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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • emilyhyoyeon
    I'm betting, though, that it's not as easy as flipping a switch, since they'd need to go in and change how the visuals function with respect to the skill, and that could be a lot of wading through spaghetti code. There are probably two options that ZOS has: leave the glow permanent, or deactivate it permanently. Anything else would need them to add a conditional onto the skill, which would be reworking the skill.

    Yeah this is what I think as well sadly. It also would explain why the sorcerer skill that got the same treatment lost its effect--it's all just weirdly coded stuff.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • aspergalas4
    I'm betting, though, that it's not as easy as flipping a switch, since they'd need to go in and change how the visuals function with respect to the skill, and that could be a lot of wading through spaghetti code. There are probably two options that ZOS has: leave the glow permanent, or deactivate it permanently. Anything else would need them to add a conditional onto the skill, which would be reworking the skill.

    Yeah this is what I think as well sadly. It also would explain why the sorcerer skill that got the same treatment lost its effect--it's all just weirdly coded stuff.

    Regardless if this is true or not, we as consumers really shouldn't normalise the idea of accepting problems not being fixed because it may be difficult for the devs to do. I find it amusing that a hotfix to one spell is considered a complex or big ask, it should be standard practice for the game to be polished regularly particularly when small albeit distracting issues like this crop up. It's not even a functionality issue but a visual one, as the spell works fine mechanically. I am confident the devs will fix the issue players have with the persistent visual glow in due time. It's woefully embarrassing if not.
  • Alp
    dcrush wrote: »
    The person who decided there would be a permanent glow: “woohoo! Shiny!”

    The person who designed the scrying ui:

    My scrying tablet has neon underglow on it like a car from 2 fast 2 furious.

    The glow gave the new crownstore skin neon *** for some reason.
    Edited by Alp on November 30, 2023 5:47PM
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Posting an update on the conversation. The current pro and contra arguments in regards of the new state of Grim Focus:


    Some players welcome the enforced glow, as they now don't have to purchase a weapon pack with red particle or glow effects in order to customize their character "reddish/nightblade-ish." Therefore saving money on ~17€ weapon packs for personal customization preferences as the now permanent spell effect serves as a quasi-armspack.


    Conflicts with any UI that utilizes global lighting - Will continue to conflict with any UI of this particular style in the future:


    Is permanently visible upon slotting (just skilling on console), rendering already purchased weapon packs obsolete followed by customer support refusing to allow refunds for players who bought said weapon pack for their nightblade specifically.
    For comparison, the sorcerer's spell Bound Armor got its own permanent effect removed within the same patch. Causing confusion in regards of the developers intend behind the willfull change or bug.


    Mentioning in the patch notes that the ability will be highlighted on the bar once the max amount of stacks is reached, while not mentioning in any section that the glow is now permanent once the skill is slotted. Which of both serves as the better indicator is up for debate.


    Additionally, the spell remains visible only to the nightblade player, therefore lacking further indication of the slotted spell in regards of PvP. Console players also reported, that the spell doesn't have to be slotted in order for the glow to appear. A spent skill point in said spell suffices. Forgot to add those in the first summary.

    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on December 3, 2023 4:49PM
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Posting an update on the conversation. The current pro and contra arguments in regards of the new state of Grim Focus:


    Some players welcome the enforced glow, as they now don't have to purchase a weapon pack with red particle or glow effects in order to customize their character "reddish/nightblade-ish." Therefore saving money on ~17€ weapon packs for personal customization preferences as the now permanent spell effect serves as a quasi-armspack.


    Conflicts with any UI that utilizes global lighting - Will continue to conflict with any UI of this particular style in the future:


    Is permanently visible upon slotting (just skilling on console), rendering already purchased weapon packs obsolete followed by customer support refusing to allow refunds for players who bought said weapon pack for their nightblade specifically.


    Mentioning in the patch notes that the ability will be highlighted on the bar once the max amount of stacks is reached, while not mentioning in any section that the glow is now permanent once the skill is slotted. Which of both serves as the better indicator is up for debate.


    Additionally, the spell remains visible only to the nightblade player, therefore lacking further indication of the slotted spell in regards of PvP. Console players also reported, that the spell doesn't have to be slotted in order for the glow to appear. A spent skill point in said spell suffices. Forgot to add those in the first summary.

    @NoticeMeArkay Feel like you could add in somewhere there how sorcerer's Bound Armor got the exact same change, but on that the effect, which was less instrusive and better looking, was permanently removed instead.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • NoticeMeArkay
    @NoticeMeArkay Feel like you could add in somewhere there how sorcerer's Bound Armor got the exact same change, but on that the effect, which was less instrusive and better looking, was permanently removed instead.

    Do you happen to know if both spells got changed within the same patch? If so, I'll add it for a comparison and to add the caused confusion over the developers goals in regards of permanent spell effects as an addition for debate.

