Except again your primary issue is the lack of obtainable cosmetics and feeling like too much is gated behind Veteran content.
Your mindset has been only one side can have what they want.
When in reality it'd be better to do both.
Put more cosmetics in normal overland (which ZOS has been doing with the Excavation skill lines and multiple events every year to get more, also a money store if you really want something, so it's not like your being ignored)
AND We can get the Optional Veteran Boss Fight
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Nope. I will not. This suggestion alienates a group of casuals and I will make sure that is known.
I stopped subscribing partly because of that very issue with story bosses (also life and school)
But Yes, how dare I criticize a game I have played since beta but take a break for the majority of one year..oh the humanity.
Also are you really saying that is your "Gotcha" moment, is me pointing out how I literally designed the "Veteran Mode" after other Veteran Modes already in the game.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
[Quoted post was removed]
spartaxoxo wrote: »
They are doing both right now. One group has quests and others have everything else. Putting the only system that doesn't work that way into the vet system removes the ability to have both in the game and places everything under the vet system. Only established players benefit from that, at the expense of the new and casual players who cannot or won't participate in the vet system.
Any long time player is an established player. Or are you just focused on new players immediate access to get everything.Only established players
This would be better served in a separate thread discussing the issue rather than acting like it has to be "either or"
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I will. I won't let new players and casuals who can't do vet stuff to be erased from the conversation. Comments like "anyone can do it" erases the ones that can't, and I'll point out that there is experience and skill that those average/mid tier players have that new and casual ones don't each time.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Current system is both. Proposed system is only for vets. I am discussing the proposed system as it would be implemented in this game based on how this game works. That's relevant to this thread not a new one.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
I really do find it amusing that you're attempting to villainize those with different ideas of the game, presenting yourself as the hero of casuals and the one who defines what one is, when in reality it couldn't be further from the truth. You refuse to see any reason or logic, or compromise, and therefore I have no further interest in your responses.
So back to the "Vets have Trials and Dungeons" argument - that is pretty exclusionary and a bit petty.
When I am buying a content, I am paying for all the rewards included in it. The more rewards are inaccessible to me, the less reason to buy the content.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
[Quoted post was removed]
That is the entire point because the existing reward structure is the reason for cosmetics being so unobtainable.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
No. It is not. If you're gonna take a system away from new and casuals and feed it into the vet system, it is important to consider how many systems each group has to engage with. In this case, the new and casuals have very little content. And the established players have a lot. Someone pushing back against the idea of soliciting money from a poor person to give to Kylie Jenner so she can be a billionaire isn't being petty by pointing out that Kylie has a ton of money and the poor person doesn't. That's the truth and it absolutely relevant to whether or not that's a good idea.
In this case, new and more casual players don't have a lot of content that can totally complete on their own, and get all the associated rewards. The devs are actually in the process of trying to fix this now because too much is locked behind the vet system and it has driven away newer and casual players.
One of the reasons many people play games is to get a mild sense of accomplishment and get rewarded for those accomplishments. They love completing something. And completing one thing makes them want to complete more, pushing themselves to improve to complete more things. By leaving them with nothing to complete because the content meant for them has been transformed into vet content, you take away that fun and make things less engaging. And if they can't even do the introductory content, why bother with the rest of the game?
Casuals/new players vs established mid tier+ players are currently have and have nots. It's natural to games. Which is why introductory content that everyone gets to totally beat is so important to games and why so many games cater early game to those players who cannot do the things more established players can
I said that's not what this thread is about, which you made it about.
You have made ONLY strawman arguments about semantics and detracted this whole thing.
This is your core issue with the game, not the OP. You have detracted this thread about optional content and made it about your dislike of the current system already in game.
But they aren't unobtainable.
There are rewards that I don't want struggle for to obtain.
Questing and other things do not prepare them properly for end game content and this type of boss system would at least give them some kind of semblance of a (optional) challenge to prepare them
so optional but you don't want to do it. That doesn't make them inaccessible.
so optional but you don't want to do it. That doesn't make them inaccessible.
Wrong. If I know that I will not do something to obtain something, then I know beforehand that this second something is inaccessible to me (as I will not get it). That's like ordering a dish with the supplement you hate. What's the point of wasting money on such order?
And anti-climatic Bossfight is an accessibility issue. Because those bosses were made it easier for the sake of accessibility.
Many bosses and mini-bosses were harder before the accessibility revamp.
Don’t get me wrong accessibility has done great things for the zones and we’re getting more people into the game.
But it has robbed some fun from the challenge found in story bosses.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I agree with you that you shouldn't buy it and should quit if this gets put in since the game would no longer interest you.
But desire is not accessibility issue. There's a difference between "i don't want to" and "I cannot"
There is a difference in reasons, but there is no difference in the result. The result is the same, the reward is not obtained. Especially keeping in mind that we are not speaking about "player doesn't want to do some quests to get something", but about "player doesn't want to spend weeks or months wasting time on improving himself in combat that is completely not fun in this game".
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Yes. There is a drastic difference in what undesirable thing is being asked here, which is why casual players have left this game a lot and Zos is changing things to stop rewards from being so skewed towards the top.
But still, it's not an accessibility issue because "cannot do it" is the important part for defining those.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
As I said, the only reason to oppose all of your proposed ideas for optional difficulty is selfishness, plain and simple. The only arguments I've seen against your proposal have been from a stand point of "we want what we want, and you can't have what you want because I don't want it or don't want to work for it". Making it so that an entire portion of the player base is invalidated for no reason. What a shame.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I am not villanizing anyone by pointing out that no, not everybody can be established players. You keep trying to tell me to be quiet about it, and when I decline and say why, you claim I am making you a villain. I am not.
Don't tell people to be quiet if you don't want them to say "I will not be quiet." It's as simple as that.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
ke.sardenb14_ESO wrote: »As someone that has played this game on and off since the beta; as someone that still actively plays both story, dungeons and trials; I think it is fair to want story content to adhere to your experience, just as well as it would for someone that started the game yesterday.
But I also disagree with placing an achievement wall behind the content. All that would do is put a middle finger up to casual players, saying "did you in enjoy this, well once your done being a scrub you can experience the real game." I think scaling to allow everyone to enjoy their experience is the fair and balanced option.