Interesting. The impression I get walking away is that it isn't a grind, simply because it is intended to be something you just do when you want, then put it away and go do something else. It is not something that you make a job out of, unless that is what you want to do.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »Interesting. The impression I get walking away is that it isn't a grind, simply because it is intended to be something you just do when you want, then put it away and go do something else. It is not something that you make a job out of, unless that is what you want to do.
Of course it's too early to tell, BUT they talked about TWO minigames involved AND a skill line for it. Which suggests to me that it's quite involved to get even one item -- and that's assuming you are guaranteed to get an item each time you jump through these hoops. What would the skill line be for if the minigames are going to be easy?
What I'm afraid of is it's going to be like the Seeker Droid in SWTOR where after a loooong minigame of finding a chest you get a CHANCE of the set piece you need for the achievement of completing two armor sets. Most of the time you got trash.
That's the kind of grind I'm worried this is going to be.
Hopefully it will be much more rewarding and interesting than that.
Not in the slightest, honestly.
Was REALLY hoping for a new skill line. Or two. Could of EASILLLLLLLLLY given us 1 hand and rune plus a new world skill line in the version of vampire hunters/dawnguard. Not sure who thought this system would of been cooler than both of those, but hey.
Also it would of fit the chapter more. I find it extremely off putting that in a chapter about vampires, witches, werewolves and set in Skyrim, the big brand new feature is a glorified treasure hunt. actually quite disappointed by this. It doesn't make much sense?
joerginger wrote: »No, they will all be gold and they will all be bound.