  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    @NoticeMeArkay Feel like you could add in somewhere there how sorcerer's Bound Armor got the exact same change, but on that the effect, which was less instrusive and better looking, was permanently removed instead.

    Do you happen to know if both spells got changed within the same patch? If so, I'll add it for a comparison and to add the caused confusion over the developers goals in regards of permanent spell effects as an addition for debate.

    Yup. Same patch and both went from activated buffs to being passives that gets highlighted on your bar when you got full stacks.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • AlterBlika
    Mentioning in the patch notes that the ability will be highlighted on the bar once the max amount of stacks is reached, while not mentioning in any section that the glow is now permanent once the skill is slotted. Which of both serves as the better indicator is up for debate.

    Highlighting or glowing at full stacks would both be bad indicators, because you should go proc bow at 4 stacks. We had stack counter on the skill bar, it was convenient to track, now it got removed, forcing people to use addons because tracking stacks on the buff list is meh.
    I used to like playing without addons back in the day, but now I can't even use the most important skill in my kit without them
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Yup. Same patch and both went from activated buffs to being passives that gets highlighted on your bar when you got full stacks.

    Ok, I added it to the list. Nothing too detailed for now, I'm actually currently busy putting up a new kitchen shelf with my partner and meant to post the summary before we get started.^^
  • Shara_Wynn
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    Show us the design document then Kev ;)
  • aspergalas4
    Have you guys still not fixed this bug yet? xD
    At least the All-Maker crates made it into the game without issue.
  • ArchMikem
    Have you guys still not fixed this bug yet? xD
    At least the All-Maker crates made it into the game without issue.

    It's not a bug, Devs said it's intended.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • aspergalas4
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Have you guys still not fixed this bug yet? xD
    At least the All-Maker crates made it into the game without issue.

    It's not a bug, Devs said it's intended.

    Don't believe everything you read on the internet friend.
  • ArchMikem
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Have you guys still not fixed this bug yet? xD
    At least the All-Maker crates made it into the game without issue.

    It's not a bug, Devs said it's intended.

    Don't believe everything you read on the internet friend.

    I believe the people talking about the thing they made.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Muizer
    I think it highly unlikely that "it is too hard" is a factor here. We can safely assume that all skills are set up inheriting from a common model or obeying some contract. If "activate visual effect on x * {some event}" is a thing in any skill anywhere in ESO, then using that to trigger GF after 5 light or heavy attacks should be quite easy in terms of coding. If it's the first in its category, it would be a little more work. Definitely not insurmountable, but not a quick fix.

    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • aspergalas4
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Have you guys still not fixed this bug yet? xD
    At least the All-Maker crates made it into the game without issue.

    It's not a bug, Devs said it's intended.

    Don't believe everything you read on the internet friend.

    I believe the people talking about the thing they made.

    I don't, now what?
  • Taggund
    My belief is it was not an intended feature, but an unexpected result of their changes (aka bug). They might not have expected a huge negative response to it, and left it in making it an "intended" feature. It would be nice it there was more communication on it, and whether they will ever make a change so it is not a permanent glow.
  • Araneae6537
    Taggund wrote: »
    My belief is it was not an intended feature, but an unexpected result of their changes (aka bug). They might not have expected a huge negative response to it, and left it in making it an "intended" feature. It would be nice it there was more communication on it, and whether they will ever make a change so it is not a permanent glow.

    Agreed, it would be nice to have some further communication than silence. :/ Obviously I’m not going to delete my NB who’s my main crafter, but another one of my NBs (used to be a favorite class of mine) I’m thinking to delete and remake as another class…
  • Gabbagul
    If there was a setting to toggle weapon lighting effects on or off for each character, this would be fine, even nice. However, since no such setting exists to my knowledge in this game, both my stamblade and magblade are bottlenecked into outfits and/or mounts that try to complement bright red. Bleh. Limits many, many options for styling the toons. If we could turn it off, wonderful. Since we can't, please dump this.
  • aspergalas4
    Taggund wrote: »
    My belief is it was not an intended feature, but an unexpected result of their changes (aka bug). They might not have expected a huge negative response to it, and left it in making it an "intended" feature. It would be nice it there was more communication on it, and whether they will ever make a change so it is not a permanent glow.

    Succinctly put, you've conveyed the matter in its entirely. I genuinely don't think the community cares whether it was a mistake or not or we get more communication about it at this point. They just want it gone.
  • AnduinTryggva
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    I dislike this glow with stowed weapons really hard.

    It not only does not fit some of the weapons, specifically bows it discourages the use of gloambound weapons.

    I also don't see the reason why the effect should be active with INACTIVE weapons.
  • Dojohoda
    Did something change?
    The glow looks different today (Dec. 7). A couple of my nightblades' staves have a cartoonish gaudy flat red look that wasn't there before. It doesn't show at every angle. I did not notice it upon logging in, but later, at 9:17 pm est. and again after quitting the game and restarting.

