PvPers how does this make you feel?


I guess we are all just a bunch of crybabies who only like to troll developers. Forget that we have invested years and thousands of hours into a game that we love. Some people may come across as demanding, but in reality they are frustrated and just want a game that works.

Edit: Performance has been bad for years and many PvPers have felt neglected because of it. For years we have heard "We are working on it" and now those words do not mean anything. We don't know what they are working on. We have no way of knowing when they estimate it will be fixed. We just get shamed for caring. If we don't like it we can play another game according to that lady.
Edited by ZOS_Mika on January 13, 2022 2:55PM
  • TechMaybeHic
    TBH; I get whoever it is saying probably what Rich wishes he could say. I get that they probably have heard it for years. But that frustration is the same damned frustration thats fueled this "whining" about performance for all these years. You don't need to jab people in the eye over it. FFS! There were positive vibes at times from people watching Rich and knowing it's still being worked on. You just struck the wrong tone.
  • Mariusghost84
    Who is this lady?
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    What the heck did I just watch?

    Edit: That was not rhetorical. Who is the chick in the video, who is the dude behind her, what kind of bird is that and does he want a cracker, seriously, I need some context here.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on January 11, 2022 9:35PM
  • AuraNebula
    TBH; I get whoever it is saying probably what Rich wishes he could say. I get that they probably have heard it for years. But that frustration is the same damned frustration thats fueled this "whining" about performance for all these years. You don't need to jab people in the eye over it. FFS! There were positive vibes at times from people watching Rich and knowing it's still being worked on. You just struck the wrong tone.

    I agree. Performance has been bad for years and many PvPers have felt neglected because of it. For years we have heard "We are working on it" and now those words do not mean anything. We don't know what they are working on. We have no way of knowing when they estimate it will be fixed. We just get shamed for caring. If we don't like it we can play another game according to that lady.
  • xaraan

    have to say: they've been "working on it" for years - at some point long ago, the work should have been completed for the most part, especially if they considered it complete enough to take our money.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Call_of_Red_Mountain
    We'll stop "cry" about pvp when zos change performance and Cyrodiil issues. Until that moment we can argue and complain because this is the only one thing that we can do. Asking about changes. Everything in developers hands. And players waiting for years now.

    Nice bird tho.
  • Adremal
    Not a good PR move, that's for sure. At least the dev seems to be cringing at his mother's reaction (that's what I gathered from the comments, I haven't seen that stream and don't know those people are, but the comments said that she's the dev's mother). As someone who's not that interest in PvP I still feel rather dismayed. Very unprofessional. I wonder what the dev told her off-screen. I know I would've been mad.
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    What kind of disrespectful crap is this? Sometimes I think these people forget who PAYS THEIR SALARY....
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • Dem_kitkats1
    It's unfortunate. I understand that developers get a lot of hate and backlash from players who can be more than disrepectful. However, as a professional in a career where feedback is essential to its success, putting your own emotions when addressing the concerns of your userbase is unacceptable. In any job where customers are investing time and money into the the business, this kind of behavior would be grounds for firing.

    People are invested in this game and they want it to succeed and have it be the best that it can be. So that's why people are so passionate and vocal about seeing improvement. Players just want to feel like their concerns are being heard and addressed. And after years of hearing that performance will be improved with no changes, yes, players are bound to be frustrated and a little distrustful of promises.
    Edited by Dem_kitkats1 on January 11, 2022 9:16PM
  • Blinx
    Itbh I burst out laughing first, and then I felt offended, and I only PVP during events, if I was an avid PVP'r I'd vote with my wallet
  • neferpitou73
    This is...not how you get people to play your game.

    I'd come up with something more clever/snarky to respond to this with but I'm at a loss for words that anyone would think it acceptable to openly mock their customers.

    I've said it for years they have an amazing product and would have zero competition if they put the time and care to fix their issues instead of letting the servers deteriorate and communicated honestly with the community.
  • umagon
    I find it interesting. ZOS marketed the game to pvp minded people when it was in development they would go on and on about how there will be massive pvp battles in Cyrodiil. Players complain because the server architecture has never fully preformed as advertised. They created their own problem by not using a better architecture and adverting the game to support massive pvp.
  • Aerenthir
    I gave myself a rest from this game for a year, since PvP is the only thing I was interested in and it was unplayable. I come today to check how things are, and first thing I see is this.

    I have no idea, who that person is, but that is extremely poor and unprofessional behavior.
  • Xandreia_
    Watching that has made my respect I had for him answering questions plumet to the ground!!!

    If it was flipped to the pve/housing side of things it would be fixed over night!
  • CyberOnEso
    Whilst it isn't professional, or nice, it was his wife saying it, on a personal stream, who has no affiliation with the game.

    I am sure everyone gets frustrated, Rich Lambert does stream very often and I haven't heard of him personally bad-mouthing anyone whilst constantly being asked about the game and his work for hours on end.

    I certainly couldn't be asked questions on my job for hours on end and never slip up.

