Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Chat delay 10 minutes, guilds disappeared, friends disappeared PC-EU after maintenance 6/10/2019

  • virtus753
    Joxer61 wrote: »
    ZOS_JesC wrote: »
    Greetings, we've removed a handful of comments that contained personal insults directed at other forum members as well as nonconstructive comments. This is a friendly reminder to keep comments civil and on topic, as to not derail the thread. Thank you.

    How about addressing the actual issues instead of playing Forum police? Along with the guild fiasco Stamnecro on PCNA (don't know about others) is completely unplayable. "We are aware", really?

    Granted you cant fix it but you can do what you are supposed to and that is inform us of whats happening. Did you ever stop to think that if maybe you all communicated a bit better it would stop the hateful comments due to people being frustrated, and in turn making your job a tad easier? Didn't think so, easier to just delete stuff.

    The moderators *are* the "forum police." That's the job of a moderator. They can and often do cross-post updates to spread awareness, but they don't seem to be the ones responsible for communicating with the devs. Gina Bruno, the community manager, has a sticky thread in the Patch Notes and Hotfixes section of the forum dedicated to this particular issue. Please look there for updates instead of telling the mods to do something that is probably not their actual job and then blaming them for the uncivil posts that they have to clean up. People are responsible for their own words - and for controlling their own tempers.

    I would be very happy to see more communication on the many concerns presented in these forums, but this isn't the way to encourage that.
  • Uryel
    to say the game is unplayable is nonsense

    Tell that to people with a super-bugged character. Since the last maintenance, several players encountered weird issues. Skills only providing a part of their functionnality (for instance, rapid manoeuver only providing a speed buff on foot, not mounted, or necromancer's scythe no longer healing), "blocking" graphic shield appearing permanently, food and drink not providing their buffs, impossibility to switch bar at all... Those are only the issues I witnessed first hand, others are being reported too.

    When you can't buff yourself and some skills don't have their functionalities, it's close enough that it may be called "unplayable".
  • Cheezits94
    I came back recently after almost 2 years gone from this game...I am glad I did not now buy the new chapter, I will also be canceling my sub again. The EU server is worse than ever, just unplayable and pvp is outright unplayable. I can't recommend this game to anyone.

    Jeez let's drop the hyperbole shall we? It's not unplayable at all, there are some issues with the guild history,l some issues with chat and some issues in Cyrodiil (not a new thing), but to say the game is unplayable is nonsense, if that's what you're finding then maybe you need to check your setup/ISP. Our guild ran two trials last night with no DCs, no lag, no problems at all infact, hardly unplayable. Perhaps you can specify why it's unplayable for you?

    Well, what annoys me most in trials are the totally broken AoEs of bosses. Even though the patch notes said that was fixed. Llothis hasn't heard of that fix, he's blasting away as happy as ever, 360 no scope style.
    Also, had you seen what happened in Cyrodiil over the course of the last two days, with doors not going down so it was literally impossible to turn a keep, you would rate this game close to unplayable too.
    If you can't even spell sets, locations and items, you probably have no clue what you even are talking about.

    Tamriel, not Tamerial, Temerial or Tamériál
    Alkosh, not Alkoash
    Dolmen, not Dolman
    Olorime, not Oloramie
    Sorcerer, not Sorceror
  • Cążki
    So what about today:

    Guilds lists, guilds history, friend list auctions lag, emails that you must teleport to other city to receive email, Battleground tinder bug, latency, ping ? Do they repair something ? They seriously off MM ?
    Altmer skooma dealer.

  • Turelus
    Cążki wrote: »
    So what about today:

    Guilds lists, guilds history, friend list auctions lag, emails that you must teleport to other city to receive email, Battleground tinder bug, latency, ping ? Do they repair something ? They seriously off MM ?
    Hasn't that always been how it works. If you recently checked your mail you can't see new mails for a period of time unless you relog or change zone.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Svenja
    @Mathius_Mordred Well, I have guildmates who could not log in to their main character AT ALL the last two days, as they had logged out in Cyrodiil. I would rate that literally unplayable.
    I was in more luck, after a mere 44 minutes loading screen i could play. (I had cancelled the first loading screen with Alt+F4 after 34 Minutes and decided to give it a second try...)
    PC | EU

    Svea Rochaud | Templar Healer | AD
    Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror - Immortal Redeemer - Tick-Tock-Tormentor - Gryphon Heart - Spirit Slayer
  • Urigall
    Turelus wrote: »
    If you recently checked your mail you can't see new mails for a period of time unless you relog or change zone.

