Grim Focus Permaglow

  • aspergalas4
    shimm wrote: »
    shimm wrote: »
    I like it. Keep adding cool visual cues like this.

    There's no cue.

    A visual cue is something that indicates a condition - glowing red indicates you have the skill on one of your bars.

    We don't need a cue to tell us which skills we have slotted - we have an action bar for a reason.
  • Tenthirty2
    @ZOS_Kevin hopefully this thread is still being monitored, my reasons are below.

    Dislike the glow immensely.
    It's distracting and immersion breaking.
    Makes it harder to know when I'm at max stacks and the ability will fire.

    Plus, for a class who's entire platform is STEALTH, why do I want a bright red glow on my character that can be seen from WAY off.
    This is like a ninja opting to wear a plastic fireman helmet with a flashing red light on top. It's dumb and destroys the mystique of the class.
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • Araneae6537
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Good luck.

    I've been asking for a change to Boundless Armor for 10 years so I can actually see my character I've spent a lot of time, gold and money designing outfits for. They don't care.

    Only hope is that down the line, we will get Skill Styles for class skills. Although those will most likely end up in the cash shop.

    @Faulgor Do you mean Boundless Storm? Because there's no such thing as Boundless Armor, only Bound Armour and that has had its effect permanently removed instead of permanently on like Grim Focus.

    Boundless Storm is still the same as always.
    Always forget what the base morph is called. I'm talking about Lightning Form.
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Good luck.

    I've been asking for a change to Boundless Armor for 10 years so I can actually see my character I've spent a lot of time, gold and money designing outfits for. They don't care.

    Only hope is that down the line, we will get Skill Styles for class skills. Although those will most likely end up in the cash shop.

    That’s only while the skill (I assume you mean Boundless Storm?) is being used, like the effect or not. Same for DK, I don’t like how a lot of the effects look, but none are constant, just for having the skill slotted. The NB permanent ugly Grim Focus effect is ridiculous and serves no purpose.
    "Only while being used" is pretty much permanent in combat, though. And it's not just obscuring your look, but other effects placed on you as well. In certain environments, your character can become downright invisible. It's actually impeding gameplay.

    I'm not saying it's exactly the same as Grim Focus, obviously there are differences. What's common is that ZOS rarely does anything about skill visual complaints. :/

    I don’t mean to be dismissive. It would be nice if there was some adjustment for visuals, like if you could adjust the amount of transparency (if any) on this skill as indeed it can make gameplay more challenging in some circumstances.

    The NB Grim Focus is just a new level of terrible since it is constant — even out of combat — and doesn’t serve as a cue for anything. It was, in my opinion, just poorly implemented and then left as is. :disappointed:
  • MickeyBN
    Just logged back into the game for the first time since Graymoor, first thing I immediately noticed was the annoying red glow on my weapons.

    This is terrible, in what universe did a developer look at this and say, “yeah, they’ll be happy with this.”

    This doesn’t seem like a difficult thing to remedy, it’s clear from the amount of feedback that’s been shared since last year that the vast majority of Nightblades don’t like it, so it’s time to act.

    Jesus Christ I’ve been back in the game for 5 minutes and already finding something dumb that hasn’t been addressed for months, this game I swear to god, the more things change the more they stay the same.
    Edited by MickeyBN on January 22, 2024 8:04AM
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • LukosCreyden
    @ZOS_Kevin have you collected enough feedback yet?
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Innkeeparr
    Soul Shriven
    I just want to add that apparently other people can’t see this persistent glow. My mates don’t see some floating glowing spike when I sheath the Gloambound bow.

    So I don’t understand why it exists at all.. save to inform people that I have the ability in PvP but they probably can’t see it anyway (^) and if they could only a very select few people would know what it means.

    But I think the majority agrees we want it gone or at least have the option to toggle it off.
  • Jaraal
    Innkeeparr wrote: »
    I just want to add that apparently other people can’t see this persistent glow. My mates don’t see some floating glowing spike when I sheath the Gloambound bow.

    Correct, I've tested this before with others. They can't see the effect. Grouped, solo, enemy players, or otherwise.

    Makes you wonder why ZOS has created two different realities: one for you, and one for everyone else who sees you.

