Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The maintenance is complete, and the PTS is now back online and patch 10.1.0 is available.
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

PTS Update 22 - Feedback Thread for Class Balance

  • Demra
    What are people's thought on the 14% damage reduction to wrecking blow? 1 sec cast vs 1.1 doesn't seem like a massive difference, on the other hand 14% does, no?

    It so hard to land in pvp that i feel like the damage should stay same regardless of cast time especially since i never saw anybody use it in pve.
    Edited by Demra on April 15, 2019 11:48PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    No magden buffs, are you *** serious?

    Let's see how wardens (the entire *** class, not just magdens) are doing in PvE:

    HRC: 7.8% (43/551)
    AA: 8.5% (51/597)
    SO: 10.1% (63/622)
    MoL: 7.8% (41/527)
    HoF: 8.5% (32/376)
    AS: 6.4% (21/330)
    CR: 9.4% (32/342)
    DSA: 6.0% (14/233)
    BRP: 8.9% (16/180)

    8% usage rate. Is this okay to you? And this isn't even magden. It's 95% the occasional off-tank/off-healer for applying minor toughness, 5% stamdens, and likely not a single magden.

    @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    Why does ZOS hate warden so much?

    They've been the worst PvE class since launch. Their usage rate was 2% for like 1.5 years before they were given minor toughness. Now they're up to 8%...

    What does the balance team *** do all day if they can't balance a class after 2 *** years?
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on April 15, 2019 11:57PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on April 15, 2019 11:58PM
  • FrancisCrawford
    On my dual pet sorcerer, non-Atronach pet damage can be 30% or more of the total. (And I imagine it's much higher than that for some of the beginner VMA builds.) You're nerfing that by ~10%, or several percent to DPS overall. Sorcerer buffs don't offset that, due to lack of skillbar space.

    However, if you ever DO single-bar pets, that will be enough of a buff to make up for this unwelcome nerf.
  • jbjondeaueb17_ESO
    Demra wrote: »
    What are people's thought on the 14% damage reduction to wrecking blow? 1 sec cast vs 1.1 doesn't seem like a massive difference, on the other hand 14% does, no?

    It so hard to land in pvp that i feel like the damage should stay same regardless of cast time especially since i never saw anybody use it in pve.

    It's around 9% less cast time, on the other hand Dark Flare got the same casting time reduction (1.1 -> 1) but a 37% damage reduction !!!
    Pain-Healer - Argonian Templar Healer (EP) - Immortal Redeemer - Gryphon's Heart
    Guild : Ghosts and Goblins Target Dummies
    Players know me as Jeban
  • Canned_Apples
    Warden needs a built-in "pet taunt" for the Bear as well.
  • devildog13_93
    Okay I did some small math on food

    If the 15% loss is applied to gold food

    Starting 3724 health, 3458 resource

    Ending 3165.4 health, 2939.3 resource

    Purple food 10%

    starting 3511 health 3192 resource

    Ending 3159.9 health 2872.8 resource.

    True the recovery stays the same but then what's the point for CWCF or ATB??

    It takes 5 pearl to get 4 food, its crazily priced and hard to get, and roe is the same way, the price AMD RNG of 100 fish give or take makes it pointless to use just for health recovery. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert
  • ochsinator
    As a stamDk I am very happy for the weapon spammable buffs. Now if the vision for this class is to use weapon abilities, then please remember that when reworking class passives. This whole "poison knight" theme never truly worked and I would honestly prefer class passives that enchant on weapon skills rather than poison ones. I'm sure you guys can do something more creative than %25 poison cost reduction, which lost its meaning due to claw spammable not being a thing anymore.

    So far I'm happy with the direction of this patch. If this sounds like I'm complaining , I'm not. This might be the best patch since one tamriel.

    Hopefully they change the poison cost reduction to a increase in physical damage.
  • Prutton
    This is the official feedback thread for current class balance and the class ability audit in this update. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    • Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    • Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    • Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

    Gonna talk about the classes I play:
    DK tank: No big difference. Suggestion: None, the class is in a good spot for tanking.

    Templar healer: Slightly buffed. The extra duration of PotL was very nice to healers. Suggestion: None, the class is in a good spot for healing.

    NB magicka: Slightly nerfed. The point of being magicka is exactly being ranged. Merciless Resolve makes no sense to me, as no one would use that skill for healing. On the other hand, Crippling Grasp got a nice buff. Suggestion: Change Merciless Resolve to give Major Sorcery instead of increased healing.

