Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Cloudtrader
    I very much do not like the permanent red glow. Please revert this change or at the very least make it in-combat only.
  • colossalvoids
    5 stacks indication zos, that's the only option that makes sense.
  • AstroST
    Disagree, it should always be on but only if I use the skill, you know just as it was before. It had a long cooldown so I don't see why we need it always on.

    Yes, but they will never revert the change to the skill mechanic. It's not something they do.
    The activation animation was also very cool, I miss it.
  • Lozeenge
    AstroST wrote: »
    Only during combat is not ok. When in pvp or in a trial/dungeon you are always in combat.
    Only ok thing is at 5 stack.

    Disagree, it should always be on but only if I use the skill, you know just as it was before. It had a long cooldown so I don't see why we need it always on.
    there's no uptime on the skill anymore, at least in a way that it has a duration that any effects such as glows would be based off of. the programming end of it would need to be changed so they are based off of stacks instead.

    i agree that the glow sucks but i vehemently disagree that the changes to Grim Focus itself was also bad or unnecessary. minimizing dead casting helps make rotations feel better when put into practice.
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I genuinely wonder which possible change to ''fix'' the permanent effect would be the least complex. I don't know anything about game development let alone ESO's specific quirks
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • exoib
    I very much like the permanent glow, but make it optional in video settings or something.
  • Jazraena
    I genuinely wonder which possible change to ''fix'' the permanent effect would be the least complex. I don't know anything about game development let alone ESO's specific quirks

    Attaching it to having 5 stacks is trivial, considering how buffs/debuffs work in ESO.

    Or, you know, how the graphical effect changes for Bound Armaments with stacks. In terms of effort it's a non-issue.
    Edited by Jazraena on September 4, 2023 6:03PM
  • Jaraal
    If you slot Grim Focus while using the Nerien'eth greatsword with a blue handle, you get a cool patriotic red, white, and blue effect.

    (If you like countries with red, white, and blue flags.)

    Edited by Jaraal on September 4, 2023 9:50PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Jazraena
    A poll lacking in any detail and with misleading wording is not going to help.
  • AstroST
    God, this thing is not only is horrible, not only is intruvive, not only is a lack of respect for customers but is also totally bugged, look:
  • Ailinis
    Soul Shriven
    This change really wasn't needed. I actually didn't even like it before when it activated with the use of the skill (but still, it was just temporary and a sign that the skill was working), but now I'm truly bothered by it.
    The glow is even noticeable while scrying: it irradiates its light on all the scrying panel D:
    It doesn't make much sense to me, it's just some sort of cosmetic effect with no meaning (since the skill is always active while slotted) that is forced on all players, like it or not.
  • TheWoanderer
    I usually try to grin and bear it with changes (no matter how much I hate it) and hope I will get used to it quickly but this is horrid.
    Hate hate hate it.
    If it glowed on first stack in combat....
    No problem.
    But this is a horrible horrible experience.
    I don't want a red glow everywhere I go.
    Aesthetically it affects my entire game experience, it messes with the ambience I've created in my houses.
    It affects everything I stand in or next to.
    It is just a very very displeasing affect for me...

    Making it show when I draw my weapons would be fine... but glowing at all times?

    I'd beg for a toggle or change.
  • Chrisbar
    Now that the Update is live on PS5, please add my vote to the "No Perma glow" column. All it achieves is make it extra difficult to see when Grim Focus needs to be renewed.
  • Paralyse
    These sort of changes should always be able to be toggled on or off by the player

    I don't understand why ZOS gives players no option to hide these sort of effects.

    At least WoW -- which has a wide variety of graphical weapon effects caused by weapon enchants -- gives you the option to transmog your weapon's enchant appearance to something different, or hide such effects entirely.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • Jazraena
    I usually try to grin and bear it with changes (no matter how much I hate it) and hope I will get used to it quickly but this is horrid.
    Hate hate hate it.
    If it glowed on first stack in combat....
    No problem.
    But this is a horrible horrible experience.
    I don't want a red glow everywhere I go.
    Aesthetically it affects my entire game experience, it messes with the ambience I've created in my houses.
    It affects everything I stand in or next to.
    It is just a very very displeasing affect for me...

    Making it show when I draw my weapons would be fine... but glowing at all times?

    I'd beg for a toggle or change.