    His wife does sit there and listen to him answer questions often, he has been asked that question many times and has always AFAIK, answered it respectfully saying that they have an engineering team assigned to the issue with the purpose of working on a way to improve the lag in Cyrodiil.

    It was his wife 'defending' him, if you want to hear his answer to the question he does answer it often, and always in a respectful way.

    @CyberOnEso PC | EU - Jack of all Trades - Armory Style Manager Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
  • jaws343
    CyberOnEso wrote: »
    Whilst it isn't professional, or nice, it was his wife saying it, on a personal stream, who has no affiliation with the game.

    I am sure everyone gets frustrated, Rich Lambert does stream very often and I haven't heard of him personally bad-mouthing anyone whilst constantly being asked about the game and his work for hours on end.

    I certainly couldn't be asked questions on my job for hours on end and never slip up.

    His wife does sit there and listen to him answer questions often, he has been asked that question many times and has always AFAIK, answered it respectfully saying that they have an engineering team assigned to the issue with the purpose of working on a way to improve the lag in Cyrodiil.

    It was his wife 'defending' him, if you want to hear his answer to the question he does answer it often, and always in a respectful way.

    Yeah, I am sure that if someone affiliated with me, while I am in attendance, in front of clients (us players and the stream watchers who play the game are essentially clients), talks down to said clients, this would go over well with my job because I am doing my own personal stream.

    Not really though. I'd certainly be fired, or at minimum reprimanded, for that. The fact is, even on his stream, Rich is a representative of the company, and especially if he is answering questions about the game he represents. So yeah, this is pretty egregious imo.
  • gariondavey
    Gas-lighting players who have valid concerns and criticisms isn't the hallmark of greatness...
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    CyberOnEso wrote: »
    Whilst it isn't professional, or nice, it was his wife saying it, on a personal stream, who has no affiliation with the game.

    I am sure everyone gets frustrated, Rich Lambert does stream very often and I haven't heard of him personally bad-mouthing anyone whilst constantly being asked about the game and his work for hours on end.

    I certainly couldn't be asked questions on my job for hours on end and never slip up.

    His wife does sit there and listen to him answer questions often, he has been asked that question many times and has always AFAIK, answered it respectfully saying that they have an engineering team assigned to the issue with the purpose of working on a way to improve the lag in Cyrodiil.

    It was his wife 'defending' him, if you want to hear his answer to the question he does answer it often, and always in a respectful way.

    It doesnt matter if it was his wife or mom or whoever saying it, he was on the stream and he represents the company... you dont disparage and belittle the people paying your salary, or let someone else do it in with you sitting there on the stream...
    Edited by Kryptonite_Kent on January 11, 2022 10:09PM
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • CyberOnEso
    jaws343 wrote: »

    Yeah, I am sure that if someone affiliated with me, while I am in attendance, in front of clients (us players and the stream watchers who play the game are essentially clients), talks down to said clients, this would go over well with my job because I am doing my own personal stream.

    Not really though. I'd certainly be fired, or at minimum reprimanded, for that. The fact is, even on his stream, Rich is a representative of the company, and especially if he is answering questions about the game he represents. So yeah, this is pretty egregious imo.

    Of course, all I am saying is to please remember the human.

    It is a 22 second clip from a 3-4 hour stream, of which he does 4 of a week and it's not him saying it.

    Rich Lambert does sit there and answer countless questions about the game and his work, communicating with players answering their questions, unfortunately, things like this will reduce the amount of communication developers will give because it is impossible to control the other person in the room.
    @CyberOnEso PC | EU - Jack of all Trades - Armory Style Manager Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
  • Rohamad_Ali
    No sympathy because they are working on it? Did any of us ask for sympathy? I'm scrolling through my phone, computer, laundry basket, refrigerator, cabinets, car seats and trunk, nope. No requests for sympathy here.

    There is a pile of demands to fix the lag. Better call waste management as these are Cleary a waste of paper...

    Charming lady. She will no doubt reach the top of her profession.
  • The_Lex
    Not a good look, ZOS.
  • jaws343
    CyberOnEso wrote: »

    Of course, all I am saying is to please remember the human.

    It is a 22 second clip from a 3-4 hour stream, of which he does 4 of a week and it's not him saying it.

    Rich Lambert does sit there and answer countless questions about the game and his work, communicating with players answering their questions, unfortunately, things like this will reduce the amount of communication developers will give because it is impossible to control the other person in the room.

    Or, don't answer community questions like this on live streams and actually have open communication in these forums. Not that hard to collate the questions from a stream and address them in an official capacity. Instead of, IDK, letting another person in the room disparage the customers while you represent the company. That stream represents the company. And it's embarrassing.
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    CyberOnEso wrote: »

    Of course, all I am saying is to please remember the human.

    It is a 22 second clip from a 3-4 hour stream, of which he does 4 of a week and it's not him saying it.