    I asked about this in one of my guilds, when I started playing ESO. The advice I received was to either change zone or go through a loading screen.

    Never had a problem since then. Sometimes waiting in the same zone also works.

  • Mathius_Mordred
    I came back recently after almost 2 years gone from this game...I am glad I did not now buy the new chapter, I will also be canceling my sub again. The EU server is worse than ever, just unplayable and pvp is outright unplayable. I can't recommend this game to anyone.

    Jeez let's drop the hyperbole shall we? It's not unplayable at all, there are some issues with the guild history,l some issues with chat and some issues in Cyrodiil (not a new thing), but to say the game is unplayable is nonsense, if that's what you're finding then maybe you need to check your setup/ISP. Our guild ran two trials last night with no DCs, no lag, no problems at all infact, hardly unplayable. Perhaps you can specify why it's unplayable for you?

    Dude stop! Some people have higher standards than you and it is right they expect a game working without lag and bugs.

    That attitude is not helping. Things are only getting worse and still some you come here to say it's not that bad lol

    Everyone should be demanding better service from ZoS!

    This game is not worth it to be recomended for anyone. Why would anyone tell their friends to buy a broken game?

    Cheeky bleeder, how the hell do you know what my standards are? FYI I play on a 34inch 2K monitor at well over 60fps most of the time dropping to 30 in very busy fights, that's with everything maxed as much as possible and Twitch streaming to the guild. The game looks and plays beautifully smooth, if you don't believe it check out last night's stream here:

    There are bugs, all MMOs have bugs, try playing Star Trek online if you want to see bugs and rubber banding, that's not to say they shouldn't be addressed, of course they should, and server performance is a big issue right now, I've commented on it in the big thread many times with screenshots of issues we have seen since 5.0.8. and even our own news article about the problem:

    However, to state that it's unplayable is simply wrong. Sure it's unplayable if you can't actually get into Cyrodiil but that was a specific issue that is being addressed, my son runs a very large PvP guild with 500 members and a reserve guild of 90 members waiting to get in, he had very few issues last night running raids because I was watching him.

    So yes, there are problems, and yes, they do need some serious attention to EU server stability and to take care that they don't Fook up the servers after every patch, but drop the hyperbole and let's discuss it like mature adults.
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • Dont_do_drugs
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can u pls make a suggestion to the dev team as compromise:

    *limit guild history of joun/leave/promotion/demotion to 7-8 days, as I remember it's been 3 or 6 months long before
    *limit sales info to 24hours instead of 10 days
    *restore 10 days bank info

    This would be approx 10% of the usual data flow through history, if not less but would be enough to provide gm with bank data and players with sales Infos. Not gonna talk about the third part of the member info, never understood why its so long.

    Edited by Dont_do_drugs on June 12, 2019 9:09AM

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
    Modular framework, now open for authors who want to add own tabs.

    My Donation (Arkadius' Trade Tools Addon)
    First external ATT tab contribution.

    Port to Friend's House Addon
    Check out the new Port to Friend's House library and port to contributers houses:
    Deutsch | English

  • mrpaxman
    No update for 16+ hours now. ZoS apologised for the initial issues this has caused. This is worse over time. What do we do with our guildies that have bought raffle tickets. What can we even say other than the obvious. The entire market will go down hill at some stage and over time. Sales quotos can not happen for guilds that have those. And so many more stupid things make it worse like the fact that mails sent with no attachments. Just gold and/or text expire in 3 days. As it has always been. And even worse then that is the game consumes the gold. Then if the person is away for just those amount of days. They will not even know the gold was sent. And understandably people buying tickets would get very upset at those working so hard. As a gm. i have had no eso+ for many months because i have no other time other then to deal with zos issues. The guild is strong as ever since it started before the games launch. ZoS, You have no idea at all. I wish i could even play the game and the issue of what forces me from not being able to is FPS issues, bug issues, 5 entire guild halls from scratch due to a crafting bug issue. I can write over 1000 more issues that most know about. ZoS, There is nothing to be thankful about many things like this done with me. I cant play the game i want to things are so bad. i have a really powerful graphics card now and im playing other games that dont hurt my eyes. I'm not buying an even newer cpu to combat the CPU bottleneck this game is on such a massive amount beyond other games not using this engine. especially when no other game i have ever played is CPU bound. Even a 5 year old graphics card is cpu bound in this game. And it still does at higher resolutions like 5760 x 1080. More multicore work as promised years back as well please. a 60 FPS keep battle with no disconnects. Damm i wish i could do that instead of housing and stuff out of combat
    Victory or Valhalla!
    PC NA
  • MartiniDaniels
    From raid/guild chat/discord, I'll say it's like 15% of players impacted by "unplayable" lag spikes in last 2 weeks. This happens exactly in peak hours, for example at 18:00-19:00 UTC when we start our raids performance is on tolerable level like 150-250 ping, but at 20:00-22:00 it just turns for me and for some other people to hell where bar swap takes 3 seconds. What's funny it looks like it's completely random, different people have this unplayable lags in different evenings and some of them are from Germany so very close to megaserver..
    So, I guess this discussions if server lags and how much it lags are quite pointless, since if person is lucky or don't play in peak hours game may perform quite good from his POW, but if you play only in peak hours and got unlucky to be selected by server as "low-priority" your game will be unplayable.