    This is a perfect summary of how I feel when logging in onto my nightblades.
    It just... ruins playing and I logout.
  • HushAzrael
    Now that the patch is live on console… I HATE this ugly red glow and NB damage in pve SUCKS. Idk what caused this, but I can’t clear content I had zero problems with a couple patches ago! This is horrible and frankly, probably my last week in eso.
  • katanagirl1
    Now I’ve seen this on PS and I have no idea when to hit the button for the spectral bow unless I look down at the ability timers. This is a huge mistake.

    I’ve played this character for more than 6 years and never had to look away to do her skill rotation before. I miss so many chances to use this skill now.

    Granted everyone is allowed to have an opinion on this, but I have to say that the opinion that someone says “I like the red glow because it’s pretty” should not have more weighting than someone who says “I hate the red glow because I can’t use the skill anymore”.

    It doesn’t bother me that the glow is there all the time so much as it gives me no information as to the status of whether I have 5 stacks like it did before.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • northwest01
    I despise the permanent glow with a passion, If I wanted to run around with a glowing red blade i’d go play SWTOR, at least they have the good sense to stop being a glow-stick when you sheathe them.

    Either make it so the effect is only visible when weapons are drawn (although then it interferes with any of the weapons with existing visual effects) or make it something we can toggle on/off visually in the settings menu.

  • emilyhyoyeon
    IMO a toggle in the settings just for grim focus would be kind of ridiculous looking. A setting to toggle the effect of one skill? The effect simply shouldn't be permanent. But whatever.

    Personally I don't want a generic ''skill effects toggle'' either. I'm fine with all skill effects as they are. I've been fine with the grim focus glow for the past 7 years I've been playing. I don't want to alter other effects just to ''fix'' grim focus.

    I just don't want grim focus as an always on effect.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Jazraena
    Another few days passed, and today we even had a patch that could have fixed this problem, all without further communication. Any update? Or should we just resign to to no longer play our nightblades?
  • KlauthWarthog
    I am starting to think this is going to turn into another "U35 templar jabs animation" situation - ignore it long enough, and hope people get tired of talking about it.
    On indefinite hiatus since U41.
  • AstroST
    I am starting to think this is going to turn into another "U35 templar jabs animation" situation - ignore it long enough, and hope people get tired of talking about it.

    Improved communication, right?
    That thing always promised but never delivered.
  • Azirius
    The thing is, regardless of feedback, unless you can make both parties happy with a toggle-based glow, you'll upset someone.

    I personally like the glow, because I'm a sucker for glowy glowy, but, I understand that people also don't like it and like being more realistic(?) with their outfits.

    I hope you can make a change that makes everyone happy, a toggle would be perfect, but a class-based toggle doesn't sound likely.

    PC EU
    Azirius Razorclaw - Dragonknight Stamina DPSAlaeneth - Nightblade Stamina DPSKal'Moora - Warden Stamina DPSAetheralia - Templar Stamina DPSThe Grieving King - Necromancer Stamina DPSOthorus - Sorcerer Stamina DPSIdamagaron - Sorcerer Magicka DPSNelienthia - Necromancer Magicka DPSGalvano - Templar Magicka DPSExalted Inferno - Dragonknight Magicka DPSGlacia Hailstrom - Warden Magicka DPSSomara'Ko - Nightblade Magicka DPS/TankLithiriu - Warden HealerYalithra Redoran - Dragonknight HealerTilerius - Templar TankJärnvargen - Dragonknight TankWinter Valkyrie - Warden TankMistress Demise - Necromancer Tank
  • Jazraena
    Azirius wrote: »
    The thing is, regardless of feedback, unless you can make both parties happy with a toggle-based glow, you'll upset someone.

    I personally like the glow, because I'm a sucker for glowy glowy, but, I understand that people also don't like it and like being more realistic(?) with their outfits.

    I hope you can make a change that makes everyone happy, a toggle would be perfect, but a class-based toggle doesn't sound likely.

    Sorry, but there are no two sides. There is no possible framing where some people getting a cosmetic justifies messing up the visuals of every other nightblade out there. Irrespective of you liking the red glow or not that should be an extremely obvious principle and red line you do not cross.