    Rich Lambert does sit there and answer countless questions about the game and his work, communicating with players answering their questions, unfortunately, things like this will reduce the amount of communication developers will give because it is impossible to control the other person in the room.

    Nah dude, this is like if Jeff Bezos and his wife were streaming and his wife started making fun of Amazon Prime members having issues with their accounts... his wife shouldnt be biting the hand that feeds her husband either, and it highlights what he is probably saying behind the camera about pvp players
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • AuraNebula
    CyberOnEso wrote: »
    Whilst it isn't professional, or nice, it was his wife saying it, on a personal stream, who has no affiliation with the game.

    I am sure everyone gets frustrated, Rich Lambert does stream very often and I haven't heard of him personally bad-mouthing anyone whilst constantly being asked about the game and his work for hours on end.

    I certainly couldn't be asked questions on my job for hours on end and never slip up.

    His wife does sit there and listen to him answer questions often, he has been asked that question many times and has always AFAIK, answered it respectfully saying that they have an engineering team assigned to the issue with the purpose of working on a way to improve the lag in Cyrodiil.

    It was his wife 'defending' him, if you want to hear his answer to the question he does answer it often, and always in a respectful way.

    It is still on his twitch channel and he is there laughing and seemingly agreeing with what she said. If I openly said something like this at my job to a customer, I would be fired. It does not matter that my wife said it, she said it on my stream with me sitting right behind her.
  • wildbear247
    I went into play some PvP this weekend during prime time (around 6pm PST) and the performance was atrocious...specifically abilities that would fire 2-3 seconds after a button press, and this lag was present across the server, and although less severe away from the big battles it is still a fun-sucking experience to take a resource and to have crazy lag when the big battles are on the other side of the map.

    The refrain of "we're working on it" doesn't cut it....ZOS has been working on it since at least when I started playing in 2015. While they continue "to work on it", It's time to start talking alternative ways of enhancing the PvP experience. Like I'm thinking a BGs mode where it's instanced castle siege with 30v30...doesn't have to be specifically that, the important thing is for ZOS to engage the players and learn what other modes/solutions/etc. they can create for better PvP while they continue their 6+ year experiment to fix the horrendous Cyrodiil lag.

    The stakes are higher now too for ZOS. NW is a serious contender on the MMO scene and if ZOS fumbles this they will lose players to that and other games.
    PC NA
    The Ironwood Clan (all DC): Karbal Ironwood (Stamblade, PvP); Galtan Ironwood (Magblade, crafter, PvE, some PvP)

    MY #1 ESO REQUEST: An overhauled way in which ZOS gathers, assesses, responds to, and incorporates player feedback on the current and future state of the game.
  • Nightlord
    You all are only proving her point. You got a cookie-cuttered clip of someone obviously having a bit of fun poking and prodding, because she knows the tall task of work, and its also been said numerous times things are being worked on, its not easy, and it takes time. I'm sure its not easy fixes, and people need to stop pretending its an easy fix. The people who clip this know you will act this way in response, thats why its clipped without much context. Rich Lambert is always kind mannered in his streams, don't attack the devs.
  • Thunda
    Players continue to ask about this and provide this information to ZOS because it is Not fixed. It wasn't fixed during the "Year of Performance" and until it is at least significantly improved, players will continue to bring it up. It's what will happen from any community that cares about a game but is continuously disappointed with the results.
    Edited by Thunda on January 12, 2022 11:44AM
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    Nightlord wrote: »
    You all are only proving her point. You got a cookie-cuttered clip of someone obviously having a bit of fun poking and prodding, because she knows the tall task of work, and its also been said numerous times things are being worked on, its not easy, and it takes time. I'm sure its not easy fixes, and people need to stop pretending its an easy fix. The people who clip this know you will act this way in response, thats why its clipped without much context. Rich Lambert is always kind mannered in his streams, don't attack the devs.

    Its not ok in ANY CONTEXT to make fun of paying customers, no one is attacking the devs... this is disgusting behavior no matter how you try to excuse it
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • jaws343
    Nightlord wrote: »
    You all are only proving her point. You got a cookie-cuttered clip of someone obviously having a bit of fun poking and prodding, because she knows the tall task of work, and its also been said numerous times things are being worked on, its not easy, and it takes time. I'm sure its not easy fixes, and people need to stop pretending its an easy fix. The people who clip this know you will act this way in response, thats why its clipped without much context. Rich Lambert is always kind mannered in his streams, don't attack the devs.

    Things have been "worked on" for what, 3+ years now. I don't think anyone is pretending it is an easy fix. But after 3+ years, this kind of response on a dev's live stream is insulting.

    And I don't really see how anything in that clip is out of context. She read a question and gave a flippant answer while the game dev watched on.

  • EdmondDontes
    Ironical much?

    That lady is super toxic while complaining about a group of others she claims to be too toxic to care about.

    We are at least a couple years past taking anything ZOS has to say on their word. The only measure that matters now is results.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on January 11, 2022 10:36PM
This discussion has been closed.