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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Lozeenge
    judging from other's accounts of how this "feature" is barely functioning on consoles i'm really failing to see how they called this intentional when it definitely looks more like a side effect to the changes made to the skill that they just... decided that it was a cool coincidence that there's now a permanent glowing effect?

    i'm reiterating again: who asked for this? what was the cause for pushing this to U39 in its current state? there's a PTS that is supposed to sort this stuff out.
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • Necrotech_Master
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    judging from other's accounts of how this "feature" is barely functioning on consoles i'm really failing to see how they called this intentional when it definitely looks more like a side effect to the changes made to the skill that they just... decided that it was a cool coincidence that there's now a permanent glowing effect?

    i'm reiterating again: who asked for this? what was the cause for pushing this to U39 in its current state? there's a PTS that is supposed to sort this stuff out.

    i dont think there is any doubt that they improved the functionality of the skill (building stacks without needing to "prebuff" the skill)

    i think this thread mainly was for the weapon glow, which i personally see as an unintended side effect of the way they improved the functionality

    i personally think that the glow would be more useful if it only actually glowed when you had stacks built up and it was ready to fire the proc
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • EmEm_Oh
    From here on out, I think it would be prudent to add an ON/OFF option in the settings menu for these types of things.

    Sooooo much time would be saved and hundreds of posts would be unnecessary (not to mention frustration from the players AND the devs) if ZOS simply added ON/OFF options to their "updates" and then with the next simply REMOVE the option altogether if it, for whatever reason, just doesn't work out.

  • Araneae6537
    Jaraal wrote: »
    thats really bad then lol, if you have to completely remove all skill pts from the skill to remove the glow lol

    They said it was working as intended. They didn't expand on the impact.

    if on PC it removes the glow when you unslot it, that seems to make more sense

    but it seems on console just putting any pts into the skill adds the glow even if you dont slot it seems like a bug

    I can confirm that on PC the glow disappears once you remove "Merciless Resolve" (Magic dmg morph) from your bar. I haven't tried Relentless Focus (Disease dmg Morph) yet.

    I can confirm that unslotting Relentless Focus on PC removes the glow.

    Confirmed as well on PC. I’ve also unslotted Relentless Focus to eliminate the horrid relentless red glow that ruined the stealthy look I was going for. I have my priorities.

    ZOS could have sold perma-glow weapon effects or styles and then people who wanted it would have bought it. As it is, this really discourages from purchasing items to customize our characters’ looks since the next patch could introduce another unwanted daft-looking change. :disappointed:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on September 8, 2023 8:53PM
  • Lozeenge
    i dont think there is any doubt that they improved the functionality of the skill (building stacks without needing to "prebuff" the skill)

    i think this thread mainly was for the weapon glow, which i personally see as an unintended side effect of the way they improved the functionality
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    i agree that the glow sucks but i vehemently disagree that the changes to Grim Focus itself was also bad or unnecessary. minimizing dead casting helps make rotations feel better when put into practice.
    earlier in thread^

    it's just i'm not really sure it was worth releasing it in this state if it was going to cause an overarching negative reaction (or if it was going to just flat-out broken on consoles.) ZoS lying to save face is honestly disheartening given miscommunication already seems to be a recurring problem.
    Edited by Lozeenge on September 8, 2023 8:55PM
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • finehair
    I don't like it.

    Because at the end this is an MMORPG. I don't want to see glowing swords on me all the time, being forced to remove the skill from my ability bar in order to not see this is a bit much since I use this skill in combat. Counter point; if someone wants to see the glowing effect all the time, skill has a long cooldown and I think they can activate it like it used to be before.

    Second, fashion is a part of this game, for some people it's the endgame like housing. Yes nightblade colour palette is mainly black and red, however people can build their characters in different ways and change the look accordingly. I can build a brawler nightblade with gold Armor and silver weapons. I'd be forced to use red colour based skills during combat yes, but outside the combat I don't want to see the red glow near my other coloured weapons/Armor. It doesn't fit for me. For people who think it looks good, again they can activate the skill. Forcing everyone to perma red glow is not good.

