Harder Main Story Bosses

  • spartaxoxo
    Linaleah wrote: »

    dude.. I'm a dirty dirty casual. and I think OP's idea is good. why? BECAUSE ITS NOT TAKING ANYTHING AWAY FROM US! its adding new options, and hopefully, while adding these challenge options for the more advanced players, it also adds solo options for dungeons for US!. there is not taking anything away. ffs.

    It is taking something away. You may not care about completions and cosmetics but others clearly do. This idea takes away the ability to complete all the story associated quest rewards and achievements on normal mode by putting some of them behind a new vet mode. Objectively

    Can complete everything on normal turns into in order to complete EVERYTHING you have to do vet. It's one thing to be like "who cares, you don't need everything anyway. It's okay to not have everything." It's quite another to tell me that the ability to achieve total completion on normal is not being taken away by requiring vet for total completion. It obviously is regardless of how many capital letters you write. If you require vet for total completion, then you obviously cannot achieve total completion on normal. Since as things currently stand, you CAN achieve total quest related completion from normal, this would take that away.

    Total completion on normal > total completion on vet takes it away from normal and puts in vet. That is what is happening

    Just because you like the idea, and the downsides mean little to you, does not mean the downsides do not exist.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 23, 2020 3:51AM
  • Linaleah
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    It is taking something away. You may not care about completions and cosmetics but others clearly do. This idea takes away the ability to complete all the story associated quest rewards and achievements on normal mode by putting some of them behind a new vet mode. Objectively

    Can complete everything on normal turns into in order to complete EVERYTHING you have to do vet. It's one thing to be like "who cares, you don't need everything anyway. It's okay to not have everything." It's quite another to tell me that the ability to achieve total completion on normal is not being taken away by requiring vet for total completion. It obviously is regardless of how many capital letters you write. If you require vet for total completion, then you obviously cannot achieve total completion on normal. Since as things currently stand, you CAN achieve total quest related completion from normal, this would take that away.

    Total completion on normal > total completion on vet takes it away from normal and puts in vet. That is what is happening

    Just because you like the idea, and the downsides mean little to you, does not mean the downsides do not exist.

    but I do care about cosmetics and completion. I just already accepted that some of it will NOT be available to me. once you accept that best looking dragon statues as well as a very lovely boat are not in your future, as housing enthusiast? its much easier to accept not being able to complete all things in everything else.

    that said.. you are assuming that it will directly take away from normal. I'm assuming that just like with all the other vet content it will just add rewards to vet modes, while keeping normal rewards as is. it should also stop or at least reduce constant crying for making overland content harder for everyone (please god no).

    and from what I understood it will NOT take any total completion from a quest chain. just like there are separate achievement tabs for normal and veteran dungeons. I have normal dungeons filled in. vet not so much. achievements for completing all of the dungeons in the alliance? are tied to normal not vet. so I still have those dyes.

    the proposal seems to be going along that vein.

    so... your problem is... that advanced players will get something other then group dungeons?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Lin.... you're fronting people who are probably completionists. That's not going to end well. For anyone.

    the thing is.... they are already not completing everything. so what's one more tab?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    Seeing this debate go on is silly.

    End of zone story bosses SHOULD be a big deal. And you should need to have a bit of challenge.

    No other game I know hands big bosses to you on a silver platter the same way eso does. You can literally beat the big bad vampire lord this year by just light attacking.

    As a casual player unless they are literally sleeping at their keyboard they deserve to have to think a little too.

    At the very least an optional hard mode for those of us that actually want the boss fight to be memorable would be great. And if people are against some optional difficulty that doesn't effect them then they are just kinda cringy gatekeepers.

