Look, you can buy style books from the crown store for motifs that are quite hard to get, or expensive in game, like Welkynar. Isn't that pay 2 win? You will say it is just cosmetics, which is true, but it is a shortcut, and adds to your chance of getting better writs, which in time adds to more in game gold, and real power.
Skyshards do not really offer power. It allows you to unlock skills faster, but we are talking about things that you have already done, not like motifs where you are basically cheating your way towards grand master crafter. How does this affect you? With skyshards none at all, because it is something already earned, but with motifs it is not the same, some are farming motifs or spending tons of gold to complete their collection, while others just use the cash shop and skip all that effort. And I repeat.. motifs are not just cosmetics, motif knowledge adds to your ability to make more money in game.
I have only 3 chars which are well developed, but I do not want to create an other because I just don't want to collect skyshards and guilds rep a 4th time... I prefer doing new content or stuff that I missed, not wasting my playtime with the same chore.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
Have you tried to do a DPS parse without passives and unmorphed skills? Do you not know how the game works?
I don't think you understand your own definition of P2W. Can you get instant 60 horsetraining for 0 gold in game? Can you get 5 skill points instantly in game?
@CassandraGemini I usually play an hour or 2 a day on xbox, just 3 normal pledges is one hour = 20k from selling dungeon junk and gold pick ups. That idealised 650k you suggest is approx 32 days, or just over 1 month. If you do a delve or dome other content in your extra hour, you can easily make it and more in a few weeks.
Changed to pc just shy of a month ago, hit cp300 recently, have 80 skill points, play 2 hours daily, banked over 100k. Its easier to make money at max cp, just as easy, but slower with more expenses for new characters. Not impossible.
No indeed, but you can get them over time so the ability to buy them instantly is purely a matter of convenience.
That argument is invalid. You can get anything in the game over time (except what's already paygated), so buying anything instantly would be purely a matter of convenience. Having a brand new character with all abilities unlocked and ready to morph, all traits researched and backpack full of mats, would be pretty convenient, don't you think?
I'm sick of this "convenience" nonsense. It's a term that unscrupulous marketing came up with to cover up blatant pay-to-win, and later pay-for-relief, and people keep consuming and white-knighting this bull crap. If you want this and future games to be inconvenient by design, monetizing wickedly engineered mixture of fun and frustration, then go ahead and buy extra "convenience" in the cash shop.
I'd rather play the game myself, and with all my characters on two accounts, but clearly some don't have the patience to do so and will buy a quicker approach - which doesn't actually give them any advantage over those players who have played the game the way it was intended to be played.
Facefister wrote: »Whatever it is, I am cancelling my sub. Switching back to WoW became a possible option again. And that whole stream was borderline insulting: Dragons? DRAAAGOOONS! My leg tattoo takes time. BtwCrownsforGuilds&Skyhards. Did I say draaagooons? It leaves a bitter taste.
Motifs are just cosmetic. You don't need them. They give no power.
(I've read that crown store exclusive Motifs don't count toward the Master Writ drop chance, though. But take that with a grain of salt; it's hearsay.)
lordrichter wrote: »
Erm... doesn't that make your assertion that they do count towards the Master Writ drop chance... also hearsay?
- The following Motifs will now contribute to your chance to acquire Master Writs:
- Apostle
- Bloodforge
- Dreadhorn
- Ebonshadow
- Fang Lair
- Scalecaller
- Worm Cult
ZOS_Bel_Shezzar wrote: »Tradeskill mastery (which determines your odds of receiving a master writ from a top tier writ reward box) is meant to imply a long-term dedication to the craft. This varies from tradeskill to tradeskill.
For Blacksmithing, Clothier, and Woodworking, this means motif knowledge and overall completion of trait research. This does not include Crown-exclusive motifs or motifs for the 9 base player races. It focuses on motifs that take some effort to learn – like Xivkyn, or Minotaur, or Celestial.
For Provisioning, this is instead your collection of known purple and gold recipes as they are a strong overall representation of dedication to craft.
With Enchanting, we instead look at the total overall rune word translations you’ve completed on that character.
And with Alchemy, we look at how many reagents from which you’ve completely learned all effects.
Over time, the contributing factors for this may expand as the associated tradeskill mechanics do.
Eclecticbill wrote: »You might say the xp you get from the above paragraph is insignificant but you would be wrong, using event xp boost, scrolls, and a full set of +10% xp gear, and ESO+ boost I have leveled a new character from lvl 1-25 doing nothing but mapping wayshrines and grabbing a few nearby skyshards and I still have the expansions and dlc's to map; have not done a single quest.
i just hope you can buy it with Gold aswell
lordrichter wrote: »
A more interesting question is whether you have tried to do a DPS parse on a character that does not have the experience required to select the passives and morphed skills? This is the situation we have with the Crown Skyshards. It is like owning 500 gallons of gasoline, but no car to use it in.
Well, sure. Technically, everything we say on these forums or anywhere else is hearsay.
But in all seriousness, there was a lot of research done on this. If I recall, most of the data was posted over on the ESO reddit a long time ago. I don't have time to look for the post now, but if I remember later, I'll do so. I'd appreciate if someone else is willing dig it up, though.
The crown store exclusive motifs were inconclusive due to their being so few of them. Each completed motif increased the master writ bonus, and since there were only 2-3 exclusive motifs the bonus would have been so small it would have been hard to differentiate it from sheer luck unless you had thousands of data points. But it, at the time, LOOKED like they didn't count.
This doesn’t agree with my recent experience at all.
I had a character who I’d been neglecting for a couple of years that I recently decided to spend some time with.
In the first case I started him out with normal overland questing. I quickly started to see a deficit forming. Skills, passives and morphs were opening up considerably faster than I was gaining skill points to activate them.
In desperation I started hitting the starting 2 zones in every faction to collect as many skyshards as possible to make up for this.
But even then, with the combat consequent to all that exploration, I found that the situation was much the same. Just to a lesser degree.
Obviously I am not referring to Guild lines that require specific activities, but in terms of normal class/race/weapon lines I found that having access to all of those SP from the beginning would have been an advantage over normal play.
I highly disagree - time is not a gameplay advantage at all. How long someone takes to acquire something has no bearing on how effective that thing is in gameplay.
Are we also going to completely ignore the fact that the gathering of the money itself takes time?