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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Nebs
    On one hand, this permanent effect looks and feels like a bug because it's so strange and denotes nothing, on the other, some folks think it looks cool and don't seem to care that their "free fashion" only exists on their own screen.

    It makes one side want to pull their hair out because it's so maddeningly distracting, ugly, and pointless. The other thinks it looks neat.

    It makes one of the longest topics I've seen on this forum in a long time.

    You would not have a discussion this long about people missing it even if the entire effect disappeared outright and you didn't even put in time time to make it function in a way it historically did and would make sense to.

    If you won't fix it, get rid of it. I hate that it's always on. Especially because it's always on even when bar swapped. It's just so wretchedly bad.
  • colossalvoids
    So if it's not a bug, apparently, when does missing BA glow would be fixed on a sorc I wonder.
  • Arcanasx
    It's quite astonishing how annoyed some people are by a visual effect that they've already would/should have been exposed to a lot during active gameplay, yet apparently they also wouldn't be content with disabling the glow when weapons are sheathed. This compromise would literally mimic the way both weapon enchant and arms pack visuals already function, while keeping it the most similar to the way it already would have worked back when it was an activated skill; ideally keeping it on at all times whenever you're in or expecting combat.

    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now. The problem with the "max stacks solution" often perpetuated here, is that you're going to end up screwing over players who do already like the glow, and have liked it for years.

    I'm not against having additional options for visual choice by the way; there's a lot of good potential and it seems like a missed opportunity so far.
  • Jaraal
    Nebs wrote: »
    If you won't fix it, get rid of it. I hate that it's always on. Especially because it's always on even when bar swapped. It's just so wretchedly bad.

    And to add insult to injury, the people who like the glow aren't able to share their look with others, as it's invisible to anyone except themselves.... while the people who hate it are forced to look at it and nobody else around them is.

    ZOS has created a world where everyone sees different things. A nightblade with a Grim Focus glow in Fargrave is casting certain skills and talking to his companion, and an onlooking player sees somebody with no glow, no skills firing, and no companion. Immersion is sacrificed for performance. Everybody is running around in their own little ESO world that they may never completely share with anyone else. It's like an MMORPG with an interweaved single player game. It's the proverbial four blind men touching the elephant, and seeing different things.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Jaraal
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Arcanasx
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed. That should also help at the outfit station. They should also fix the skilling bug on console as well.
    Edited by Arcanasx on November 16, 2023 6:53AM
  • Jaraal
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed.

    Yes, if the glow no longer disappears after 30 seconds, then sheathing the weapons to mute the glow would be the next best option. That mechanic is in place for arms pack effects, it should be transferrable to Grim Focus as well. Except, as I mentioned previously in this thread as well, ZOS has chosen to not go that route, and prefers that we be forced to look at it 24/7/365.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Arcanasx
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed.

    Yes, if the glow no longer disappears after 30 seconds, then sheathing the weapons to mute the glow would be the next best option. That mechanic is in place for arms pack effects, it should be transferrable to Grim Focus as well. Except, as I mentioned previously in this thread as well, ZOS has chosen to not go that route, and prefers that we be forced to look at it 24/7/365.

    And this is what the people who don't appreciate the glow should be arguing in favor for because its the fairest compromise for both parties. But instead, it seems like we have some people who treat this change as an opportunity to either get rid of or severely limit the visuals of something they've never liked at the expense of those who have liked the glow for years.
  • colossalvoids
    Pretty sure it's more about giving glow an actual purpose (max stacks, as a lot of complaining revolves around bow proc in pvp not having enough telegraph to it, apparently) while we're at it.

    Sure, sheathed weapon thing would help a lot, especially with gloambound issues, but still for many it was strictly in combat thing where you already don't care as much about it, now persisting all of your gameplay time.
  • aspergalas4
    Colossal has hit the nail on the head and has summarised what a lot of the pruned posts in recent days have communicated. The glow served a purpose before when it was a castable buff, but no longer does (the glow is tied to the active status of the spell, but its now active all the time as soon as its slotted, leaving it glowing all the time which is a design oversight) and requires an update in light of its new passive status. And should be present at 5 stacks only.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    I like the glow. That is all.
  • autocookies
    Edited by autocookies on March 13, 2024 3:14PM
    PC NA (Tank/DPS) - [PVE] - (Currently learning to heal for hm dungeons)
    Started ESO - Oct 2020

    Necro Main
    Tank main from 300cp - 1200cp at which point I switched to DPS - I am 100k+ on every class except werewolf.