    Do I think they should be repeatable and stuff? Ehhhh. Honestly, Im just vouching for more difficulty.
    Edited by Vayln_Ninetails on November 23, 2020 5:11AM
  • ke.sardenb14_ESO
    Linaleah wrote: »

    but I do care about cosmetics and completion. I just already accepted that some of it will NOT be available to me. once you accept that best looking dragon statues as well as a very lovely boat are not in your future, as housing enthusiast? its much easier to accept not being able to complete all things in everything else.

    that said.. you are assuming that it will directly take away from normal. I'm assuming that just like with all the other vet content it will just add rewards to vet modes, while keeping normal rewards as is. it should also stop or at least reduce constant crying for making overland content harder for everyone (please god no).

    and from what I understood it will NOT take any total completion from a quest chain. just like there are separate achievement tabs for normal and veteran dungeons. I have normal dungeons filled in. vet not so much. achievements for completing all of the dungeons in the alliance? are tied to normal not vet. so I still have those dyes.

    the proposal seems to be going along that vein.

    so... your problem is... that advanced players will get something other then group dungeons?
    I have to congratulate you because you have done the one thing on the internet that is supposed to never happen; YOU CHANGED MY MIND.
    As an quasi endgame player myself I know I may never get things like god slayer, or trifecta in Kyne aegis; and you know what? I'm fine with that. And if I want to change that i have to work for it and get into/make guilds that can do that.
    Adding a veteran/harder difficultly to story content would not take single thing from truly causal players. I dont care about vet story missions have better rewards or not, but if you are truly a causal player👏it👏will👏not👏matter👏to👏you👏if👏a veteran👏version👏exists. And if you decide you want the vet achievements👏you👏will👏need👏to👏work👏for👏them👏 because👏you👏are👏not👏a👏causal👏 player👏anymore,👏put👏in👏the👏work.
    All adding vet content to story would do is add more content. No one would lose anything at all, so long as the actual story beats dont change I don't see the issue. The only people I would truly consider hating it are the people that already finished the story, and know they have to play it again for achievements, which again, achievements👏require👏putting👏in👏the👏work.
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    I have to congratulate you because you have done the one thing on the internet that is supposed to never happen; YOU CHANGED MY MIND.
    As an quasi endgame player myself I know I may never get things like god slayer, or trifecta in Kyne aegis; and you know what? I'm fine with that. And if I want to change that i have to work for it and get into/make guilds that can do that.
    Adding a veteran/harder difficultly to story content would not take single thing from truly causal players. I dont care about vet story missions have better rewards or not, but if you are truly a causal player👏it👏will👏not👏matter👏to👏you👏if👏a veteran👏version👏exists. And if you decide you want the vet achievements👏you👏will👏need👏to👏work👏for👏them👏 because👏you👏are👏not👏a👏causal👏 player👏anymore,👏put👏in👏the👏work.
    All adding vet content to story would do is add more content. No one would lose anything at all, so long as the actual story beats dont change I don't see the issue. The only people I would truly consider hating it are the people that already finished the story, and know they have to play it again for achievements, which again, achievements👏require👏putting👏in👏the👏work.

    This is beautiful and Im not even a part of the conversation.

    You are also genuinely the first person I have ever personally seen have their mind changed on this forums.

    I love you.

    Seeing someone finally understand the logic is astounding. Especially when it deals with something that won't hurt anyone. It'd just make more people happy.
  • spartaxoxo
    Seeing this debate go on is silly.

    End of zone story bosses SHOULD be a big deal. And you should need to have a bit of challenge.

    No other game I know hands big bosses to you on a silver platter the same way eso does. You can literally beat the big bad vampire lord this year by just light attacking.

    As a casual player unless they are literally sleeping at their keyboard they deserve to have to think a little too.

    At the very least an optional hard mode for those of us that actually want the boss fight to be memorable would be great. And if people are against some optional difficulty that doesn't effect them then they are just kinda cringy gatekeepers.

    Do I think they should be repeatable and stuff? Ehhhh. Honestly, Im just vouching for more difficulty.

