been slightly over 24 hours since they did the maintenance for the patch)

    always have the option to not play in cyro until its fixed, which considering some of the other responses in here about locking the cyro camps until its fixed would result in the same outcome, but probably actually make people complain more that they cant go into cyro at all

    They have offices all over the world in different timezones, fyi.
  • Desiato
    Yeah we are aware of Kevin's response, but that was yesterday. We should not be left in the dark for this long, for an issue of this magnitude. Any other system in the game would have multiple responses, multiple updates on a timeframe, and the game would be taken down within 24hrs.

    The difference is that Cyrodiil is an afterthought to ZOS. As a result of this being true for years, it has a tiny playerbase that is inconsequential financially to them. Whatever one thinks of this, it is the reality. If you choose to play AvA, it is better to accept it than to suffer pointlessly. All the people in this thread losing their minds are only hurting themselves. ZOS learned to tune out PVP players years ago.

    This will happen again. Cyrodiil, for as long as it continues to exist, will continue to have catastrophic failures that will not be resolved as quickly as we would like. This was once intolerable to me, so I quit for years. When I returned, I accepted it would be foolish to expect it to be different, therefore I don't invest too much of myself into the game to avoid suffering.

    If you want to be passionate about a game, find one in which the devs truly value you as a customer. For AvA players, it is clear that is not the case here. Self-immolating won't change that.

    “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

    I don't say these things to defend ZOS. I say them from a place of empathy because I used to let these things get to me which resulted in needless suffering that didn't change anything.
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • Erissime
    Yeah we are aware of Kevin's response, but that was yesterday. We should not be left in the dark for this long, for an issue of this magnitude. Any other system in the game would have multiple responses, multiple updates on a timeframe, and the game would be taken down within 24hrs.

    The exact vibe I'm getting from all this. Usually, my discord posts news of sometimes absolutely "nothing" in terms of glitches and issues happening in pve. This time I had to get out of my way, scroll the nets, find this thread - and STILL wonder if it's the right one in which to question what is happening with this whole bug.

    Also second day of the bug apparently, with little to no communication from the ones responsible for the performance of this game. Sad, and totally joy-breaking business. Happy Anniversary to you all wherever you are - I hope you're having a better time of it than your actual players. Playing this game. Being here and keeping your business going. Jolly well done!

  • Photosniper89
    The best part is there isn't an update at all today, just deal with it, we do not care.

    There will be an update right before they leave the office for the day.

    This should be an all freaking hands on deck issue. Not only are we losing real $ from crown items but also the duping issues, losing a crap ton of in game AP/gold/items, absolute chaos right now and the teams silent.

    At the absolute bare minimum I'd expect a company of this size to put out an update saying they are aware and what they are still doing to try to solve it. Other companies when they have issues of this magnitude will do updates every 3-4 hours.

    Nothing from ZOS.

    'We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.' ~ ZOS_GinaBruno , nov 2018

    Have they learned anything since 2018? Guess not.

    i guess you didnt see that zos_kevin already responded in this thread yesterday that they are aware of it and working on a fix?

    Oh, I did see it. That response was eh at best for a "bug" of this magnitude. Followed by multiple dev responses this morning when a crown store issue popped up.

    Imagine if PvE reset 2-3 times every 30 minutes, everything you did was reset (including buying crowns), you can duplicate items, etc, and that was the response you got followed by silence from the team today.

    PvErs would be losing their absolute minds right now.

    while i agree it should be a priority to fix, it still takes time to make a fix, devs are people too not like they would have been working on a fix for this "until it was fixed" for the last 24 hours

    is it a big issue? yes, did zos respond to the issue? yes, have they confirmed its being fixed? yes

    so it will get fixed, ideally sooner the better, yelling/screaming/teeth gnashing about an issue that they already know of and working on a fix wont get it done faster (its been slightly over 24 hours since they did the maintenance for the patch)

    always have the option to not play in cyro until its fixed, which considering some of the other responses in here about locking the cyro camps until its fixed would result in the same outcome, but probably actually make people complain more that they cant go into cyro at all

    They have offices all over the world in different timezones, fyi.
    Desiato wrote: »
    Yeah we are aware of Kevin's response, but that was yesterday. We should not be left in the dark for this long, for an issue of this magnitude. Any other system in the game would have multiple responses, multiple updates on a timeframe, and the game would be taken down within 24hrs.

