Dwemer Ruins List - Goggle Drive

I searched and didn't find the info was already out there. Need people to contribute. Will snazy it up later. I'll check the thread here regularly.

ESO Dwemer Ruins List

Format, suggest copy/paste this into ZAM Notebook to do it like the Mage's Scholars do it:
Zone/Name/Type/Map Location Notes

Will have to figure out if I can add in those map pin graphics. Omitted the mob levels as that gets messy depending on if normal, vet, vet from DC or AD or EP.
Edited by Gillysan on November 14, 2014 4:07AM
  • Natjur
    Anyone else found the private instance (4 man dung - Darkshade Caverns) much better then the public ones for getting pages and parts for the new motif?
  • AshySamurai
    Not sure abiut Mtharnaz delve in Craglorn(only half of it have dwemers inside).
    And how to get other Craglorn delves into your template?

    Craglorn/Rkundzelft/Delve/south of the Lake of Teeth

    Craglorn/Rkhardahrk/Delve/northeast of the Seeker's Archive

    Is it ok?
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • OtarTheMad


    For the dungeons list just look at the description of the dungeon next to the link and it should mention whether it's a Dwemer ruin or not... or usually look for odd names. AD zones do not have Dwemer ruins atm. (to my knowledge)
  • Gillysan
    Not sure abiut Mtharnaz delve in Craglorn(only half of it have dwemers inside).
    And how to get other Craglorn delves into your template?

    Craglorn/Rkundzelft/Delve/south of the Lake of Teeth

    Craglorn/Rkhardahrk/Delve/northeast of the Seeker's Archive

    Is it ok?
    I'll put it under Other since it is not directly part of an Alliance. Maybe someday ZOS will make it so people can meet from across Alliances there. Sure seems the logical place where they could have done it.

    All can view my template, not edit it.
    Edited by Gillysan on November 6, 2014 4:11AM
  • Rydik
    A Vile Laboratory is closed after its quest is finished? I think drop rate of dwemer style is too low for so little number of delves, especially when your level to hight to get loot from them, I'm v1 now(molag bal alive), no dwemer dunge lootable for me now=(
    Edited by Rydik on November 6, 2014 4:18AM
  • Gillysan
    OtarTheMad wrote: »


    For the dungeons list just look at the description of the dungeon next to the link and it should mention whether it's a Dwemer ruin or not... or usually look for odd names. AD zones do not have Dwemer ruins atm. (to my knowledge)
    Got those and I'll double check them. I know per lore when I started looking at this is that AD doesn't get any, but they get Ayleid Ruins. Except for the one oddball Raganthar.

  • AshySamurai
    @Gillysan‌, AFAIK Craglorn delves are not group. Yeah, delves are for 4 people, but it's instance for only this group. It's not like a group or public dungeon (Razak's Wheel).
    Edited by AshySamurai on November 6, 2014 4:32AM
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Gillysan
    Rydik wrote: »
    A Vile Laboratory is closed after its quest is finished? I think drop rate of dwemer style is too low for so little number of delves, especially when your level to hight to get loot from them, I'm v1 now(molag bal alive), no dwemer dunge lootable for me now=(
    That's too bad about the Vile Laboratory. I updated the list.

    Finish the Main Story of the Vestige and you will have the vet version of either DC or EP to explore. Containers, urns, etc. should still drop the motif pages in the normal zones.

    Edited by Gillysan on November 6, 2014 4:44AM
  • Gillysan
    @Gillysan‌, AFAIK Craglorn delves are not group. Yeah, delves are for 4 people, but it's instance for only this group. It's not like a group or public dungeon (Razak's Wheel).
    Updated list.

