TwiceBornStar wrote: »I absolutely love the permaglow on my assassin character very much, because she has the whole red and black and evil red aura going on.. It fits her nicely!
I like it less on my main, which is my Hlaalu, because her theme is just being a Hlaalu House elf. Her colour schemes are Hlaalu gold and Hlaalu yellow. (Ashland Grey for her armor, because it still looks bony, but polished!) The red glow clashes with her outfit too much.
A few added skill styles for that particular skill would probably fix this, no?
Erickson9610 wrote: »
I think we may get a purple Skill Style for Grim Focus first, to match the color palette of the other Nightblade Skill Styles. After that, who knows — gold/yellow could be an interesting choice!
If the developer intent is to make Gloambound weapons invisible when stowed, then why is the Grim Focus glow still active?
ESO_player123 wrote: »
How about a transparent one since the glow does not indicate anything and no one can see it except the player.
ESO_player123 wrote: »
How about a transparent one since the glow does not indicate anything and no one can see it except the player.
Erickson9610 wrote: »
The glow situation should be fixed — not with Skill Styling, though. Once they make a "transparent" Skill Style, they can't change/remove it if they ever properly fix the problem. Do people really want to pay money or go through extra in-game legwork to hide VFX that should be hidden by default?
The problem is that according to Zenimax, there's nothing to fix.... the devs apparently just like the red permaglow and want to keep it in the game despite the majority of feedback being against it. No one wants to pay for something like this, some players are just so desperate to be rid of the eyesore that they are willing to pay money if that will make it so Zenimax will actually listen. It's sad. Really sad.Erickson9610 wrote: »The glow situation should be fixed — not with Skill Styling, though. Once they make a "transparent" Skill Style, they can't change/remove it if they ever properly fix the problem. Do people really want to pay money or go through extra in-game legwork to hide VFX that should be hidden by default?
Avran_Sylt wrote: »From a PvP design perspective it doesn’t make sense that it glows all the time, it would make a better telegraph if it only glowed once their Merciless was ready to fire.
From a PvE design perspective, it doesn’t make sense that it glows all the time, it would make it a better telegraph that your Merciless was ready to fire for rotation QoL if it only lit up when ready.
AtriaKhorist wrote: »
Other people can't see it in the first place - barring a few odd bugs that seem to pop up here and there.
So it's not a telegraph at all in PvP.
Avran_Sylt wrote: »Ah, then this must be reported as a Bug.
I tried, they closed my topic because we have an open topic here.
My bug report:
Avran_Sylt wrote: »
Hmm. Odd. While your sentiment in that post is in line with this thread (I want the glow gone), critically approaching this scenario one would make note that: The weapon model has disappeared, but the glow remains. Sentiments on the glow aside, that appears to be a bug.
However, the bug I’m referring to is that reportedly other players do not see the perma-glow, even though it’s a visual effect that appears like it should be visible to other players as well.
In this case: the glow is gone for other players viewing you, but not the individual viewing themselves.
No. Not unless one makes it invisible on stowed weapons, or when not in active use. Like it was for the first 10+ years.
Hey @Kyip! Just wanted let you know we see this question, and we're very aware of the thread. When the feedback about the Grim Focus change first surfaced, we did raise it with the dev team. In the thread, Kevin did pass along the info that we got from the dev team, that this change was intended and not a bug. That said, we've raised it again to see what's possible. Reading back through our responses in the original thread, there may also be an opportunity to elaborate on why we made the change - we're checking with dev on that. (As an aside, many of us are about to be out for Thanksgiving holiday break, so any additional info we can share will likely be the week of Dec. 2.)
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Do we even know why it was intended?