Grim Focus Permaglow

  • katanagirl1
    Before hybridization, Grim Focus was supposedly the skill that helped stamblade get the higher dps. I have not updated my stamblade build since then because I want to still use weapons skills instead of Magicka skills. I really can’t afford to unslot it.

    I like the fact that I won’t have to prep the skill anymore, but I think the glow should be only when fully charged and when weapons are unsheathed.

    I hope you can fix this before the patch drops for consoles.

    EDIT: typo
    Edited by katanagirl1 on August 31, 2023 8:26PM
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • NoticeMeArkay
    Today I installed the "Grim Focus Counter" Addon by g4rrt3t.

    Running Coral Aerie on vet one time had me realize that my nightblade, who depends on Grim Focus for both damage and as an emergency heal, had absolutely no clue when the 5 stacks were ready to be used and had me cuddle the boss at the worst of times, I didn't know how else to help myself.

    The new, overhauled and polished Grim Focus gets me killed. Because there's no visual or soundly indication for me to know that I can either turn up my damage or quickly jump in to heal myself in the middle of the fight.

    The Addon allows for a very subtle visual indication in the form of 5 dots which you can fully customize by size and placement. I shrank them down and placed them right above the Grim Focus icon on my visible bar.
    Other designs are included and the player is free to chose which one fits best.
    Have a little look at the addons description to get a better picture:

    - Tracks Grim Focus, Merciless Resolve, Relentless Focus stacks
    - Select from different display styles
    - Customizable size
    - Configurable color overlay for display styles for added customization
    - Lock to reticle for styles designed to decorate the crosshairs
    - Movable to any place on the screen (and lockable once it's in position)
    - Setting to show zero stacks (with supported display styles)
    - Option to always show even when not slotted
    - Option to fade (transparency) of the stack display when the skill is not slotted

    I shouldn't have to install 3rd party content in order to use a skill as intended and yet here I am.
    And I am really close to throw my damage overboard just to get rid of the perma glow because by the divines, I despise it.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 1, 2023 2:02PM
  • metheglyn
    If you enable show all buffs, you'll get an icon with a counter on it.

    Granted, they should return the counter to the icon on the bar, but there is a way to see the counter without installing an add-on.

    As for the glow, I like it, but based on this thread it irritates many people beyond bearing, so I'm guessing they had better take it away.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    metheglyn wrote: »
    If you enable show all buffs, you'll get an icon with a counter on it.

    Granted, they should return the counter to the icon on the bar, but there is a way to see the counter without installing an add-on.

    As for the glow, I like it, but based on this thread it irritates many people beyond bearing, so I'm guessing they had better take it away.

    I have it purposefully turned off as my nightblade uses the oakensoul ring for everything that isn't vCR. So, activating "Show all permanent effects" has my screen look like an open skill book on display. Before Grim Focus was changed, I could simply tell the amount of stacks by the color displayed on my weapon and the neat little number on the bar icon.

    Edit: Changed "Used" to "Uses", damn typos.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 1, 2023 2:35PM
  • metheglyn
    Yeah, I understand the show all buffs isn't the greatest option for people, but it is an option for people who really don't want to install any add-ons. I don't have oakensoul, so my buffs aren't cluttered, making the option quite useful for me.

    But like I said, they should return the counter to the bar icon. Odd that they ever took it away.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    In my opinion Zos should simply give the irritating red glow a purpose again. Have it serve as an indicator as originally planned or remove it entirely as I don't need an indicator to tell me that I slotted a skill. I did so myself, don't need to be continously reminded of it.
  • metheglyn
    I'm fairly new to the grim focus skill--didn't use it much before because I found it clunky and not worth the hassle (very casual player here). I don't have a very strong opinion on the glow, but then I wasn't used to the way it used to work vs. the way it works now.

    Anyway, I hope they arrive at a solution for all the folks annoyed by the glow.
  • colossalvoids
    In my opinion Zos should simply give the irritating red glow a purpose again. Have it serve as an indicator as originally planned or remove it entirely as I don't need an indicator to tell me that I slotted a skill. I did so myself, don't need to be continously reminded of it.

