Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Ualde
    Today I've lost all my bank progress AGAIN. And again I've got mail messges with bonuses from prepurchase.
  • OhGodAGirl
    Soul Shriven
    They actually closed my ticket before even trying to do anything. This was one of the many tickets I submitted that actually got a response! Instead of acknowledging my problem, they tell me that I have reported this incident too many times and auto-closed it. wow. just wow.

    They closed your ticket and amended that text to your first ticket, in order to cut down on clutter.

    I know you're really frustrated - hell, so am I! Down my gold, bank slots, equipment, items. Don't really feel like playing. But they're working on it. It's something. Sending in ticket after ticket is just going to clog the system, so to speak.
  • alvaro_darkbladeb14_ESO
    Another player affected here ...

    Zenimax supposed to count these days as playing time that we must pay?
    Because these days we are acting as a beta tester. Is supposed to they want to charge us for this "thing"??
  • zeuseason
    A WORD OF ADVICE: Anyone who has been hit with this bug STOP buying more upgrades! It's clear this happens multiple times to the same players, so just STOP.....until it's fixed/resolved.
  • madsurgery
    Hm been wondering what could be source of problem. When you switch characters in the Character Selection Screen you use the Keyboard or the Mouse ?
  • Altairien
    Since the root cause of this bug seems to be eluding the dev team and since they knew about this bug during beta (and released anyway?), ZOS should've disabled bank expansion and depositing of gold on day 1 of early access. While restricted storage is a pain (especially for crafters), losing items and gold without any idea if they'll ever be restored is worse.

    However, since they didn't do that and folks have purchased bank upgrades, they should immediately change the default bank size from 60 to whatever the max size is while refunding gold to anyone who has purchased upgrades (this can usually be handled easily with a script during maintenance for most MMO's). Then they can disable bank expansion/gold deposits until the bug is fixed. Increasing the default bank size means when the bug hits, nothing should be lost since the number of available slots won't decrease.

    When the bug is fixed, the number of default slots should remain at the higher level and players can purchase upgrades beyond that number. It's the very least ZOS can do given the aggravation this bug has caused.

    Add in the other game breaking bugs out there and ZOS should also immediately set all accounts back to early access mode, refund the 30 days included game time for everyone, and only come out of early access when the major game breaking bugs are fixed. This is in reality an extended beta test and nobody should be paying a penny or burning one second of their included game time to beta test this game.

    I remain unsubscribed and I continue to retain my 30 days, but frankly this particular issue has gone on so long, and the customer service response has been so dismal, that I'm seriously considering asking ZOS for a full refund of the game and just moving on.
  • anghara
    Well, I am not only not rebuying the upgrades, but have not played the game at all since I got hit by this 4 days ago, since I was worried about doing something that would prevent them from restoring me (and though I asked if I should play or not in both my ticket and subsequent email, they didn't answer that question).

    Unfortunately, I already had subscribed before I got hit by this, or even had heard of it happening. At this point, in addition to the slots or gold being restored, I expect that the lost days also be credited to my account. And like others, I will be canceling my sub before it starts if this isn't fixed.
  • Zaggolf
    Thanks for reporting this issue. We're looking into it for you both.
    wow I guess ya gotta kiss there but to get a response oo wait whats the date now and nothing fixed..You kiss butt ill keep fighting for support
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • BmcD73
    zeuseason wrote: »
    A WORD OF ADVICE: Anyone who has been hit with this bug STOP buying more upgrades! It's clear this happens multiple times to the same players, so just STOP.....until it's fixed/resolved.

    There are a few people that seem to be repurchasing the bank spots but many are not. One of the tell tale signs is you get the intro emails again. You also cannot skip the intro questline if you make an alt. So this happens whether you continue to buy upgrades or not.
  • BmcD73
    Also wanted to comment about something that I think is pretty despicable as well. I posted on their facebook page last night about this issue. Guess what, this morning it had been deleted as well as all the comments.
  • Nimerian
    The condition of the game is dreadful, the servers are collapsing on their self and the quests are all bugged. Really disappointing condition, if I knew that I would never start this game...
  • Saera
    BmcD73 wrote: »
    Also wanted to comment about something that I think is pretty despicable as well. I posted on their facebook page last night about this issue. Guess what, this morning it had been deleted as well as all the comments.