    Nobody disagrees that there shouldn't be an optional hard mode for the boss. The disagreement is about whether or not it should work exactly how the OP laid out or some other system like a hard mode.
    Seeing someone finally understand the logic is astounding. Especially when it deals with something that won't hurt anyone. It'd just make more people happy.

    Lack of agreement =/= lack of understanding
    I dont care about vet story missions have better rewards or not, but if you are truly a causal player👏it👏will👏not👏matter👏to👏you👏if👏a veteran👏version👏exists.

    Hey @Olauron, you don't exist! Neither do I. I guess I have to travel backwards in time and get my mom and dad to go the school dance.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 23, 2020 5:44AM
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    Nobody disagrees that there shouldn't be an optional hard mode for the boss. The disagreement is about whether or not it should work exactly how the OP laid out or some other system like a hard mode.

    Lack of agreement =/= lack of understanding

    Hey @Olauron, you don't exist!

    I've seen a few people on this thread that do disagee about there being an optional hard mode.

    And I also didn't say that agreement = lack of understanding.

    I was referring to him seeing the logic behind the person's stance and thus changing his opinion.
  • spartaxoxo

    I've seen a few people on this thread that do disagee about there being an optional hard mode..

    The only ones that I saw say that said that because they wanted the option in the OP, not because they wanted nothing at all. A few people have tried to claim that I myself disagree with this and make it seem like I don't want endgame players to have anything, but that's them using a strawman argument on me as I have suggested many times a hard mode as an alternative.

    I don't think anyone has disagreed with the idea of that, only that cosmetics, achievements, and titles are unimportant and that quest related rewards should have ones that are exclusive to vet players. Maybe I missed a post or two though.
  • spartaxoxo
    And I also didn't say that agreement = lack of understanding.

    I was referring to him seeing the logic behind the person's stance and thus changing his opinion.

    I understand now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought because of you adding the part about the idea "not hurting anyone" you meant you were glad that someone who disagreed with the idea decided they agree with your take on it instead, as if otherside don't have any logic to their argument. But that was not what you meant so that's my mistake.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 23, 2020 5:54AM
  • Linaleah
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    The only ones that I saw say that said that because they wanted the option in the OP, not because they wanted nothing at all. A few people have tried to claim that I myself disagree with this and make it seem like I don't want endgame players to have anything, but that's them using a strawman argument on me as I have suggested many times a hard mode as an alternative.

    I don't think anyone has disagreed with the idea of that, only that cosmetics, achievements, and titles are unimportant and that quest related rewards should have ones that are exclusive to vet players. Maybe I missed a post or two though.

    does it bother you that there is a separate title for completing maelstrom arena on vet and yet another title for completing it with nodeaths? is it really such a big deal? cause dye is from normal. one of the titles is from normal. and now even weapons drop in normal! so does existence of those vet only titles truly genuinely take anything away from casual players that only do normal?

    now apply this same thing to story bosses. normal completion remains as is. dyes remain as is. normal titles remain as is. but there are a few extra titles for completing content in vet. is it really so bad? so unacceptable? takes anything away from US?

    now imagine this becomes popular, and just like MA weapons were added to normal mode... we get solo mode for group dungeons? so that we could enjoy the story without being rushed. are we losing anything just because vet mode and associated achievements exist?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Recent
    red_emu wrote: »
    I remeber when I first defeated Molag Bal. Level maybe 25-30. I was nervous that this is gonna be a hard fight. 10 seconds later, the big bad Daedric Prince was dead... I felt it was very anticlimactic and it was the first time I played the game.

    I don't think the difficulty of main story lines is ever gonna change. It's designed to be a sandbox story mode. For challenges you do dungeons, trials and PvP.