    Sorcerer Stamina: Slightly nerfed. One less option for spammable with the nerf to Rending Slashes. Clearly the weakest stamina damage dealer class after the (deserved) buffs to DKs. Suggestion: Create a spammable ability in the Dark Magic Tree (to activate Blood Magic). Change Expert Summoner to be active when a Daedric Summoning ability is sloted, so it works with Bound Armaments.

    Warden PVP: Mixed. Snare immunity is a great addition to PVP. Suggestion: None, the class is in a good spot for PVP.
  • ochsinator
    Honestly I feel like leading up to this people were saying that deva understood stam dks didn’t have an identity that they needed something to cement their brawler stand your ground and fight style and they got nothing which is really disappointing.

    I say this all the time on these forms but it’s a dragonKNIGHT not a dragonMAGE yet we get 2 stamina morphs that are dot poisons... not very brawler stand your ground KNIGHT like play style. Frustrating.
  • ZirconJunkie
    Uppercut: Reduced the damage dealt from this ability and its morphs by 14% to make up for the removal of the post global noted above.
    Reduced the cast time of this ability and its morphs to 1 second from 1.1 seconds.
    Reduced the damage dealt by 25% to make up for the removal of the post global noted earlier.
    Increased the travel speed of the arrow to put it in line with other projectiles.
    Solar Flare:
    Reduced the cast time from this ability and the Dark Flare morph to 1 second from 1.1 seconds.
    Increased the travel speed to match other projectiles.
    Reduced the damage by approximately 37% to make up for the fact that it can be cast more frequently.
    Reduced base cost from to 2970 Magicka from 3240

    A 37% reduction in damage to Solar Flare for a 10% cast time reduction? Snipe already hits harder than Solar Flare and it's only getting a 25% damage reduction? Uppercut only getting a 14% damage reduction? The damage component of 1 second cast time abilities is inconsistent.

    Edited by ZirconJunkie on April 16, 2019 4:44AM
  • RandomKodiak
    Killed all bow/bows again besides Warden and even that got a nerf because bird is less damage than snipe was. Grats on choices for dps ZOS, oh wait made less choices never mind.
  • Minno
    Okay I did some small math on food

    If the 15% loss is applied to gold food

    Starting 3724 health, 3458 resource

    Ending 3165.4 health, 2939.3 resource

    Purple food 10%

    starting 3511 health 3192 resource

    Ending 3159.9 health 2872.8 resource.

    True the recovery stays the same but then what's the point for CWCF or ATB??

    It takes 5 pearl to get 4 food, its crazily priced and hard to get, and roe is the same way, the price AMD RNG of 100 fish give or take makes it pointless to use just for health recovery. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    You are getting an OP gold drink soon Ill bet my *** on it.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • technohic
    Logged in to test on my stamplar.

    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    The change to empowering sweep due to templars having other defense ultimates does not make sense as it pertains to stamina Templar. The reason the swap of Crescent and Empowering made sense was magicka needed a damaging ultimate and stamina already has DBOS which still out performs this new version. Meanwhile; those other templar defense ultimates do not make sense at all for a stamplar as they scale off magicka

    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    Jabs does feel a lot better with the weave. Will play some more to check for bugs but so far I am loving this.

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    In a bubble just attacking targets, the class feels stronger, but under heavy pressure, my build has lost a good chunk of survivability with the loss of major protection in empowering sweeps. Having more healing from extended is nice, but the magicka cost ensures I must reserve it to remove effects and even then, it still does not feel like it makes up for that loss of mitigation.

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    There have been some decent changes but I feel like stamina templar has sacrificed more than they gained. For example, gained some much needed resource management but lost vitality and minor protection from Restoring Focus. Of course minor protection got moved to a passive on using an aedric spear ability but that takes it away from being used on the defensive when needed most. Vitality has been gone and it feels like the new cleansing ritual scaling off of max stat makes up for that now, but then we lose survivability provided by empowering sweeps, which now becomes redundant when we already have DBOS which costs more, but the damage boost from it, especially if on a vamp or werewolf, is well beyond the extra cost, nevermind the stun. The reach on it would make it more likely to land, but now its lost its niche and will not be used.

    Have not tested but the changes to the eclipse morphs are taking an already questionable ability on whether it is worthwhile or not, and making it even less appealing. Not sure what the purpose is to have a delayed heal or damage when I could just do it myself rather than sit there and watch someone just punch through it while immune to other CC.

    Not sure why Blazing shield is considered budgeted when so few are using it. Its just not very useful still.