  • Gillysan
    You can get back inside the Vile Lab in Coldharbor by hopping up to where the exit is located. However, there are barely any constructs and even fewer containers. Totally not worth the time to go there unless they add containers and spawns. At least they should give use some containers. Sent feedback.
    Edited by Gillysan on November 6, 2014 5:20AM
  • QuadroTony
    i found this dwemer ruins in eastmarch
    what it can be? doors not enabled

    Edited by QuadroTony on November 7, 2014 2:14PM
  • QuadroTony
    so what is this? feature dungeon/trial for next patches?
  • QuadroTony
  • Gillysan
    I haven't gone to look but it might be the exit from that area just to the north.
  • eNumbra
    Going by location, that would be Irkingthand or Raldbthar. Could be anything from planned content to worthless decoration.
  • Gillysan
    We presently have no ruins in Cyrodiil? Looking at some of the lore there should be some, but I am no expert.

    Very little is known about Dwemeris, the Dwemeri language, but there have been many attempts to translate it using Aldmeris for reference and comparison. Several different, incomplete styles of written Dwemeris appear throughout Tamriel. The glyphs found in the ruins on Stros M'Kai differ significantly from those found in Cyrodiil and Morrowind, which suggests there may have been dialects or variations across the Dwemer clans. Some of spoken Dwemeris remains in prefixes and suffixes in historic names, such as "Volen-", meaning "hammer", and "-Fell" meaning "city", giving Volenfell; "City of the Hammer".

    Please /feedback in-game and link this post.
    Edited by Gillysan on November 9, 2014 6:06PM
  • AngryNord
    There shouldn't be any Dwemer ruins in Cyrodiil at all
  • Gillysan
    There lore you can cite regarding Cyrodiil?
  • QuadroTony
    117 dwemer containers
  • AlnilamE
    Gillysan wrote: »
    We presently have no ruins in Cyrodiil? Looking at some of the lore there should be some, but I am no expert.

    Please /feedback in-game and link this post.

    This confuses me because I don't remember any Dwemer ruins in Oblivion.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Gillysan
    Well it's a wiki and it could be wrong. Then there is lore of the game and what goes into a game or not. Still waiting for someone to cite lore that corrects or contradicts ruins in Cyrodiil.

    Also QudroTony's map is pretty intense. :D
    Edited by Gillysan on November 10, 2014 9:48PM
  • Gilvoth
    there was this below, take from it what you will.


    in my opinion it should not have been there.
    Edited by Gilvoth on November 10, 2014 9:55PM
  • QuadroTony
    sometimes all of them are empty, becuse a lot of ppl farming them
    it must be fixed in the patch today
  • QuadroTony
    there is an erro i believe
    two Rkhardahrks ruins in the craglorn
    insted of one of them must be - Mtharnaz
  • Gillysan
    I'll see the duplicate name, wasn't careful when copy/paste from AshySamurai. Next time I'm in-game I'll check it out.

    I figured out one way how to make and mark up maps. Linked QuadroTony's map and one I made so far to the list.

    Sample, several more linked on the spread sheet.

    Edited by Gillysan on November 12, 2014 6:15AM
  • QuadroTony

    so it must be three delves in Craglorn
    Edited by QuadroTony on November 12, 2014 8:12AM
  • Gillysan
    QuadroTony wrote: »

    so it must be three delves in Craglorn
    I can't do much with this. Can you please rewrite this in the format I'm using on the spread sheet?

  • Gillysan
    Mapped all but Ragnthar of the solo dungeons. It will be awhile before I get to that one, my enchanter will need to be leveled up. I'm going to work on what I have now and get some Dwemer Motif's.
  • QuadroTony
    Significantly increased the number of lootable Dwemer containers in a number of locations. All Dwemer locations will now contain an approximately proportional number of containers for their overall size.
    Increased Inner Sea Armature containers by 50%
    Increased Santaki containers by approximately 50%
    Increased Razak's Wheel containers by approximately 125%
    Increased Lower Bthanual containers by approximately 300%
    Increased Yldzuun containers by approximately 400%

    need to redraw all maps =)
  • Mercutio
    Does anyone know if this list is still complete or is there a more recent list of Dwemer Ruins available somewhere?
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
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