    I agree . There is a lot of challenging content...world bosses..do with green gear on then, vma, vdsa, new solo arena in the reach, forget name....vet trials etc ...i think some players get vet golded trials/a re na gear and content begins to feel to easy
  • ke.sardenb14_ESO
    Help me understand your disagreement here, do you not like the idea of new achievements? And if so why not?
  • ke.sardenb14_ESO
    Linaleah wrote: »

    does it bother you that there is a separate title for completing maelstrom arena on vet and yet another title for completing it with nodeaths? is it really such a big deal? cause dye is from normal. one of the titles is from normal. and now even weapons drop in normal! so does existence of those vet only titles truly genuinely take anything away from casual players that only do normal?

    now apply this same thing to story bosses. normal completion remains as is. dyes remain as is. normal titles remain as is. but there are a few extra titles for completing content in vet. is it really so bad? so unacceptable? takes anything away from US?

    now imagine this becomes popular, and just like MA weapons were added to normal mode... we get solo mode for group dungeons? so that we could enjoy the story without being rushed. are we losing anything just because vet mode and associated achievements exist?

    @spartaxoxo nevermind this was where I was gonna take it anyway
  • spartaxoxo
    does it bother you that there is a separate title for completing maelstrom arena on vet and yet another title for completing it with nodeaths?

    No. As I have said before, I like the way things are now. There is content that has vet modes and rewards that the best can get, and content that does not and everyone can get all of the rewards so long as they have the desire. I want to see more content released for casuals that doesn't have any kind of vet content, and more content for vets too. I wouldn't want an existing vet system to be replaced by a free for all system, and I don't want one of the only free for all systems turned into a vet system either.

    If I had to pick one system I'd be more bothered with changing, it would be a free for all system to be turned into a vet tier system. But, that's moreso because of the scarcity of those systems than actually valuing one over the other personally. I do both and enjoy both kinds of content.
    is it really such a big deal?

    Not to me, but to my friend it's an instant uninstall. He physically cannot do a lot of things in this game but he likes clearing out quest achievements, and getting whatever few cosmetics he can get. It's the majority of the enjoyment of the game for him, and if he couldn't do it anymore because it was yet another thing locked behind a vet mode, he'd bounce because he already feels there is too much content behind vet.

    I think players like this are just as worthy of consideration and content as players who are vets. Not every system should be a free for all, but not every system should be tied to the vet rewards either. I think both types of players should have systems they can interact with and FULLY complete.

    This is why I said I'd be supportive of a compromise solution of having the quest boss have a hard mode with purple rewards instead of blue but not additional rewards
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 23, 2020 6:25AM
  • Linaleah
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    No. As I have said before, I like the way things are now. There is content that has vet modes and rewards that the best can get, and content that does not and everyone can get all of the rewards so long as they have the desire. I want to see more content released for casuals that doesn't have any kind of vet content, and more content for vets too. I wouldn't want an existing vet system to be replaced by a free for all system, and I don't want one of the only free for all systems turned into a vet system either.

    If I had to pick one system I'd be more bothered with changing, it would be a free for all system to be turned into a vet tier system. But, that's moreso because of the scarcity of those systems than actually valuing one over the other personally. I do both and enjoy both kinds of content.

    Not to me, but to my friend it's an instant uninstall. He physically cannot do a lot of things in this game but he likes clearing out quest achievements, and getting whatever few cosmetics he can get. It's the majority of the enjoyment of the game for him, and if he couldn't do it anymore because it was yet another thing locked behind a vet mode, he'd bounce because he already feels there is too much content behind vet.

    I think players like this are just as worthy of consideration and content as players who are vets. Not every system should be a free for all, but not every system should be tied to the vet rewards either. I think both types of players should have systems they can interact with and FULLY complete.