    That's what I'm hoping for, full 5 stack indication would be handy instead of always present one for no apparent reason.

    Also would like a proc skill icon back when we're at it, the change to golden glow wasn't any good imo.
  • Dojohoda
    The glow has no useful function. We don't need the glow.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • DP99
    I don't absolutely hate the red glow, I actually think it's kind of cool even though I don't really like red.

    But, I do wish that it wasn't changed to be always on, I preferred the old way, where I press the button to activate it and it was a short term effect.

    I don't feel like this change is helpful at all.
  • Jazraena
    Together with the German forum you've got 10 pages of feedback in as many days, to speak nothing of over a month since it was first brought up in the PTS forum. It has been overwhelmingly negative.

    It would be nice to get an actual follow up on this, and preferably faster than just having us shrug and literally not play our nightblades until the next patch.

    Because, make no mistake, this is happening for some, myself included. This isn't trivial, and I really couldn't care less about any new content you're announcing for U40 when the character I want to do it with was put on the bench by ZOS.

    So what's the plan?
  • AstroST
    Jazraena wrote: »
    so what's the plan?

    Seeing all the bad decisione they are taking lately (hello crown gifting) my plan Is to probably leave the game

  • AstroST
    So the permaglow is not only horrible but it's also bugged. How it is even possible that you didn't get this thing?

    Well, look at the bright side, if you swap bar fast enough and continuously you will have a new pet for free.
    Let's call him little red dot.

  • Jaraal
    There is another factor to this, which obviously ZOS has not realized yet: looking at that invasive and intense red glow all evening for several hours leads to eye fatigue and headaches. I had to stop playing, because my eyes just couldn't handle seeing that glow front and center for hours. And I also didn't appreciate the headache that I had by the end of the gaming evening.

    I have never had a headache from playing ESO before. Now I do.

    This is the correct strategy for getting rid of the red glow, as this method worked for nerfing the Arcanist effects that were fine for 5 weeks on PTS.

    If there's something you don't like in the game, just get a bunch of people to describe the ill physical effects it causes, and it will be addressed. Maybe not in the best or most efficient way, but they will at least take some sort of action.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Jaraal wrote: »
    There is another factor to this, which obviously ZOS has not realized yet: looking at that invasive and intense red glow all evening for several hours leads to eye fatigue and headaches. I had to stop playing, because my eyes just couldn't handle seeing that glow front and center for hours. And I also didn't appreciate the headache that I had by the end of the gaming evening.

    I have never had a headache from playing ESO before. Now I do.

    This is the correct strategy for getting rid of the red glow, as this method worked for nerfing the Arcanist effects that were fine for 5 weeks on PTS.

    If there's something you don't like in the game, just get a bunch of people to describe the ill physical effects it causes, and it will be addressed. Maybe not in the best or most efficient way, but they will at least take some sort of action.

    why does this sound like you think the motion sickness was made up to get the effect changed
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Jaraal
    Jaraal wrote: »
    There is another factor to this, which obviously ZOS has not realized yet: looking at that invasive and intense red glow all evening for several hours leads to eye fatigue and headaches. I had to stop playing, because my eyes just couldn't handle seeing that glow front and center for hours. And I also didn't appreciate the headache that I had by the end of the gaming evening.

    I have never had a headache from playing ESO before. Now I do.

    This is the correct strategy for getting rid of the red glow, as this method worked for nerfing the Arcanist effects that were fine for 5 weeks on PTS.

    If there's something you don't like in the game, just get a bunch of people to describe the ill physical effects it causes, and it will be addressed. Maybe not in the best or most efficient way, but they will at least take some sort of action.

    why does this sound like you think the motion sickness was made up to get the effect changed

    Because most people, myself included, had no problem with the Arcanist effects as published. Clearly nobody at ZOS thought it was a problem, or they would have changed it or not sent it to the PTS as they did. Did some people actually get sick? Probably. But it doesn't take a majority of players to get something changed, as proven by the crux effect change. And the Grim Focus glow probably makes some people ill... but I doubt it would be the majority.