    P.S. my rig and connection are fine, other online games with much better graphics run without drops on ultras and with stable 40-60 ping. This is 100% overloaded server issue.
  • Turelus
    Urigall wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    If you recently checked your mail you can't see new mails for a period of time unless you relog or change zone.

    I asked about this in one of my guilds, when I started playing ESO. The advice I received was to either change zone or go through a loading screen.

    Never had a problem since then. Sometimes waiting in the same zone also works.
    Waiting does work, but it's a 10-15min wait for them to refresh. Most people just change zones to get the items faster.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • LiraTaurwen
    I came back recently after almost 2 years gone from this game...I am glad I did not now buy the new chapter, I will also be canceling my sub again. The EU server is worse than ever, just unplayable and pvp is outright unplayable. I can't recommend this game to anyone.

    Jeez let's drop the hyperbole shall we? It's not unplayable at all, there are some issues with the guild history,l some issues with chat and some issues in Cyrodiil (not a new thing), but to say the game is unplayable is nonsense, if that's what you're finding then maybe you need to check your setup/ISP. Our guild ran two trials last night with no DCs, no lag, no problems at all infact, hardly unplayable. Perhaps you can specify why it's unplayable for you?

    Dude stop! Some people have higher standards than you and it is right they expect a game working without lag and bugs.

    That attitude is not helping. Things are only getting worse and still some you come here to say it's not that bad lol

    Everyone should be demanding better service from ZoS!

    This game is not worth it to be recomended for anyone. Why would anyone tell their friends to buy a broken game?

    Cheeky bleeder, how the hell do you know what my standards are? FYI I play on a 34inch 2K monitor at well over 60fps most of the time dropping to 30 in very busy fights, that's with everything maxed as much as possible and Twitch streaming to the guild. The game looks and plays beautifully smooth, if you don't believe it check out last night's stream here:

    There are bugs, all MMOs have bugs, try playing Star Trek online if you want to see bugs and rubber banding, that's not to say they shouldn't be addressed, of course they should, and server performance is a big issue right now, I've commented on it in the big thread many times with screenshots of issues we have seen since 5.0.8. and even our own news article about the problem:

    However, to state that it's unplayable is simply wrong. Sure it's unplayable if you can't actually get into Cyrodiil but that was a specific issue that is being addressed, my son runs a very large PvP guild with 500 members and a reserve guild of 90 members waiting to get in, he had very few issues last night running raids because I was watching him.

    So yes, there are problems, and yes, they do need some serious attention to EU server stability and to take care that they don't Fook up the servers after every patch, but drop the hyperbole and let's discuss it like mature adults.

    I see it as both hyperboles and comments like yours are detrimental to this discussion. I'm sorry but I'm tired of seeing people defending this for months (not saying its you) like nothing is wrong or like it's not too bad only to see things getting worse.
  • SweepsAllClowns
    Today is the 3 months anniversary celebration day of my stuck EU account, meaning it has been completely unplayable for all these months, unless watching my characters on the character selection screen counts as playing of course. My issue is just worth being investigated meaning I'm completely on my own with my stuck account, most of these regular issues now after every dlc aren't even worth thread in my opinion, just basic features nowadays, most players can still log in I assume.
  • Elsonso
    Banana wrote: »
    Lag in chat :D Maybe the crown store next

    That would be an All Hands On Deck ZOS Crimson Red Alert. No one would be allowed to go home, eat, or attend to bathroom duties until it was fixed. :smiley:
    mrpaxman wrote: »
    No update for 16+ hours now.

