Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

[Incorrect Login Information] - (PLEASE READ IF HAVING THIS PROBLEM)

  • iTzBlackfirex
    I got Temporarily banned 3 days ago for trolling the gold spammers. I submitted a ticket today got into contact with me by phone and was told that there were 20minutes left in the ban then i would be able to log back in.

    It's been well over 2 hours still can't log in, submitted another ticket no contact changed my password pretty much anything i could think of still no go. Looks like the 72 hour banned is more than 72 hours :/
  • Vyrthure
    Your account is done until someone manually fixes it. I've been waiting since March 31.
  • Zilyana
    Hmm this is really sad. Hope you guys get the support you deserve soon.
  • Genoshan
    Mine got upgraded to "being looked at" hope they do it soon.
    4 days and still unable to log in ... And counting
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    Genoshan wrote: »
    Mine got upgraded to "being looked at" hope they do it soon.

    highly likely the issue is getting them to actually look at it .. your nearly done howwever if u got banned mondaynight tue morning you will prob be able to get in

  • chrisboi
    i also have this problem, suspended for no reason.
    no response to any ticket i have posted or forum post :/
  • makeit234
    They finally fixed my issue. Just keep trying guys. Don't give up!
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    what gets me is i thought we was a one of incident where the auto ban system got a little carried away or they used someone who's native language isnt english to review english chat logs ... but it appear as more and more people find out they cant access the game .. that is not the case ... eso need to disable the auto ban ... and go traditional on this mofo until they are 100% sure the software is working as intended unless ofc your intent is to *** of a small population of the game in which case keep it up your slowly achieving it
  • Thanatonaute
    Well I just got my issue with not being able to log in lifted.
    Here is the ****ty response I got from the very competant CSR at Zenimax:


    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we have been very busy. Your account should now be up and running, I have corrected the issue causing your login problems.

    If you are still having any issues or need help with anything else, just let me know.

    Kind regards,
    Elder Scrolls Online Team


    Thats right... they gave me no reason for this situation even though I highly suspect that I was banned like all you guys. They KNOW what the issue is. They are just in damage control mode!!!

    They are absolutely clueless in regards to **** they are in.
    If we would show a little bit of solidarity we could make them pay this ****up greatly.


    What a bunch of incompetent & ARROGANT ****

  • Genoshan
    Well another day has passed and another day of me still being unable to play.
    Worst part is , I have never been told I am banned or why I cannot log in.
    4 days and still unable to log in ... And counting
  • Vyrthure
    Waiting going on Day 5.
  • Zilyana
    Still no fix for you guys yet?
  • Vyrthure
    Zilyana wrote: »
    Still no fix for you guys yet?


  • Genoshan
    Nothing for me , despite being told it was being looked at. 4 days now and not looking good. I have never even been told why my account is locked. It really is bordering on stupid. just tell me whats going on !
    4 days and still unable to log in ... And counting
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    Genoshan wrote: »
    Well another day has passed and another day of me still being unable to play.
    Worst part is , I have never been told I am banned or why I cannot log in.

    never was we we had to hound them to find out u know if your not overly bothered about pre order bonus u should contact you cc company and get them to request refund eso will either honour the refund or it might force them to investigate personally i would submit a ticket to billing asking for a refund or e
    reinstatement of account that could move it along also i tried everything going to get i mine sorted faster so now idea what did it in the end possibly that zos guy who posted in here sped things up
  • Zilyana
    Just keep posting and messaging customer support and the ZOS admins on the forums.
  • AwfulPumpkin
    serrion wrote: »
    We are aware of the "login information is incorrect" issue and are currently investigating. As we work to isolate the issue, please ensure that you are able to log into using the same credentials (that way we can figure out if this is only occurring with attempts to log into the game itself)

    Is what someone from Zenimax just responded to the issue.