    Restoring aura and morphs have become even less used this past year. The magicka morph is outclassed by ele-draing which is free and provides major breach, and repentance being only useful after people are already dieing makes it a bit lack luster.

    There are very few passives still that benefit stamplars.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Why is POTL 6 seconds but fracture and breach from it 9 seconds? Seems odd the debuff will last longer than the effect. Also, the tooltip is not very clear when it says max copied damage, but says it releases 20% of copied damage while it seems to clearly copy 20% of damage up until the maxed copied damage and release that for me. IE if my max copied damage says 20k, I get 20k damage numbers pop up when it expires.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    It doesn't seem right that Wardens have minor berserk instead of NB's.

    Still no love for Stamsorc either. And this might be the class balance thread but that random food/drink nerf is just ?????
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • DisgracefulMind
    All Magden had going for it was that it was okay in PvP. There's still no adjustment to PvE Magicka Wardens, Magicka Warden healers are still undesirable, and instead of perhaps making Cliffracer viable again for PvP and fixing the issue of us being forced into Clench spam, our Deep Fissure got nerfed. Priorities? What's the vision for Magicka Wardens?

    Adjust Stamina Warden separately and stop hurting Magicka Warden based on the strength of Stamina.

    The Shimmering Shield change was a great step, but the rest? Come on.

    Edited by DisgracefulMind on April 16, 2019 2:18AM
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • ruikkarikun
    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    Nightblade changes are against LOGIC
    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?

    Better but not sure 100%

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    Nightblade became weaker

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    You nerfed popular class to the ground, nerfed food, each patch you force people do ADAPT TO BE WEAKER. Where is the logic? Ppl are spending hours to play this game for years to ADAPT AND BE WEAKER, because you wanted to make changes for changes? Do combat team know about words like "alternative", "new options", "buffs", "buff other isntead of nerf" etc?
    Edited by ruikkarikun on April 16, 2019 2:22AM
  • Rygonix
    I'm not a big fan of Sunfire losing its direct damage component. It was a nice ranged spammable when I'm not close enough to Sweep.
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Cortimi
    Absolutely hate these changes. Reading the NB changes I literally started laughing and asking out loud "daaaamn baby, who hurt you?!". Apparently the dev team didn't know how to fight a stamblade, encountered a good one, and got farmed a bit.

    Anyways, I vehemently object to the removal of Major Protection from Empowering Sweep morph. I don't give a flying toss if that buff is available on another ultimate, I use this ultimate to tank.

    To make matters worse, you take away and amazing tool, and give it EMPOWER? Gee thanks for nothing.

    Also seriously salty about the changes to Reflective Plate, as this leaves stamDK with literally no tools to help them disengage from a mob of ranged users.
    Xbox NA: Soviet Messiah
    EP: Cortimi - Imperial StamDK
    EP: Melga - Orc StamDen (Dah Bear)
    EP: Narileya - Nord StamPlar (Mad cuz Bad)
    EP: Corvaera - Bosmer Orc StamSorc (RIP)

    PS4 NA (Retired at CP835): Soviet-Messiah:
    EP: Cortimi - Imperial StamDK
    DC: Melga gra-Antilae - StamDen
    AD: Corvaera - Bosmer StamSorc
    Urvoth wrote: »
    CP is a crutch for people who can’t sustain and want to be "tanky" so they aren’t immediately punished for making mistakes.
  • BaylorCorvette
    Just played my StamSorc on live. The class feels weaker. The only real change to StamSorc skills specifically is streak. Now my Streak tool tip is a little over 5k as opposed to 2k. But it still does shock damage. IMO it should do physical damage if your stam pool is larger. However even if that was the case this wouldn't be much of a "buff" since you cannot spam streak, especially on a StamSorc.

    With the change to Rending and DoTs overall (less burst and more delay on damage) this weakens StamSorc even more. A class that is reliant on WEAPON abilities. Something needs to be done here to address the lack of StamSorc options. I am seriously disappointed that this patch isn't introducing a Physical Frags or Physical Curse or SOMETHING for StamSorc. I'd be even more disappointed but as strong as Stam Necromancer is looking I'll probably just play that.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • JinMori
    A few questionable things, but overall good.

    Purple and gold food questionable please revert.

    Make grim focus morphs both 30 sec.