    Unless there is an emergency that needs to be communicated, and this does not count as an emergency, you can expect updates during normal ZOS working hours for the community staff.

    Edited by Elsonso on June 12, 2019 9:47AM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • LiraTaurwen
    Today is the 3 months anniversary celebration day of my stuck EU account, meaning it has been completely unplayable for all these months, unless watching my characters on the character selection screen counts as playing of course. My issue is just worth being investigated meaning I'm completely on my own with my stuck account, most of these regular issues now after every dlc aren't even worth thread in my opinion, just basic features nowadays, most players can still log in I assume.

    That is so sad, It's so unfair that no one has been able to help... stupid ZoS
  • mrpaxman
    mrpaxman wrote: »
    No update for 16+ hours now.

    Unless there is an emergency that needs to be communicated, and this does not count as an emergency, you can expect updates during normal ZOS working hours for the community staff.


    Yeah :'( . That will be 2 am on wards my time in this 24 hour game. It's gonna be a long night for me and my officers sorting out all the unknown raffle tickets already made that guildies are asking about
    Victory or Valhalla!
    PC NA
  • Mathius_Mordred
    I came back recently after almost 2 years gone from this game...I am glad I did not now buy the new chapter, I will also be canceling my sub again. The EU server is worse than ever, just unplayable and pvp is outright unplayable. I can't recommend this game to anyone.

    Jeez let's drop the hyperbole shall we? It's not unplayable at all, there are some issues with the guild history,l some issues with chat and some issues in Cyrodiil (not a new thing), but to say the game is unplayable is nonsense, if that's what you're finding then maybe you need to check your setup/ISP. Our guild ran two trials last night with no DCs, no lag, no problems at all infact, hardly unplayable. Perhaps you can specify why it's unplayable for you?

    Dude stop! Some people have higher standards than you and it is right they expect a game working without lag and bugs.

    That attitude is not helping. Things are only getting worse and still some you come here to say it's not that bad lol

    Everyone should be demanding better service from ZoS!

    This game is not worth it to be recomended for anyone. Why would anyone tell their friends to buy a broken game?

    Cheeky bleeder, how the hell do you know what my standards are? FYI I play on a 34inch 2K monitor at well over 60fps most of the time dropping to 30 in very busy fights, that's with everything maxed as much as possible and Twitch streaming to the guild. The game looks and plays beautifully smooth, if you don't believe it check out last night's stream here:

    There are bugs, all MMOs have bugs, try playing Star Trek online if you want to see bugs and rubber banding, that's not to say they shouldn't be addressed, of course they should, and server performance is a big issue right now, I've commented on it in the big thread many times with screenshots of issues we have seen since 5.0.8. and even our own news article about the problem:

    However, to state that it's unplayable is simply wrong. Sure it's unplayable if you can't actually get into Cyrodiil but that was a specific issue that is being addressed, my son runs a very large PvP guild with 500 members and a reserve guild of 90 members waiting to get in, he had very few issues last night running raids because I was watching him.

    So yes, there are problems, and yes, they do need some serious attention to EU server stability and to take care that they don't Fook up the servers after every patch, but drop the hyperbole and let's discuss it like mature adults.

    I see it as both hyperboles and comments like yours are detrimental to this discussion. I'm sorry but I'm tired of seeing people defending this for months (not saying its you) like nothing is wrong or like it's not too bad only to see things getting worse.

    So anyone who disagrees with you in the discussion should not be in the discussion because their opinion is detrimental to progress? If all you want are people who agree with you then don't visit a forum where people have a right to air their personal views. I value your opinion, I don't agree with all of it, I think it's exaggerating a problem that a few players are sadly experiencing, however the vast majority are not or would not class the problem as unplayable, clearly, as they are playing right now. Are there serious issues with EU server stability? Yes, is the game currently unplayable? For most no.
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • Joxer61
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Joxer61 wrote: »
    ZOS_JesC wrote: »
    Greetings, we've removed a handful of comments that contained personal insults directed at other forum members as well as nonconstructive comments. This is a friendly reminder to keep comments civil and on topic, as to not derail the thread. Thank you.

    How about addressing the actual issues instead of playing Forum police? Along with the guild fiasco Stamnecro on PCNA (don't know about others) is completely unplayable. "We are aware", really?

    Granted you cant fix it but you can do what you are supposed to and that is inform us of whats happening. Did you ever stop to think that if maybe you all communicated a bit better it would stop the hateful comments due to people being frustrated, and in turn making your job a tad easier? Didn't think so, easier to just delete stuff.

