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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Jazraena
    Nighn_9 wrote: »
    I like it and I'm fine with it. Always wanted it actually and I'm a long-time NB player.
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I kind of like it. I wasn't even using Grim Focus, but the hubbub over the red glow spurred me to investigate, and now I'm using Grim Focus regularly. On the Ashlander Battle Axe that my Nightblade main uses, the red glow appears as a red globe in the exact center of the two blades' wishbone-like formation, as though it were being held in place magnetically or electrically by the two blades. And when I'm fighting enemies, the red glow gets replaced by the yellow-orange glow of the weapon's Absorb Health enchantment. I quite like it. :)

    Whether you like it or not is still miles past the point.

    If people want a permanent red glow ZOS should introduce a permanent red glow cosmetic. Imposing a permanent red glow on every other nightblade whether they want it or not is not an acceptable approach.
  • AstroST
    Today I've done some BG with my NB and I was wondering if i was playing some sort of indie game, I don't know how it is even possible for an AAA game to release in production such a broken animation.
    I've dual wield and staff and every time I bar swap I have this red dot in front on my face.

    Really guys, if you want to impose this horrible thing on us at least make it work decently.

  • Curtdogg47
    It should only glow when charged. Simple fix I would think.
  • Lozeenge
    @ZOS_Kevin would really appreciate an update on this as the current PTS notes have not addressed it despite this thread being repeatedly bumped back up every week (not including a separate thread in the PTS forum section.)

    i still have my doubts the permaglowing is intentional but some clarification on what's actually going on with Grim Focus's new slotted effects might shed some light here. it just looks too glitchy to be deliberate.
    Edited by Lozeenge on September 23, 2023 7:08PM
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    And when I'm fighting enemies, the red glow gets replaced by the yellow-orange glow of the weapon's Absorb Health enchantment. I quite like it. :)

    This is my nightblade using a bow with a health absorb enchantment on a dummy on PTS right now.
    I fail to spot the appearance of the orange glow and the disappearance of the still permanent red glow by grim focus.
    The indicator for an active health absorb enchant can be recognised by the red and green particles emitting from my characters model upon hit. The whirlwind effect on the dummy comes from Relequens 5pc effect.


    I don't know about what the effects look like on bows, just on my Ashlander battle axe. And I don't remember seeing red and green particles around my character while his Absorb Health weapon enchantment is active; I'll have to watch more closely. Now I have a miniproject for this evening. :)
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • NoticeMeArkay
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I don't know about what the effects look like on bows, just on my Ashlander battle axe.

    They look exactly the same. Always have. Hard to miss if you participate in combat actively.
    I'm also curious as to why you use the weakest version of health regeneration on the one class that has an entire skill tree filled with spells that 1) play into your fondness of bright red effects and 2) make a much better decision in terms of survivability.

    It looks as if you either don't play the nightblade at all and just come here to express your opinion on something you have nothing to do with. But that would be too irrationally to be picked as the first reason so my wild guess is that ...

    ...you spend your time in ESO mostly questing and only fighting against overland mobs. The one and only scenario in this game where survivability isn't necessary in the slightest, where damage isn't required and where all the reasons given by me and others about why the glow negatively affects combat doesn't affect You.
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »


    You are free to voice your appreciation for the existence of a glitched out weapon effect. However, you are also free to aknowledge that your "Oh, but it looks pretty" stands against "I have trouble properly playing my class" and"You already took my money in exchange for a different permanent effect.". The people praising the look of this abomination have yet to point out a valid reason for the existence of the permanent glow based on it's functionality apart from "Now I don't have to spend money at all." while others presented valid arguments on how it negatively affects their gameplay and scams people out of real money they won't get back.

    TL;DR: It's absolutely fine if you approach the game in laidback fashion or any other way where it's not necessary for you to pay attention to your skills and your surroundings. But expecting your opinion to be seen as important as those expressed by a bunch of players who engage in sections of this game where combat can't be done blindfolded, is rather ignorant.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 24, 2023 4:54PM
  • SeaGtGruff
    @NoticeMeArkay, I checked on my bow, which also has the Life Drain enchantment on it, and I was mistaken about where the yellow-orange glow is coming from, because it doesn't show up on my bow, either. It also doesn't show up on my battle axe if I just use light attacks or heavy attacks. It must be coming from Empower and Major Berserk when I use Wrecking Blow.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • AstroST
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »

    So we can assume that introcing a totally bugged animation that leaves red dots everywhere is the new standard of quality in this game?

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 24, 2023 4:49PM
  • ZOS_Icy

    We have recently removed some unnecessary back and forth from this thread. This is a reminder to keep the discussion civil and constructive. Please keep our Community Rules in mind moving forward.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Jazraena
    Thank you.
  • HappyTheCamper
    Whether or not you like the glow doesn’t change the fact that there shouldn’t be a glow when your weapon is sheathed. I shouldn’t be forced to see permanent red glow at my hips even when I’m out of combat and my weapons aren’t even out.

    You can’t even use the outfit station when you have the skill slotted. The red is brighter than any weapons pack in the game.

    Keep it or change it, just please take away the glow when weapons are put away.
  • ADarklore
    WHY wouldn't someone like a perma-glow feature? Well, for one, the color could clash with your outfit... which makes it extremely distracting and annoying. Two, not everyone likes 'glowy' items permanently showing on their character. I could keep going as there are TONS of reasons why people would not like a 'forced' glow attached to their character.

    If ZOS is going to add permanent features like this, they should also add a TOGGLE to turn off 'perma-glow' from all items or skills that have such features. It's not rocket science ZOS... seriously. Players want OPTIONS, they shouldn't have to give reasons why they don't want to be forced to see perma-visuals on their items/character.
    Edited by ADarklore on September 27, 2023 4:04PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Marcus684
    ADarklore wrote: »
    WHY wouldn't someone like a perma-glow feature? Well, for one, the color could clash with your outfit... which makes it extremely distracting and annoying. Two, not everyone likes 'glowy' items permanently showing on their character. I could keep going as there are TONS of reasons why people would not like a 'forced' glow attached to their character.