    The difference is that Cyrodiil is an afterthought to ZOS. As a result of this being true for years, it has a tiny playerbase that is inconsequential financially to them. Whatever one thinks of this, it is the reality. If you choose to play AvA, it is better to accept it than to suffer pointlessly. All the people in this thread losing their minds are only hurting themselves. ZOS learned to tune out PVP players years ago.

    This will happen again. Cyrodiil, for as long as it continues to exist, will continue to have catastrophic failures that will not be resolved as quickly as we would like. This was once intolerable to me, so I quit for years. When I returned, I accepted it would be foolish to expect it to be different, therefore I don't invest too much of myself into the game to avoid suffering.

    If you want to be passionate about a game, find one in which the devs truly value you as a customer. For AvA players, it is clear that is not the case here. Self-immolating won't change that.

    “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

    I don't say these things to defend ZOS. I say them from a place of empathy because I used to let these things get to me which resulted in needless suffering that didn't change anything.

    This is the way - grant me the will power to finally leave this game I have been playing since beta.
  • ForumSavant
    Desiato wrote: »
    Yeah we are aware of Kevin's response, but that was yesterday. We should not be left in the dark for this long, for an issue of this magnitude. Any other system in the game would have multiple responses, multiple updates on a timeframe, and the game would be taken down within 24hrs.

    The difference is that Cyrodiil is an afterthought to ZOS. As a result of this being true for years, it has a tiny playerbase that is inconsequential financially to them. Whatever one thinks of this, it is the reality. If you choose to play AvA, it is better to accept it than to suffer pointlessly. All the people in this thread losing their minds are only hurting themselves. ZOS learned to tune out PVP players years ago.

    This will happen again. Cyrodiil, for as long as it continues to exist, will continue to have catastrophic failures that will not be resolved as quickly as we would like. This was once intolerable to me, so I quit for years. When I returned, I accepted it would be foolish to expect it to be different, therefore I don't invest too much of myself into the game to avoid suffering.

    If you want to be passionate about a game, find one in which the devs truly value you as a customer. For AvA players, it is clear that is not the case here. Self-immolating won't change that.

    “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

    I don't say these things to defend ZOS. I say them from a place of empathy because I used to let these things get to me which resulted in needless suffering that didn't change anything.

    It's great that you want to comment on these things with non sequiturs, but people pay for this game, pay for subs, and saying "oh well they have never cared about PvP and they never will, so you're better off just not worrying about it," just doesn't make sense. They deserve to be told and held responsible on a constant basis, regardless of if they act on it or not.
  • Erissime
    Yes that is the thing though - communication, yes? Usually, they do share details of other issues as to what may have caused them, or the stage in which they are towards completion or other things. This is just a "yeah we know, so what!?" kind of vibe. It is about attitude - not competence.
  • Photosniper89
    FWIW - I've been a sub to this game for as long as I can remember it being offered and regularly buy crowns. The claim PvPers don't make this game money isn't accurate.