    You can blame facebook for that, not eso.. It seems things i posted last night oi my facebook wall are missing as well as posts to other groups I am in on there. Facebook is having issues.

  • anghara
    I guess I should add that if I am being fair, it may well be that they have not restored our slots yet because they are waiting for a fix - to prevent the issue just recurring and having to be re-restored…

    But there is where the lack of communication is really bothersome to me. If that is the case, I could understand, but how about an update to my ticket - or even a post - stating that is their approach. How about an announcement to the player base in general (or those who bought the special editions, if we are the only victims) that we should NOT buy bank upgrades thus saving us this heartache (and them a bunch of tickets to fix)?
  • Newk
    I lost my bankslots aswell, had 100, got new exclusive items mails, and had lost 40 bank slots and a ton of crafting materials :(.... halp ( made an ingame ticket aswell )
  • Radianze
    Do we have anyone that lost bank slots that did not preorder or did not buy the imperial version?
    I get the feeling that only those persons who got either of those 2 versions are affected.
    Edited by Radianze on April 12, 2014 3:27PM
  • karstenb16_ESO7
    I just posted in another thread and then found this one which appears to be more appropriate. My apologies for the double post.

    It just happened to me 30 minutes ago. I lost all bought bank slots (down from 90 to 60) and 30 items are gone. I received the 5 mails again and so on... unfortunately I was not aware of this issue until it happened. If they knew they have a problem like this why don't they warn their customers???

    Here's what I did when it happened:

    1. I put a few items into the bank until it was full at 90/90.
    2. Logged off to char selection
    3. Logged in with an alt
    4. Took a few items out of the bank (bank was still ok at this point)
    5. Logged off the alt
    6. Logged back in with the first char
    7. Upon login I heard the sound for new mail. I saw I had received 5 mails and figured that must be more gold seller spam. So I went to delete it and much to my surprise it was the beta and Imperial Edition mails again.
    8. I left the mail in the mail box.
    9. I opened my bank and didnt pay attention to its contents
    10. I started putting more items into the bank, expecting it be full after maybe 5 more items
    11. However I managed to put in all 12 items that I wanted to get off of this char. This made me wonder and I checked the bank contents.
    12. Bank was empty except for the few items I had just put inside. Bank space was reduced from 90 to 60.
    13. Tried /reloadui. Didnt help
    14. Tried log off / log on. Now the bank suddenly had 59/60 items.
    15. Contacted customer support.

    I expect my bank space to be restored and I expect to be compensated for the loss of items.

    I will stay away from the game until this issue is found and resolved. This is a game breaker. Needless to say that my sub will be cancelled if this isnt resolved and I will ask for a refund for the game.

    Why are the servers still up with a horrible bug like this?

  • Annwynn_ESO
    I have received nothing from generic email. I lost everything in my bank over 10 days ago. I keep sending them an email to make sure the ticket stays alive. They sent me a customer service survey, heh, you can imagine the rating I gave them.
  • Goat_Yoda
    10 days? Wow.

    As an altaholic with a crafting disorder, this kinda brings my fun to a screeching halt.
  • Necroe
    yea, i've been stuck at 50/90 inventory - after selling everything because my bank is stuck at 60/60 :\
  • Catsmoke14
    I'm still waiting to hear anything from ZOS about losing my bank slots and items.

    Not even a robo-email. They don't seem to consider this a very important bug.
  • andrantos
    One common pattern I'm seeing is many of us were transferring goods to and from multiple alts through the bank.

    In my case, I dumped stuff to bank, logged in as another character, mingled with inventory and relogged into my main. At that point, I heard the mail chime and saw the intro emails. One of my guilds then informed me that, that was a sign of a banking issue. Sure enough, my bank had gotten reset.

