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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • NoticeMeArkay
    AstroST wrote: »
    Is this the level quality of this game now?

    I hope not.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 22, 2023 9:32PM
  • rpa
    It's less work to not fix cosmetic bugs if those can be passed as cosmetic changes. Some in this game do look more like bug than artistic decision to me.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Do you think the guards see my character trying to break into this house?


    TBH they should decrease your sneak radius if grim focus is slotted. 20m sounds realistic with this glow.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Muizer
    rpa wrote: »
    It's less work to not fix cosmetic bugs if those can be passed as cosmetic changes. Some in this game do look more like bug than artistic decision to me.

    I think this is currently on a 'to do' list. At least the issue with the glow not aligning with the weapon. Nobody can pass that of as a 'feature'. It could be way down the list in terms of priorities though.
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Muizer wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    It's less work to not fix cosmetic bugs if those can be passed as cosmetic changes. Some in this game do look more like bug than artistic decision to me.

    I think this is currently on a 'to do' list. At least the issue with the glow not aligning with the weapon. Nobody can pass that of as a 'feature'. It could be way down the list in terms of priorities though.

    This specific feature has always been a thing with this spell even before the "Rework". Especially with bows. It is simply more noticeble now, since we have to permanently look at it. It didn't make it's way on a To-Do-List for the past decade. If it does now, I'd be quite baffled.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 17, 2023 10:20AM
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Also, when the arcanist released didn't zos adjust the crux visuals because people stated that they were too much to bare? Now I'm supposed to believe that having a constant bright-red glowstick duck inbetween my Khajiit clothfolds is an intended change even tho it floats, stutters in every attempt to follow a slightly faster moving character model, does not align with any weapon, does not take any weapon pack bought for money take into consideration and even remains visible when unslotted but skill on intended? Come on! There are even zones in which it's crucial not to be spotted when sneaking and this intended change is very much visible in some cases!
  • StihlReign
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    It's horrible. Please give us a toggle.

    The glow is distracting, takes away from the stealth class, and the red becomes tiring to the eye over the play period.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Jordan_Black
    I certainly haven't read this whole thread, but since ZOS asked for feedback, and I nightblade a lot - I don't like the constant glow. I really don't like it glowing while sheathed, I'd like it better if it was glowing while slotted and the weapon was drawn, and I'd like it most if it only glowed when proc'd.
  • NoticeMeArkay

    Today's update on PTS shows: The permanent glow effect plagueing the nightblade class is still going.

    - They reintroduced the audio file indicating the max amount of stacks reached but the awful glow remains.
    - Can't check if it still appears for gloambound weapons as I bought those on PC EU and for some odd reason that purchase isn't sufficent for ownership for 1 account on both servers.
    - It still continues to ruin your eyes even with sheathed weapons
    - The glow effect shows no signs of adjustment to align properly with a bow of any kind

    As one of many players who purchased weapon packs solely for their nightblade, I remain disappointed.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 22, 2023 9:33PM
  • Shihp00
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.
  • AstroST
    After yesterday patch glow is still present and you still haven't give use any answer.

    You seem to have forgotten about your promised "improved communications".
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.

    Yes, while the skill was active. But that's not the case anymore, is it? No.
  • Jaraal
    AstroST wrote: »
    After yesterday patch glow is still present and you still haven't give use any answer.

    You seem to have forgotten about your promised "improved communications".

    I thought they already gave the answer?

    "Working as intended."
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Myrnhiel
    Yes, considering the radio silence in this matter, I think we can assume:

    1. that we will not get a toggle
    2. ZOS does not care that there a many players who do not like this change
    3. we simply have to suck it up like so many other radio silence changes

    Not much space for nails left... not much space...

  • Major_Toughness
    The glow would always be on your weapons when you are in combat anyway.

    If you are AFK, taking screenshots, or questing, can't you just take the skill off your bar?
    PC EU > You
  • NoticeMeArkay
    The glow would always be on your weapons when you are in combat anyway.

    If you are AFK, taking screenshots, or questing, can't you just take the skill off your bar?

    I'd like to enjoy the visuals I paid for during active gameplay. And I can't do so now without losing 35% of my current damage output by unslotting this cheap excuse of a visual overhaul. Can't you buy a weapon pack, slot a monster set with a visual effect or place a salt lamp beneath you for your screenshots? This way nobody gets scammed out of their money.

    If zos made the blue wings from the wardens "Bird of Pray", the templars "Blazing shield", the Necromancers "Bone Armor", the Dragonknights "Corrosive Armor" (Which very much needs a visual overhaul) permanent, would you also just tell them so unslot the kills why they play the game?

    People have been asking for a change up of the sorcerer's pets for the same reason. It's not fun to look at. And nobody goes out of their way and tells them to simply "unslot" the skills unless they don't understand the potential damage loss that comes with it.