  • LesserCircle
    It seems like this will be the new flurry and jabs, it was nice using nightblade, farewell.
  • AlterBlika
    they could at least have fixed the counter on skill bars by now
  • Shagreth
    Adding perma glow was not such a good idea.
  • Muizer
    Lozeenge wrote: »
    judging from other's accounts of how this "feature" is barely functioning on consoles i'm really failing to see how they called this intentional when it definitely looks more like a side effect to the changes made to the skill that they just... decided that it was a cool coincidence that there's now a permanent glowing effect?

    i'm reiterating again: who asked for this? what was the cause for pushing this to U39 in its current state? there's a PTS that is supposed to sort this stuff out.

    I suspect they thought a massive improvement of the functionality of the skill would make players happy, and didn't think the visuals becoming permanent would outweigh that. IMHO it's definitely not strange to roll out improved functionality and adopt a 'wait and see' attitude towards the visuals. Doesn't mean I don't agree with the criticism. I just think on balance it's still a big improvement.

    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Jaraal
    It seems like this will be the new flurry and jabs, it was nice using nightblade, farewell.

    They seem to have a penchant for making unpopular changes to things that have worked fine for years, but little inclination to explain the reasons why. Usually just "We changed this," or "It's working as intended," but mostly just silence. The last time they actually went in-depth on their motivations for changes was, what..... Update 36? But now, when we were promised bug fixes and QOL upgrades, it's mostly just been unasked for and poorly received changes to basic functionality.

    It's kind of like if we were kids that ride the bus to school, and every week the driver has changed the layout, style, spacing, height, and comfort of the seats..... but says nothing about it every morning when we climb on board and ask about it. Are they doing it just to be different? Is he told to do something with his time at the shop between his routes? Is it some kind of tolerance test? Some kind of study to see where kids choose to sit in an unfamiliar setting? All we know for sure is that we stand at the bus stop dreading what's next, and not looking forward to what new uncomfortable situation awaits us when we climb on board. Maybe we'll skip school today to avoid the whole situation.

    Edited by Jaraal on September 10, 2023 6:22PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Morgaledh
    This is truly awful, and you've got 11 pages now of people explaining why, for the most part. Please do away with this, or make it optional. It ruins immersion, it screws up weapons with floaty bits (staves, gloambound, etc. even many bows - the Opal bows in particular are terrible).

    Can this be fixed? Reverted? Can we get an answer?
  • AstroST
    @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_Wrobel

    Any news?

    1 - permaglow will stay
    2 - we will remove permaglow
    3 - when we said we will improve communication we were just joking lmao

    Pick one please.
    Many thanks.
  • AlterBlika
    Just had an idea: instead of being permanently activated, it could simply refresh itself on every proc. No more "empty" casts in combat, no glowing when you don't want to have it. I think it would be more of a qol change than what we got
  • Elvenheart
    I can’t remember if I have chimed in or not on this, but I love the functionality but do not like the permanent red glow because it messes up the look of my characters out of combat, especially the gloambound weapons that I was overjoyed to get (and pay for) when they first came out. I’m still using them, but now I feel like the whole reason I purchased them was rendered invalid. 🙁

    Edited to add: If the only way to have this functionality is to also suffer the red glow that would be my choice, but I really hope they decide to make the glow work only in combat or something.
    Edited by Elvenheart on September 11, 2023 4:38PM
  • Dojohoda
    Here are a couple cropped screenshots of one of my nightblades in Imperial City:

    This sheenshot shows my nightblade after having logged in and after having not touched a single skill (to show the glow is always present from the beginning).

    This screenshot shows the nightblade at an outfit station and not a single skill has been activated. The glow continues at the outfit station which hampers getting the colors just right. (Not that I was adjusting this outfit as it is already satisfactory, I am showing that grim focus glows all the time.)
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • AstroST
    Dojohoda wrote: »

    This screenshot shows the nightblade at an outfit station and not a single skill has been activated. The glow continues at the outfit station which hampers getting the colors just right. (Not that I was adjusting this outfit as it is already satisfactory, I am showing that grim focus glows all the time.)

    That's how it works now, slot grim focus > get permaglow.

    Someone thought that ruining people appereance was not big deal and decided to force this thing on everyone.
    People complained a lot and in typical ZoS fashion they are just ignoring requests to have some clarification.