    Frustrating as all get out because I either had 80 or 90 slots which I was heavily using.

    My mind is still boggled by the number of people who have repetitively continued to buy upgrades, even after getting hit multiple times...
  • Charkat
    I've been playing with the default 60 slots after being hit by this bug twice during early access (the first time was only the 1k upgrade). I said it before and I'll say it again. This single issue is what will keep me from playing once my 30 days is up. I have received one "update" correspondence since submitting my ticket and it revealed that my status was "waiting."

    Yes, I'm waiting, but not after May 4th. I can only alt juggle items for so long before losing my patience.
  • Vikes546b16_ESO
    Update, just received this :

    "Greetings Adventurer!

    Thank you for your report. We are investigating the issue with player banks losing items. We are confident at this time that no items have been lost, and that we will be able to return your belongings to you in a future patch.

    I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience, please bear with us as we figure out the solution to this problem.


    No mention of anything else...yet... Like the bank space loss or gold loss or anything.
    Edited by Vikes546b16_ESO on April 12, 2014 4:38PM
  • TheCrazyGod
    Soul Shriven

    Re: Lost bank space & gold.

    I've gone through a long litany of emails with the CSRs too. Some are pertinent to the issue and others are from left field. I've been getting the same response also; they hope a patch in the future will solve my issues. The only reason we went through so many emails is due to the vagueness of their replies and updates to my issue. You don't know what to expect and you don't know if you should trust your bank. So, If I have to be added to that list for this to get resolved, please add me.

    Thank you...
  • Salmonleap
    Dallie wrote: »
    All the quest bugs/random glitches that are still around since launch won't cause as many people to quit, demand refunds and trash talk as much as this one issue will. Zenimax needs to get on the ball, now.

    With all due respect to ZOS, I would suggest that the appropriate time for ZOS to deal with this issue proactively as you suggest was two weeks ago. The stability of character inventory is one of the very few issues that is even more important than progress-blocking quest bugs. They are already very late off the mark.

    Beware he who would deny you access to information for in his heart he dreams himself your master. -- Pravin Lal
  • anghara
    Update, just received this :

    "Greetings Adventurer!

    Thank you for your report. We are investigating the issue with player banks losing items. We are confident at this time that no items have been lost, and that we will be able to return your belongings to you in a future patch.

    I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience, please bear with us as we figure out the solution to this problem.


    No mention of anything else...yet... Like the bank space loss or gold loss or anything.

    I just got the same email. I had submitted a ticket (in game) when it happened, and so far got the "more details plx" email after that, and then a reply to my detailed response saying they were forwarding it, with a 120-hour deadline for closure. I replied to that one this morning to keep it alive stating it was not resolved yet, and got this back from them now. Interesting that the "closure" window is now 168 days…I assume that is so they can cut down the emails to new issues only and free up some CSR time…I hope it is not because they think it will be 5-6 months before it's fixed.
  • Charkat
    I hope it is not because they think it will be 5-6 months before it's fixed.

    That's about 4-5 months later than people will stick around to see it fixed! :|
    Edited by Charkat on April 12, 2014 5:04PM
  • BmcD73
    I actually received a phone call from support. A very nice Irish girl who was very polite. She basically told me there was nothing they could do but they were aware of the situation. I asked her if they could at least refund the gold so we could repurchase the bank space. I explained that I spend 50% of my time now moving inventory around and that I an clearly not getting what I paid for. She was very apologetic but said she can't do anything. I also told her that I never received a confirmation email when I submitted my support ticket. So she forwarded me the email with her name. She finally told me that she would escalate the issue to 2nd level and someone would be getting back with me.

    I really don't understand why they can't just refund the gold now so we aren't just dead in the water. At least it would be a temporary patch until they figure this out.
  • daemonios
    Also got the new mail from support stating that they're working on a fix and no items have been lost. I replied that the ticket shouldn't be set as resolved, since I'm still missing deposited gold and bank upgrades.
  • Eris
    There is a cute yellow notice at the top of the forums that says that they are currently working on fixing the back problem, there for everyone to see.
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