    [My toons]
    Note: Armory slots are separated by "|" below.
    • (autocookies) Imperial Arcanist: Vampire Dungeon Tank | Standard Parse DPS (Just for fun Werewolf)
    • (Fresh Gator Meat) Argonian Dragonknight: Vampire Main Tank | ZK DPS (Werewolf ZK for fun)
    • (Libitina Khalida) Dark Elf Necromancer: Vampire Off Tank | EC DPS (Werewolf ready)
    • (Electro-Meowster) Khajiit Sorcerer: Vampire HA Build | MK DPS (Werewolf MK for fun)
    • (Blood of Death) Dark Elf Nightblade: Vampire PVP | Werewolf Solo Build
    • (Affah Beta Gamma) Breton Templar: Vampire SPC/PA Healer | Mag Trial DPS.
    • (Arctic Mist) Dark Elf Warden: Vampire ROJO Healer (Need transmutes) | EC+MK DPS
    • (Aeriegil Forestbranch) Wood Elf Warden: Werewolf Oaken Build | Working on Werewolf PVP
    Thank you,
  • aspergalas4
    I don't like the glow. That is not all.
  • tomofhyrule
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed.

    Yes, if the glow no longer disappears after 30 seconds, then sheathing the weapons to mute the glow would be the next best option. That mechanic is in place for arms pack effects, it should be transferrable to Grim Focus as well. Except, as I mentioned previously in this thread as well, ZOS has chosen to not go that route, and prefers that we be forced to look at it 24/7/365.

    And this is what the people who don't appreciate the glow should be arguing in favor for because its the fairest compromise for both parties. But instead, it seems like we have some people who treat this change as an opportunity to either get rid of or severely limit the visuals of something they've never liked at the expense of those who have liked the glow for years.

    But as has been mentioned before, this isn't the best compromise because it assumes the two camps are "eww the glow is ugly I never want it" and "omg best thing ever."

    As has been said before, the anti-glow camp is closer to "why does it exist when it's not useful?"

    Before the patch the glow had a purpose: is the skill active or not? If you looked at your character and your weapons were not glowing, that meant you knew you had to cast it in combat to get the buff up. It was serving a purpose in telling you if a certain effect was active on your character. Notably the icon also changed into a completely different icon when you had full stacks so it was unambiguously clear that bowproc was ready, and even the basegame stack counter served to count your stacks on the skill bar and the icon swap would show on the basegame 'show backbar timers' so you could even see it was ready to proc if you were on the other bar.

    Now, the glow is active as long as you have the skill slotted. I know I have the skill slotted since I took the time to slot it. However, the glow gives no other information. In addition, the fact that that skill was changed meant that the basegame stack counter broke so it doesn't show the stacks anymore, and also the icon no longer swaps to something different, it just gets a glow around the edges (which is a bit harder to see and cannot be seen from the backbar). In essence, making the skill permanent made it so any of the information you got from the skill is no longer obtained without getting addons to restore what the basegame used to do.

    The "acceptable compromise" between the camps of "omg best glow" and "why doesn't it tell us anything?" would therefore be making it in such a way that it is still informative, but persists as long as some condition is met. Like, for example, if the glow only started at the 5th stack. That way people who want a useful glow could know when their bowproc is ready, and the people who like a glow could just build 5 stacks and then just run around with it. Yeah, that means if you want a permanent glow, you wouldn't be able to use bowproc, but you can at least get the benefit of the stacks... and that's better than the alternative that most people are giving of "if you don't like the glow, just don't slot your strongest ability."
    Edited by tomofhyrule on November 18, 2023 5:04PM
  • Jaraal
    ^^^ ^This is the best explanation that I've seen.

