This is not pay to win. It does not make anyone better than they already were. What it does is encourages people to play more than one hero which is not a bad thing. It allows people to share their own achievements with other characters they already own instead of having to do everything multiple times which can get redundant, overwhelming, and honestly boreing.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
If you already unlocked it on another char, i see no reason to not give it to alts. It is not like it is challenging or even entertaining to get all the skyshards you need for your 10+th char. Same goes for your the boring grind guilds like mages, fighters and psijic.
The stream is on now. They just said it will be per character and it will be just skyshards zone achievements at first and IF it goes well they MAY allow already earned skill lines like Psijic Order to be purchased for alts.
Facefister wrote: »They've just confirmed that they'll also add Skilllines like Mages Guild and Psijics on the store.
Facefister wrote: »They've just confirmed that they'll also add Skilllines like Mages Guild and Psijics on the store.
Facefister wrote: »
"May", they most definitely will as soon as they figured it out how* to code it in.
Elara_Northwind wrote: »I doubt anybody is against alts getting the skyshard achievements, I think everybody is on board with that [...]
Well you would need to earn them first then buy the unlock. I wouldn't care as its basically global acheezements.
I have alts that have never completed Challenger fanglair etc but I sure do use that personality. By some peoples "definitions" I shouldn't be able to unless I clear the content on each alt to unlock it.
My issue is that its per character. I would MUCH rather like a global unlock at a higher price. Or even both. Per char all skyshards for 1K (10.00 USD> - Account wide all chars for 5K (50.00 USD)
The idea itself, skipping stuff which you've done several times, isn't bad. The bad thing is to monetize every phase and step of it instead of putting it into the game for everyone. This is a monetized QoL patch.
I'm against it, so kindly don't speak for all of us. I saw a few others post saying the same.
Pay-to-Skip cash-shop options are still a "softer" form of Pay-to-Win as they allow players to bypass content and thus save time; time is an advantage. To me, it doesn't matter if the content has already been cleared by one of a Player's characters; that doesn't mean they deserve the option to buy it for their other characters that haven't earned it.
The stream is on now. They just said it will be per character and it will be just skyshards zone achievements at first and IF it goes well they MAY allow already earned skill lines like Psijic Order to be purchased for alts.
It’s not sharing achievements, it’s buying power with cash. The people who will use it don’t care about characters, they just want their power with as little time spent as possible.
That's the entire point of it. Putting monetized band aids on the broken systems like in this case, leveling an alt. Why patch it when you can sell the patch. Just like the Welkynar motifs. Make the grind so long and boring so people can just buy it for 6k crowns.
I will use this if I feel it's priced fairly. And I will do so because I want to play the character I care about in content I care about, not run around mindlessly across overland zones and running passed 1-shot mobs of no difficulty or intrigue in delves to collect all the glowy things. And no, I won't slow down and "acquire Skyshards naturally instead of grinding them", as many opponents of account-wide Skyshards tend to suggest, because I have content I'd like to play and it is not the overland content I've already taken my time to enjoy at least once.
I'm the kind of person that does things once. Books? Read it once. Games? Play it to completion once. Movies? Watch it once. Shows? Watch it once. I don't enjoy doing the same exact activity more than once. So while I enjoyed and was engrossed in overland content the first time I roleplayed through it and will enjoy future overland content as it gets released, I will almost never enjoy going through any of it again.
It's not that I "don't care about characters". On the contrary, I love coming up with backstories and deciding on their personalities and how they'll solve problems differently than my other characters. But in the interest of not boring myself to tears by doing content I've already done, and for players like me, gameplay concessions must be made. I will buy the skyshards for my alts, and I will then go on to immediately enjoy the characters I've created by joining them in activities I enjoy.
I absolutely wish it weren't (or won't be) a cash shop feature - it should be a basic game feature - but I will take advantage of it to increase my enjoyment of the game in any form I find at least reasonable.
If you already unlocked it on another char, i see no reason to not give it to alts. It is not like it is challenging or even entertaining to get all the skyshards you need for your 10+th char. Same goes for your the boring grind guilds like mages, fighters and psijic.
Other games have account shared achievements, also ESO has gear, outfits and dyes account wide, so skyshards will not be something exceptional. The issue here is that you have to pay if you want this shortcut. Also there will be a matter of the cost too, but I think this is more good than bad. Some skyshards are hard to farm, like Cyrodiil.
I got ALL skyshards in the game on my main char, so I don't really want to do that again. Same with motif knowledge or the lore books or the Monster Hunter kills (just 3 examples that came through my mind).