    Edited by Jaraal on September 3, 2023 10:07PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    There is another factor to this, which obviously ZOS has not realized yet: looking at that invasive and intense red glow all evening for several hours leads to eye fatigue and headaches. I had to stop playing, because my eyes just couldn't handle seeing that glow front and center for hours. And I also didn't appreciate the headache that I had by the end of the gaming evening.

    I have never had a headache from playing ESO before. Now I do.

    This is the correct strategy for getting rid of the red glow, as this method worked for nerfing the Arcanist effects that were fine for 5 weeks on PTS.

    If there's something you don't like in the game, just get a bunch of people to describe the ill physical effects it causes, and it will be addressed. Maybe not in the best or most efficient way, but they will at least take some sort of action.

    why does this sound like you think the motion sickness was made up to get the effect changed

    Because most people, myself included, had no problem with the Arcanist effects as published. Clearly nobody at ZOS thought it was a problem, or they would have changed it or not sent it to the PTS as they did. Did some people actually get sick? Probably. But it doesn't take a majority of players to get something changed, as proven by the crux effect change. And the Grim Focus glow probably makes some people ill... but I doubt it would be the majority.

    I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people who test on PTS didn't get motion sickness from the crux.

    But most people in general don't test on PTS. I recognized a lot of names talking about motion sickness after release as people who, like me, don't test on PTS.

    Your comments made it seem like either everyone was lying about the arcanists effects or the majority lied about the arcanists effects and the minority did not lie. Regarding the latter it is definitely the opposite.

    To be clear, I can understand the sentiment of ''people were getting sick from arcanist effects, and players noticed that the devs took the health concerns seriously and made a change, and players might use that fact,'' but not that ''most people probably weren't getting sick from arcanist effects, and ... ''.

    FTR it's cool if someone isn't susceptible to motion sickness issues but it sucks for those of us that are and, as a side note, it's kind of cringe when people expect people experiencing it to deal with it so that the people who don't get to experience a pretty effect, instead of fixing it so that people don't feel sick. Motion sickness is not rare. It's not a change for helping 3 players suffering a rare 1 in 1 billion disease.

    Edited by emilyhyoyeon on September 4, 2023 3:32PM
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • LesserCircle
    We don't need any change, just revert to how it was please, I'm tired of you, ZOS, changing how our skills look, I hate the new flurry so much that I can't use it, same with jabs so I stopped playing templar, now you do the same thing with nightblade, it's an old game so stop doing this already.
  • wilykcat
    Red glow, lasers, and sparkles all in one image 4oyt4ajfwnew.jpg
    As a suggestion they should add something like this ⬆️ in the game as a new special effect for cosmetic collectable items. I would like costumes and hair that glows and sparkles.more variety of lighting and texture combos would be nice.
    Also I like anything that glows and sparkles in the game.
  • Lozeenge
    speaking of which i think it's worth noting that all the effects on Arms Pack weapons are suppressed while they are sheathed. tbh that alone would the best possible middle-ground since feedback has been so mixed coming off of this thread alone (this would also very easily fix the visual bug with Gloambound weapons.)

    this might not even going to be the only time ZoS is doing this for class abilities; i'm assuming because Nightblades appear to be the lab rats right now for implementing Arcanist adjustments to legacy classes (i.e., giving Shadow Cloak a passive effect regardless of which bar you're on.)
    Edited by Lozeenge on September 4, 2023 2:47PM
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • AstroST
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    speaking of which i think it's worth noting that all the effects on Arms Pack weapons are suppressed while they are sheathed. tbh that alone would the best possible middle-ground since feedback has been so mixed

    For me this would not be enough, glow should only appear when grim focus has 5 stacks.
    There are no middle grounds.
    And I really don't see mixed feedback, a lot more people don't like this forced change on their characther appereance.

