Regarding rewards:
You see, increasing rewards with increased difficulty is already a game design error. Increased rewards work against increased difficulty. When you really want to increase the difficulty, you don't just make a random decision to increase damage of enemies and decrease damage of character. You look at the reason why normal difficulty is too easy and make changes according to this reason. Such changes include, but not limited to:
- decreasing gameplay rewards to slow character wealth progression;
- decreasing experience earned to slow character power progression;
- putting a cap on allowed gear (for example, only green and lower quality gear is possible to be used);
- adding disadvantages to set items (every tier of the set has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and the more items from the set you have, the more disadvantages you get);
- slowing ultimate points generation from all sources;
- increasing global cooldown from 1 second to 2 and more (the bigger cooldown for harder difficulties);
- increasing dot (and hot) tic time 2 times or more (the bigger time between tic for harder difficulties without increasing the overall time of dot or hot);
- etc.
Now, master chests are exceptionally not good idea, as master chests have an increased chance to get paintings. Do you know the price of paintings? Do you want to increase the wealth of self-proclaimed veterans that much? Do you want to still call this difficulty optional, when player has a choice to either buy a painting from the crown store, or from those self-proclaimed veterans for astronomical prices, or to farm in "optional" veteran mode?
Regarding story:
Presentation of the story in not that important. If someone can't enjoy the story, because he is too powerful, he simply can't enjoy the story and needs artificial difficulty (do you really believe that some vampire has a chance against the defeater of Molag Bal?).
Sorry, no matter how big letters you use, when there are different rewards for different difficulties, nothing is truly optional. And this means change.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
paintings barely sell above their vendor price nowadays at least the base zone ones, they USED to be expensive, but they have been dirt cheap for years now.
I'm starting to think that you are arguing against it because YOU cannot just decide "you know what, i don't want to do it so I'm not going to" and you coach it in "it doesn't make a difference" (even though it patently does, just because it doesn't to you, doesn't mean it doesn't to someone else), its unfair. and whatever else.
honestly, I'm starting to understand why advanced players (not veteran - veteran players come in all skill levels, heck I've been here since beta and I'm not even remotely skilled enough to do vet content) are so frustrated with us casuals.
you do not want to give an inch, you do NOT want any sort of compromise. you feel bitter that there is content not directly aimed at you, and so like a dog in a manger - you do not want to give up ANYTHING, even if it doesn't truly affect you, you just claim that it WILL affect you because reasons, and deny deny deny.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
/looks at my multiple saves of multiple characters in single player rpg's. looks at my shelf of favorite books that I reread at least yearly. looks at my multiple characters, many of the same class in SWTOR - THE game whose practically only selling point is its story..
yeah, its definitely about farming not about being able to relieve the story at all.
SilverBride wrote: »
If you want to re-live the story you roll an alt.
If you are really concerned that immersion is being ruined because you don't think the antagonist was hard enough you don't suggest turning it into a repeatable boss for vet loot. Once he's gone, he's gone and that chapter of the story is complete.
And this isn't a single player game where you can do whatever you want. There are other players being affected in this game.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
or i play a new game plus, because I like to relieve the story with the same character.
how are other players affected by another player relieving the story? I'm not affected in swtor, when some other players play master mode of story chapters over and over, whereas I only replay specific chapters that i especially enjoyed on story mode only.
lets take ESO dungeons though. people not interested in a story... print through the first time as well. people interested in a story and environments? enjoy it each and every single time. why is it ok to repeat on alts, but not on the same character anyways?
SilverBride wrote: »
Playing a new game is a reasonable option. Re-living the story with the same character in this game isn't. That isn't how this game is set up to be played. Plus that would completely ruin the immersion, which is what the OP is claiming his issue is.
If affects other players because it gives some players an unfair advantage by turning a storyline antagonist into a vet level boss they can farm repeatedly for vet level loot. And this is not swtor.