    The question remains: ZOS created the glow as an indicator that the skill was ready to proc. So, now that they've made the glow redundant because the skill is ready to proc at all times, why have they included a forced cosmetic on nightblades that only they can see, when they could have sold the cosmetic in the Crown Store to all classes in all colors and made huge money instead?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • katanagirl1
    Put a free “red glowy weapon” thing in the Crown store and fix the visual indicator so we can close this thread down.

    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Arcanasx
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed.

    Yes, if the glow no longer disappears after 30 seconds, then sheathing the weapons to mute the glow would be the next best option. That mechanic is in place for arms pack effects, it should be transferrable to Grim Focus as well. Except, as I mentioned previously in this thread as well, ZOS has chosen to not go that route, and prefers that we be forced to look at it 24/7/365.

    And this is what the people who don't appreciate the glow should be arguing in favor for because its the fairest compromise for both parties. But instead, it seems like we have some people who treat this change as an opportunity to either get rid of or severely limit the visuals of something they've never liked at the expense of those who have liked the glow for years.

    But as has been mentioned before, this isn't the best compromise because it assumes the two camps are "eww the glow is ugly I never want it" and "omg best thing ever."

    As has been said before, the anti-glow camp is closer to "why does it exist when it's not useful?"

    Before the patch the glow had a purpose: is the skill active or not? If you looked at your character and your weapons were not glowing, that meant you knew you had to cast it in combat to get the buff up. It was serving a purpose in telling you if a certain effect was active on your character. Notably the icon also changed into a completely different icon when you had full stacks so it was unambiguously clear that bowproc was ready, and even the basegame stack counter served to count your stacks on the skill bar and the icon swap would show on the basegame 'show backbar timers' so you could even see it was ready to proc if you were on the other bar.

    Now, the glow is active as long as you have the skill slotted. I know I have the skill slotted since I took the time to slot it. However, the glow gives no other information. In addition, the fact that that skill was changed meant that the basegame stack counter broke so it doesn't show the stacks anymore, and also the icon no longer swaps to something different, it just gets a glow around the edges (which is a bit harder to see and cannot be seen from the backbar). In essence, making the skill permanent made it so any of the information you got from the skill is no longer obtained without getting addons to restore what the basegame used to do.

    The "acceptable compromise" between the camps of "omg best glow" and "why doesn't it tell us anything?" would therefore be making it in such a way that it is still informative, but persists as long as some condition is met. Like, for example, if the glow only started at the 5th stack. That way people who want a useful glow could know when their bowproc is ready, and the people who like a glow could just build 5 stacks and then just run around with it. Yeah, that means if you want a permanent glow, you wouldn't be able to use bowproc, but you can at least get the benefit of the stacks... and that's better than the alternative that most people are giving of "if you don't like the glow, just don't slot your strongest ability."

    As for the icon indicator no longer showing the stack number with the base game, that's admittingly silly how that was removed and they really should either put that back in or fix it. That doesn't mean that they have to make it only glow at max stacks.

    Having a stack number shown along with a highlighted ability that is also glowing is informative enough and it would make the max stacks only glow idea redundant, and it would be similar to how it already used to work. You always wanted to have the skill activated during combat if you cared to play optimally anyways, and ability timers were always more helpful in letting you know when to activate the skill again rather than relying on the glow disappearing in the middle of combat to refresh it, especially when there could be many other visual effects happening simultaneously.

    Leeching strikes and Siphoning Attacks also exist, and they could obfuscate your grim focus glow as well. So relying on watching your grim focus visuals in PvP situations to previously maintain the ability, or especially trying to rely on a max stacks weapon glow indicator for the future, wouldn't help as much as you and others think it would. So I'm not buying the "the visuals once served a function but no longer do, so therefore they don't need to exist the same way they used to" argument.

    Again, sheathing to mute the glow is the fairest compromise because its similar to how it was before. It's also a compromise because its a sacrifice for the people who do like the glow because it would've been previously possible to have that glow for sheathed weapons; just so the people who don't like it won't have the glow activated at all times for slotting it.