    If people want Zos to put unlockable weapon effects into the game, which I'm very much behind because the reward system is in a sad condition, they should ask Zos to add earnable weapon effects to the ingame reward list.
    Edited by NoticeMeArkay on September 22, 2023 9:34PM
  • NoticeMeArkay
    My point is that "Just unslot the skill." shouldn't be the all-time answer. Creating desirable visuals, should be.

    People shouldn't have to be thankful for a glitched out spell being sold as a feature to them. They should find their time and money spend on the game being rewarded with desirable options for customization ingame.

    People don't want to unslot the twilight Matriarch everytime they are not actively in combat. They ask for either a visual overhaul of the skin, an automatic desummon, or a toggle to hide the sorcerer's pets out of combat.

    People don't want their templars to wield the nighthollow staff as a new spear, they want their money's worth on a newly created skill visual that doesn't interfere with the classes entire lore of either seeking Meridians or Stendarr's approval who both want their templars to wipe abominations off of Nirns surface.

    People don't want to follow Zenimax advise on spending time and money on customizing "Their" character as a nightblafe only to time find 2.500 crowns suddenly being overwritten by a glitched out spell effect without the condition of being actively in combat.

    Instead of saying "yes" and "amen" to everything, maybe say "No" once in a while because the quality stands in no relation to the trust and funds spent.
  • AstroST
    Myrnhiel wrote: »
    Yes, considering the radio silence in this matter, I think we can assume:

    1. that we will not get a toggle
    2. ZOS does not care that there a many players who do not like this change
    3. we simply have to suck it up like so many other radio silence changes

    Not much space for nails left... not much space...


    I'm becoming very tired of sucking it up in what should be someting enjoyable.
    Well, there a lot of new games i want to try, maybe I will just join the bandwagon


  • Chrisbar
    Ok, I haven't been playing much, just getting my Endeavors lately. There are other games competing for my attention.

    But I tackled a World Boss solo this morning and I get it now. Grim Focus is now always active. That was the big change. No need to activate it to buff up before a big encounter. The skill can only be used when the bow is ready. Hence the perma-glow is "working as designed". I don't like it but I get it.

    So ZOS, can we work on a compromise? Can you code a way that drops the glow when weapons are sheathed at the very least? My main looks ridiculous in the closeups when crafting and the glow reflects off the Eye when scrying. I'm used to looking like a red glow stick in battle. It's everywhere else that's the truly annoying part.
  • Vrelanier
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    The permaglow made me look like a Christmas tree in my green summer outfit and that made me sad. When Christmas actually comes and I'll put on my Christmas outfit, there's no novelty left in the red lights anymore, so it won't make me happy then either. I don't want to know what it will do to my orange Halloween outfit.

    For the sake of the whole truth: on my regular outfit the red lights on the two daggers make me look like a torchbug, and I think that's kinda funny. Also I don't mind the extra light in some of the darker corners. But right now, the cons still outweigh the pros, by far. I hope you make the visuals optional. If you force any one colour for it, it's gonna ruin a bunch of outfits for a whole lot of people, and if you make it a neutral white light, you ruin the whole point of Nightblade. There's no winning with this kind of forced visuals.
  • Jazraena
    I do have one question: When asking for a refund and having it granted, hypothetical, would I get my money back or would I be paid back in a made up currency which can and will only be of any worth in the your ingame shop?

    I have in fact asked for a refund. So far they're being uncooperative, but I haven't dropped it yet.

    You might just want to try. Retroactively making purely cosmetic purchases essentially unusable is a terrible and intolerable precedent.
  • Shihp00
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.

    Yes, while the skill was active. But that's not the case anymore, is it? No.

    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    I understand that not everyone likes the glow, but why should they only listen to one group's opinion? (especially when most of them aren't even playing the class?)
    I just hope they give is All an Option.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.

    Yes, while the skill was active. But that's not the case anymore, is it? No.

    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    I understand that not everyone likes the glow, but why should they only listen to one group's opinion? (especially when most of them aren't even playing the class?)
    I just hope they give is All an Option.

    Sorry, but I think you might have misunderstood my reply there. At least a little bit. No idea why that leads you to assume that certain folks Herr don't "play" nightblade, but I'd dare to say that my PVE achievements of the past years give off a different message.
  • Jazraena
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.

    Yes, while the skill was active. But that's not the case anymore, is it? No.

    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    I understand that not everyone likes the glow, but why should they only listen to one group's opinion? (especially when most of them aren't even playing the class?)
    I just hope they give is All an Option.

    Because said group is having visuals forced upon them that ruin how their characters look. Whether other groups like the glow is entirely irrelevant - they're not gaining or loosing anything. All anyone is asking for is the visual Status Quo before the change.