    A lot of people buy the DLC for the sets as well.
  • Erissime
    Pvpers are end-gamers. Their majority finished all there is to be done in pve ( not necessarily by game standards, but certainly by personal ones), and the only excitement left is fighting other players. Granted, they would spend more money on the game than the average player, for like it or not, pvp is as big a fashion show as it is the land of slaughter. But suppose I am biased, and my opinion is influenced also by what I've heard from various pvpers I've come in contact with. The fact that the latest most expensive crown items ( yup, those gated behind 25 crown-crates polymorphs of late), radiant apex mounts and such like things are rather normal in pvp kind of say it all. I once won a radiant-apex mount myself, and was so proud of it! Someone told me only 2% of the server may have that and of a truth wandering with it in pve it did feel... rare. . To pvp I went, half the players I met with had it... go figure. And this is true of most such things.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Erissime wrote: »
    Pvpers are end-gamers. Their majority finished all there is to be done in pve ( not necessarily by game standards, but certainly by personal ones), and the only excitement left is fighting other players. Granted, they would spend more money on the game than the average player, for like it or not, pvp is as big a fashion show as it is the land of slaughter. But suppose I am biased, and my opinion is influenced also by what I've heard from various pvpers I've come in contact with. The fact that the latest most expensive crown items ( yup, those gated behind 25 crown-crates polymorphs of late), radiant apex mounts and such like things are rather normal in pvp kind of say it all. I once won a radiant-apex mount myself, and was so proud of it! Someone told me only 2% of the server may have that and of a truth wandering with it in pve it did feel... rare. . To pvp I went, half the players I met with had it... go figure. And this is true of most such things.

    once they added crown gems and endeavors, it became far easier to obtain the radiant apex level mounts

    they are still rare to naturally obtain one from a crate, but actually obtaining one isnt too hard if you saved up resources for it
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Idinuse
    PC NA GH
    Twice in less than 10 minutes now and it was SERVER WIDE. This has to be fixed ASAP

    Your product and service is broken in Cyrodiil, and I've heard and experienced, in PvE too.
    Edited by Idinuse on April 9, 2024 7:51PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Erissime
    Erissime wrote: »
    Pvpers are end-gamers. Their majority finished all there is to be done in pve ( not necessarily by game standards, but certainly by personal ones), and the only excitement left is fighting other players. Granted, they would spend more money on the game than the average player, for like it or not, pvp is as big a fashion show as it is the land of slaughter. But suppose I am biased, and my opinion is influenced also by what I've heard from various pvpers I've come in contact with. The fact that the latest most expensive crown items ( yup, those gated behind 25 crown-crates polymorphs of late), radiant apex mounts and such like things are rather normal in pvp kind of say it all. I once won a radiant-apex mount myself, and was so proud of it! Someone told me only 2% of the server may have that and of a truth wandering with it in pve it did feel... rare. . To pvp I went, half the players I met with had it... go figure. And this is true of most such things.

    once they added crown gems and endeavors, it became far easier to obtain the radiant apex level mounts

    they are still rare to naturally obtain one from a crate, but actually obtaining one isnt too hard if you saved up resources for it
    I was talking of a time before endeavours, when even with gems, to save up those resources only rl money could do it anyway. However - since this all deviates from the whole thing ( game- breaking bug, fun-ruining issue) with little to no communication from "above" - I will remain of opinion that ignoring pvp to this extent should cease already. Enough is enough - and while upon start pvp may not have seem such an integral part of the game, the years should have proven plenty that said community is neither small, nor willing to quit, nor fruitless to the pecuniary side of things. Do reconsider your attitude towards that side of the game and its players!
  • Reverb
    TBH this is quite historically accurate, maybe its part of the 10 year celebrations?
    Back in 2014 the servers used to crash and reset every time an emp was crowned and then left the campaign.
    People were flipping emp like this across multiple players back on EU during the first few months.

    I had forgotten how bad it was until you mentioned it. We called it a Scrollback because everyone got their scrolls back when the map reset and it happened regularly
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • sarahthes
    The best part is there isn't an update at all today, just deal with it, we do not care.

    There will be an update right before they leave the office for the day.

    This should be an all freaking hands on deck issue. Not only are we losing real $ from crown items but also the duping issues, losing a crap ton of in game AP/gold/items, absolute chaos right now and the teams silent.

    At the absolute bare minimum I'd expect a company of this size to put out an update saying they are aware and what they are still doing to try to solve it. Other companies when they have issues of this magnitude will do updates every 3-4 hours.

    Nothing from ZOS.