    The moderators *are* the "forum police." That's the job of a moderator. They can and often do cross-post updates to spread awareness, but they don't seem to be the ones responsible for communicating with the devs. Gina Bruno, the community manager, has a sticky thread in the Patch Notes and Hotfixes section of the forum dedicated to this particular issue. Please look there for updates instead of telling the mods to do something that is probably not their actual job and then blaming them for the uncivil posts that they have to clean up. People are responsible for their own words - and for controlling their own tempers.

    I would be very happy to see more communication on the many concerns presented in these forums, but this isn't the way to encourage that.

    whatever Dad. im not happy with the response, or lack thereof and am voicing it in my way. Don't like that , don't read it. But yea, there is always one cowboy to ride in and come to the rescue.
    Bottom line we are not being informed on what is happening and someone...anyone...should man up (or girl up) and let people know whats up.
  • Arcon2825
    I‘m still wondering, what should have been affected positively by the so called „server upgrade“.

    From what I understood, the login queues were set in place, because of all those problems about the chat-, guild- and trading systems. Then the mysterious server enhancements came.

    Now we’re only hearing a list of things that haven’t been addressed by the upgrade.
    So... Cyrodiil? No, it’s highly unlikely to be fixed by a server upgrade. Activity finder? Hell no, that’s really not affected by a server upgrade. Social system? Haha, good one, but no!

    So, what was the server upgrade actually for? If it ever happened?
    You’re not getting tired to mention the invest into your servers that happened a couple of weeks ago, shouldn’t players be able to actually feel an improvement or was it just kind of a placebo to keep people quiet?
    Edited by Arcon2825 on June 12, 2019 10:30AM
    Xbox EU
    CP 1400+:
    Laeleith - Magicka Sorcerer DD, Vampire
    Maryssía - Stamina Dragonknight Tank
    Thaleidria - Magicka Templar Healer
    Zemene - Magicka Necromant DD
    Poohie - Magicka Warden DD
    Elyveya - Stamina Nightblade DD
  • LiraTaurwen
    Arcon2825 wrote: »
    I‘m still wondering, what should have been affected positively by the so called „server upgrade“.

    From what I understood, the login queues were set in place, because of all those problems about the chat-, guild- and trading systems. Then the mysterious server enhancements came.

    Now we’re only hearing a list of things that haven’t been addressed by the upgrade.
    So... Cyrodiil? No, it’s highly unlikely to be fixed by a server upgrade. Activity finder? Hell no, that’s really not affected by a server upgrade. Social system? Haha, good one, but no!

    So, what was the server upgrade actually for? If it ever happened?
    You’re not getting tired to mention the invest into your servers that happened a couple of weeks ago, shouldn’t players be able to actually feel an improvement or was it just kind of a placebo to keep people quiet?

    It's all a big mystery! I think they are only throwing sand at our eyes in hopes of buying more time to try to fix whatever is wrong. They seem to forget that some people will get tired of waiting and playing in bad conditions.
  • Cążki

    So anyone who disagrees with you in the discussion should not be in the discussion because their opinion is detrimental to progress? If all you want are people who agree with you then don't visit a forum where people have a right to air their personal views. I value your opinion, I don't agree with all of it, I think it's exaggerating a problem that a few players are sadly experiencing, however the vast majority are not or would not class the problem as unplayable, clearly, as they are playing right now. Are there serious issues with EU server stability? Yes, is the game currently unplayable? For most no.

    Dear mate. I know you have raights to be on other side. But. I was investiagate couple of your posts also on mu thread and your are disturbing an issue. You are making kind of dispersion effect. If you are ok so why at all you are here eee ? Im not want to tell you you are bad or paid by zos but mate be on one side. You are not helping us with this line of your voice. Also it completle not truth you say about" FOR MOST NO"

    Game is broken PC-EU for all, there are couple of people that are paid by zos to being a fanboys and to sayu everything is ok. IF you have something to sy look at my thread about Quality i have 530+ people aginst 75 so dont tell the *** pls.

    Edited by Cążki on June 12, 2019 11:53AM
    Altmer skooma dealer.

