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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • RetPing
    shimm wrote: »
    Wow, so many interesting points of view… made over and over by the same people (800 posts indeed, how many of them are from 20 or so folks?) Seems a lot of posters think it’s a bug - seems like ZOS should move this to the “bug” forum. Please.

    Permaglow is not a bug, is something one of the dev loves and so now we all have to endure it.
    But the execution is bugged, leaves red dots when you bar swap, shape is wrong with many weapons.

    My solutions is simple, I'm not using my NB anymore and I will not spend another euro in this game to customize one of my char knowing that ZOS has zero respect for my money and can delete it out of nowhere without even thinking twice.

    Anf for the bug forum I have a post open there.
    And if you are annoyed by people posting here, you can alwayschoose to ignore this thread, it's not like you have to endure it like we need to do with permaglow.
  • joseayalac
    Please ZOS, fix this already!

    It's messing up so many outfits! It's been too long! D:
  • LesserCircle
    Still mad about this, my nightblade looks awful, there needs to be AT LEAST an option to turn it off. Please do something about this ZOS.
  • Araneae6537
    Well, I’ve not bought any weapon style sets since this ugly bugged mess was forced on us, even though there were several I had thought to otherwise, because what’s the [snip] point??? :disappointed:

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 16, 2024 6:53PM
  • Serpari
    Make the glow toggle-able. I love it on Nerien'eth daggers and staves, but can't stand the floating red glowy mist on Gloambound.



    The bird of Hermes is my name
    Eating my wings to make me tame
  • MickeyBN
    Dekrypted wrote: »
    This, at this point, is giving "Revert Jabs" and the soon to launch with the next patch "Revert Blastbones"/"Fix Necro" sentiment.

    At first I wondered why it was such a big deal, but I totally get it as it relates to the cosmetics of the toon, etc.

    Yall might be locked in.

    Being locked in isn’t acceptable. These devs have a responsibility to communicate with us and change things accordingly based on feedback from the majority of players in this thread, which we’ve given, which they asked us for.

    Throw us a bone and at least give us a hint that this is being looked into and potentially fixed by the time Gold Road comes out, give us anything.
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • TaSheen
    My belief is that the devs have doubled down on "this is OUR game". If that is the case.... they aren't going to change it - and they aren't going to address this situation any more than they have to this point in time (which is.... they haven't said a word about it since Kevin's post in August last year - which stated it's "working as intended".)
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • katanagirl1
    Well I like to have different outfits between DPS and stealth on my NB and now I can save an outfit slot because I can tell visually that I have relentless focus on my NB for DPS compared to the stealth build if I can see the red glow.

    Add that to the list of people who are no longer buying Crown styles for weapons in the list of lost revenue: loss of outfit slot purchases.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Jaraal
    Serpari wrote: »

    It would be interesting to have been a fly on the wall in the studio meetings where they were discussing this change, and then decided that this was how it was going to be.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • RetPing
    Permaglos in my opinion is just another proof on how much devs are disconnected from their own game.

    Do not forget that these are the same devs that thought that a reduction on trasmute reconstruction cost during the event was a good thing without thinking of consequences.
    People that really play the game found out about consequences in about a minute.
  • aspergalas4
    [snip] Why is this even still a thing so many months after it was originally flagged on the PTS.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 17, 2024 6:05PM
  • katanagirl1
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Serpari wrote: »

    It would be interesting to have been a fly on the wall in the studio meetings where they were discussing this change, and then decided that this was how it was going to be.

    I still do not believe the glow itself was meant to be permanent. Removing the second press to fire the spectral bow was intended, but I think the glow was an unintended consequence of no second button press and there is no desire to comb through the code and change it.

    EDIT: hmm, I might have got that wrong, been so long since I actually used it now. Maybe it’s rather because the stacks don’t fall off and it stays active all the time instead.
    Edited by katanagirl1 on February 17, 2024 7:59PM
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • MickeyBN
    I feel so weak at the moment not having Grim Focus on my bar, I just refuse to have it on there as I hate running around with glow sticks.
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • MotherOfMoss
    So, I gather there's been no update on this? Signed, someone who only looks at the forums sporadically but hopes every day to stop glowing red. (And recently I've been reminded of this issue since I've been playing my NB again. Combat without grim focus no worky, but I will not slot it regularly on my green-clad bosmer as long as it looks like this.)
    Edited by MotherOfMoss on February 18, 2024 7:45PM
    PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
  • rootkitronin
    So, I gather there's been no update on this? Signed, someone who only looks at the forums sporadically but hopes every day to stop glowing red. (And recently I've been reminded of this issue since I've been playing my NB again. Combat without grim focus no worky, but I will not slot it regularly on my green-clad bosmer as long as it looks like this.)

