Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Marduk
    Soul Shriven
    starstruck wrote: »

    @Marduk‌ could u verify what u mean by item restored? Did CS give u back the item or you just found the items in your character inventory.

    From what I can tell is that the bank slots and gold get wipe and any overflow of item in banks are thrown into the logged in character inventory. So if your character has enough inventory space, you will most likely not lose any items, else items that has no space to be thrown in will be lost as well.

    I found them in my bank. Some stuff I also found on my twink. After my items were gone, I put new stuff in the bank, so when the items came back there was not enough space in the bank and the items were put in the inventoy (atleast, I think this is what happened).

    By now, I'm not sure anymore if the CS did it or if I had just "luck". The CS asked me for more information about the incident per email (which I got shortly after my ticket) and after I answered it about 2 h later, I changed to said twink and then logged back into my main char.
    It was then when I discoverd my items were bank. So did the CS fix it? The relog? I don't know. Just happy that the items are back...

    PS: I also got the second mail with my preorder items when the incident happened. So I guess it is related to the same problem despite my bank not being upgraded yet.
    Edited by Marduk on April 11, 2014 3:21PM
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    I am the one who started this forum post, been over 10days and still havnt received any of my items back =/, buying the imperial edition was almost a complete waste as well as pre ordering since all the items are gone and im lvl 50 so the maps will be useless now lol
  • skhelterub17_ESO
    I also was one of the first to post here. I have yet to receive anything in return save for that they are working on it and it will take time. Was told it would be returned via mail. Ya that hasn't happened. I have pretty much just given up on them and have pretty much just continued to play knowing everything may vanish one day and i'll be left holding the bank bag of emptyness and remorse. Instantly unsubscribing out of anger of my precious being lost.
  • Kefria
    Soul Shriven
    It's not the bug that annoys me so much as the complete silence from support and then shutting my ticket saying that they've fixed my login dificulties.

    The 'How are we doing' survey mail from support broke the camels back and I've cancelled my sub. Shame as I really liked the game but I can't take the silence and the 'we've fixed a problem you never had, aren't we good ' attitude.

    I'd happily change my position with just some communication. I'm aware that bugs in MMO's exist and that they're complex - I've said as much in my tickets. Customer service goes a very long way to smoothing stuff over though.
    Edited by Kefria on April 11, 2014 12:59PM
  • andrantos
    I filled a ticket in-game last night. A CSR responded inquiring for details sometime after going to bed.

    Please note, that correspondence went to my email (so check the usual spam/filters/trash).

    It does seem all correspondence maybe occurring via email and not in-game mail.

    Just want to clarify this.

    While I do think this bug is unacceptable as any form of data loss (permanent or temporary) is a bad thing, please take the time to recount any details of your experience with this bug. This will result in quicker resolution for everyone!

    Details like where you were ingame when it occurred, all activities just before it happened. Time and day when it happened.

    Clearly, something is causing the system to believe our accounts are logging in for the first time. This results in preorder rewards being emailed and bank space allocated. Thankfully this is only impacting our banks and not our inventories!
  • Kefria
    Soul Shriven
    I detailed when - right afterEU server patch on Monday.
    I detailed what - Main recieved Imp pre-order bonuses while journey to bank with full pack and upon arriving at the bank I had gone from 90 to 60 slots and items were missing.
    I detailed my tests - logged on alts to check that it wasn't character specific. As there were also issues witch 'guild tabs' at this time.
    I passed on my best guess of accounts being flagged as 'new' in the database due to the recieving of the Imp pre-order bonus for a 2nd time.

    All that was done on Monday evening.

    I then created an alt to log an in game ticket on Wednesday as I'd had no response. This didn't have the option to bypass The Wailing Prision tutorial. I asked for this to be added to my original ticket as it further confirmed my suspiscion that accounts were being flagged as 'new'.

    {edit} Yes I had checked my spam filter as it's over-zealous by my making. It wasn't there.

    I recieved a response on Wednesday afternoon BST saying that another department was reviewing my ticket and apologising for the lack of response.