    And it's worrisome how you can't even see the bad precedent being set.
  • Ravensilver
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    I understand that not everyone likes the glow, but why should they only listen to one group's opinion? (especially when most of them aren't even playing the class?)
    I just hope they give is All an Option.

    I've been playing my NB since I came back to ESO years ago. There has never been a permanent glow on my weapons (unless I was using one of the armspack styles - which I don't do) until now. This permanent red glow is only since the last update and it's awful.

    Before, I would only get the glow when Grim Focus was slotted and the ability was ready to use.

    Now I glow all the time.

    I assume that there are a *lot* of players playing NBs, and I can't imagine that they are happy about this change.

    What you see on the forum is only a tiny percentage of players actually taking the time to write about this on an English language forum (because ESO is also international and there are a lot of players who might have enough English to get along in the game, but definitely don't feel comfortable commenting in an English forum.
    There is a similar thread on the German forum also decrying the permaglow and wishing for a return to the pre-update version of it only glowing when the ability is ready to use.

    I unslotted the ability, since the glow gives me a perma-headache whenever I play.
    Edited by Ravensilver on September 19, 2023 5:35PM
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    FYI the glow has always stayed on your weapons Even when it's Sheathed before they made the buff permanent.

    Like others suggested, they should just add a Toggle (also apply this to Arms Packs) as there are many players who also likes the perma glow effect.

    Hope they remember that this website is just a tiny fraction of their playerbase.

    Yes, while the skill was active. But that's not the case anymore, is it? No.

    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    Right, in combat is functionally the same, but for people like me who like getting immersed when doing quests, doing stuff in town, RPing, the fact that the glow doesn't drop off after a minute like it used to do is kind of annoying.

    It's hard to explain how, getting immersed when doing quests or exploring, for example, you can be walking and looking around and get something that's good for a screenshot out of the blue so you want to snap one real quick. Like... Going into the skills menu to take the skill off and on and off and on and off and on for all these quick, unforeseeable moments is really, really annoying.

    It doesn't happen often, for example, where it's like ''5pm, it's screenshot time!'' and I get all set up to take pictures, where removing the skill wouldn't be horribly annoying. For me it's often a spontaneous thing that goes hand in hand with getting immersed.

    Before the change, grim focus would just fall off on its own. So it rarely happened where I'd have to wait for the effect to fall off before taking a screenshot or getting immersed in town and, if it did, it was like 10sec max.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Jazraena
    I unslotted the ability, since the glow gives me a perma-headache whenever I play.

    I'm still struggling with what I should replace it with tbh. It's too good of a skill, really, but I just utterly can't stand it. So I've mostly... not played my nightblades since.
  • Ravensilver
    Jazraena wrote: »
    I unslotted the ability, since the glow gives me a perma-headache whenever I play.

    I'm still struggling with what I should replace it with tbh. It's too good of a skill, really, but I just utterly can't stand it. So I've mostly... not played my nightblades since.

    I used the one from the Undaunted skill line... can't remember the name right now. Something with silver in it?
  • Jazraena
    Jazraena wrote: »
    I unslotted the ability, since the glow gives me a perma-headache whenever I play.

    I'm still struggling with what I should replace it with tbh. It's too good of a skill, really, but I just utterly can't stand it. So I've mostly... not played my nightblades since.

    I used the one from the Undaunted skill line... can't remember the name right now. Something with silver in it?

    I'm only thinking Fighter's Guild crossbow when I hear Silver. Do you mean Shadow Silk? Might be an idea for one of them... Hmm.
  • Shihp00
    it's like everyone ignored the part when I said there should be a toggle.
    Shihp00 wrote: »
    Yes, Becuz they Made The Buff Permanent (and part of that skill is having its glow effect).
    If people here who claims to "play Nightblade a lot" Actually Played it (not just AFK'ing), they'd know that you'd be constantly glowing while actively playing this class, prior to them making this change.

    Some of the screenshots here is seriously how you'd look majority of the time you're in PVP (even if you're crouched) before the change, so it's funny when they start acting like the glow has never been there (it's almost like it's their first time playing and seeing it lmao).

    I understand that not everyone likes the glow, but why should they only listen to one group's opinion? (especially when most of them aren't even playing the class?)
    I just hope they give is All an Option.

    Before, I would only get the glow when Grim Focus was slotted and the ability was ready to use.

    The glow stayed Even when it wasn't Fully stacked or Sheathed (You just needed to cast it once and it will stay til' the CD is over). That's why they said the glow was intended when they made the buff permanent.

    all just a matter of preference/opinion. Hating or Liking the Glow won't make someone "Right" about this situation.
    It's like people ignored the part where I said "I understand not liking it; but there should just be a Toggle".
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