  • rollingphoneseb17_ESO
    Cannot buy crown crates now.
  • Knootewoot
    Cążki wrote: »

    So anyone who disagrees with you in the discussion should not be in the discussion because their opinion is detrimental to progress? If all you want are people who agree with you then don't visit a forum where people have a right to air their personal views. I value your opinion, I don't agree with all of it, I think it's exaggerating a problem that a few players are sadly experiencing, however the vast majority are not or would not class the problem as unplayable, clearly, as they are playing right now. Are there serious issues with EU server stability? Yes, is the game currently unplayable? For most no.

    Dear mate. I know you have raights to be on other side. But. I was investiagate couple of your posts also on mu thread and your are disturbing an issue. You are making kind of dispersion effect. If you are ok so why at all you are here eee ? Im not want to tell you you are bad or paid by zos but mate be on one side. You are not helping us with this line of your voice. Also it completle not truth you say about" FOR MOST NO"

    Game is broken PC-EU for all, there are couple of people that are paid by zos to being a fanboys and to sayu everything is ok. IF you have something to sy look at my thread about Quality i have 530+ people aginst 75 so dont tell the *** pls.


    Edited by Knootewoot on June 12, 2019 12:12PM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Craziux
    I wonder if the day comes where they'll fix the dungeon finder.
    Maybe add Trials to it as well.. hmm.. or not.
    [Outfits] Hide More Armor Slots?
    Cast your vote and make it happen!

    ,<* 1200+ CP EU/PC *>,
    ,<* Explorer of Tamriel since Beta *>,
    Hours spent in-game: 7500+ #NoLife
    Valp - Sorc DD
    Valp Stud - DK Tank
    Bad Argonian - Temp Heal

    Shu-Chi - PvP Warden

    Craziux - PvP NB
  • Eva13
    Cannot buy crown crates now.

    Lol:) End of times
  • Uryel
    There are bugs, all MMOs have bugs, try playing Star Trek online if you want to see bugs and rubber banding

    That's cute.

    I played Funcom games on launch days, mate. If you don't know what THAT means, you don't know much about bugs in a game. Been playing video games for 27 years, MMOs for 18 years, and I have never seen anything remotely close to being as messed up as a Funcom game on a launch day. The scaling for failure is :

    - Bugs
    - Lots of bugs
    - Gamebreaking bugs
    - Hardly playable
    - Absolutely unplayable
    - Funcom
    - Cthulhu

    However, to state that it's unplayable is simply wrong. Sure it's unplayable if you can't actually get into Cyrodiil

    Not entirely wrong. If you don't care about Cyrodiil and can't enter it, well... You won't even know it anyway, so it doesn't break anything for you. It is, however, unplayable for any PvPer.

    Now, if you want to do a dungeon and can't ask your guild because the guilds are gone, can't ask your friends because the friend list is gone, and the dungeon finder is SNAFU, as per its usual state, then you can't play a dungeon. So for you at this very moment, it's unplayable.

    And let's imagine that for some reason the game actually, miraculously, lets you enter a dungeon. You then realise that your food doesn't provide any buff, that some of your skills don't work, or only partly (necro scythe not providing any healing, for instance, as I've seen on my wife's character), that you can't even change to your second skill bar, that some graphic effects become permanent and obstruct your view / make it harder to figure if the effect is actually on or not... And so on... Then the fact you're "playing the game" is debatable.

    Being able to login and move in the world isn't all it takes to say you're playing the game. It requires being able to interact properly with things within the world, and with your character itself. The current amount of bugs is at any rate sufficient to say the game can't be played properly. Which some will shorten as "unplayable". I honestly could say the same, if my character's skill won't work and I can't shift to another bar, I'm not playing the game, I'm bearing with it.

    "In Soviet Tamriel, the game plays YOU !"

    [edited to remove Sheogorath's influence on my spelling]
    Edited by Uryel on June 12, 2019 5:49PM
  • Carmina
    Some guildies used the no logging thing to take LOADS of stuff off the GB. Will you guys provide logs for the missing days to GMs, or will these crimes stay in the dark?
  • Ardan147
    Craziux wrote: »
    I wonder if the day comes where they'll fix the dungeon finder.
    Maybe add Trials to it as well.. hmm.. or not.

    I wonder if the day comes where they'll fix the GAME.
    This creature called a songbird. What a devious creation! This winged nuisance erodes sanity with its incessant chirping. What a brilliant form of torture!
  • Dont_do_drugs
    Carmina wrote: »
    Some guildies used the no logging thing to take LOADS of stuff off the GB. Will you guys provide logs for the missing days to GMs, or will these crimes stay in the dark?

    They will, Kai Schober confirmed that in German forums.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

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