    'We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse.' ~ ZOS_GinaBruno , nov 2018

    Have they learned anything since 2018? Guess not.

    i guess you didnt see that zos_kevin already responded in this thread yesterday that they are aware of it and working on a fix?

    Oh, I did see it. That response was eh at best for a "bug" of this magnitude. Followed by multiple dev responses this morning when a crown store issue popped up.

    Imagine if PvE reset 2-3 times every 30 minutes, everything you did was reset (including buying crowns), you can duplicate items, etc, and that was the response you got followed by silence from the team today.

    PvErs would be losing their absolute minds right now.

    while i agree it should be a priority to fix, it still takes time to make a fix, devs are people too not like they would have been working on a fix for this "until it was fixed" for the last 24 hours

    is it a big issue? yes, did zos respond to the issue? yes, have they confirmed its being fixed? yes

    so it will get fixed, ideally sooner the better, yelling/screaming/teeth gnashing about an issue that they already know of and working on a fix wont get it done faster (its been slightly over 24 hours since they did the maintenance for the patch)

    always have the option to not play in cyro until its fixed, which considering some of the other responses in here about locking the cyro camps until its fixed would result in the same outcome, but probably actually make people complain more that they cant go into cyro at all

    They have offices all over the world in different timezones, fyi.

    I'm sure the marketing staff in Australia will be a huge help in fixing this bug. (My point being just because they have staff globally does not mean they have QA, coders, or developers globally).

    I've played other PvP games where fixes got rushed too soon and they made things worse. I would rather fixes be tested appropriately.

    That said, a status update of "we are still working on it and ETA of tomorrow is still correct at this time" being pushed to dev tracker would go a long way.
  • Erissime
    Exactly this - and if the general communication from said devs would be lacking overall, perhaps this will not be such a problem either. But when other issues concerning pve, and anything other than pvp is being constantly addressed, answers provided (sometimes even when not needed) and the other community ( as if pvpers are not actual former pvers in their own right!) - are being kept if not informed at least hopeful - this whole silence and ignorance ( I know it is not being ignored but it is the messages transmitted yes? for silence is an answer too!) - does not bode well.
  • sarahthes
    Erissime wrote: »
    Exactly this - and if the general communication from said devs would be lacking overall, perhaps this will not be such a problem either. But when other issues concerning pve, and anything other than pvp is being constantly addressed, answers provided (sometimes even when not needed) and the other community ( as if pvpers are not actual former pvers in their own right!) - are being kept if not informed at least hopeful - this whole silence and ignorance ( I know it is not being ignored but it is the messages transmitted yes? for silence is an answer too!) - does not bode well.

    I did want to clear up a misconception, as someone who does PvP and endgame PvE as well as running a small trade guild - the silence is pretty deafening on the PvE side too. Just look at the guild history issues thread. We also have previously dealt with other issues for months at a time while still trying to raid (issues around blocking and taunting specifically come to mind).
  • Jaraal
    FWIW - I've been a sub to this game for as long as I can remember it being offered and regularly buy crowns. The claim PvPers don't make this game money isn't accurate.

    A lot of people buy the DLC for the sets as well.

    Yeah, you'll see a higher percentage of radiant apex mounts, arms packs, polymorphs, and such in Cyrodiil than you will anywhere else. The idea that PvPers spend less on the game than PvEers is ludicrous. Yet you hear it all the time.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Photosniper89
    Jaraal wrote: »
    FWIW - I've been a sub to this game for as long as I can remember it being offered and regularly buy crowns. The claim PvPers don't make this game money isn't accurate.

    A lot of people buy the DLC for the sets as well.

    Yeah, you'll see a higher percentage of radiant apex mounts, arms packs, polymorphs, and such in Cyrodiil than you will anywhere else. The idea that PvPers spend less on the game than PvEers is ludicrous. Yet you hear it all the time.

    Yup, I almost got the polymorph when it came out but when I queued into cyro and saw 10-20 people just at southern gate who had it I was like hell nah I'm good. PvPers spend a crap ton of money.