Dungeons and trials are meant to be repeated. This is by game design. They are there to provide further challenge and as a place to farm gear sets for end game players who choose to do so.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Regarding rewards:
You see, increasing rewards with increased difficulty is already a game design error. Increased rewards work against increased difficulty. When you really want to increase the difficulty, you don't just make a random decision to increase damage of enemies and decrease damage of character. You look at the reason why normal difficulty is too easy and make changes according to this reason. Such changes include, but not limited to:
- decreasing gameplay rewards to slow character wealth progression;
- decreasing experience earned to slow character power progression;
- putting a cap on allowed gear (for example, only green and lower quality gear is possible to be used);
- adding disadvantages to set items (every tier of the set has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and the more items from the set you have, the more disadvantages you get);
- slowing ultimate points generation from all sources;
- increasing global cooldown from 1 second to 2 and more (the bigger cooldown for harder difficulties);
- increasing dot (and hot) tic time 2 times or more (the bigger time between tic for harder difficulties without increasing the overall time of dot or hot);
- etc.
Now, master chests are exceptionally not good idea, as master chests have an increased chance to get paintings. Do you know the price of paintings? Do you want to increase the wealth of self-proclaimed veterans that much? Do you want to still call this difficulty optional, when player has a choice to either buy a painting from the crown store, or from those self-proclaimed veterans for astronomical prices, or to farm in "optional" veteran mode?
Regarding story:
Presentation of the story in not that important. If someone can't enjoy the story, because he is too powerful, he simply can't enjoy the story and needs artificial difficulty (do you really believe that some vampire has a chance against the defeater of Molag Bal?).
Sorry, no matter how big letters you use, when there are different rewards for different difficulties, nothing is truly optional. And this means change.
I understand the problem. Some players find some of the content easy and want it made harder. And want better rewards because they completed it on the harder mode. So effectively perfected versions of every quest drop or overland set.
And that just increases the problem.
Hard mode = better sets = gets easier = shouts for even harder mode with even better gear by those players that have completed hard mode.
And them shouts for impossible mode, followed by god mode followed by.....
It goes on and on.
The game caters for the majority of its player base. I cannot see Zos investing huge amounts of money into a hard mode or a difficulty slider on bosses. Why? Because they didn't build the game engine to work that way so would have to do a total redesign at huge cost in order to do so. And because they know from the experience of the original pre OneTamriel game that it wasn't well received.
The difficult content that is there is touched by a small subset of the player base, I know plenty of players with no interest in dungeons let alone vet dungeons, increasing the difficulty of the game is just going to alienate these players regardless of whether its optional or not. Those players not wanting to and not able to complete hard mode will get toxic reactions and git gud from those who can and do (or indeed from those wannabees that can't but don't want to admit that).
Leave the game alone, fix the bugs and look for the challenge you need in trials and vet dungeons. Let Quests be available to all, regardless of ability and for everyone that finds it easy there will be two that struggle with it.
I did the Markath prologues on my main, last boss no issue, he was dead quickly. Ran it on a second character, think she was around level 35 at the time, with mismatched sets and not enough skills. That final boss was a challenge as he had mechanics I didn't see on my main
Im agaisnt this. On my main who is a tank its already a pain to do them xD. (no im not going dd for quest)
This would require a complete restructure of the game, and very few players would do it. Who wants to repeat overland content repeatedly on the same character? Plus, this would completely break the story.not new game. new game plus refers to restarting a playthrough with the same character you already finished a story once, but at a level you finished the story - so you have all the unlocked skills, armor, etc. it often comes with extra challenges
I've already explained this. It is not fair to many to have an overland storyline antagonist turned into a vet level boss that can be farmed for vet level loot by a few. And the same loot but purple is an upgrade. And this antagonist is only meant to be beaten once per character.what unfair advantage? if its the same loot, but purple, how is this unfair advantage?
It also doesn't mean you can apply what another game does to this its not swtor. doesn't mean it cannot learn a few things from it.
I've already explained how dungeons and trials are different from overland content.dungeons and trials come with their own stories and dialogue. pretty darn interesting ones no less. and they could both use an option to repeat those stories AND ability to do those stories solo.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »Wanting a certain reward is inherently optional since no one is forced to get that certain reward.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »It seems 90% of the people who comment here miss the "optional difficulty" bit. As in not forced. As in nothing changes for anyone but those who opt for the magically optional difficulty.