    If ZOS wants to provide a red glow cosmetic the solution is to actually provide a red glow cosmetic, not trash other characters.
  • AstroST
    Azirius wrote: »
    The thing is, regardless of feedback, unless you can make both parties happy with a toggle-based glow, you'll upset someone.

    So you put on the same level someone that want this new glow to stay because they find it pretty and people that have their character thay have beend used for years totally ruined?

  • Azirius
    AstroST wrote: »
    So you put on the same level someone that want this new glow to stay because they find it pretty and people that have their character thay have beend used for years totally ruined?

    I think you might be reading too much into my comment. The statement remains true, someone is gonna get annoyed by a potential change here. Can you not agree with that?

    Either it changes to not glow at all, and might upset some for the additional aesthetic glow, or it stays and annoys people who never wanted permaglow.

    I'm not saying the fact it changed was the right thing to happen, I'm just saying, they won't likely be able to please everyone.

    In fact, I might agree that a forced glow is a bit ridiculous and removes choice (I don't think unslotting an important skill is a reasonable choice). So, I'm actually with you guys on having it changed someway.
    PC EU
    Azirius Razorclaw - Dragonknight Stamina DPSAlaeneth - Nightblade Stamina DPSKal'Moora - Warden Stamina DPSAetheralia - Templar Stamina DPSThe Grieving King - Necromancer Stamina DPSOthorus - Sorcerer Stamina DPSIdamagaron - Sorcerer Magicka DPSNelienthia - Necromancer Magicka DPSGalvano - Templar Magicka DPSExalted Inferno - Dragonknight Magicka DPSGlacia Hailstrom - Warden Magicka DPSSomara'Ko - Nightblade Magicka DPS/TankLithiriu - Warden HealerYalithra Redoran - Dragonknight HealerTilerius - Templar TankJärnvargen - Dragonknight TankWinter Valkyrie - Warden TankMistress Demise - Necromancer Tank
  • Jazraena
    Azirius wrote: »
    AstroST wrote: »
    So you put on the same level someone that want this new glow to stay because they find it pretty and people that have their character thay have beend used for years totally ruined?

    I think you might be reading too much into my comment. The statement remains true, someone is gonna get annoyed by a potential change here. Can you not agree with that?

    Either it changes to not glow at all, and might upset some for the additional aesthetic glow, or it stays and annoys people who never wanted permaglow.

    I'm not saying the fact it changed was the right thing to happen, I'm just saying, they won't likely be able to please everyone.

    In fact, I might agree that a forced glow is a bit ridiculous and removes choice (I don't think unslotting an important skill is a reasonable choice). So, I'm actually with you guys on having it changed someway.

    The point is that you're making a false equivalency. You're suggesting there's two equally valid opinions here. There is not. This isn't about liking or disliking the glow but ZOS forcing a visual effect ruining pre-existing characters and appearances on people.

    If ZOS wants to maintain the red glow for some people then, again, the solution is to actually provide a red glow cosmetic.
  • Araneae6537
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    Why is this working as intended? Cosmetics are huge in game, so why make a skill arbitrarily override a player’s choices? Some players have wished that weapon styles with effects such as glows would be always on (my chokethorn bow, for instance, does not glow green while being carried), but this is no solution. Now I lose part of the look that I paid for as my chokethorn bow is constantly obscured by an obnoxious red glow, both in use and carried.

    So now I’m left with the dilemma of ruining the looks I’ve designed for my nightblades, or drop an otherwise useful ability from my toolset. :(

    I’m sure there are people who like having a perma glow to their weapons — indeed I might as well depending on the character, although I prefer it tied to cosmetics so I can change it. I generally play classes less where the abilities are more obtrusive in their appearance — Arcanist being a prime example. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that I choose classes for my characters for how I imagine them, their theme, their look, etc., so it’s upsetting to have these things changed after our characters are already created and we like how they look and function.

    Why not make such things cosmetic, ideally not tied to a particular set or ability? I strongly think that when new looks are introduced for class abilities that they should be optional, as in a new ability morph. Not only are many of us attached to our characters, but we cannot change their class.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on September 6, 2023 1:47PM
  • Robvenom
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    Keep it, i like it.
    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • AstroST
    Robvenom wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    Keep it, i like it.

    Templare tank healer, but he is happy to ruin a class he doesn't even play for so many people.
    Such great community in ESO:
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