Some time ago I went to Cyrodill with my bag character. I just needed those crystals and nothing more. My char was barely level 10 so I decided to roleplay a... wait for it... civilian. The only skill I had was Rapid Manouver. I joined a zergling group. Since I roleplayed a civilian I have removed all of my weapons... and armor. I've been running around naked. All of my pvp builds are extremely tanky so I honestly wanted to test how long I would survive.
The result? I died once... to purge "in combat bug". I literally chased a ballgroup and had them kill me. I had to chase a lot since they were running away. They must have been very bad to run away so long from an unorganized group of random players also known as a "zerg", "zerg group", or "zergball".
But thats not the point I wanted to make. The point is that I took my butt naked character to a castle. And guess what? There were multiple oils and sieges. I could literally take a shower from those oils. I haven't died once to balistas - even those that hit me.
And before you say that "pre 50 characters have upscaling" - I had much, much, much lower resistances than even the meta builds (which I personally consider to be barely one level above glass cannons).
Do you want a cherry on top of that? Do you? Here it is:
Siege engines are a joke in this game. Their damage is pathetic.
Siege engines should be buffed to at least 50% of damage they were doing during "siege bug" week, also known as "
the best week of ESOs pvp ever". Or even more. During that time Coldfire Ballista was one shotting everyone while the standard fire ballista was just bringing people to low hp. If cold fire ballista was as powerfull as standard fire ballista during "siege bug week", then it would be powerfull enough.
However in order to prevent their abuse their
deployment should be longer. Maybe also add some debuff to siege operator while he is setting the siege engine. Off Balance or Minor Vulnerability would be ok so that no one was able to set up a siege engine without some heavy support from team mates.
Siege engines should be a hard hitting, almost one shotting artillery weapons that draw battle lines and make people spread.
Strong siege engines will solve many performance issues and even problems with zergballs and ballgroups. They will give us epic battles like the ones during "siege bug week".
People will adapt. They will learn how to
position themselves and
play smart or at least how to
roll dodge. Some will whine at the beginning. Some people allways whine untill they adapt. Buffing siege engines - and buffing them a lot - will be the best thning that happened for PvP ever.
What do you think?
Do you want zergballs, ballgroups, PvDoor, massive lag and fps drops?
Or do you want epic battles, sense of danger, fluid combat, smart play, a challenge?