    I also don't see how telling people to hold on to their spectral bow if they want to keep the glow would be fair either; "If you like the glow, just don't activate your strongest ability." You're basically asking them to stop activating a skill that they've already been using for years if they want to keep the glow for a DPS loss. Meanwhile the people who don't like the glow have not only already been using the skill and dealing with the glow for combat, they've also managed to use it while not having a max stack only glow indicator for years already. And they've never complained about it, until now, simply because of a passive glow that's caused a few oversights that can easily be fixed. They also will always have the option to have the skill unslotted for non-combat situations if they want. Asking for a max stacks only glow indicator as a response to this change is an over reaction and it would be even more disruptive than passive glow.
  • aspergalas4
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    So to me, it seems like you have people who previously never liked the glow at all, but also never had a reason or the opportunity to complain about it; until now.

    Because previously, you could go back to your desired look, with your paid for arms packs, scrying with a normal, non red mini game, and trying out different looks in the outfit station without a permanently red interface, or even worse, weird red blobs where your weapons used to be within 30 seconds, when the skill wore off.

    As I previously mentioned in this thread, the scrying UI and sheathed gloambound oversights would be fixed if they would disable the glow when weapons are sheathed.

    Yes, if the glow no longer disappears after 30 seconds, then sheathing the weapons to mute the glow would be the next best option. That mechanic is in place for arms pack effects, it should be transferrable to Grim Focus as well. Except, as I mentioned previously in this thread as well, ZOS has chosen to not go that route, and prefers that we be forced to look at it 24/7/365.

    And this is what the people who don't appreciate the glow should be arguing in favor for because its the fairest compromise for both parties. But instead, it seems like we have some people who treat this change as an opportunity to either get rid of or severely limit the visuals of something they've never liked at the expense of those who have liked the glow for years.

    But as has been mentioned before, this isn't the best compromise because it assumes the two camps are "eww the glow is ugly I never want it" and "omg best thing ever."

    As has been said before, the anti-glow camp is closer to "why does it exist when it's not useful?"

    Before the patch the glow had a purpose: is the skill active or not? If you looked at your character and your weapons were not glowing, that meant you knew you had to cast it in combat to get the buff up. It was serving a purpose in telling you if a certain effect was active on your character. Notably the icon also changed into a completely different icon when you had full stacks so it was unambiguously clear that bowproc was ready, and even the basegame stack counter served to count your stacks on the skill bar and the icon swap would show on the basegame 'show backbar timers' so you could even see it was ready to proc if you were on the other bar.

    Now, the glow is active as long as you have the skill slotted. I know I have the skill slotted since I took the time to slot it. However, the glow gives no other information. In addition, the fact that that skill was changed meant that the basegame stack counter broke so it doesn't show the stacks anymore, and also the icon no longer swaps to something different, it just gets a glow around the edges (which is a bit harder to see and cannot be seen from the backbar). In essence, making the skill permanent made it so any of the information you got from the skill is no longer obtained without getting addons to restore what the basegame used to do.

    The "acceptable compromise" between the camps of "omg best glow" and "why doesn't it tell us anything?" would therefore be making it in such a way that it is still informative, but persists as long as some condition is met. Like, for example, if the glow only started at the 5th stack. That way people who want a useful glow could know when their bowproc is ready, and the people who like a glow could just build 5 stacks and then just run around with it. Yeah, that means if you want a permanent glow, you wouldn't be able to use bowproc, but you can at least get the benefit of the stacks... and that's better than the alternative that most people are giving of "if you don't like the glow, just don't slot your strongest ability."

    As for the icon indicator no longer showing the stack number with the base game, that's admittingly silly how that was removed and they really should either put that back in or fix it. That doesn't mean that they have to make it only glow at max stacks.

    Having a stack number shown along with a highlighted ability that is also glowing is informative enough and it would make the max stacks only glow idea redundant, and it would be similar to how it already used to work. You always wanted to have the skill activated during combat if you cared to play optimally anyways, and ability timers were always more helpful in letting you know when to activate the skill again rather than relying on the glow disappearing in the middle of combat to refresh it, especially when there could be many other visual effects happening simultaneously.

    Leeching strikes and Siphoning Attacks also exist, and they could obfuscate your grim focus glow as well. So relying on watching your grim focus visuals in PvP situations to previously maintain the ability, or especially trying to rely on a max stacks weapon glow indicator for the future, wouldn't help as much as you and others think it would. So I'm not buying the "the visuals once served a function but no longer do, so therefore they don't need to exist the same way they used to" argument.