    Yep, it's such a poor and random design decision (provided it's a design decision at all - still seems more likely it's a mistake, regardless of what ZOS says).

    I haven't been playing my NB since it came about, and doubt I will until it's resolved. Don't see the point of outfits, styles (don't even get me going on how it actively sabotages weapon styles I've purchased from the crown store), roleplay, etc, if my character has to always be glowing red.

    And as someone who also has a bosmer nightblade - it's just downright offensive. Green, yellow, orange - I could those work at least, but not this.
  • Vaqual
    I would actually go as far and say ESOs ability and combat animations are its biggest weakness in my eyes. Seems weird that the entire world is designed with so much care and coherent and subtle design, but then combat abilities look like a 13 year old got to pick his top ten most edgy, "40K-shoulderplate"-esque powermoves.

    "Yeah, the Necro should have a scythe move, because thats what necromancy is all about. Come let me show you this cool new proggy symphonic blackened feet-core album I found while it is still underground."

    "We should change jabs to resemble one particular, mid-looking weapon skin. But only jabs and none of the other spear skills. We make it easier to achieve the best possible, lore-friendly look, by lowering the ceiling for good looks."

    "The entire staff agrees that coolest thing about Nightblades is that they use magical blades instead of their actual weapons. It would be best if the weapons have a bright, obnoxious glow in one specific color. That way the weapons will look more impactful when they are not being used for the most important abilities."

    "Wardens come from Morrowind. Period. There is no need to provide more animals for different origins or regions, since they anyway manifest only for 1 GCD at a time. We say, the best designs are the ones you don't have to look at and the best companions are the ones that aren't really there. It's called subverting expectations and that is how entertainment is made."

    "DKs should be the warrior class. Strong, upright, gallant. A sight to behold. They need a hunchback."

    "Hey John, I like those generic Daedra NPCs you designed. We should make a class with those."

    "Boss, some players can still see their character on screen. Can we release the arcanist now?"

    "Our core philosophy is, that weapons should be hidden when the coolest skills are being used. Why should they share the stage? This is why we pack all the power into the abilities that hide the weapons, so that the players can really enjoy getting a breather from lore-friendly combat every other GCD".

    "Enchantment glows need to look like they are from 2009, otherwise the servers can not run Cyrodiil."


    Looking forward to the customizable animations, more than anything else in this game.

    Edited by Vaqual on February 19, 2024 5:19AM
  • joseayalac
    Class animations are such a big weakness in ESO.

    I love the game but I've found myself too many times trying to pick a class that I'm not bothered by their animations as much.
  • aspergalas4
    Fixed it yet?
  • Jaraal
    Fixed it yet?

    They said it was working as intended. Nothing to fix (in their eyes.)
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • RetPing
    Well, animation is totally broken, when you bar swap it leaves red dots everywhere.
    And if you have some outfits you will just have a red glow from nowhere.

    I can't understand how they can leave this thing this way, I would be embarassed if I were in charge.
    They must have different quality standards.
  • Araneae6537
    Fixed it yet?

    The deafening silence would indicate that they have no intention of doing so but will leave it broken, indicating nothing to anyone, and looking terrible with many weapons and outfits. :disappointed:

    I deleted one of my nightblades, changed one to a healer, and another in crafting retirement. It used to be a favorite class of mine in large part because of the relatively less obtrusive visuals, but this horrid glow that is ALWAYS ON unless removed from the bar (and even worse on console still?).
  • Elvenheart
    Vaqual wrote: »
    I would actually go as far and say ESOs ability and combat animations are its biggest weakness in my eyes. Seems weird that the entire world is designed with so much care and coherent and subtle design, but then combat abilities look like a 13 year old got to pick his top ten most edgy, "40K-shoulderplate"-esque powermoves.

    "Yeah, the Necro should have a scythe move, because thats what necromancy is all about. Come let me show you this cool new proggy symphonic blackened feet-core album I found while it is still underground."