    More stam morphs for useless mag abilities like cristal blast

    Some classes after testing are clearely better, and i'm not talking about 2 or 3k, i'm talking about upwards of 15k dps, but this could be due to rotation and lag, although i'm pretty confident i could still make some mistakes, anyway stam seems to be lagging behind, i could only get over 80k+ on stam den, but bugged pet, and i used relequen and the new set which is amazingly strong, much more than any other mag set, you can get 70 % major slayer uptimes, with only 1 synergy, so i'd pretty confidently say that at least for me stamina is lagging behind overall.

    Mag dk is amazing both damage and how it feels to play, keep it like this, the molten whip feels extremely satisfying to use.

    Haven't tried out necro so far, but from what iv'e heard it's good.

    Stam sorc can use flurry and redguard, but still lags behind, as well as stam dk, templar, and even nb in my case, but that could be due to lag in the case of nb, because grim focus, it *** up my rot many times because it would recast instead of firing the skill, but even with perfect rotation i do not think that i could have gotten over 81k dps, and that;'s with the new set and relequen.

    Mag nb needs 30 sec grim focus, especially since the 50 % heal is not good.
    Edited by JinMori on April 16, 2019 3:03AM
  • JinMori
    Minno wrote: »
    Solariken wrote: »
    Why are we buffing the gap closer snare again? It's totally fine the way it is on Live. If somebody wants to try to Take Flight from 28 meters away or spam Crit Rush at a mounted player, that should come with a strong likelihood of missing. And we all remember how abusive it was to be able to lock people down with unavoidable gap closer snares!

    Arctic Blast still needs some damage.

    Sun Shield/Radiant Ward would be more awesomer with the highest-stat scaling mechanic (a la Flames of Oblivion).

    Eclipse and morphs - you could reduce the damage/healing by another 25% and remove the lame CC interaction entirely. Just make it a nice conditional DOT+HOT that doesn't monkey with CC opportunity.

    Incapacitating Strike only applies Minor Mangle as long as the stun lasts? That's basically useless. Break-free is instant.

    I could be wrong but the Uppercut and Dark Flare damage nerfs seem a little heavy-handed based on only a fractional animation adjustment...

    templar gutted. Invest in warden/DK/necro OP now.

    The *** are you even saying? mag plar was my second best dd so far, i got almost 87k on it with sweeps, stamplar though, 75 or 76 k i think is the best i can do right now.
  • pwidsten
    Sorcerer Pet Changes from the Wrathstone patch has this developer comment:

    "This was aimed at making the stat scaling system easier to understand in the long run; when you increase your own damage, your pets will now follow in scale as such. This is part of an ongoing process to make pets clearer and more enjoyable to use."

    What a great change that was! Using CP to affect pets made them more useful and far more viable.

    From this patch however, the pet changes are:

    "Daedric Prey (morph): Reworked the ability rank up of this ability.
    -Instead of gaining 1.1% damage on the explosion per rank, this ability becomes cheaper as it ranks up. The final cost is now
    2160 at base, down from 2430, but will deal 3.3% less damage overall.
    -Added a pet taunt functionality to this ability that is similar to the one built into Heavy Attacks. Your active pets will now
    prioritize targets with Daedric Prey on them.
    -Reduced the damage bonus for pets from this ability to 40% from 55%.
    -Fixed an issue where the Summon Unstable Familiar's damage pulse was not being affected by this ability. Note that the
    morphed version, Volatile Familiar, was already working properly."

    I'm rather confused.

    Because this is clearly a nerf to Pet Damage dealt, which does not by any definition make them more fun to play I have to ask, which is it? Are you wanting pets to be more playable or not? Nerfing their damage dealt and the base damage of Daedric Prey doesn't make them more playable. The magicka spent on a pet ability now appears to be better spent on anything but.

    This comes across as "Hey pets are viable now!" immediately followed by, "just kidding."
  • Colecovision
    Turns out the frustration from the spoiler below came from playing without most of my cp. I need to eat crow and give the better feedback. Solo PVE Stamblade did take a big hit, but I don't think it's a game killer for me.

    I like the heal on relentless focus a lot. It actually makes you fight to heal. It's especially great against bosses where the heal from killer blade isn't available.

    Power extraction might stay on my bar now in all but single target situations, when playing solo.

    Dark cloak was hit too hard. I'm also pretty much always out of stamina. I feel like there's a bug, but it might be the nerf, so idk. Combat metrics is showing a ton of unknown stam loss and it's coming all at once. Not sure how to judge the class regen nerf with that in play.
    Solo PVE DW/Bow Khajiit Stamblade.

    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?
    If you attack npcs, then go into stealth and sneak behind a wall, the npcs shoot you with physical arrows through the wall. So I'm not sure what you mean for pve stamblade.

