when this goes horrible wrong is there a way we can do a vote of no confidence?
Lord_Dexter wrote: »
IronWooshu wrote: »We probably wont hear anything til after New Years, I am sure ZOS is going on Holidays starting this week and most wont return until after New Years.
Probably the only people who will come in during the Holiday's are the server maintenance teams and only to check.
GreenhaloX wrote: »Separate PvE from PvP and quit nerfing, please................................
lordrichter wrote: »
I hope they have a good holiday. I was hoping for an update on this before the end of the year, but maybe it will be part of Firor's expected end-of-year address.
Rich posted the end of year review. I think they are slowly hyping up and promise update for early next year (since it's the 5th year ani).
Enjoy the break!
The issue right now is lack of need of healer roles in dlc dungeons.
That’s still ongoing since many years.
My take on this is a little different. There are groups that can run 3 dps and a tank and because they are all very hard hitters they can skip or obliterate mechanics without the need of a healer. The average group still dramatically benefits from a decent healer and a lot of content becomes more accessible to lesser skilled players when running with a healer as the burden of survivability it more distributed.
A big problem for me in Murkmire was that a lot of these nerfs were aimed at leveling out or weakening the top end players as a means to create a desire for a varied class set ups and role inclusion but the sweeping changes hurt the average player significantly. While I understand that lowering survivability and sustain was meant to make healers more viable in dungeons the really good players already figured out how to get almost back to where they were while the average player now dies a lot more and struggles to hit as hard as they prior to the update.
I don't want to see racial changes cause the same damage that Murkmire did and I hope that every race sees equal or better game play when the changes are made.
I understand your take there. i have a characters that were built to hit hard or continual damage output without the need for a devoted healer in the group. My stamina Sorcerer is a prime example, however the same could be said about other classes when you take advantage of their self-healing skills. You could contribute this to many factors that originated from the increasing champion point passive bonuses to the scaling system from Tamriel One. In truth, I thought the developers did good with Moon Hunter Keep. It's the one group dungeon where you need a tank in the group. Falkreath Hold dungeon came close with the Minotaur combat mechanics; but you can still circumvent their mechanics with sufficient DPS output.
Honestly, when most magic-based characters can summon up extra health i.e. damage shields, and layer them up to soak damage than why not. That's what damage shields are effectively - extra health that costs magic, renewable on demand limited only by the player character's recovery rate. The developers could have addressed shield stacking and their over performance by negating recovery (just like blocking with stamina but for magicka) for the duration of the damage shield effect; but eh they went another direction. Past updates enhanced the self-healing options for each class. And, Champion points further augmented healing and/or alternative damage mitigation options that also minimized the apparent need for healers running group content.
A more versed group of average players will be able to run content without healer or tank. I.e. a healer option, if it makes you feel better than please invite one to the group. Unfortunately, the tank is also optional role since a good running group of DPS will usually out damage most delve/dungeon mechanics while any AOE damage simply slay the fight adds quickly. This is how the game evolved when you use item sets in an attempt to balance classes or counter-play over performing skills. Sad to say, but that is Elder Scrolls Online today.
The average player you seemly describe has not yet intuitively learned the ESO AI mechanics, boss fight mechanics (including breaking points where you can push and skip mechanics), how class and weapon synergy together or how one, over another, offers better return on investment, or how building damage rotation will improve their performance slaying mobs efficiently while not being tapped out on magic or stamina. All of this will come with game play and learning the game, and eventually all players will reach this point. But, you do make a valid point and foreshadows where ZOS, and the developer's team, needs to review and realign the current state of the combat mechanics, combat damage and mitigation calculations, and balance class skills, as the climate of the passive benefits from champions will continually turn variable variance into constant values.
I would like to see the races receive some identity but I do agree, it would be bad should the racial changes cause damage to the game play of the characters. If their dramatic, it would be nice to offer massive discount on race change token.
WreckfulAbandon wrote: »I'm sick of the heavy handed nerfs. No one likes getting weaker over time. There's an argument to be made for accepting some changes in the name of balance, but the constant nerf train has really dampened both my enthusiasm and that of plenty of people I know.
Would rather deal with Argonians being a little overpowered and not having to eat a massive nerf on most of my characters. I only have one Argonian but have absolutely no faith that even average or underperforming races won't get hit hard. Pretty much the only safe race is Nord. Guess we can all expect a slight buff to Nord and nerfs to all other races basically.