    Again, sheathing to mute the glow is the fairest compromise because its similar to how it was before. It's also a compromise because its a sacrifice for the people who do like the glow because it would've been previously possible to have that glow for sheathed weapons; just so the people who don't like it won't have the glow activated at all times for slotting it.

    I also don't see how telling people to hold on to their spectral bow if they want to keep the glow would be fair either; "If you like the glow, just don't activate your strongest ability." You're basically asking them to stop activating a skill that they've already been using for years if they want to keep the glow for a DPS loss. Meanwhile the people who don't like the glow have not only already been using the skill and dealing with the glow for combat, they've also managed to use it while not having a max stack only glow indicator for years already. And they've never complained about it, until now, simply because of a passive glow that's caused a few oversights that can easily be fixed. They also will always have the option to have the skill unslotted for non-combat situations if they want. Asking for a max stacks only glow indicator as a response to this change is an over reaction and it would be even more disruptive than passive glow.

    Arcanas just let it go man
  • aspergalas4
    The justifications for keeping the glow tied to the ability in its current state are so nonsensical just ask for glow cosmetics in the store if you love it so much no one else does lmao
  • Arcanasx
    The justifications for keeping the glow tied to the ability in its current state are so nonsensical just ask for glow cosmetics in the store if you love it so much no one else does lmao


    The reactions on the first page says otherwise.

    Also, I don't know how you ever managed to play a NB before considering you should have always had the red glow activated anyways for combat. And like I said, a max stacks glow indicator wouldn't work as well as you think it would, because there's a lot of other visual effects that could obfuscate it, including certain item sets. So actually making the indicator and stack numbers on the ability icon itself work properly is the way to go, instead of implementing an even more disruptive visual rework just to cater to people who never liked the glow.
    Edited by Arcanasx on November 19, 2023 7:52PM
  • Cloudtrader
    So, I'm just going to assume that this is a bug that ZOS doesn't feel the need to fix. What a shame.
  • Muizer
    This discussion has certainly run its course. I've not heard any new arguments for some time. I suppose re-posting the same ones over and over is the TOS-safe version of "bump" (In fact by now I think I would rather prefer "bump").
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • aspergalas4
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    The justifications for keeping the glow tied to the ability in its current state are so nonsensical just ask for glow cosmetics in the store if you love it so much no one else does lmao


    The reactions on the first page says otherwise.

    Also, I don't know how you ever managed to play a NB before considering you should have always had the red glow activated anyways for combat. And like I said, a max stacks glow indicator wouldn't work as well as you think it would, because there's a lot of other visual effects that could obfuscate it, including certain item sets. So actually making the indicator and stack numbers on the ability icon itself work properly is the way to go, instead of implementing an even more disruptive visual rework just to cater to people who never liked the glow.

    Indeed, and where are all these advocates for the glow now?
    All I see in your one image of one post is people agreeing with the concept of not having to purchase arms packs to have unique weapon effects. Something I would also agree with, am I suddenly an advocate for the glow on the spell now because I said that?

    I managed to play my main because I understood the glow would occur when I chose to activate the spell, and would go away after I used the active component or it ran out its duration. I am more focused on what I am fighting when in combat, and care little for how my NB looks while I play the games content. There are lots of effects on weapons and such that I don't like, but they go away when I'm not otherwise focused on fighting mobs/bosses/players. This was also the case before with grim focus but that's been taken away now by this visual bug.