    I recieved a response to my original ticket (via website) nearly 3 hours later saying my login issues had been fixed. Call status was moved to solved

    I'm unsure just how much more information I could have given them. Maybe throwing out a possible reason having not done DBA work for 10 years was not helpful but the rest was fairly detailed.
    Edited by Kefria on April 11, 2014 2:44PM
  • andrantos
    It sounds like you've been very cooperative, my post wasn't directed to you. It was more a blanket statement because this is an extremely frustrating experience for us and can be a deal breaker for many. If anything, it sounds like you've gone above and beyond the level of patience for all of the issues you've experienced.

    My observations are that Zenimax doesn't know what the root cause of the issue is. My hope is that while we take the time to vent and express our frustrations that some of us don't forget to provide support with as much info as possible (especially for those of us that intend to stick around for a while).

    It also seems as those customer support has been inconsistent and spotty. I hope this is simply a case of "launch blues" and not indicative of long term level of support effort.
  • Skethis
    I am the one who started this forum post, been over 10days and still havnt received any of my items back =/, buying the imperial edition was almost a complete waste as well as pre ordering since all the items are gone and im lvl 50 so the maps will be useless now lol

    The maps can be used in Veteran areas to gain Veteran level gear, too.
  • Dergard
    Skethis wrote: »
    I am the one who started this forum post, been over 10days and still havnt received any of my items back =/, buying the imperial edition was almost a complete waste as well as pre ordering since all the items are gone and im lvl 50 so the maps will be useless now lol

    The maps can be used in Veteran areas to gain Veteran level gear, too.

    Ohh. Good to know. This two sets of spare maps i got via in-game mail could come in handy... ;)

    @zos: Why not enable in-game mails between chars of the same account? Could help your (paying) customers to use banking-alts with relative ease until you fix the bank-bug... just my 2 cents.
    Edited by Dergard on April 11, 2014 5:15PM
  • Altairien
    Matt Firor wrote:
    we needed literally years to build a stable game client and server infrastructure

    MmmHmm... And apparently you need a touch longer since the bank is obviously not stable.

    After reading (here and elsewhere) about some of the recent communications from CS requesting more information, apparently you're still trying to nail down "why" this is happening. So how about opening up the PTS to anyone who has entered a game code (i.e. has purchased the game) regardless of sub status and let us help you troubleshoot this. Wouldn't you welcome some help?

    Not that I expect an answer of course. Communication seems to be getting thinner, regarding all issues, as this week has progressed.
  • tragoul70
    I am in the same boat as many.....I have done the right thing by lodging tickets for an issue that was not my doing and have had only automated responses. This is very frustrating indeed.
  • Norval007
    Soul Shriven
    I received a very quick response when I posted on ESO Facebook page. Ah the power of social media.
  • Rotherhans
    @Norval007‌ could you post this here for those of us refusing to have anything to do with NSAbook?
    At this point in the drama I´ll take any word from a Dev, even if it´s a gorramn "SOON.." :(
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 11, 2014 9:40PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • Iorail
    Same here, no response to the last ticket (#5 btw....) just that someone took whatever crap, no bank slots back, no items back, no gold back or refund for lost gold on the lost upgrades, nothing....At this point, they either acknowledge the issue and refund people or a lot of players will not be paying when the free 30 days come around.
  • Moobs
    Has anyone had the issue occur since yesterdays maintenance?
  • blimpieboy
    Moobs wrote: »
    Has anyone had the issue occur since yesterdays maintenance?

    Yes, this happened to me last night (about 21 hours ago).