    "We should change jabs to resemble one particular, mid-looking weapon skin. But only jabs and none of the other spear skills. We make it easier to achieve the best possible, lore-friendly look, by lowering the ceiling for good looks."

    "The entire staff agrees that coolest thing about Nightblades is that they use magical blades instead of their actual weapons. It would be best if the weapons have a bright, obnoxious glow in one specific color. That way the weapons will look more impactful when they are not being used for the most important abilities."

    "Wardens come from Morrowind. Period. There is no need to provide more animals for different origins or regions, since they anyway manifest only for 1 GCD at a time. We say, the best designs are the ones you don't have to look at and the best companions are the ones that aren't really there. It's called subverting expectations and that is how entertainment is made."

    "DKs should be the warrior class. Strong, upright, gallant. A sight to behold. They need a hunchback."

    "Hey John, I like those generic Daedra NPCs you designed. We should make a class with those."

    "Boss, some players can still see their character on screen. Can we release the arcanist now?"

    "Our core philosophy is, that weapons should be hidden when the coolest skills are being used. Why should they share the stage? This is why we pack all the power into the abilities that hide the weapons, so that the players can really enjoy getting a breather from lore-friendly combat every other GCD".

    "Enchantment glows need to look like they are from 2009, otherwise the servers can not run Cyrodiil."


    Looking forward to the customizable animations, more than anything else in this game.

    Love all this!!!!

    I suspect the reason why they are silent on this is the new styling system coming out. They’ve talked about changing a destruction staff skill to purple, and they may have some thing that will fix this awful situation too when it makes it to class skills but they just can’t talk about it until they’re allowed to reveal more of the system. At least, we can hope!
  • Lystrad
    Vaqual wrote: »

    Looking forward to the customizable animations, more than anything else in this game.

    I'm actually really curious about whether customizable skill animations will effect class skills or just weapon skills. I'd love an animation to swap the grim focus bow to just a blast of raw magic. Or to move the cone of fire from Dks engulfing flames from my mouth to my hand. Or make jabs/sweeps a flurry of attacks with the weapon I have equipped. Or to just take ANY skill that flickers my weapons in an out of existence and make them NOT do that. I could live with the most generic looking skill animations in existence if I could just keep my weapons in my hands.
    Edited by Lystrad on February 28, 2024 3:03AM
  • MikeSkyrim333
    ZOS when?
  • Belegnole
    ZOS when?

    At this point I would say never. They broke something and don't know how to fix it. Nor it's management willing to pay to figure it out. Hence the working as intended statement.
  • laniakea_0
    Belegnole wrote: »
    ZOS when?

    At this point I would say never. They broke something and don't know how to fix it. Nor it's management willing to pay to figure it out. Hence the working as intended statement.

    perhaps they are still waiting for the fabled code revision to complete before dealing with this. but considering that Q3 this year is once again going to be devoted to fixes, I'd say we are still a long ways away from completion.
  • TaSheen
    Lystrad wrote: »
    Vaqual wrote: »

    Looking forward to the customizable animations, more than anything else in this game.

    I'm actually really curious about whether customizable skill animations will effect class skills or just weapon skills. I'd love an animation to swap the grim focus bow to just a blast of raw magic. Or to move the cone of fire from Dks engulfing flames from my mouth to my hand. Or make jabs/sweeps a flurry of attacks with the weapon I have equipped. Or to just take ANY skill that flickers my weapons in an out of existence and make them NOT do that. I could live with the most generic looking skill animations in existence if I could just keep my weapons in my hands.

    It seems that the first release of these will be only weapon skills.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • VisitHammerfell
    Feedback for why I dislike it? It gives me away as a NB and it overpowers the aesthetics and colors of weapon packs and outfits. I don't want a red glow, I want to create cool looks that aren't all red.

    PS NA 2200+
    PS EU 1400+
    PS NA Alt 600+

    Bring back Crafty Lerisa (with same voice actress)

    Bring back Sergeant Seyne
  • colossalvoids
    Wish I will see my char's outfits once again instead of red glow blob.
  • Knaxia
    Adding my voice here to add an option to toggle the glow off. In combat and such I don't mind, but in most other cases, like idle, trying to take screenshots, changing dyes, etc. it really ruins the lighting around and it's just an extra step to remove it each time from the bars just to get rid of it.

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