    If ZOS is going to add permanent features like this, they should also add a TOGGLE to turn off 'perma-glow' from all items or skills that have such features. It's not rocket science ZOS... seriously. Players want OPTIONS, they shouldn't have to give reasons why they don't want to be forced to see perma-visuals on their items/character.

    TBF, if ZOS added a toggle for every single feature that someone complained about, the Settings menu would be gigantic and people would complain about how difficult it is to sift through all of the options.
  • TheWoanderer
    Removed it from both my nightblades (my main & my Thief/Surveyor) after 4 days.
    The sense of relief was oddly profound.

  • NoticeMeArkay
    Remove the permanent glow, the flaws to it keep piling up!

  • ZOS_Volpe

    As we've removed a few comments that were baiting and non-constructive, this is a friendly reminder that comments need to adhere to our Community Rules to avoid thread derailment.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • LukosCreyden
    This is the new Templar Jabs animation / Flurry animation.

    A change that has been decisive at best, absolutely awful at worst, that will be ignored because zos simply do not have an answer. In this case, the problem is that it is a bug they are presenting as a feature as they seemingly cannot fix it.

    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Jazraena
    Of course they can fix it.

    They just need to move the visual from the base effect to the 5 stacks effect. Job done. Probably a matter of minutes.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Spend some time during the event asking dozens of people I grouped up with for the Bastion Nymic, wether or not they can see the red glow with the setting "Hide additional player effects" turned off. In other words, if they can see the red glow once the game does not intentionally hide any visual effects from other players (Me, in this case).

    The permanent red glow does NOT serve as an indicator to other players in order to notify them about the slotted skill.

    Because they cannot see it. Only the nightblade player can see the glow.
    It serves no purpose and conflicts with the UI, the game environment and the players creative decisions and financial investments. It's clearly a bug, patch it out please.

  • AstroST
    I really don't care anymore if they leave or keep it.
    What I really would love to know is why they want to keep it.

    Since they don't talk with us we could only make some theory, but espressing theories is forbidden in this forum.

    I can only say that I've lost every respect for ZOS as a company (and I stress company, I'm not bashing any single individual).
  • Alp
    Every time I log back on my nightblade I am reminded of this red glow attached to nothing on my hip at all times that only I can see. I have 3 outfit slots on this character because I love making outfits and they are all forced to have this effect. I just absolutely hate it. Why do I have to change my build for a cosmetic thing?
  • AstroST
    Alp wrote: »
    Every time I log back on my nightblade I am reminded of this red glow attached to nothing on my hip at all times that only I can see. I have 3 outfit slots on this character because I love making outfits and they are all forced to have this effect. I just absolutely hate it. Why do I have to change my build for a cosmetic thing?

    Wow, such great quality in one picture.
    That red glow fits so well with those shades of color.

  • Vedova
    I dont like the glow now, on my bow when its on my back im running around with a bright red glow. I had themed my character on a nice ornate decorated bow look , and this red glow so does not match my apparel now when i have the ability slotted. And its a key ability in my build but do not like the glow on my sheathed weapon.

    It be nice i if it was removed or maybe only when the proc is ready for it to show, ideally in combat. I would rather the red glow was gone, was no need to add it to sheathed weapons.
  • Curtdogg47
    Be nice if they would fix this! Got a feeling we will be waiting a long time! Hopefully not!
  • Ravensilver
    Curtdogg47 wrote: »
    Be nice if they would fix this! Got a feeling we will be waiting a long time! Hopefully not!

    I do hope not, since I am very much missing my Grim Focus skill. But as long as I get migrane-inducing permaglow, I'm not using it.

    ZOS did ask for our feedback... so what's happening with this? @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober ?
  • Sky Chancellor
    Sky Chancellor
    Red glow takes away from other cosmetic glow from weopons. So no option now as a Night Blade to have a green, blue, or gold weopon... stuck with a red glowing weopon no matter what -- if we want to keep the ability. And the ability change is excelllent, and ability itself is effective.

    I think a good change, would be for the weopon to glow for a few seconds once a weopon is unsheathed ... and then the glow goes away.

    I am pretty sure people prefer to style their character in the way they want to. And that's the problem with the glow.
    I'm not a fan of the permanent glow.it really does override the aesthetic I had going on my character.
    It even makes my guar mount look like it has a sunburnt rear end.
    I requested a refund on an arms pack purchased from the crown store, which now looks different than it did when purchased.
    My request was denied.
    I wasnt aware crown store items could have their visuals changed (unless bugged).
    Sad times. I think more people would like the glow gone if all players could see it, not just me.
  • Jaraal
    I requested a refund on an arms pack purchased from the crown store, which now looks different than it did when purchased.
    My request was denied.

    Wow, that's pretty harsh. Not only did they change the look of something you already paid for, but they won't even attempt to make it right.

    Edited by Jaraal on September 30, 2023 10:42PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Jaraal
    dcrush wrote: »

    But to them, it's not broken. It is "working as intended."

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 1, 2023 5:48PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • AstroST
    Jaraal wrote: »
    I requested a refund on an arms pack purchased from the crown store, which now looks different than it did when purchased.
    My request was denied.

    Wow, that's pretty harsh. Not only did they change the look of something you already paid for, but they won't even attempt to make it right.

    I've started giving feedback with my wallet., for a start I didn't buy Necrom on sale as I always done with previous chapters.
    There a lot of companies that respect their customers out there and I prefer give money to them.
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