  • evil0n329
    happened to me 30 min ago ref num 140411-066936
  • BmcD73
    Just happened to me at about 5:30MST on 4/11. Right after I respec'd a few of my alts. I have a friend that is also struggling with this. This is a MAJOR showstopper. I hope they have something planned for compensate everyone for what a hassle this is.
  • Turelus
    Had the issue about three days ago and still waiting for something.
    I'm not even that bothered about the lost items as they were mostly low level crafting ones, I just want my 90 slots again without having to repurchase them. :p

    Although I am a little worried with my luck I will have it all fixed and receive the bug again before it's patched out.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • emperornerevarb14a_ESO
    I also lost my bank space it dropped to 60 spaces and i lost alot of items and im not sure when it happened, can i have my items and bank space restored to me please?
    Edited by emperornerevarb14a_ESO on April 12, 2014 1:17AM
  • BmcD73
    Has ANYONE had their issue fixed? I see a ton of people with the problem but no one saying theirs had been fixed. I also noticed this RIGHT after I respec'd a few toons. Same with my buddy. Anyone else notice this after a respec? Seems to make sense that a "reset" of your skills could somehow "reset" your bank.
  • emperornerevarb14a_ESO
    I also want to know if they are going to rollback the accounts to the time before the bank loss because i don't want that to happen i just want my bank space and items back, can i get a admin response to this please? I'm worried if i play the game i'll lose progress to a rollback.
  • Gwynde
    I logged in and re-received all my Explorer/Imperial items... Checked my Bank and my slots had reset to 60 from 70 (while the cost to upgrade remains at 1,000 as if I still had 70 slots). Lost everything that wasn't in the Miscellaneous tab >< When I switched characters, about 29 items reappeared. Not everything (still missing two racial books I had stored, but the third was there) but most thiings reappeared. Odd!

    Ticket submitted & the wait begins... Def won't be purchasing any upgrades until this is fixed!
    Edited by Gwynde on April 12, 2014 2:02AM
  • JaeGuan
    I lost my items when my bank was rolled back from 110 slots (I believe) to 60. 30k gold also lost. This happened on April 9th between 9-11PM PST. Please add me to the list!
  • rorkananimal
    Got hit for the THIRD time just 10 minutes ago.

    This time I was ready, and had NOT upgraded my bank, so I lost nothing, and gained a FOURTH set of Collector's Edition stuff (original, plus 3 from the bug).

    Now I'm not sure the upgrading actually has any causal relation with the bug at all. The reset of the bank seems to be a consequence of the bug, and not an origin.

    Haven't been reimbursed yet...
    "It's not that I am afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko
  • JaeGuan
    @ionutn1 I feel your pain. I wonder if they are even doing anything. I asked them on the phone what they are going to be doing and they said they would most likely be rolling BACK my account. I explicitly asked them if I should play an alternate character while they fix the problem and they told me it was up to me. I asked them again because that was not a legitimate/good answer, but this time they responded by telling me NOT to play. They then told me to file another ticket by tomorrow if my problem still exists. WHY THE HECK DO I HAVE TO FILE ANOTHER TICKET IF YOU HAVEN'T EVEN RESOLVED MY FIRST ONE? Are they trying to just drag on my situation until the point in which I choose to unsub? WHAT THE HECK ZENIMAX.
    Edited by JaeGuan on April 12, 2014 2:01AM
  • gardenia.ren67ub17_ESO
    Add me to the list. My stuff went poof at 7:58 p.m. CDT today :( I am starting to regret prepaying for a 6-month subscription now *sigh*
  • BmcD73
    Did any of you notice this happen AFTER a respec? Or did this happen to anyone that had NOT respec'd a toon on their account?
  • Vhalkyrie
    I've gained 6 levels and bought the 42K horse during the time that this bug first happened to me, so rolling my character back is not an option. If they have rollback capability, they should be able to see what upgrades I pay for and just refund that to me.
    Edited by Vhalkyrie on April 12, 2014 2:35AM
  • BmcD73
    yea...seriously...just refund me for now until they figure it out. The lack of space now is seriously hurting my ability to play the game. I had 100 bank slots that were full. I have 5 alts that are almost full. It takes me about 15 minutes to switch toons with all of the inventory swapping. Inventory management is a nightmare to begin with, now I have 5 full toons and a full bank. I guess I need to create my final 3 alts just to hold my stuff. This is really messed up. In all the years of MMO releases, I have never had my account just lose things like this.
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