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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Araneae6537
    Feedback for why I dislike it? It gives me away as a NB and it overpowers the aesthetics and colors of weapon packs and outfits. I don't want a red glow, I want to create cool looks that aren't all red.

    It actually doesn’t give you away as the eyesore is visible to you alone. Totally agree with you that it needs to be fixed though. :/
    Edited by Araneae6537 on March 11, 2024 2:36PM
  • joseayalac
    No fix in today's update :(
  • RetPing
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update :(

    What you wanna fix? Permaglow is so nice. Best change developers made in years.
    They made me save money since I dont need to spend for outfits anymore.
  • nwilliams2107b16_ESO
    RetPing wrote: »
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update :(

    What you wanna fix? Permaglow is so nice. Best change developers made in years.
    They made me save money since I dont need to spend for outfits anymore.

    Yup I like it too, nothing to fix, move on.

  • Araneae6537
    RetPing wrote: »
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update :(

    What you wanna fix? Permaglow is so nice. Best change developers made in years.
    They made me save money since I dont need to spend for outfits anymore.

    Yup I like it too, nothing to fix, move on.

    Bully for you.
    I’m all for an option for weapon glow (ideally for any class and in player’s choice of color) being added, but it’s nonsense to force a non-informative aesthetic on all players just for slotting a skill (if the glow was in combat at max stacks, it would be informative).
  • RetPing
    RetPing wrote: »
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update :(

    What you wanna fix? Permaglow is so nice. Best change developers made in years.
    They made me save money since I dont need to spend for outfits anymore.

    Yup I like it too, nothing to fix, move on.

    Yeah, also I love the fact that when you bar swap it leaves red dots everywhere.
    Must been hard to code that. Kudos to the developers and programmers.
  • nwilliams2107b16_ESO
    RetPing wrote: »
    RetPing wrote: »
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update :(

    What you wanna fix? Permaglow is so nice. Best change developers made in years.
    They made me save money since I dont need to spend for outfits anymore.

    Yup I like it too, nothing to fix, move on.

    Yeah, also I love the fact that when you bar swap it leaves red dots everywhere.
    Must been hard to code that. Kudos to the developers and programmers.

    Terribly clever aren’t they 😏
  • Shagreth
    Alright, so I gave my NB a try, loving the changes to the class -- but I can't stand the frigging glow. Who thought this was a good idea?! I went with Gloambound weapons in hopes of hiding the hideous red effect (which doesn't match my outfit!) and guess what:


    @ZOS_Kevin I implore you, fix this damn glow..
  • Jaraal
    Shagreth wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin I implore you, fix this damn glow..

    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently.

    And that was after screenshots of the Gloambound overwrite effect were posted.
    Edited by Jaraal on March 11, 2024 8:40PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Shagreth
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Shagreth wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin I implore you, fix this damn glow..

    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently.

    And that was after screenshots of the Gloambound overwrite effect were posted.
    Working as intended? This is a joke, right?

    Look, I'm all for people liking something, but some people spend tons of gold (and actual real money) to look a certain way, then you have this perma red glow suddenly in the way of it all. Why, just.. why?
    Edited by Shagreth on March 11, 2024 9:03PM
  • ESO_player123
    Shagreth wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Shagreth wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin I implore you, fix this damn glow..

    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently.

    And that was after screenshots of the Gloambound overwrite effect were posted.
    Working as intended? This is a joke, right?

    Look, I'm all for people liking something, but some people spend tons of gold (and actual real money) to look a certain way, then you have this perma red glow suddenly in the way of it all. Why, just.. why?

    There are pages and pages of posts asking the same question. Unfortunately, at this point this is here to stay. I personally just removed this ability from the bar and will slot it back only for cases when I anticipate very active combat when I actually have no time to look at my toon's appearance.
  • Shagreth
    There are pages and pages of posts asking the same question. Unfortunately, at this point this is here to stay. I personally just removed this ability from the bar and will slot it back only for cases when I anticipate very active combat when I actually have no time to look at my toon's appearance.
    I'm ditching my NB for now, I can't play without this ability and it breaks the aesthetics I am going after. May sound like a hyperbole, but this is how I feel. Well, this reinforces my idea that the devs are quite disconnected from the playerbase, and sometimes even the game itself. Literally no-one asked for this.

  • Ingel_Riday
    Just to add my two cents...

    I don't really like the Grim Focus permaglow, especially on my melee weapons. I'm a huge fan of the Gloambound weapon styles, which have the perfect blend of conjured weapon + Evergloam aesthetic going for them. Also, Gloambound weapons disappear when they're sheathed... which keeps them from either clipping into my hip-plates or goofily hovering to the sides of my characters' legs. Win win... most of the time.

