This thread isn't dying down, is it? *grabs a stick*
I hope it is because it's pretty clear to everyone but a few paranoid people that this isn't really p2w. You won't "win" even if you have all skyshards at once, not necessarily. It only makes you strong quickly, but not strongER.
Call it pay to catch up, if you want. Skyshards for people in a hurry, like the book from Neal Degrasse Tyson.
Elara_Northwind wrote: »
Which is such an amazing change! But not for real money, per character! It was just pointed out to me in a way probably much better that I can explain it, that we are all directing our anger at this cash grabbing scheme at ZOS, when it really isn't them who is to blame, they create a game that we all love, and we all obviously love it very much or we wouldn't all be on the forums debating this! Those who work on the business side of things, Zenimax Media, they are the ones who are making these gross decisions, to charge us for absolutely everything.
As a housing enthusiast I am shocked on a regular basis at the prices charged at times for things in this game. over £100 for a house! In a game! These crown prices for homes (among other things) is something that I have personally complained about since the release of housing, but not enough people did complain, people went out and bought several of these homes despite their unreasonable price, and now they are becoming more expensive than ever! As a community, if we don't stand up for our beliefs on these issues, they will never change, and will keep getting worse, which is fine for those who don't mind throwing their hard earned cash at the greedy fat cats sat in their offices at Zenimax Media, trying to mastermind their next scheme to fleece us fans of the game, but I doubt most people have the money to throw away, or wish to do so, even if they do have the money.
If they are going to start allowing us to unlock achievements account wide, which is great and something that I, personally, am completely on board with, then they should not be charging us real money for it, and certainly not per character! The idea is a great one, but it's implementation is just so disgusting, and like I have said before in a previous post, sets a horrible standard for any future 'convenience' items that might appear in the crown store in the future.
Interestingly enough, you could see the same price hike in GTA online... Old stuff, just as good as new stuff, would be priced so much higher. Happened there with cars, happened here with mounts and houses and the like. They stop pushing when they reach the ceiling. Happens that the ceiling for ESO players is stupid high...
Thanks for making my point clearer. Its all about convienience and time saved. And its great for someone with a full time job and family like me. I can get my new chars ready faster.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
We should be precise here. This is not just convenience. It is impossible for a level 5 character to collect all skyshards in the game without paying. Why is it impossible? Because the act of collecting the skyshards would level you way beyond level 5.
While I am fine with selling skyshards for alts, the reality is that it could lead to power levels previously not possible in below 50 PvP if only people who buy skyshards can unlock all their combat related passives.
So this legitimately could be considered P2W, but only for under 50 PvP. This would be the first thing ZOS sold that allowed power levels not obtainable without spending crowns, even if those benefits dissipate as the character levels.
KhajiitFelix wrote: »Can you achieve it in game? Yes so it's not a p2w.
dcam86b14_ESO wrote: »I love this idea. It even says you can't get the SP unless you've unlocked the achievement on another character, so you have to level a toon before you can get them on your alts. I fully support it.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
You dont have to level a toon, you have to collect skyshards, so a level 26 could have all the skyshard achievements and then buy your skill points for future characters.
belial5221_ESO wrote: »P2W actually means ... buying an item not availiable to be attained ingame, that gives players a clear advantage over other players which cannot afford to spend real money on ingame items. Paying for anything you can get ingame, through actually playing, is just there for people who think they have to be first/best/coolest at everything,and not P2W,maybe P2BABR(pay to boast about being rich) lol.
i just hope you can buy it with Gold aswell
belial5221_ESO wrote: »P2W actually means ... buying an item not availiable to be attained ingame, that gives players a clear advantage over other players which cannot afford to spend real money on ingame items. Paying for anything you can get ingame, through actually playing, is just there for people who think they have to be first/best/coolest at everything,and not P2W,maybe P2BABR(pay to boast about being rich) lol.
They said in the stream it cannot be gifted. It will be crowns only. Only crowns, per character, per skyshards zone achievement.
The only zone this is worth it for is Cyrodiil. Suffer Horse Riding Sim once, just once, pay for the other characters.
belial5221_ESO wrote: »P2W actually means ... buying an item not availiable to be attained ingame, that gives players a clear advantage over other players which cannot afford to spend real money on ingame items. Paying for anything you can get ingame, through actually playing, is just there for people who think they have to be first/best/coolest at everything,and not P2W,maybe P2BABR(pay to boast about being rich) lol.
I do not like it but It's no way near p2w. If you think you are at a disadvantage because someone has all the skyshards and you don't you are an idiot. I have never went into PvP or pve without enough skill points so I can have every skill and passive I need.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »It's disappointing, but at least those players who had been requesting things like this have an option now, and they still have to earn them in some way.
A lot of people have used XP scrolls as a justification for why buying Skyshard Skill Points is ok.
It should be noted there is a subtle but massive difference between an XP scroll which allows you to gain XP faster and being able to outright buy Skill Points instantly. The only way to truly say the two were comparable would be if XP Scrolls instantly gave you a huge chunk of experience without that character actually having to go through gameplay to earn it on.