    Also makes you wonder if the new Styling modifications will be client based only, as the Grim Focus effect is.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Araneae6537
    Innkeeparr wrote: »
    I just want to add that apparently other people can’t see this persistent glow. My mates don’t see some floating glowing spike when I sheath the Gloambound bow.

    So I don’t understand why it exists at all.. save to inform people that I have the ability in PvP but they probably can’t see it anyway (^) and if they could only a very select few people would know what it means.

    But I think the majority agrees we want it gone or at least have the option to toggle it off.

    Exactly! It truly serves no purpose and even if it were visible to others, wouldn’t it be much more important to have a cue when the skill is charged? I would suppose you would assume every nightblade has the skill slotted.

    I get that some people like the look and don’t care that they’re the only ones that can see it, but that should absolutely be a stylistic option as from the outfit station.
  • joseayalac
    Please give me my stealthy look back :(
  • KapiteinBoterham
    So incredibly disrespectful towards your playerbase to not assign the needed resources to fix this issue..
  • joseayalac
    @ZOS_Kevin could update us on this please?? :(
  • Vrelanier
    My friend (dk) can these days see the Grim Focus effect on my Nightblade, and see it disappear when I remove it.

    Here they say:
    "In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield."
    Doesn't that sound like they'll let us change the looks of it?
  • Vaqual
    Vrelanier wrote: »
    My friend (dk) can these days see the Grim Focus effect on my Nightblade, and see it disappear when I remove it.

    Here they say:
    "In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield."
    Doesn't that sound like they'll let us change the looks of it?

    I fear it will be only the choice of color in the beginning. And they will probably be bright and garish. Styles will probably need some kind of quality ramp to be marketable for a longer time, because some economics guy who is responsible for all bad decisions will say so.
    But it gives me hope that one day there will be a way of removing that eye-sore.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Vaqual wrote: »
    Vrelanier wrote: »
    My friend (dk) can these days see the Grim Focus effect on my Nightblade, and see it disappear when I remove it.

    Here they say:
    "In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield."
    Doesn't that sound like they'll let us change the looks of it?

    I fear it will be only the choice of color in the beginning. And they will probably be bright and garish. Styles will probably need some kind of quality ramp to be marketable for a longer time, because some economics guy who is responsible for all bad decisions will say so.
    But it gives me hope that one day there will be a way of removing that eye-sore.

    Yeah I'm guessing that at the beginning the color choices will be basically what we get showcased in the new Pyromancer emote from the stream. It's already been confirmed that Wall of Elements can be changed to purple, which is one of the colors in the Pyromancer emote (bright purple/pink, red, green, blue, yellow, orange).

    Which is genuinely cool for people who want blue flames instead of orange ones, for example. I actually want blue flames on my sorc. But it won't do much to fix this permanent Grim Focus other than let people choose a different permanent color than red.

    I hope SOOOOO badly that the color change feature of Styling will evolve into other things like reskins and even hiding animations for the case of Grim Focus.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Vaqual
    Vaqual wrote: »
    Vrelanier wrote: »
    My friend (dk) can these days see the Grim Focus effect on my Nightblade, and see it disappear when I remove it.

    Here they say:
    "In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield."
    Doesn't that sound like they'll let us change the looks of it?

    I fear it will be only the choice of color in the beginning. And they will probably be bright and garish. Styles will probably need some kind of quality ramp to be marketable for a longer time, because some economics guy who is responsible for all bad decisions will say so.
    But it gives me hope that one day there will be a way of removing that eye-sore.

    Yeah I'm guessing that at the beginning the color choices will be basically what we get showcased in the new Pyromancer emote from the stream. It's already been confirmed that Wall of Elements can be changed to purple, which is one of the colors in the Pyromancer emote (bright purple/pink, red, green, blue, yellow, orange).

    Which is genuinely cool for people who want blue flames instead of orange ones, for example. I actually want blue flames on my sorc. But it won't do much to fix this permanent Grim Focus other than let people choose a different permanent color than red.

    I hope SOOOOO badly that the color change feature of Styling will evolve into other things like reskins and even hiding animations for the case of Grim Focus.

    Yeah, absolutely, that would be the dream. I could fill a thread with animations that are actively detrimental to the games aesthetics.
  • Elvenheart
    Sadly, it seems at first this will only apply to some weapon, guild, and world skill lines:

    “In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield.”