SilverBride wrote: »This would require a complete restructure of the game, and very few players would do it. Who wants to repeat overland content repeatedly on the same character? Plus, this would completely break the story.
I've already explained this. It is not fair to many to have an overland storyline antagonist turned into a vet level boss that can be farmed for vet level loot by a few. And the same loot but purple is an upgrade. And this antagonist is only meant to be beaten once per character.
It also doesn't mean you can apply what another game does to this game.
I've already explained how dungeons and trials are different from overland content.
You keep overlooking the point that the OP claims his only reason for requesting this is because the end antagonist fight is too easy and it breaks immersion in the story. If this were true he would not request something that makes absolutely no sense, and really does break immersion. Or that it be repeatable and drop vet level loot so he could solo farm this. This is the real reason behind the request.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
spartaxoxo wrote: »
So are video games entirely and the only non-optional things in life are water, food, and medicine.
But within the context of video games, getting the rewards associated with your chosen content is an essential part of the game and thus the fact that the highest difficulty is not optional to getting those rewards is a gameplay issue worthy of consideration.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
spartaxoxo wrote: »
So are video games entirely and the only non-optional things in life are water, food, and medicine.
But within the context of video games, getting the rewards associated with your chosen content is an essential part of the game and thus the fact that the highest difficulty is not optional to getting those rewards is a gameplay issue worthy of consideration.
SilverBride wrote: »And the same loot but purple is an upgrade.
you really want purple tharn's family ring rather then a blue or another title when your character can ONLY use a single title at a time so badly that you would force yourself to do content you do not enjoy for it? really? maybe you need to reexamine why is it that you feel that degree of compulsion?
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
Good that you recognized that. Maybe now we can stop saying that an optional difficulty would be mandatory or non optional.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Completion is a pretty normal part of many people's video game interests. There's a reason many video games have collectathons and their ilk. It may not be important to you, but it's important to others. Most games cater to that interest nowadays, and purposefully pad content just so people have more things to complete. One of the coolest posts I ever saw was the guy who has every achievement in the game.
It would only be a compulsion if it was detrimental to quality of life. Uninstalling a video game and playing a different one because the game isn't as fun to you anymore is not compulsion
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
I did the Markath prologues on my main, last boss no issue, he was dead quickly. Ran it on a second character, think she was around level 35 at the time, with mismatched sets and not enough skills. That final boss was a challenge as he had mechanics I didn't see on my main
Wrong. If I am not getting all rewards, I am not getting all content. Rewards are part of the content and part of the reason to pay for this content.
Using my reasoning, if I can't complete main quest for whatever reason and I am not getting either story or rewards, this product is not worth what is payed for it. Making a purchase is not recommended in this case.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »People want to play usually on their main. They shouldn't have to roll a random level 3 to enjoy main quests.
so the game isn't fun to you anymore because you feel compulsion to get a variant of a title or the same ring but in purple? that... is... something for sure.
and dude. I collect things. collecting things is important to me. but its not so important that I would rather not let people have something enjoyable for them, because I'm not willing or able to work for it myself. I'm starting to think that I may be too casual even for you self proclaimed casuals.
SilverBride wrote: »
But that is how this game is designed, and has been since launch. The main story quest is meant to be completed once per character.
This isn't Groundhog Day.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »I *still* wish bosses weren't squishy mudcrabs that die when I throw a rotten peanut at them. It's not designed for brand new level three characters each new main story, because each new main story references your vestige.
SilverBride wrote: »
These are not even close to that easy, and I find it more than a little frustrating that people claim they are. And they are not bosses. They are storyline antagonists that aren't meant to be as hard as a boss.
If new players follow the story that takes them up to Mannimarco and Molag Bal it would make more sense to them. Unfortunately with a game that's been around awhile it's impossible to keep everything in order without making us do the zones in a specific order every time.
So the story does get mixed up depending on how you quest, but that is no reason to make it worse by totally invalidating the story for your own profit.