    I don't even agree with the glow being active all the time during combat either because it's fundamentally illogical when you can have it as an indicator your spectral glowing arrow is ready to fire. The new grim focus should be glowing at 5 stacks only as it's a passive and the glow would act as an indicator you are ready to use the active part of the spell. You literally argue a max stack indicator wouldn't work because you like the glow, that's it, I don't know who you are trying to kid. Everyone can see how distracting the glow is, I can't see any other weapon effects or abilities with it on and barely see the arms packs I purchased with it on too. I can see it on my gloambound weapons I paid for to not have weapons showing on my character out of combat though woohoo.
    Anything to do with indicators on the icon fall short of having an indicator on your character, I don't want to be watching my skill bar when I play the game's content. I am actually laughing at the idea that fixing this clear slip up is somehow disruptive. You are tiresome which is why no one agrees with your posts.
  • aspergalas4
    ZOS please just fix the glow and add it as a cosmetic in the store or outfit station for like 5k crowns so players like Arcanas can buy it, and use it to their hearts content. I don't think he can manage without it once its fixed. I don't know how he managed to play NB before the change when the glow was only temporary.
  • Arcanasx

    People who want the glow are content right now and aren't complaining and demanding the devs to change it, hence why they aren't as active on a complaint focused thread that's months old and 23 pages deep. You're only arguing in favor of a max stacks indicator not for functional reasons, but for aesthetic reasons. Other than a few oversights that are easy to fix, it's currently working as intended, so just let it go man.
  • aspergalas4
    Arcanasx wrote: »

    People who want the glow are content right now and aren't complaining and demanding the devs to change it, hence why they aren't as active on a complaint focused thread that's months old and 23 pages deep. You're only arguing in favor of a max stacks indicator not for functional reasons, but for aesthetic reasons. Other than a few oversights that are easy to fix, it's currently working as intended, so just let it go man.

    Well said, you are so right friend. I am wrong, the glow is incredible and clearly very popular, I am very pleased to have it visible all the time now that I think on it. When I have dual wielding weapons I get this awesome effect where the glow makes my character look red too, providing me with more skin tones otherwise unavailable in character creation. I don't even have to slot red dyes to have red outfits anymore, saving me gold. I can't see the arms packs I purchased, the weapon styles/motifs I bought or earned in game when I am idly standing in *insert player hub* so I no longer need to purchase new motifs, styles etc now thanks to the glow. That will save me a lot of money both in game and in real life. I now begin to understand the benefits.

    In fact, you've convinced me to concede to you Arcanas. I am only arguing in favour of max stacks to avoid looking at the glow I've been saying is an eyesore yes. I merely provided the functional justification in order to get what I want. Selfishly might I add. It was wrong of me to like not having the glow before, because all those players who like it now missed out.

    I can't let it go though, I will embrace it. This marvellous change to my main character that I can't avoid if I want to play it in the most fun and optimal way. My stealthy Sith assassin, sneaking around dark corners that are now illuminated (but only for me so I can remain sneaky to others) brightening my day whenever I play.
    Edited by aspergalas4 on January 21, 2024 3:25PM
  • Ravensilver
    I can't let it go though, I will embrace it. This marvellous change to my main character that I can't avoid if I want to play it in the most fun and optimal way. My stealthy Sith assassin, sneaking around dark corners that are now illuminated (but only for me so I can remain sneaky to others) brightening my day whenever I play.

    This! So much this!

    I hope you don't get banned for this absolutely lovely and perfectly articulated comment! <3
  • Mogli
    I would love for the weapon to glow only when drawn, like the gloambound weapons.
  • tomofhyrule
    The problem with the "glow only when drawn" idea is that one of the other main complaints is that it overlaps the effects from the Arms packs, which also only show their effects when they are drawn.

    I'm hesitant to call this a bug since the glow was always when the skill was active and now it's always active. I do think this is unintended, however, as no other slottable active skill applies a permanent visual effect. I'm betting, though, that it's not as easy as flipping a switch, since they'd need to go in and change how the visuals function with respect to the skill, and that could be a lot of wading through spaghetti code. There are probably two options that ZOS has: leave the glow permanent, or deactivate it permanently. Anything else would need them to add a conditional onto the skill, which would be reworking the skill.

    I already have a setup on my NB so that I hotkey a skill loadout so it's not on my bar outside of higher-level content. If I played seriously with him, I'd end up getting a stack counter addon too. Pity that I need two addons to restore the function the game used to have, but... well, ask Templars how much they like the jabs spear looking nothing like the other spears in their kit now...
    Edited by tomofhyrule on November 21, 2023 6:06AM
  • dcrush
    The person who decided there would be a permanent glow: “woohoo! Shiny!”

    The person who designed the scrying ui:
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