"We reduced the stamina regen of Bosmer to 10% to keep it in line with other races."
I'm legit scared for this next patch, the mobility nerf already hurt and now my builds have to worry about getting weaker yet again?
Hello ZOS, and their developer team. I do not often write here on the forums more than usually read them. However, this ‘New Approach’ thread inspire me to write some feedback. I have played ESO since launch and through all the progressive changes. I hope both ZOS and developers understands what I’m trying to discuss, in context to the long-term content durability and balancing game-play. This game has years remaining in its life cycle, and I would enjoy seeing ZOS introduce more class options, identifiable races with their passives, and streamlining logic computation models on both magic and stamina skill over the life span of the game (enabling the creation of future classes with refined logic computations paired with distinct graphic animations for new flare and flavor to the game world.)
WYSIWYG Champion Points
Would ZOS be reviewing the hidden passive +%resource pools (health/stamina/magic) granted by the champion point with the upcoming balancing changes? The champion point system should be exactly WYSIWYG (“What You See, Is What You Get”) in terms of the passive bonuses received. For long-term balance, it may be within ZOS/developers interest to consider removing this “double-dip” benefit and alternatively integrate the +%resource pool into separate nodes within the associated mundus stone e.g. Lord, Tower, and Mage or Atronach? This direction may provide ZOS/developers more ground on controlling the variables in the logic compilations of the game.
I feel the champion point system should be autonomous to gear item level and without hidden passive +%resource pool bonuses. It should remain distinct with clear WYSIWYG bonuses. Eventually, those hidden passives will need to be addressed to restack the combat system to gain control of the variable coefficients. While players might complain about the decrease in their maximum primary stat; however, I feel the change would be for the long-term benefit.
Rebalancing End-Game Gear
Would ZOS be reviewing the champion point “double-dip” from item levels? Why should any new player be denied end-game gear until they’ve earned CP160? For long-term balance consideration, it may be within ZOS/developers interest to consider changing end-game gear item level to 50 CP10. This change will rescale the attribute values of the armor resistances and set bonuses and serve as a “soft” stack crunch with the WYSIWYG champion point system. Under the current model, there are player character builds that exceed 50k+ DPS versus PVE content. I congratulate those players on their character build’s performance, yet this foreshadows consideration for an upcoming stack crunch.
Last comment on this subject, please do not go down World of Warcraft’s design blunder by turning the game into an item level gear grind; character gear should only enhance the player character’s play style versus deciding whether the character’s access to item level is competitive enough to participate in game content i.e. impartial preference against accounts with less than CP160. ESO transitioned past the old veteran rank system where players were able to have their veteran gear levels, it’s time to balance and separate champion point level from the end-game gear.
Racial Balance Changes
The experience bonus to the associated weapon or armor style is outdated and mute, in context to the benefits received. Here are some possible suggestions:
Nord (change Frost Resistance to Lightning Resistance and immunity to concussion status effects) This would reinforce the Nords resiliency, as fierce warriors. This would be like the Dark Elf and Wood Elf’s resistances and status immunity.
Imperials (replace Red Diamond with Physical Resistance and reduced stamina cost to Break Outs. Their a sturdy race, as the +% Stamina and Health implies.
Races should still provide some racial distinction to stamina or magic-based class builds. Perhaps, how each race manages resources e.g. High Elves having incredible parallel magic recovery to the Wood Elf’s stamina recovery. Or, Breton having -% all skill cost reduction versus only magic skills. The Tamriel One racial automatic food/drink/inspiration/gold/etc. bonus were awful and never really impacted my game play. World of Warcraft made races cosmetic and minimized their passive benefits on certain character class choices, and hopefully, this development decision will not be repeated in Elder Scrolls Online.
It would be cool to see more racial identity come out in the racial passives. Elder Scrolls possesses a rich history of story, content, and background. Identity over mechanical benefits, for the sake of giving them game mechanic benefits; IF, done well will have both identity and balanced game mechanic benefits.
IF, reducing +%resource pools or damage, in context to magic and elemental damage, then what in-game mechanic would also distinguish the race? You may conjecture many possible options here, so I hope ZOS/developers accomplish a well-balanced option that distinguishes each race with their own identity.
Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback while you are discussing future changes to improve the game.
Everyone get ready for nerfs to Redguard, Argonian and Dunmers. Start saving your crowns for race change tokens.