    This is why I said I'd be supportive of a compromise solution of having the quest boss have a hard mode with purple rewards instead of blue.

    fair enough.

    and just to clarify something. I might be more like your friend than you think. I cannot do a lot of the content physically. I cannot perform combat at a level needed to do anything more then normal modes and when it comes to dungeons - I heal, because not only rotations are more forgiving, but as long as people are staying alive, you are less likely to be yelled at for "being carried" my dps at its highest? I think I managed to hit 20k once... while fighting an AoE pull of about a dozen weak mobs. typically my dps is between 7 and 9k. this is my trying btw. I think you get the picture.

    this is the main reason I have accepted that there are some things that I will never be able to do. I do all the stories, I collected every single house in a game that is available for gold, I collect furnishing recipes and any dyes and outfits I can get my hands on that do not require vet content. its quite a lot. I'm nowhere near finished yet and I've been playing for years.

    that is why i have no issue in having a few more vet modes available. normal modes are their own self contained system. vet modes get a separate tab the same way dungeon vet modes have a separate tab.

    is there really too much content behind vet though? everything has a normal version. I'd say there is too much story content behind group only modes and that's its own issue, but vet content is just normal content but harder.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • spartaxoxo
    Linaleah wrote: »
    is there really too much content behind vet though? everything has a normal version. I'd say there is too much story content behind group only modes and that's its own issue, but vet content is just normal content but harder.

    In terms of stuff like achievements, cosmetics, etc I think there is. If there is a vet mode, the best stuff tends to be locked behind it. And I know of at least a couple others that think the same. I think quite a lot of people have given that feedback to Zos as well, as they have definitely made a conscious effort recently to dial that back a bit.

    I actually think that there could be more vet content, but I'd rather that be in new types of content rather than replacing existing free for all systems with vet systems. There are definitely people that enjoy those systems the way they work because they work that way. And I don't find "lack of vet content" a particularly compelling reason to change that because that's the way most systems already work.

    If there was a lack of challenging content in this game, it might be a different story but there definitely is not.

    I am however sympathetic to boss fights being anti-climatic if you're geared up for them. I know I am and it is kinda lame. I depower myself specifically for that reason. So I wouldn't mind like a challenge banner or something
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 23, 2020 7:26AM
  • Olauron
    Linaleah wrote: »

    the thing is.... they are already not completing everything. so what's one more tab?
    There is only one way "optional" veteran bosses will not take anything from other players (who are playing just normal). If this "optional" mode is sold separately (there is normal Chapter and there is story DLC, and then every veteran boss can be bought in addition to it). Then and only then this content could be completely ignored both in existence part and rewards part by those who want normal content. Otherwise it is not optional when you are paying for it. Otherwise it is not optional when you are not getting something what you have payed for. If there are so many players who want difficult stories, let them (and only them) pay for it without diverting developer time and resourses.

    They are not taking anything? But developers can use time and resourses on better and bigger normal stories instead of veteran stories, and put those new rewards into this new content.
    Especially when it deals with something that won't hurt anyone. It'd just make more people happy.
    It is not hurting anyone only in a world with infinite resourses, instant development time and infinite rewards. In real world it hurts current customers.
    Adding a veteran/harder difficultly to story content would not take single thing from truly causal players. I dont care about vet story missions have better rewards or not, but if you are truly a causal player👏it👏will👏not👏matter👏to👏you👏if👏a veteran👏version👏exists. And if you decide you want the vet achievements👏you👏will👏need👏to👏work👏for👏them👏 because👏you👏are👏not👏a👏causal👏 player👏anymore,👏put👏in👏the👏work.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Hey @Olauron, you don't exist! Neither do I. I guess I have to travel backwards in time and get my mom and dad to go the school dance.
    Well, I guess a lot of players will cease to exist in this game, if there happen to be too much content they don't care for and too much rewards they can't get.

    [Edited to remove Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on November 23, 2020 11:16AM
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • hafgood
    I am totally ambivalent towards this suggestion, I'm neither for nor against.

    I can see the logic behind a repeatable boss fight that has to be completed at different levels of difficulty. I can see the logic in some kind of reward and achievement based system

    I understand the complaints that this then locks content from new / casual players.