    If there is no other solution for this awful Grim Focus glow, I do hope that at some point in the future the system does expand to encompass class skills and we get a way to hide the glow.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    The chapter reveal
    Vrelanier wrote: »
    My friend (dk) can these days see the Grim Focus effect on my Nightblade, and see it disappear when I remove it.

    Here they say:
    "In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield."
    Doesn't that sound like they'll let us change the looks of it?

    I think they said class abilities are not part of it, so no.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Araneae6537
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    Sadly, it seems at first this will only apply to some weapon, guild, and world skill lines:

    “In the spirit of this core pillar, Gold Road also introduces a new type of collectible, called Skill Styles. Skill Styles are color variation of popular abilities from various weapon, guild, and world skill lines, helping you further stand out on the battlefield.”

    If there is no other solution for this awful Grim Focus glow, I do hope that at some point in the future the system does expand to encompass class skills and we get a way to hide the glow.

    I doubt it would be fixable that way since this horrid permanent glow seems to be a bug (no other ability behaves this way, not on activation or better to indicate status, and on console it gets activated just for assigning skill points). I wish the change to Grim Focus would just be reverted if it cannot be fixed to activate properly. :disappointed:

    On the plus side, I am enjoying playing my Khajiit nightblade as a healer — big crit heals!
  • Vrelanier
    Oh yeah it doesn't say class abilities, nvm that then. My bad.

    If they add skill styles to class abilities at some point, then one option for the colour could be black or whatever your mog is, to make it at least less visible, like that Santa Claus Nightblade had done earlier in this thread.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    RE Grim Focus and Styling, class abilities are not going to be a part of it at the system's launch, no, but Styling wouldn't fix it anyway as long as Styling remains just a color changing feature.

    So even if class skills were coming with this in Q2, Styling is just to change color. ''Invisible'' isn't a color. Unless it is for some reason within Styling, but I'd assume it's not.

    I'm really looking forward to the Q2 stream whenever that comes later because they're probably going to be going into Styling more then and answering questions about it, like hiding skills, skill reskins, etc and if/when we can expect class skills be added.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Rebiludo
    @zos Just... go :D
  • Dimorphos
    This is pretty much the situation: Half of the community loves special effects and glowing things, half of the community does not. So I believe the answer is really simple: Just let us choose if such effects are on or off. Simple game settings function or if there is time and will, some new altar where we can enhance our skills visually or turn visuals off.

    I really do not see any better ways to do this. Let everyone be happy, let us decide individually if we want to have them or not.
  • katanagirl1
    Changing the color of grim focus would not be helpful. The red glow was an indicator that the skill was ready to use. All other skills have a visual indicator when they are active and this skill does not. Still broken.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • aspergalas4
    Fix this please many thanks
  • AnduinTryggva
    I hard dislike that permaglow on grim focus. It is also active if the skill is just slotted.

    And not only is it really shoving itself in on you it also even does not comply with a lot of weapon shapes


  • Elvenheart
    I know we have had no more information on this, but I have to believe that they are still looking into this, and at some point there will be a change in the future that will make most people happy. It was the same way with rapid maneuvers, in the end they came up with a fix that was even better than the original, but it did take them a while, and there was silence on the topic from ZOS until the fix was implemented.
  • Araneae6537
    Dimorphos wrote: »
    This is pretty much the situation: Half of the community loves special effects and glowing things, half of the community does not. So I believe the answer is really simple: Just let us choose if such effects are on or off. Simple game settings function or if there is time and will, some new altar where we can enhance our skills visually or turn visuals off.

    I really do not see any better ways to do this. Let everyone be happy, let us decide individually if we want to have them or not.

    That’s why it should not be attached to an ability but be an optional weapon style effect. Maybe I want my tank to have glowy effects because, after all, they’re supposed to grab everyone’s attention! Or I might like a more overtly magical effect on a sorcerer but what my nightblade to have a subdued stealthy or even shadowy look.
  • StarOfElyon
    I like the glow.
  • dcrush
    Players: 27 pages of replies.

    ZOS: aj6ooobdsgyn.gif
  • sup
    Please remove this damn glow already.
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