@Raideen The community .exe file only shares the information about your builds that you decide to publish to it. There is an in-game pop-up that happens after you click the publish button, so its hardly "fishy" since is pretty obvious that you are deciding to publish it.
However, while it is running it does give you access to the information that others have published (again... that they very obviously chose to publish). It basically acts as a cloud information hub that allows builders to share their FX more easily with anyone who wants to receive it, and it also allows users to share information about which homes they consider an "open house" that is finished and ready for visitors. Also... the "data" we are talking about is FX, which is little planes of UI elements that a builder chooses to share with other people so the other people can ALSO see the little UI elements, to give the illusion of various things in the home that aren't really there. There is literally no point in using them unless you want to share them... because they literally won't be there for anyone else unless you do. I fail to see your issue here.
@R_K flagging you in case you need to correct me or have anything else to add.
@Raideen The community .exe file only shares the information about your builds that you decide to publish to it. There is an in-game pop-up that happens after you click the publish button, so its hardly "fishy" since is pretty obvious that you are deciding to publish it.
However, while it is running it does give you access to the information that others have published (again... that they very obviously chose to publish). It basically acts as a cloud information hub that allows builders to share their FX more easily with anyone who wants to receive it, and it also allows users to share information about which homes they consider an "open house" that is finished and ready for visitors. Also... the "data" we are talking about is FX, which is little planes of UI elements that a builder chooses to share with other people so the other people can ALSO see the little UI elements, to give the illusion of various things in the home that aren't really there. There is literally no point in using them unless you want to share them... because they literally won't be there for anyone else unless you do. I fail to see your issue here.
@R_K flagging you in case you need to correct me or have anything else to add.
Lets just say I don't trust addons who collect my data from 3rd party people. I value security and you may and probably are 100% correct that this addon is innocent, but do we KNOW that for a fact, or is it just trust?
I sent the files to them for analysis and they have said it is a false positive and the files are perfectly safe. The antivirus now no longer sees the files as a threat.
@Raideen I know and trust Cardi.
But irrelevant of that, what you said is true of literally anything you do on a computer. Unless you are technologically sophisticated enough to monitor and review every data packet that goes in and out of your machine on your own, on some level, there is always trust involved when downloading and running an application. And even large "trusted" companies occasionally do bad things with data, or have data breaches. If you really don't trust this particular app, rather than spread conspiracy theories, why don't you investigate your concerns and point to something to back it up, as the OP did:I sent the files to them for analysis and they have said it is a false positive and the files are perfectly safe. The antivirus now no longer sees the files as a threat.
As for myself, I believe we volunteer far more sensitive information via social media and just general internet traffic (unless you literally disable all cookies and only ever use private browsing modes) than could possibly be collected by an .exe that enables the sharing of game UI code. An anti-virus will make sure its not downloading viruses to your computer (unless you don't trust those either? They do far more monitoring of what you do on your computer after all.).
If your concerned about third parties gathering information about you and your activities, get off the internet, throw away your smart phone, quit using credit cards, and stay away from any store or street that has CCTV cameras. Also, don't buy anything like a car or house or on credit.
Using EHT to share information about virtual homes and virtual characters that you opt to share is the least of your concerns about information farming.
StabbityDoom wrote: »@Raideen The community .exe file only shares the information about your builds that you decide to publish to it. There is an in-game pop-up that happens after you click the publish button, so its hardly "fishy" since is pretty obvious that you are deciding to publish it.
However, while it is running it does give you access to the information that others have published (again... that they very obviously chose to publish). It basically acts as a cloud information hub that allows builders to share their FX more easily with anyone who wants to receive it, and it also allows users to share information about which homes they consider an "open house" that is finished and ready for visitors. Also... the "data" we are talking about is FX, which is little planes of UI elements that a builder chooses to share with other people so the other people can ALSO see the little UI elements, to give the illusion of various things in the home that aren't really there. There is literally no point in using them unless you want to share them... because they literally won't be there for anyone else unless you do. I fail to see your issue here.
@R_K flagging you in case you need to correct me or have anything else to add.
Lets just say I don't trust addons who collect my data from 3rd party people. I value security and you may and probably are 100% correct that this addon is innocent, but do we KNOW that for a fact, or is it just trust?
@R_K works for ZOS. Do you think he'd risk his job putting out something unsafe? Secondly, he's about the best person I know. I'd bank on it.
Hi all. First, thank you so much to everyone who has been helpful in answering legitimate questions about the Community app that is bundled with Essential Housing Tools. I began writing EHT before joining ZOS, but I can assure you that the Community app only sends and receives the following data with my [personally run] Community server:I developed the server and the accompanying app for the Housing Community to provide a virtual directory of the homes that we would welcome others to come visit, to offer the ability to sign in when visiting (and see who visited), and to facilitate the sharing of visual FX data. Ultimately, the EHT Community app is about player engagement at its core.
- A list of Open Houses that each player chooses to publish; and,
- FX data for homes that each player chooses to publish; and,
- Guest book signatures for when you choose to "sign in" while visiting a player's home
If you are still suspicious of my App, I completely understand; but, with that said, I do hope that you come check out a growing Community that now numbers in the thousands.
@R_K wait WHAT!? You work for ZOS now. I completely missed that news.
Cardi I'm delighted to hear that. I really hope the role works out for you. This was a good move by ZOS.
I know you probably can't tell us, but dies this mean that you will be looking to see what elements of EHT can be integrated into the housing system?
OP, telling everyone that an executable addon is safe based on your personal experience is really disingenuous, and the hostility directed towards those that have expressed concern over running such an addon is disappointing to see. Raising such questions is absolutely not sniping, nor is it spreading conspiracy theories, it is exercising basic caution in IT security and engaging in discourse.
With all love to Cardi and EHT, I do not run the EHT community app, due to my personal security concerns. While I know and trust Cardi, the concerns are too great for me to personally run the app.
My concerns are around malicious third-party interference. The file Cardi uploads to a website for us to download could be interfered with before we download it. The file that OP has run past her Anti-Virus company could be a completely different file to the file that the next person downloads.
So, anyone reading, please don’t bypass your Anti-virus alerts based on what someone else had experienced and said in this thread, because it is really bad security advice. It is best to make your own decision on whether you would like to take such a risk, or seek advice from your Anti-Virus company as OP did.
Why not get a ZOS_RK forum account?