Since last patch the general outrage about this set has cooled off a lot.
However the only reason for this was that Dark Convergence was effected by a bug that prevented it from dealing the absurd damage numbers we've seen prior to the Deadlands patch.
Damage numbers so high that people fled from CP PvP and headed into no cp with set restrictions to avoid this set.
Ascending Tides fixes those bugs which will result in Dark Convergence becoming omnipresent again.
The set simply does too much and the bad performance makes matters even worse.
Lets sum up what DC does for you:
-Deals absurd amounts of damage that give
ultimates a fun for their money
-Pull and Stuns!!! players in the area
-Stacks those players together
-Snares the affected players
-ignores block
-has a 15 seconds cooldown
With how laggy the game is especially in Primetime people are often not able to break free because the server isn't responding causing them to turn into sitting ducks waiting there for you to run them over.
Ranged Bomb builds build on this lack of responsiveness because in a regular situation no one would ever die to someone popping a ranged destro ult and using elemental ring for additional damage, the only reason it is as effective is that people cannot do anything for multiple seconds when they've been pulled in.
There are 2 changes that should be done to Dark Convergence before this patch hits the live servers to make it less overperforming.
1.remove the stun after being pulled in, the server simply cannot keep up with that.
2. Reduce the base damage further and increase the damage bonus to 100% extra damage per target hit just like proximity detonation.