KENDALLPOP wrote: »400 gems for an outfit? Please tell me this is some kind of pricing mistake, that is obscene.
Hi all, just to follow up here. As noted in the article, "Note that the Shade polymorph is automatically unlocked and added to your collectibles when you acquire this one-off bundle (25 Ragebound Crate Bundle) and is not included in the crates themselves."
We are actively trying to get crown crate gifting back up, but our team is still working through some issues related to gifting. As for feedback around the Shade Polymorph being tied to the Ragebound Crate bundle, we will submit any and all feedback related to this to the team. We know this is new, so your feedback is appreciated here. Thanks all.
We're going to address this directly. We would not call something a bug if it wasn't. The amount of liability in that would be astronomical. When we call something a bug, it is exactly that. The team wants this gifting bug resolved as soon as possible and are working to ensure that. Again, we do understand the frustration with not being able to gift, especially when a new crate comes out. However, it's important that we clarify the quote here.
Vvardvark was a superior tier item in the Psijic Crates as well...
I'm sure this was probably an oversight, but I do wish we could have had some other old item instead of a repeated crate item. Something like... the Dapple Grey Palfrey that hasn't been available since May 2015
Gadamlub14_ESO wrote: »@ZOS_Kevin Hey man sorry to ping you, but we really need updates on the crate gifting and Gem deconstruction bugs.
No need to apologize. We're trying to get more information to relay. However, the team wants to be confident in the date for a fix before letting everyone know. In both cases, the issue has been found and the team is working toward a solution. For the gem deconstruction, we did post current next steps until the fix is live. You can see that here. Once we have a more solid timeline for a fix, we'll be sure to let everyone know.
ZOS: "Here you go, spend exactly this amount, get the exact item you want, and we will throw in 25 crates as well."
LassyOfBurgundia wrote: »I have nothing against the fact that the Shade polymorph is locked behind a Crown Crate pack because, as stated before:
My problem is that Belgian players have been locked out of buying Crown Crates since 2020 (because of some *** law banning lootboxes and the like - which incidentally banned TES: Blades in its entirety) so we've had to get by with only whatever crates we could earn from watching streams / buying Crown Crate items with Seals of Endeavour.
However, since the Shade polymorph is only available through the purchase of Crown Crates (which - let me emphasize it - is impossible in Belgium) this is effectively locking all Belgian players out of acquiring the Shade polymorph.
A certain item being unavailable to the players of one specific country - I'm pretty sure there's a term for that.
BardokRedSnow wrote: »Aaaaand its disabled again xD
@ZOS_Kevin I assume that this was just one of the tests you mentioned they'd be doing?
Hi all. As some of you have pointed out, gifting was briefly turned back on for PC NA while we were doing some testing. It was not intentional to remain on and has since been disabled again. We'll let everyone know when gifting is back on and officially available for everyone.