    On my magicka nightblade, the Grim Focus permaglow stays visible even when my two ethereal axes aren't. As such, I have a glowing red ball bouncing next to each leg at all times. I've gotten used to it, but it's not optimal.

    I wish the effect started to appear when I had one charge of grim focus, brightened as I collected additional charges, and then went full-on "LOOK AT ME" when my character had a spectral arrow ready to go. *shrug*
  • nwilliams2107b16_ESO
    I personally quite like it on my Magblade, however i have no idea how difficult would it be to add a toggle for it in the options? Would it be a major undertaking or a quick fix?
  • Shagreth
    I personally quite like it on my Magblade, however i have no idea how difficult would it be to add a toggle for it in the options? Would it be a major undertaking or a quick fix?
    Everything is a major undertaking for ZOS, apparently.

    Anyway, I know I'm not being fair, but this is something I didn't really expect to have stayed in the game for so long.
    Edited by Shagreth on March 11, 2024 9:28PM
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Something interesting I noticed after the patch and change to siphoning strikes:

    Siphoning strikes was similar to grim focus in that, back before all the changes, they both gave the weapons a similar red glow to each other.
    U41 changed siphoning strikes to have a sustain effect permanently on by slotting, but activating the skill gives another instant sustain effect.

    The permanent sustain effect by slotting has no graphic indication.
    The instant sustain effect shows the old red glow for a second or so, then it disappears.

    It's just funny to me how grim focus could've been the same thing, where the red glow only appears for a second as its instant effect (the arrow effect) is activated and have no visual for its constant permanent (stacking) effect. Oh well
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Araneae6537
    I deleted another nightblade, down to my crafter questie main and a nightblade healer. This third I’d made with PVP in mind but, whatever I wear or however I try to look at it, I just cannot stand the red permaglow. Class is simply one of the foundational selections, along with race, that makes the starting point for defining my character. My first nightblade fit my idea of a stealthy elven ranger of the forest and green has been her color when she departs from dark muted hues — never irradiated red. The nightblade I just deleted I’d been going for a shadowy purple Nocturnal vibe.


    This is how important it is for me to be able to define my characters’ looks and identity. I understand of course that sometimes skills need adjustment, but when how a character fundamentally looks or plays is changed… What am I left with?
  • colossalvoids
    @ZOS_Kevin hey, will we be able to read something on an ongoing issues with this be it "invisible" weapon styles, bar swap vfx artifacts or general dislike of the change by the community at large?

    It's been a while and at least simple "it won't be fixed" would do for some.
  • ADarklore
    I honestly refuse to play Nightblade now because of the permaglow. I think it's pretty rude that ZOS would force this upon players and not give them an option IMO. I mean, at least make it hidden while sheathed... but having this red glow permanently just seems like a very bad idea and has turned many players away from Nightblade.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • L_Nici
    I actually love that glow. It fits my vampire nightblade very well. It wears a mixture of red and black anyway, so that glow really adds to it.
    A very special girl

  • master_vanargand
    If the next update doesn't fix this issue, people will think that the game creators are ignoring Nightblade.
    Players have been patient and believed in ZoS for 10 years, but players' patience is at its limit.
  • Jaraal
    On the development side, we have a strict policy to never change art assets once they have been in the live game, except – and this is important – if they are obviously “wrong”. Think bad animations, shoulder pads clipping through armor, weapons hanging too far off a character model’s hip – that kind of thing. This “no change” policy has been in effect since the Redguard Female Armor Debacle of 2015. This was where we updated the visuals of one type of Redguard Female armor and pushed it live without thinking of the consequences of players who liked the way it looked and had been using it for over a year. This caused a lot of – very much merited – criticism from players that liked the older style much better. That’s when we started our “no change” policy. Even if we think an asset needs to updated because it doesn’t fit ESO’s established art style or the artist responsible thinks they could have done better, we no longer change live assets because players are used to the way the game and their characters look, and that is more important than what WE think.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Jaraal wrote: »
    On the development side, we have a strict policy to never change art assets once they have been in the live game, except – and this is important – if they are obviously “wrong”. Think bad animations, shoulder pads clipping through armor, weapons hanging too far off a character model’s hip – that kind of thing. This “no change” policy has been in effect since the Redguard Female Armor Debacle of 2015. This was where we updated the visuals of one type of Redguard Female armor and pushed it live without thinking of the consequences of players who liked the way it looked and had been using it for over a year. This caused a lot of – very much merited – criticism from players that liked the older style much better. That’s when we started our “no change” policy. Even if we think an asset needs to updated because it doesn’t fit ESO’s established art style or the artist responsible thinks they could have done better, we no longer change live assets because players are used to the way the game and their characters look, and that is more important than what WE think.