    However, I do not agree that this is the case, as a new / casual player can still beat the content, it just takes them longer to do so and ironically gives them the challenging boss fight that the OP wants.

    Should there be additional rewards for completing on vet? Achievements yes, maybe a title or dye but nothing substantial, nothing should be taken from the rewards currently given out to those who complete on normal.

    I do get some players want a harder challenge and all are making one basic assumption that only vet players will be able to get them.

    There is no such thing in this game.

    Thats right there is no such thing as a veteran player. There is an obsession with many in this game of getting to "end game" content, and getting there as fast as possible.

    It doesn't exist.

    I've seen players come and go, I've seen players be able to beat the hardest content in 6 months, I know some who will never do it (me included).

    Do I feel excluded at the addition of extra vet content? No. Do I see them as a challenge? Yes.

    There is a part of the player base where they are unable to "get gud" for various reasons, should they be disadvantaged with additional content being added that they are simply incapable of doing. Absolutely not, any achievements would need its own section within the achievements tabs, and rewards for this extra content should be minimal. The reward to the player beating it should be satisfaction itself, as I suggested maybe a title similar to the normal / vet titles you get for completing ndsa vs vdsa, etc. Possibly a dye.

    To answer the challenge banner suggestion - I understand where you are coming from but if the fight is non repeatable then it is not worth putting the effort into the challenge side of things, why invest a lot of resources into something a player can only do once. They won't. Yes the same can be said about the whole story quest in the first place except its the story that is used to drive sales, the rest is for those that have done the.story or don't want to do the story.

    My stance is if its there I will feel obligated to try to do it, I want to get as many achievements as I can. If its beyond me then so be it. Will I miss it if its not there? No. No I won't.

    I understand some players want harder content this may be one way of granting it.

    I would caution though, that harder content has been tried. And it has largely failed. Look at dragons and harrowstorms. Outside of events they are pretty dead? Why? Because of the difficulty of doing them and the rewards available.

    So this should tell you that the so called veteran players want additional difficult content but only where the rewards are good. And that I am against.
  • Lord_Hev
    I agree with OP, but their actual suggestion is ridiculous and over-conflated. Doesn't have to be complicated to appeal to the casual player.

    Give quest bosses, delve bosses, and public dungeon bosses the same baseline as Normal Maelstrom Arena. Keep their damage the same and unchanged. Very simple thing. Vet players will breeze through it, but at least even then the fight takes at least 15 seconds and can feel different then mowing down trash mobs. And this gives casual players an engaging fight that they can easily win still, just takes time and lets them intuitively learn at their own pace how to self sustain, and react to attacks thrown at them.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for rule violations, mostly Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Staff Post
  • MajThorax
    Also the loot is terrible. Only shinny so to speak is the skill point we receive at the end of each Major quest. I killed the vampire boss in Markarth dlc and received some ashes and a generic staff.
  • Iccotak

    Careful about throwing accusations.

    The major reason that the idea is to make it repeatable content, is because it is only repeatable content that has any actual challenge.

    If it is non-repeatable content, then the devs do not invest any resources into actually making it challenging. Because if the player can only do it once and there is no point in going out of your way to make it a challenge.

    And because it is repeatable the Devs attach extra incentive.
    Repeatable, Challenging, & some form of Reward are the three key things they use to make an activity garner long-term player engagement.
    This is how all content is designed. There is no exception.
    All I did was follow the formula in order to make it a compatible and seamless implementation

    Most of the opposing arguments were in actuality just;
    - against how the currently existing veteran achievement system worked
    - against any veteran activity being added
    - felt there weren’t enough in-game cosmetics as it is (which I said is a separate discussion which is why I made a poll on it)

    What would be repeatable content?
    - Exactly what I listed in the OP

    As to your point on immersion.
    It is incredibly immersion breaking when we spend upwards to a year with a story that is building up to an ultimate big bad who is easily taken out. Who is not challenging, even if your using bad gear and poor skill set-up, just tedious.