    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?
    My gamepad has a half inch travel on light attack. Weaving isn't going to be a fun mechanic no matter what. So the relentelss focus heal, that is actually decent when it's there, simply isn't available enough. It's also loses it's value as a damage skill if I need to sit on the damage until it's time to heal. If someone posts some ideas worth trying to stay with the game, I'll give this more time.

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?
    Really?... On live I solo the easy vet dungeons in 20 min. On pts, I'm struggling with the trash. The only way to stay alive is to kill and heal with killer blade. I can't kill fast enough with these changes. So I can't even get through the warm ups to go out and hunt down the dlc wbs like I did for the race changes. I'm sure as heck not stepping foot into vMA with this. So everything I enjoy about the game is gone. TLDR: Weaker

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?
    God no! Solo pve stamblade wasn't overperforming and yet you killed us. Bad pet sorc could always do more than bad stamblades in solo pve. Same with average vs average. For the rest of us who struggle to solo the rifts in craglorn, these changes are deal breakers.

    I kind of like the power extraction buff, but it lacks the range of shrouded daggers. So unless there's a lot of npcs, it's still not getting on the bar unless it's super trash heavy fight.

    Dark cloak was the one saving grace of the khajiit race changes. With it nerfed off the bar there is nothing to do with those mag bonuses unless I run reapers mark which there just isn't room for.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    There was no reason to pull major fracture from surprise attack against npcs. None.

    Buffing food covered the race nerfs and now that's gone. Awesome.

    IDK who thinks it's fun to build toward something for 2 years and then have people pull the rug out like this, but I'm not enjoying it and glad I waited to test all this for myself before buying Elsweyr.

    Obviously a class change token would be nice about now.
    Edited by Colecovision on April 16, 2019 10:41AM
  • JinMori
    Fire damage is bugged on pts, so that's why mag build seemed so insanely powerful compared to stamina.

    I got to 100k + dps on mag plar, the damage increases at each and every new dummy spawn
  • Sarousse
    Nothing for stamsorcs. Where's our stamina ultimate ? Where's our stamina spammable ?
  • _Ahala_
    Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?

    Magden has no spirit and no identity apart from being the weaker cousin of Stamden... The original design philosophy of the class which left it with relatively few offensive options and repeated nerfs to class defining skills such as screaming cliff racer in summerset, deep fissure in summerset and this patch, and bird of prey in murkmire have caused this. The nearly non existent line between Magden and Stamden has been further harmed by the change to natures embrace which makes it useable by Stamden. Stamden and Magden are currently carbon copies with Stamden being significantly stronger due to its access to better weapon and world skills like reverse slice, dawnbreaker of smiting, rending slashes, reverb bash, low slash, etc. While all other mag subclasses gain uniqueness through a wide variety of offensive options spread throughout their skill trees Warden is left with a sub par grimoire of offensive abilities to chose from because of the fact that winters embrace sorely lacks good offensive morphs and because of the crippling nerfs to abilities in the animal companions line. Additionally the introduction of race against time has made bird of prey relatively undesirable as an active ability as race against time gives speed, snare immunity, critical damage, and access to the psijic passives while bird of prey just gives passive damage and a measly 6s of major expedition as its only active benefit

    Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?

    Screaming Cliff Racer is still awkward to use as it doesn't synchronize or synergize with anything in the wardens toolkit... The ground based abilities in Magden's toolkit such as Frozen Retreat, Corrupting Pollen, Healing Thicket, and Winter Revenge are awkward to cast and often fail completely when animation cancelled or subject to lag.

    Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?

    Magden is significantly weaker now that deep fissure, sleet storm, and corrupting pollen have been nerfed with no recompense. It has been considered a horribly bad class by the solo and dueling pvp communities for quite some time now and yet it continues to be nerfed over and over and over and over for the reasons of standardization with the deep fissure stun loss and bird of prey expedition duration decrease or for no reason at all with the speed change to screaming cliff racer which made it no longer synchronize with deep fissure.

    Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

    The overperforming skills deep fissure and sleet storm have been dealt with while the underperforming and boring skills such as screaming cliff racer, fletcher infection, growing swarm, bird of prey, deceptive predator, winters revenge, arctic blast, crystallized slab (yes, still), expansive frost cloak, frozen retreat, and bursting vines have been largely ignored. This plus the clear lack of offensive options does not sit well with the Magden community. The sheer number of functionally useless morphs in the warden toolkit and the repeated nerfs to class defining magden skills leaves many magden mains feeling highly neglected.

