Problem is, it's pretty different and they aren't really comparable. It makes sense for gear, outfits, and dyes to be account wide because it makes sense that your characters could easily share those. It makes sense for CP to be shared because it was specifically designed to be an account wide system and a primary means of an account's vertical progression at higher levels.
It does not make sense for skyshards to be account wide. One character finding a skyshard shouldn't mean that all of your other characters gain their power as well. This is especially true as they give Skill Points, which those other characters haven't earned. The same would hold true for achievements. Finishing vMA on one character doesn't mean all of your other characters should be able to share in the achievement; they haven't earned it. Again, the same holds true for Skill Lines. Just because one of your characters have joined a guild and ran all of their errands to progress doesn't mean squat for your other characters; they still need to do the same.
Facefister wrote: »Whatever it is, I am cancelling my sub. Switching back to WoW became a possible option again. And that whole stream was borderline insulting: Dragons? DRAAAGOOONS! My leg tattoo takes time. BtwCrownsforGuilds&Skyhards. Did I say draaagooons? It leaves a bitter taste.
But here, especially after that announcement, I feel milked. Broken servers, broken performance and broken grinds. Non-functioning mechanics, unplayable PvP. All those things I could look past, but not after the road they're going down. It's not worth it anymore.
Wow is a really bad game, they are milking the cow since after wrath of the lich king
Caligamy_ESO wrote: »This game has been sliding into p2w gradually for a long time now.
You cannot compete with someone on a single target fight with a new monster set such as Zaan in terms of DPS, you can get close but we all know this is the best single target dps monster set. You can't cast a (free) stronger heal and purge in Cyrodil while on a DPS character without an Earthgore set. Just as you can't really do the insane 'power creep' dps that everyone is flinging about these days without new trial gear (relequen, siroria, etc.) All of these are locked behind paywalls. You can try to put whatever pretty little mental bow on it you want to justify it in your own head but it is still locked behind a purchase.
Skyshards however.. pale in comparison in my eyes, its not REALLY p2w but now it gives access to whales to just crank out an alt anytime they feel like it and not have to invest the time into it that everyone else will and dive right into the end game or pvp content with it. So here we are.. I already know what will happen, there will be CP810 maxed out Necromancers on Day 1 who only need to obtain Lorebooks, Fighters guild, and Psijic skills. With the profits on skyshards Zo$ will probably do Lorebooks next.
AbysmalGhul wrote: »I don't it's a pay to win situation. I think it's a pay to hurry up the process situation.
I would totally buy a mage's guild and psijic skill line unlock in a heart beat.
You are part of the problem
Stop rewarding game companies for designing their games in ways that “gently coerce” people into spending money instead of playing
I don't see how they could ever go full FTP. With the infinite crafting bag and DLC content all tied to a sub. How could they end that. What would happen to all the people who sub for that reason. What would happen to the 1000s of crafting components they have.
I want ZoS to win. I want it to be viable that a developer can make a great game and also get paid. Making a profit means more developers are apt to make other games. Which means we the consumer wins.
There's one scenario I haven't seen brought up in which buying skyshards would give a huge advantage: Cyrodiil's Below Level 50 Campaign, Kyne.
Those that buy Skill Points through Skyshard Bundles would have a distinctly higher Skill Point/Level ratio and would be able to stay within the campaign longer before being forced out from hitting level 50.
Whats so hard to understand?!? P2W = With real money buy things you cant get in game.
Thus skyshards, xp scrolls, horsetraining and so on are just timesavers NOT P2W
I don't think you understand your own definition of P2W. Can you get instant 60 horsetraining for 0 gold in game? Can you get 5 skill points instantly in game?
There's one scenario I haven't seen brought up in which buying skyshards would give a huge advantage: Cyrodiil's Below Level 50 Campaign, Kyne.
Those that buy Skill Points through Skyshard Bundles would have a distinctly higher Skill Point/Level ratio and would be able to stay within the campaign longer before being forced out from hitting level 50.
This is due to every other means of getting Skill Points giving players lots of experience (main story and faction quests, 4-player dungeons, public dungeons, skyshards [location discovery experience adds up fast], alliance war rank). Anyone gaining Skill Points the old fashioned way would automatically have quite a bit more experience, thus be higher level, and eventually no longer able to join the campaign.
And for those about to argue about needing that experience anyways to level their Skills... First, we all know that's going to be the next thing in the cash shop. Second, it doesn't stop them from having bought a significant advantage.
Add that to today's stream where ZOS said purchases are going to be on a per-character basis, not per-account and it starts to get real nasty. And yes, yes, yes, I know this is all conjecture at this point, but it's still a good place to look because it seems like it puts us in the ballpark for what to expect.
Anybody remember how additional Outfit Slots work? At 1500 crowns a slot, it's been calculated that unlocking every slot for all of their characters will cost a player about $1200 before tax. And remember, there are just 9 additional Outfit Slots to unlock for each character.
Facefister wrote: »Whatever it is, I am cancelling my sub. Switching back to WoW became a possible option again. And that whole stream was borderline insulting: Dragons? DRAAAGOOONS! My leg tattoo takes time. BtwCrownsforGuilds&Skyhards. Did I say draaagooons? It leaves a bitter taste.
Emphasis mine. It's important that they only get paid for great games. If game developers concludethat the most efficient method of turning a profit is to make a game packed with paywalled power, gambling boxes, frustrating gameplay paired with convenience (aka pain relief) in cash shop, the consumer loses.
maybe they already have
Hand_Bacon wrote: »Do people know they can buy crowns with in game gold?
Hand_Bacon wrote: »Do people know they can buy crowns with in game gold?
Ok... and how is that P2W? I can earn gold too by selling things, and just playing the game. What can I do with that gold for crowns I couldn't do otherwise? I'm not arguing with you -- I just want to understand your position on this.
My position:
If you're saying that resale/gifting of crown items for in-game currency is P2W because it gives the gifting player an unfair advantage on being able to spend more in-game currency on in-game acquired items from an in-game vendor or guild trader, I disagree with your definition. If you're alluding to something else, I'm interested to hear how players are gaming/exploiting this system for advantages they could otherwise not obtain.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »I am not please with this at all. This is no longer pay for convenience, this is Pay To Win.This is adding actual power to your character. They won't be getting any money for this from me, nor anymore sub money.
How the *** does this make you stronger? You clearly lack an understanding for how this works or your just a closed minded sheep.
Hand_Bacon wrote: »Do people know they can buy crowns with in game gold?
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
Have you tried to do a DPS parse without passives and unmorphed skills? Do you not know how the game works?
Facefister wrote: »The idea itself, skipping stuff which you've done several times, isn't bad. The bad thing is to monetize every phase and step of it instead of putting it into the game for everyone. This is a monetized QoL patch.