By what definition does exploring the world (even at the speed of light using player teleports) not qualify as exploring the world?
There is no system that allows you to visit a merchant and obtain all skyshards ever encountered without taking another step
This is P2W, it’s complete ignorance to claim otherwise. If you don’t care about faulty game systems being exploited to make sales for “solutions” instead of the issue being fixed, then you’re part of the problem with this industry
PhxOldGamer68 wrote: »Sucks for us console players. PC has mod utilities to see all Skyshard locations and Mage Guild books. If this was allowed on consoles, we wouldn't need to purchase the Skyshard SP.
How? As I noted, the availability of points to apply does not mitigate the requirements to have the ability to apply the points. A level 10 character is still a level 10 character with a limited number of skill slots.
They're selling the "availability", not the "ability".
If I went around collecting dozens of skyshards at a low level (and I often do), that doesn't mean I have the slots to apply them to. They're just in reserve.
Besides, a 3% decrease in your stamina usage to dodge-roll isn't a game breaker and, by the time you've reached CP levels (or even if you haven't in the case of roll-over CP) is far more valuable than a few skill points.
@Imza I actually have no idea on that one. As that's an interesting case, I would guess if you have the achievements for them then yes you could still buy them, but not something I know officially or have tested.Turelus
I have one question that I've not seen asked here in this thread.
If I have ESO+ and collect every skyshard in the game.
Then I unsubscribe from ESO+.
Can I purchase the skyshard package for the areas I no longer have access to? (ie Imperial City)
What exactly do you not get here? You're paying to bypass requirements in a way that cannot be done in game, its P2W in the simplest terms. You pay to achieve something that is impossible to achieve through in-game means
If all it did was reveal locations on your map where all the skyshards are located, it wouldn't be P2W, because the baseline requirement would still be preserved. The same system could also be an in-game feature unlocked with gold.
Unless you're fully prepared to support legendary max CP gear sold for cash, instant max level toons for cash, vMA and perfected weapons for cash, trial skins for cash, titles for cash, then you've got no ground to stand on claiming this isn't P2W.
You can play stupid all you like, but there's no way in hell you could actually justify this as a QoL change made for anyone's benefit but ZOS' sales. By praising this, you praise skill lines being made into tedious grinds so that cash shop unlocks are the simpler way to go. You're encouraging collectable obtainment to be locked behind hours of mindless quests and RNG so the cash shop has more appeal. You're encouraging game studios to design problems with cash shop solutions.
For the last time It is P2W because it eliminates the most basic requirement of skyshard obtainment: Exploring the world, while providing no in-game comparable system of requirement negation. No other utility based crown purchase in the entirety of the game does this. Even the merchant assistant has in-game comparables wandering the zones, with less functions on the cash purchase too.
Had they made this same function available through in-game currencies or any cash-free methods at all, then it wouldn't be P2W, but they chose to give that annoying grind a cash-only "fix" which only serves to fill their pockets with people who don't care if a company sees them as nothing but sheep who will take any treatment and thank them for the opportunity to give more money for solutions that should be free in the first place
I give up.
Those of you who want to believe that it's P2W go ahead and believe it. It won't change anything.
The rest of us tend not to have a knee-jerk reaction.
Frankly - if you're too poor or too cheap, that's not my issue.
I have money, I have time.
I'll buy.
Nothing in life is free, least of all success.
CleymenZero wrote: »
Funny cause your vote is for yes, it's p2w.
I have money but know the value of it. My taking part in this depends on the price. don't. You dont get to buy shards unless you have the achievement unlocked in game. YOU DO NOT GET TO JUST BUY THEM. You still have to spend your time BEFORE you spend your money.
See how you're wrong now?
Wait... I can win ESO if I collect every skyshard?
Skill lines are going to come to the Crown Store same as buying skill points, as said in their own livestream when they see how far they can take advantage of those ignorant or lazy enough to praise paid advancement. This is only the first in a line of choices that punish players who won’t spend money with problems and annoyances that can only be solved by throwing cash at it
CleymenZero wrote: »
Yes... so thinks 30% on the forum users.... You don't need skills, gear or leveling skill lines. The 100 or so skill points is definitely not enough to make a well-rounded build also. You being able to put points into skills you don't have enough place to put em in your bar is going to make you win. You just want the skill for the occasionnal pvp session on this toon but it's p2w even if you can't slot it.
Having points in crafting is also p2w.
Goregrinder wrote: »
And collecting every mount also means you will win because....because pay 2 win....and also buying event tickets from the crown store is also pay to win....and also buying the base game for $10...that's clearly pay to win since you can't even PVP without having the game, so everyone that bought the base game is a pay to win monster.