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    We have said again and again that we would like more offensive options, better pve dps, more pvp versatility, and the ability to play as a fun and viable offensive ice mage like in the Vvardenfell Cinematic Trailer and previous Elder Scrolls Titles. Currently meta PvP Magden builds are all pigeon holed into running the Masters Shock staff as all non Masters Shock staff builds are significantly worse due to how bad Warden's class stun and class spammable function in pvp. Magicka Dragonknight has 19 good damaging morphs, Magicka Nightblade has 11 good damaging morphs, Magicka Templar has 17 good damaging morphs, Magicka Sorcerer has 19 good damaging morphs, Magicka Necromancer has 11 good damaging morphs and Magicka Warden has 8 due to how winters embrace is void of good damaging abilities save for the ult and one ground aoe.
    Edited by _Ahala_ on April 16, 2019 5:15AM
  • actosh
    This is the official feedback thread for current class balance and the class ability audit in this update. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Are there any changes you feel are against the spirit of the class?

      I feel that Dark Cloak change (Heal) was a too big nerf. The minor protection is mediocre at best, and it was a decent mix of hot/burstheal before. You should revert what, and let teammates gain minor protection from it. Thanks. This would increase the viability of Nb Tanks
    • Are you able to weave abilities better or worse in this Update?

      Coming from europe, its hard to tell with the pts ping.
    • Do you feel your class is stronger, weaker, or relatively the same with the standardization pass on class abilities?

      As a NB Tank: Weaker in terms of survivability, better in Terms of utility (Teleport strike adding minor vuln and a somewhat root with fear)
    • Do you feel we addressed abilities that in the past year have been over or under performing?

      50% maybe. NB Tanks still miss a defensive buff for the team but at least we have a chance to get minor vulnability, how viable it is in teleport strike as a tank we need to test it. DPS wont slot it in pve.
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

      Dark Cloak should return to Wrathstone state.

      Shade needs to spin on a reliable pattern, and not rng based to make it an alternative to heroic slash.

      NB´s still dont provide any synergy to the grp that is NOT bound to an ultimate.

      Ressource Sustain as a Tank is still a hard struggle for some nb Tanks.

      Healing path needs to provide more stuff (like increase the heal, make it a hot that u can carry around, should be an big arc like twisting path to give any support to the grp. Right now its kinda limiting with the line that u cast.

      Surprise attack/concealed weapon: each should give a debuff, SA = Fracture CW=Breach
      Free mark from the Major armor debuffs and add minor berserk if attacking a Marked Target (so that it works like engulfing for example) Mark is rarely used anyway. In grp content or soloplay theres no need to use it. Make it something special.

      Grim Focus: Rlyx, healing for a ability used by dd´s? Remove the heal, and add something a dd can benefit from, either selfbuff or for the grp when the bow is fired.

      Power Extraction: Lackluster compared to the Magicka version wich heals,does dmg and grants major sorcery.
      Power Extraction only does a bit more dmg, and grants major brutality. Get rid of the bit more dmg, and add something usefull since it will never be a competitor to whirlwind.

  • HowlKimchi
    Speaking as a magblade main.

    Merciless resolve's initial cast cost magicka for literally nothing. Either it needs a passive effect, or you remove the magicka cost of the initial cast. Or make it a skill that's dormat and can only be activated after 5 light attacks. The heal of the skill is also weird. Why is it limited to 7m range? It should be in line with draining shot.

    The addition of snare immunity in the psijic skill line pleases me, as well as the change to mass hysteria being able to hit 6 targets now. Immobilization immunity is also nice since snares and immobilizations are the bane of my magblade.
    Edited by HowlKimchi on April 16, 2019 5:19AM
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • chetter_hummin
    @devs Really good changes!! Best patch from Morrowind clearly!

    with some exceptions here and there, really, really god changes imo.

    about NB, all stam blades will q.q about losing fracture from spammable ability, still this change was needed. 1 thing to be aware of is that mag blades will suffer even more than now. they are not in a good postion atm and they will lose a lot of pvp damage if minor berserk goes away. imo this should stay with class.

    like the dk changes a lot, protective plate looks nice, a bit underpowered compared to warden shimering but still a nice way to go.

    sorc execute did not need a buff, it was fine as it was imo. from a pve perspective is a nice change but from a pvp perspective it will hit 2 hard, there will be again q.q on forums with lot of nerf sorc threads.

    Other than that, cant think now about other problems. maybe steel tornado needs to be nerfed as little more imo XD.
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