Hello Zennimax, I want to bring this to your attention that some addons out there are literally invading others people privacy or are used to further benefit a certain user in detriment of others and althrough addons do not fall into your responsibility I believe it is still something you should look into.
While most addons only benefit the user alone, there are some addons that even if you are not using or installing them, they will affect you and other users in one way or another. One such addons was Custom Titles Addon which to this date no action was taken to be taken offline. And I'm sure there are some other addons out there that affect the morality, fairplay and gameplay in one way or another.
So my question to you, If I am not using a specific addon then why I am being forced to accept its existance and abusive use by other users in this community?
Custom Titles Addons - this addon will NOT function unless other users are installing it. For that reason the creators decided to inject it through various popular addons just like malware. Problem is most people won't mind it and won't bother to uninstall it. So a new player who happens to end up in a raid group with people abusing this addon might think that those people are "special" or "end game" which is nothing but promoting bullying and narcissism. In fact few years ago I was asked by some users to install this addon in order to target or bully other players from our raid team by changing their names without their approval or by showing off in front of others. Back then when addon was only distributed among a certain group of friends.
Group loot notifier
For the past few months alone, I was often asked by various people from my raid teams about my loot, and althrough I did not shared my loot with anyone, I did not agreed to share it and I was also in need for it for my sticker book, a side character or even my main character, some people using such addons always jumped on me and beg or asked for my loot which I consider to be a bit immoral. I'm generally a very selfless person and I don't say no to people even if that is affecting my well being and because of this many people abused me in the past in one way or another or by stealing my loot in that matter. My question to you is how do you respond when your raid leader or your guild master or an officer is asking for your loot table? Ofc you prioritize them first before you because you try to build yourself a good relationship within the guild etc... and then months later surprise! Months or even years later you are still missing some gear pieces which you simply cannot obtain because of bad loot table or because you are not accepted to join a specific raid or raid team or you get pushed out or raids goes south and realize that if those people would not abuse you you would be able to have not one but 3+ sets for your sticker book alone. And if you tell them NO sorry what happens is that some will start begging, push to offer you ingame money for your loot which is another thing that made me feel bad because I'm always offering my loot for free and I find it to be immoral to charge someone 100k or 1M for some rare weapon. Or people become toxic or go as far as removing you from your teams because you are not a "player" and you are not a resource for their egoistic needs.