    Anyways, still no communication from ZOS on this. Absolutely unacceptable. Can't wait to get the usual "we wanted to get all the facts straight first" update.
  • Photosniper89
    Nothing about Cyro.
  • Durnik
    Still awful this isn't on the developer tracker and no word is being said today. Interesting enough though, there is one in the developer tracker with todays date for the inability to buy crowns....
  • Kickimanjaro
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, here is an update. The team is working to resolve this. We have more testing on a potential fix, but we won’t have that for certain until tomorrow. So we’ll provide an update again something late tomorrow afternoon. That will give us time to test and verify if our potential fix will work.

    So, about that... can we get an update now? Folks are reporting some pretty serious consequences to these rollbacks (losing crown items, duplicating items, etc.) and yall have been quiet.
  • ProudMary
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, here is an update. The team is working to resolve this. We have more testing on a potential fix, but we won’t have that for certain until tomorrow. So we’ll provide an update again something late tomorrow afternoon. That will give us time to test and verify if our potential fix will work.

    So, about that... can we get an update now? Folks are reporting some pretty serious consequences to these rollbacks (losing crown items, duplicating items, etc.) and yall have been quiet.

    I wonder how many people will get in trouble for their system duping items during these rollbacks. I know I've gotten double the rewards for the worthy on several occasions now, and yep, I opened them. Maybe they should fix this ASAP?

    Edited by ProudMary on April 9, 2024 9:07PM
  • ProudMary
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, here is an update. The team is working to resolve this. We have more testing on a potential fix, but we won’t have that for certain until tomorrow. So we’ll provide an update again something late tomorrow afternoon. That will give us time to test and verify if our potential fix will work.

    Tomorrow has come and gone now. What's up?
  • StihlReign
    Where is the Red Banner for Cyrodiil across the top of the Forum? Dev Tracker posts/updates?

    This is an entire Zone suffering from code/server/database error or failure.

    If noone could access Deshaan or Grahtwood or Eastmarch is this what we could expect?

    Dev Communication feels broken...almost borderline disrespectful to the customer base amid promises to the contrary.

    ~and folks stop with the PvPers don't spend money. Where do you think most of the armor and mounts come from? the free-DLC fairy?
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Mall0ry
    ProudMary wrote: »

    Tomorrow has come and gone now. What's up?

    This posting is from today, isn't it..? So hoping for tomorrow.
    Hear the singing of our blades
    death has come, foes be afraid!

    (Jouvena - Aldmeri Dominion Eternal)

    EU PC PvP AD only. Please give Cyro some love, Zos!
  • sarahthes
    Mall0ry wrote: »
    ProudMary wrote: »

    Tomorrow has come and gone now. What's up?

    This posting is from today, isn't it..? So hoping for tomorrow.

    It's from late yesterday.
  • Photosniper89
    StihlReign wrote: »
    Where is the Red Banner for Cyrodiil across the top of the Forum? Dev Tracker posts/updates?

    This is an entire Zone suffering from code/server/database error or failure.

    If noone could access Deshaan or Grahtwood or Eastmarch is this what we could expect?

    Dev Communication feels broken...almost borderline disrespectful to the customer base amid promises to the contrary.

    ~and folks stop with the PvPers don't spend money. Where do you think most of the armor and mounts come from? the free-DLC fairy?

    Has for years bud.
  • Soraka
    Logged on this morning and this was happening. I had no idea since I didn't play yesterday. Not much communication until I got in a group and they said it's happening all morning.

    It is frustrating to continue to feel like pvpers are the unwanted step children of ESO.

    We do spend a ton of money (at least a lot of us do). Cyrodiil is pretty repetitive so we like to look fancy on our flashy mounts, and then look fancy jogging across the map because we are stuck in combat once we unmount 🥲
  • Ulvich
    Yup. I thought it was a bad connection. Happened earlier today. Very bizarre.
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit Hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
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