    Thank you for searching up that comment. Been trying find it to bring it up in cases like this and all the other times live assets has been changed.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • colossalvoids
    Don't think this can be applied here, it's not even an extreme case of jabs - that were changed completely, same as rapid strikes etc. But I'm sure this one can be a good defence against doing any meaningful work on an issue, no doubt.
  • Elvenheart
    I still think they are holding out on saying anything because the fix will happen when Styling makes it to character skills, and the fix may be some sort of very hard to see smokey grey hard-to-see effect or even invisible.
  • Jaraal
    Jaraal wrote: »
    On the development side, we have a strict policy to never change art assets once they have been in the live game, except – and this is important – if they are obviously “wrong”. Think bad animations, shoulder pads clipping through armor, weapons hanging too far off a character model’s hip – that kind of thing. This “no change” policy has been in effect since the Redguard Female Armor Debacle of 2015. This was where we updated the visuals of one type of Redguard Female armor and pushed it live without thinking of the consequences of players who liked the way it looked and had been using it for over a year. This caused a lot of – very much merited – criticism from players that liked the older style much better. That’s when we started our “no change” policy. Even if we think an asset needs to updated because it doesn’t fit ESO’s established art style or the artist responsible thinks they could have done better, we no longer change live assets because players are used to the way the game and their characters look, and that is more important than what WE think.

    Thank you for searching up that comment. Been trying find it to bring it up in cases like this and all the other times live assets has been changed.

    I actually got it from the "Please fix the Jabs animation" thread. Seems relevant in multiple cases of late.

    Research credit goes to @heaven13.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    I was thinking about typing down multiple paragraphs, describing how the studio behind this game seems to treat its playerbase alongside the money that has already been spent. Or better, how I felt to be treated in the past years.

    I found my own solution to this and dozens of other issues. It took about 3 weeks for me to not even feel tempted to login and "not miss out". Got rid of the ongoing frustration in regards of this and many past such as very possibly future threads along with clear signs of a strategically taught behaviour that comes incredibly close to an addiciton, so close it's scary.

    But let's just skip that part, I'm tired of even thinking about it.

    Here's my solution: I stopped playing. I haven't logged in since Jan 16th.
    I'm one of those rare specimen that doesn't hold multiple accounts. I have one account.

    Grim Focus will remain "fixed".
    Many other aspects of this game will follow it's example.

    Good luck guys.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on March 21, 2024 5:34PM
  • Jaraal
    I was thinking about typing down multiple paragraphs, describing how the studio behind this game seems to treat its playerbase alongside the money that has already been spent. Or better, how I felt to be treated in the past years.

    I found my own solution to this and dozens of other issues. It took about 3 weeks for me to not even feel tempted to login and "not miss out". Got rid of the ongoing frustration in regards of this and many past such as very possibly future threads along with clear signs of a strategically taught behaviour that comes incredibly close to an addiciton, so close it's scary.

    But let's just skip that part, I'm tired of even thinking about it.

    Here's my solution: I stopped playing. I haven't logged in since Jan 16th.
    I'm one of those rare specimen that doesn't hold multiple accounts. I have one account.

    Grim Focus will remain "fixed".
    Many other aspects of this game will follow it's example.

    Good luck guys.

    Since you last logged in, more things that were not broken have been "fixed," and more things that have been fine for years have been broken in the process.

    But you're right that we should do whatever is in our own best interests. Not everyone has the tolerance for the changes ZOS makes, and those players will either keep playing or they will move on, as you have. ZOS will stick to whatever agenda they see fit. Sometimes the human aspect gets lost in the corporate shuffle. It is a business, after all. Some of us just view it more personally, and it can have an effect on us. Good on you for recognizing the negative effect it's been having on your life lately.

    Good luck to you as well!
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • VisitHammerfell
    I had to remove Merciless Resolve from my DW back bar on my thieving build bc the bow on the front bar had this hideous red glow. How am I supposed to be sneaky with red warning lights??

    PS NA 2200+
    PS EU 1400+
    PS NA Alt 600+

    Bring back Crafty Lerisa (with same voice actress)

    Bring back Sergeant Seyne
  • KnightDraco
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    With all due respect, how is it working as intended? Surely the glow is supposed to mean you have the stacks. What is the point of having it permanently on? Why not also turn other skill VFX permanently on?

    I'm glad people who happen to like red glow on their weapons are happy but I have spent money on arms packs I can't enjoy because their VFX are masked by the red glow. Like, I got Mephala just for my character to be running around like a walking Castrol advert.

    In case you're still monitoring feedback (and it's not clear from the above) I absolutely hate the permaglow.
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