    The first picture is of a character that I play just about every day and I have not ever seen the staff look like this.

    A different nightblade:

    --Two pictures showing the "before"
    The same character as the one pictured first during the witches festival.

    One more of the same character, same staff, on Dec. 1, 2023

    Not all my nightblades with staves have this flat color effect. However, the staves pictured above did not have it until Dec. 7.

    Another different nightblade- the staff does not have the flat color.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • metheglyn
    It's funny, I thought the glow on my nightblade's bow looked different recently, too, but then I thought I was probably imagining it (I don't have any screenshots for reference). Maybe something did change. The glow seems to have been toned down somewhat.
  • Mogli
    Logged in today to check, and my bow still has the flat 2D red animations. I'm hoping something new is coming because I wish I could turn it off. Looks awful.

  • NoticeMeArkay
    metheglyn wrote: »
    It's funny, I thought the glow on my nightblade's bow looked different recently, too, but then I thought I was probably imagining it (I don't have any screenshots for reference). Maybe something did change. The glow seems to have been toned down somewhat.

    Sad news, you were imagining things. No offense meant.

    Still looks like an accident on the bow. - Thank you Zos for "intentionally" bringing a visual change that looks so bloody awful, that I'd rather shelf my favorite character than look at this joke.

  • Araneae6537
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    Did something change?
    The glow looks different today (Dec. 7). A couple of my nightblades' staves have a cartoonish gaudy flat red look that wasn't there before. It doesn't show at every angle. I did not notice it upon logging in, but later, at 9:17 pm est. and again after quitting the game and restarting.

    The first picture is of a character that I play just about every day and I have not ever seen the staff look like this.

    A different nightblade:

    --Two pictures showing the "before"
    The same character as the one pictured first during the witches festival.

    One more of the same character, same staff, on Dec. 1, 2023

    Not all my nightblades with staves have this flat color effect. However, the staves pictured above did not have it until Dec. 7.

    Another different nightblade- the staff does not have the flat color.

    Wow, that pixelated outline around the staff looks even worse than the permaglow blob! :( I really wish ZOS would remove the permaglow and make new glow/effects cosmetics/styles/dye channels for those who want a glow or other effect on their weapons!
    Edited by Araneae6537 on December 8, 2023 5:00PM
  • metheglyn
    metheglyn wrote: »
    It's funny, I thought the glow on my nightblade's bow looked different recently, too, but then I thought I was probably imagining it (I don't have any screenshots for reference). Maybe something did change. The glow seems to have been toned down somewhat.

    Sad news, you were imagining things. No offense meant.

    Still looks like an accident on the bow. - Thank you Zos for "intentionally" bringing a visual change that looks so bloody awful, that I'd rather shelf my favorite character than look at this joke.


    It's not sad news, as I like the glow, but then the glow conforms nicely to the bow I have equipped and doesn't look all janky like it does on some screenshots I've seen.

    Whatever the reason for the glow, it would be nice if they could refine it and make it consistent across weapons, since it seems like they aren't going to get rid of it.
  • aspergalas4
    metheglyn wrote: »
    metheglyn wrote: »
    It's funny, I thought the glow on my nightblade's bow looked different recently, too, but then I thought I was probably imagining it (I don't have any screenshots for reference). Maybe something did change. The glow seems to have been toned down somewhat.

    Sad news, you were imagining things. No offense meant.

    Still looks like an accident on the bow. - Thank you Zos for "intentionally" bringing a visual change that looks so bloody awful, that I'd rather shelf my favorite character than look at this joke.


    It's not sad news, as I like the glow, but then the glow conforms nicely to the bow I have equipped and doesn't look all janky like it does on some screenshots I've seen.

    Whatever the reason for the glow, it would be nice if they could refine it and make it consistent across weapons, since it seems like they aren't going to get rid of it.

    It is sad news, because we don't like the glow, but then the glow does not confirm to 99% of weapon styles in game and looks janky and unprofessionally made in game.

    Whatever the reason for the glow, It would be nice if they could remove it and make it consistently appear and disappear depending on the number of stacks we have in combat (5 stacks being the only time the glow is shown), since it will surely impact sales in the crown store for arms packs, styles and motifs.
  • Mogli
    I just hope they do an animation overhaul for the older classes and bring their abilities on line with what arcanist has. We look like 2014 classes while the game is moving into 2024
  • Jaraal
    Mogli wrote: »
    I just hope they do an animation overhaul for the older classes and bring their abilities on line with what arcanist has. We look like 2014 classes while the game is moving into 2024

    Negative. They tried to "update" Jabs and Flurry and the majority were not pleased with the results.

    Let's not encourage them to alter things that aren't broken.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
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