    Edited by AstroST on September 12, 2023 9:33AM
  • DragonRacer
    AstroST wrote: »
    Dojohoda wrote: »

    This screenshot shows the nightblade at an outfit station and not a single skill has been activated. The glow continues at the outfit station which hampers getting the colors just right. (Not that I was adjusting this outfit as it is already satisfactory, I am showing that grim focus glows all the time.)

    That's how it works now, slot grim focus > get permaglow.

    Someone thought that ruining people appereance was not big deal and decided to force this thing on everyone.
    People complained a lot and in typical ZoS fashion they are just ignoring requests to have some clarification.

    Even better, don't even have to have it slotted on console - simply have points in it and you get the glow whether you have it slotted or not.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • AstroST
    Ok, so you will not tell us if you are gonna remove this thing.

    I would like to make another question, how it is even possible to release a thing so broken?
    It is enough to swap bar ONE TIME to see that the animation is totally broken leaving a red dot in your face.
    Di you even try AT LEAST ONCE the skill after your programmers releases it?
    Or you just think that introducing such totally broken animation is ok?
    Is this the level quality of this game now?
    Edited by AstroST on September 12, 2023 6:28PM
  • katanagirl1
    As a stamblade I have to hit the skill to proc the spectral bow after 5 stacks but a guildie says the Magicka version gives a better bonus for not firing the spectral bow.

    Can anyone elaborate on that? PS NA
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • karthrag_inak
    Khajiit finds it to be most unpleasant. If it at least matched the actual weapon being shown, that would be something, but this....this is just embarssing.tpb6iqm6vems.png

    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • karthrag_inak
    This one wonders how this ----^ shenanigans would look on ESO homepage. Undoubtedly sales would skyrocket, yes?
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Necrotech_Master
    As a stamblade I have to hit the skill to proc the spectral bow after 5 stacks but a guildie says the Magicka version gives a better bonus for not firing the spectral bow.

    Can anyone elaborate on that? PS NA

    i think that is backwards

    the stam morph has lower proc dmg, but higher buff from the stacks (80 dmg per stack, caps 400 dmg)
    the mag morph has higher dmg on the proc, and unchanged buff on stacks from the base (60 per stack, caps 300 dmg)

    so just letting stacks sit on the stam morph is better, if only slightly
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • AstroST
    Any news?
    Working on the broken animation or going to remove it?

  • Lozeenge
    spectral bow rivals that of most ultimates in terms of burst damage so you're losing out on a ton of dps for not using it, regardless of morph.

    they had to give relentless focus a new buff because its previous effect gave more time to the skill's duration, something that it no longer has. it was due for some kind of weapon/spell dmg buff anyway, given how much better merciless resolve is.
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • omnidoh
    I like it.
    There aren't enough perma-glow effects in the game as it is, and as a Vampire NB, it suits my intended look quite nicely.

    If ZOS is going to remove the glow, then ZOS needs to remove ALL non-activated glow effects of ALL Types.

    Or just make an option in-game to turn it on or off.
    It should still be visible though (outside of stealth in pvp) to anyone else if it is turned on.
    Otherwise, what's the point? Go play a solo-game.
  • AstroST
    omnidoh wrote: »
    If ZOS is going to remove the glow, then ZOS needs to remove ALL non-activated glow effects of ALL Types.

    I have to disagree, i'll repeat one more time:
    with this thing they have FORCED a big visual change to ALL exisistig nb that have been created during the years.
    I have spent time and money to make my nb look how I wanted and now they have taken away my choices.

    I'm not against the introduction of new glowing effects if you can choose to use them or not.
    I will not use them but I would never ask to remove them.

  • Jaraal
    omnidoh wrote: »
    It should still be visible though (outside of stealth in pvp) to anyone else if it is turned on.
    Otherwise, what's the point? Go play a solo-game.

    That's what's weird about it... they made it so YOU have to see it at all times, whether you like it or not, but you're not showing off your look, since other people can't see it at all.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Ravensilver
    Back from two weeks vacation and I see that the glow is still there.

    Just unslotted the ability, because I started getting a headache five minutes in. I probably won't be able to kill anything anymore, unless it's a rabbit, but the glow is just... truly painful. ;__;
  • dcrush
    AstroST wrote: »
    Is this the level quality of this game now?

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