    Edited by AstroST on September 4, 2023 2:58PM
  • Lozeenge
    AstroST wrote: »
    And I really don't see mixed feedback, a lot more people don't like this forced change on their characther appereance.
    has to be a reason why it was implemented in the first place, it's such an arbitrary change. i know the old joke that all the devs play Nightblade but this is silly.
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • KlauthWarthog
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    has to be a reason why it was implemented in the first place, it's such an arbitrary change. i know the old joke that all the devs play Nightblade but this is silly.

    I don't think it was "implemented" per se, looks like a side effect of having the skill always active while slotted. Then they decided to not bother fiddling with it, and that is the "intentional" part of this whole mess.
    On indefinite hiatus since U41.
  • Jazraena
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    speaking of which i think it's worth noting that all the effects on Arms Pack weapons are suppressed while they are sheathed. tbh that alone would the best possible middle-ground since feedback has been so mixed coming off of this thread alone (this would also very easily fix the visual bug with Gloambound weapons.)

    this might not even going to be the only time ZoS is doing this for class abilities; i'm assuming because Nightblades appear to be the lab rats right now for implementing Arcanist adjustments to legacy classes (i.e., giving Shadow Cloak a passive effect regardless of which bar you're on.)

    I'm not sure where you see 'mixed' feedback.

    It's been overwhelmingly negative, a handful of 'I kinda like it' comments aside that in no way negate others effectively having their nightblades either unslot the skill or feel unplayable.

    Cosmetics need to be opt in, sheathed or unsheathed. They can add the glow once stacks are gained or, even better, at 5 stacks so it actually serves as a visual trigger versus just a pointless shiny.
  • Jazraena
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    AstroST wrote: »
    And I really don't see mixed feedback, a lot more people don't like this forced change on their characther appereance.
    has to be a reason why it was implemented in the first place, it's such an arbitrary change. i know the old joke that all the devs play Nightblade but this is silly.

    Let me put it this way:
    - It suppresses glow effects that people paid for. This is certainly not intentional.
    - Grim Focus got a permaglow, Bound Armaments with a similar change lost the swirly effect. This is inconsistent and certainly not intentional.

    They messed up, simple as that.
  • Lozeenge
    I don't think it was "implemented" per se, looks like a side effect of having the skill always active while slotted. Then they decided to not bother fiddling with it, and that is the "intentional" part of this whole mess.
    should've expected more "features" out of an elder scrolls game. :D
    Jazraena wrote: »

    It's been overwhelmingly negative, a handful of 'I kinda like it' comments aside that in no way negate others effectively having their nightblades either unslot the skill or feel unplayable.
    i'm just trying to decipher ZoS's intentions here. if this had gameplay/combat effects (whether it does or not is a separate argument) it'd be pretty cut & stone but i'd really want to see the other end of the aisle that likes the change apart from just "haha pretty lights" that convinced them to keep it. if not from other players then maybe the developers? that shouldn't be asking a lot [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 4, 2023 6:37PM
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • Lozeenge
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Let me put it this way:
    - It suppresses glow effects that people paid for. This is certainly not intentional.
    - Grim Focus got a permaglow, Bound Armaments with a similar change lost the swirly effect. This is inconsistent and certainly not intentional.

    They messed up, simple as that.
    fair enough. i guess we'll just wait for a patch [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 4, 2023 6:36PM
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • JobooAGS
    The glow should only be on during combat or when you have 5 stacks. This perma glow gets annoying really fast.
  • AstroST
    JobooAGS wrote: »
    The glow should only be on during combat or when you have 5 stacks. This perma glow gets annoying really fast.

    Only during combat is not ok. When in pvp or in a trial/dungeon you are always in combat.
    Only ok thing is at 5 stack.
  • LesserCircle
    AstroST wrote: »
    JobooAGS wrote: »
    The glow should only be on during combat or when you have 5 stacks. This perma glow gets annoying really fast.

    Only during combat is not ok. When in pvp or in a trial/dungeon you are always in combat.
    Only ok thing is at 5 stack.

    Disagree, it should always be on but only if I use the skill, you know just as it was before. It had a long cooldown so I don't see why we need it always on.
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