    When the story sets up the main antagonist is the end of the country or the end of the world then I want the boss to feel like that. Which they don’t, as they are currently designed.
  • Seminolegirl1992
    I have to congratulate you because you have done the one thing on the internet that is supposed to never happen; YOU CHANGED MY MIND.
    As an quasi endgame player myself I know I may never get things like god slayer, or trifecta in Kyne aegis; and you know what? I'm fine with that. And if I want to change that i have to work for it and get into/make guilds that can do that.
    Adding a veteran/harder difficultly to story content would not take single thing from truly causal players. I dont care about vet story missions have better rewards or not, but if you are truly a causal player👏it👏will👏not👏matter👏to👏you👏if👏a veteran👏version👏exists. And if you decide you want the vet achievements👏you👏will👏need👏to👏work👏for👏them👏 because👏you👏are👏not👏a👏causal👏 player👏anymore,👏put👏in👏the👏work.
    All adding vet content to story would do is add more content. No one would lose anything at all, so long as the actual story beats dont change I don't see the issue. The only people I would truly consider hating it are the people that already finished the story, and know they have to play it again for achievements, which again, achievements👏require👏putting👏in👏the👏work.

    Same same! I have accepted at this point that I will never get the pretty vss kitty mount because that's wholly unrealistic. I'm happy with what I have achieved thus far and am not upset that others do have it, even though I've never had the opportunity to earn a mount in any other content without buying it from crown store.
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see! Wish list
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • Seminolegirl1992
    Linaleah wrote: »

    does it bother you that there is a separate title for completing maelstrom arena on vet and yet another title for completing it with nodeaths? is it really such a big deal? cause dye is from normal. one of the titles is from normal. and now even weapons drop in normal! so does existence of those vet only titles truly genuinely take anything away from casual players that only do normal?

    now apply this same thing to story bosses. normal completion remains as is. dyes remain as is. normal titles remain as is. but there are a few extra titles for completing content in vet. is it really so bad? so unacceptable? takes anything away from US?

    now imagine this becomes popular, and just like MA weapons were added to normal mode... we get solo mode for group dungeons? so that we could enjoy the story without being rushed. are we losing anything just because vet mode and associated achievements exist?

    Sounds like music to my ears. The stories in the dungeons are actually quite interesting.
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see! Wish list
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • Sylvermynx
    @Vayln_Ninetails - nope, at this point in my life I do NOT "need" challenges. I just need to have fun in this game in my own way.

    As I said earlier, as long as it's all optional, I don't have a problem with you people getting the masochistic hard level overland.
  • Vayln_Ninetails
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    @Vayln_Ninetails - nope, at this point in my life I do NOT "need" challenges. I just need to have fun in this game in my own way.

    As I said earlier, as long as it's all optional, I don't have a problem with you people getting the masochistic hard level overland.

    As long as you're fine with optional stuff then fine.

  • SilverBride
    I will never be fine with having every single aspect of the game turned into endgame content. There is plenty of endgame now for those who want more of a challenge. But it is not reasonable to take the base game, that by design is at a level for all players, and customize it for endgame players. It is not endgame content... it is the base game.

    Making it optional doesn't make it any more right.
  • Seminolegirl1992
    A harder difficulty main boss in quest content cannot be reasonably called end game....that's like vet dlc trials. Slightly more difficult makes the experience infinitely more meaningful for a lot of people, and there is no reason to gatekeep that for yourself if it does not affect you.
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see! Wish list
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • Sylvermynx
    A harder difficulty main boss in quest content cannot be reasonably called end game....that's like vet dlc trials. Slightly more difficult makes the experience infinitely more meaningful for a lot of people, and there is no reason to gatekeep that for yourself if it does not affect you.

    Yeah, I do agree - even though that would make things materially harder for me - unless it really was optional.
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