    I'm having the same problem, except that error 404 won't even allow me to access Yes, I know i'm online according to this page, but when I try to redeem my preorder code or click anything outside of forum (like checking my password so I can actually PLAY the game I spent $74 on) i'm logged out, however for some reason im still online for forums I have sat at this computer for hours waiting for it to install and now that it finally has... I still can't play it. Is this going to happen often?

    Edited by AwfulPumpkin on April 5, 2014 4:39AM
  • armourine
    i got this after being booted off the server a few times, didn't even mention anything about gold sellers or the likes. What the hell...
  • Zilyana
    serrion wrote: »
    We are aware of the "login information is incorrect" issue and are currently investigating. As we work to isolate the issue, please ensure that you are able to log into using the same credentials (that way we can figure out if this is only occurring with attempts to log into the game itself)

    Is what someone from Zenimax just responded to the issue.

    I'm having the same problem, except that error 404 won't even allow me to access Yes, I know i'm online according to this page, but when I try to redeem my preorder code or click anything outside of forum (like checking my password so I can actually PLAY the game I spent $74 on) i'm logged out, however for some reason im still online for forums I have sat at this computer for hours waiting for it to install and now that it finally has... I still can't play it. Is this going to happen often?

    Try clearing your cookies/cache for the forum problem. If you get incorrect login details in-game then it's likely that you have been banned and need to contact an ZOS Admin to get them to unban you.
  • Vyrthure
    Day five wooooo.
  • mithrrilb14_ESO
    I had this issue on the first day of early access, like a lot of people, but that was fixed after maybe 6 hours. I played fine for a couple of days until yesterday when I can no longer login at all, though I can on the actual website. Same thing as before, login information is incorrect even though it's not and my account only shows Beta Access, nothing else. I can't even access my billing history to see if the game is showing up. My husband's game was having login issues too on early access day but he's completely able to login now while I can't.

    I got a call back from customer service last night and all they told me so far was to repair my launcher. I did this and it obviously didn't help. I haven't heard anything back yet but I did just reply to their email a few minutes ago.

    ETA: I don't know if being temp banned could be an issue for mine as well but, as far as I can remember, I didn't even type a single line in zone or local chat, or whispers, so I can't imagine I was picked up by a spam filter.
    Edited by mithrrilb14_ESO on April 5, 2014 9:37AM
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    I had this issue on the first day of early access, like a lot of people, but that was fixed after maybe 6 hours. I played fine for a couple of days until yesterday when I can no longer login at all, though I can on the actual website. Same thing as before, login information is incorrect even though it's not and my account only shows Beta Access, nothing else. I can't even access my billing history to see if the game is showing up. My husband's game was having login issues too on early access day but he's completely able to login now while I can't.

    I got a call back from customer service last night and all they told me so far was to repair my launcher. I did this and it obviously didn't help. I haven't heard anything back yet but I did just reply to their email a few minutes ago.

    ETA: I don't know if being temp banned could be an issue for mine as well but, as far as I can remember, I didn't even type a single line in zone or local chat, or whispers, so I can't imagine I was picked up by a spam filter.

    did u link your credit card paypal account and choose your sub plan yet ??? it could be that the account only SHOWS BETA ACCESS thats your issue ...

    it no longer says early access for u ... which means .. u might have to select your subscription plan .. please not selecting plan using a cc will charge u your subscription so will take x from account but you will have 60 days of play time

    where did u preorder the game was it directly from zenimax if it wasnt u might want to add your game time code that was emailed or arrived in the box .. i doubt you have been suspended as it only says u have beta access .

    as with lots of preorders .. order goes into an authorized state meaning money goes out but is never actually sent to zenimax some banks after 3 working days cancel authorized(pending) transactions and the money shows up some dont cancel and 24 hours after the initial authorization the money shows up

    if that happened with u there simply might not be enough funds to purchase game .. purchase may have been cancell (these are unlikely as u say u was in early access but when an mmo launches anything is possible)

    and a note to never ever take run a repair as a valid resolve a repair is client side (your files) if u cant access anything thats server side issue which is the developers error he mugged u off here ..

    cant access billing history ... what happens here ... does the webpage just keep loading ..

    Edited by karldavy149b16_ESO on April 5, 2014 12:25PM
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    Zilyana wrote: »
    serrion wrote: »
    We are aware of the "login information is incorrect" issue and are currently investigating. As we work to isolate the issue, please ensure that you are able to log into using the same credentials (that way we can figure out if this is only occurring with attempts to log into the game itself)

    Is what someone from Zenimax just responded to the issue.

    I'm having the same problem, except that error 404 won't even allow me to access Yes, I know i'm online according to this page, but when I try to redeem my preorder code or click anything outside of forum (like checking my password so I can actually PLAY the game I spent $74 on) i'm logged out, however for some reason im still online for forums I have sat at this computer for hours waiting for it to install and now that it finally has... I still can't play it. Is this going to happen often?

    Try clearing your cookies/cache for the forum problem. If you get incorrect login details in-game then it's likely that you have been banned and need to contact an ZOS Admin to get them to unban you.

    running a proxy ????

    Edited by karldavy149b16_ESO on April 5, 2014 2:51PM
  • Zilyana
    Lol, you get a incorrect login information error and the support told you to repair client, either that guy is dumb as a brick or he just said that to get you to bother off.
  • AceMcSneyd
    I am having this issue after falling through the terrain of the map into an endless sea of white. I tried logging out and in to fix it then had roughly 20 seconds before being disconnected saying I was "spamming" or using too many characters. I barely had time to write a ticket consisting of "stuck, help, move character, disconnect, no time" before being kicked from the game. I have awoken this morning to find out that my log in details are apparently incorrect yet I can access my account on the website using the same information. In other words, I am missing out on paid for game time because of a system fault, not that I expect a quick resolve, though I would appreciate it and some form of compensation.
  • Zilyana
    AceMcSneyd wrote: »
    I am having this issue after falling through the terrain of the map into an endless sea of white. I tried logging out and in to fix it then had roughly 20 seconds before being disconnected saying I was "spamming" or using too many characters. I barely had time to write a ticket consisting of "stuck, help, move character, disconnect, no time" before being kicked from the game. I have awoken this morning to find out that my log in details are apparently incorrect yet I can access my account on the website using the same information. In other words, I am missing out on paid for game time because of a system fault, not that I expect a quick resolve, though I would appreciate it and some form of compensation.

    Most of us here were unable to log on for 4 days+ and none of us received compensation as far as I am aware. All you can do is harass ZOS support and the forum admins to help you, because your case is peculiar and a bit different from mine you should consider creating your own thread.
  • AceMcSneyd
    I did create my own thread and just after typing this response I got an email back from support telling me to make sure I am not trying to log in with my email address instead of my user ID. I swear they don't even read the information you type, I might as well have said pink elephants prevented me from logging in.
  • Zilyana
    The first reply back I got when I told them I can't login was thanking me for reporting a gold seller or something. I was like, errmm ok that's ok soo about my problem?...
  • karldavy149b16_ESO

    AceMcSneyd wrote: »
    I am having this issue after falling through the terrain of the map into an endless sea of white. I tried logging out and in to fix it then had roughly 20 seconds before being disconnected saying I was "spamming" or using too many characters. I barely had time to write a ticket consisting of "stuck, help, move character, disconnect, no time" before being kicked from the game. I have awoken this morning to find out that my log in details are apparently incorrect yet I can access my account on the website using the same information. In other words, I am missing out on paid for game time because of a system fault, not that I expect a quick resolve, though I would appreciate it and some form of compensation.

    yep 3 day suspension

    i have to hound the ass of them and point out that the system of spamming and auto kicking is broken
  • Gillysan
    Same error message for me started today. I submitted a ticket via these forums. My account shows I have a subscription. I can log into the forums and I can log into the TESO website to see my account.
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